Reply icon problems in Mail, and Opening Apps Word, Excel

I have two major problems with Lion.
1.) In Lion if a conversation email is open and lets say I've replied to the first email, if i get a new email from that person it shows it as being replied to. (Unless you open the collosapable icon then it shows which ones have been replied to.)
This is very annoying as all my business staff, when glansing at emails think they've replied to some, when in fact they have not.
How can we fix this or sort this problem out?
2.) When we open Excel or Word, it seems to open any recent documents we've had open and this is very frustrating. Especially if your showing someone a document and you don't want private documents popping up. Any ideas?
Really appreciate your helps
Mark Brown

For 2 make sure this is off:
Sorry, don't know the answer to 1.
Colin R.

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    Just to confirm, you can boot into the Recovery Drive by holding down Command R when restarting.
    When you select to reinstall OS X, what happens?
    Fix for missing MAS
    It's possible #1 will do the trick, but you might need to do the additional steps in Keychain access.
    1.  Delete the files /var/db/crls/crlcache.db and /var/db/crls/ocspcache.db. These can be found using Finder’s Go >; Go To Folder menu (Cmd + Shift + G). This resets the cache of accepted certificates in the system. It doesn’t remove them, it just forces the system to rebuild the caches upon restart.
    2.  Open Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access). Select Certificates in the Category picker on the left side. In the search bar, type in the word Class. Look through that list, and find any certificates that have a blue + symbol over their icon. These are the ones you need to modify.
    Select one that has a blue +, and hit Command + I. Click the disclosure triangle beside the “Trust” list to show the list of permissions. Now, what we need to do is to set this certificate to use the system defaults. However, for some reason, when you select it, it doesn’t save. So what you need to do is this. Under “Trust”, where it says “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)”, change the dropdown menu to say “No Value Specified”. Then, close the window. It will ask for your administrator permissions. Then, open the info pane for that certificate again. Under “Trust” again, now set the dropdown that says “When using this certificate:” to say “Use System Defaults”. You can then close out of the info pane, and enter your password again. Do this for any of the certificates that have a blue + on their icon. There should only be one or two at most.
    (Note: I had to toggle the settings before it would stick)
    Restart your system.

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    Kernel Extensions:
              com.oxsemi.driver.OxsemiDeviceType00          Version: 1.28.7
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn          Version: 6.0.2
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOnCore          Version: 6.0.2
              com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower          Version: 1.5.3
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    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                 [not loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist
                 [not loaded] com.dymo.pnpd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.intego.BackupManagerPro.daemon.plist
                 [not loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist
                 [not loaded]
                 [not loaded] com.orbicule.witnessd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.sierrawireless.SwitchTool.plist
                 [not loaded] com.stclairsoft.AppTamerAgent.plist
                 [not loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist
                 [not loaded]          pcloudd.plist
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                     [loaded] com.divx.dms.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.update.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.raidmonitor.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.safemanager.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist
                     [loaded] com.orbicule.WitnessUserAgent.plist
                     [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist
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                 [not loaded]          .DS_Store
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.202f4087f2bbde52e3ac2df389f53a4f123223c9cc56a8fd83a6f7ae.plist
                     [loaded] com.digitalrebellion.SoftwareUpdateAutoCheck.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist
                     [loaded] com.propaganda.dejavu.dvmonitor.plist
                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
                     [loaded] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
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    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Déjà Vu
              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
              Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X
              TechTool Protection

  • Apple Mail and Google Apps (personal domain) - 554 554 Denied Mail Delivery Subsystem (Intermittent Failure)

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    Any ideas?
    I'll include a copy of one of the Mail Delivery Subsystem emails I recieved - excluding the email address and message body.
    Thanks for your help!
    From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <[email protected]>
    Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
    Date: October 10, 2011 10:40:53 AM CDT
    To: [email protected]
    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: 
        [email protected] 
    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 Denied (Mode: normal) (state 18). 
    ----- Original message ----- 
    Received: by with SMTP id i50mr20817257yhk.23.1318261251237;
           Mon, 10 Oct 2011 08:40:51 -0700 (PDT)
    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    Received: from [] ( [])
           by with ESMTPS id n18sm26532559yhi.14.2011.
           (version=SSLv3 cipher=OTHER);
           Mon, 10 Oct 2011 08:40:50 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Mary Jo Bailey <[email protected]>
    Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1244.3)
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_08B0FA71-0443-40B4-AEAB-4056C662063D"
    Subject: Re: Cleaning Quote
    Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 10:40:47 -0500
    In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
    To: "XXXXXX" <[email protected]>
    References: <[email protected]>
    Message-Id: <[email protected]>
    X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1244.3)

    For mail issue, I had the same problem. My mail password was different than my itunes password and when I changed mail to itunes password, it started working again. Not sure about the google apps issue.
    hope this helps a bit.

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    Is anybody else experiencing any of this? I'm starting to get really frustrated. Thanks for any advice.

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    User differs on "System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home/lib/jvm.cfg", should be 0, user is 95.
    User differs on "System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Libraries/classlist" , should be 0, user is 95.
    Now it all works again. This is obviously a flaw with the Java update, and also somehow Disk Utility did not find it earlier. Anyway, take a look at reverting the Java update, or manually changing user for those files (I suppose user 0 is root, but maybe it is nobody).

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    I'm read that it can be an issue of not having the balance in the system sound pref set the middle, so I checked that, restarted, all that but still no luck.
    I really like the sound alert features because I can be in another part of my house, turn the sound way up and I'll know when one of my clients is trying to reach me but now I can't do that.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

    Ok, weird, strange...did ONE more restart and now its working fine...who knows?

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    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up     
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        

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    I have problem to download and updates apps in my iPad 4 ,if I tab to download n updates in get stuck to showing waiting ,I did try to sign out >reboot >sign in still I couldn't download and update,even I don't have any thing pending downloads in queue
    Please please please help me

    try holding the app till it shakes. then delete the app. then try to redownload the app.

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    Reset the device:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't help, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
    * No data is lost due to a reset

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    Try the sandard fixes:
    - Reset. Nothing is lost
    reset iPad. Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPad.

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    Having trouble getting the cloud icon to my iPad and sending apps to the cloud

    Not sure what you are referring to, there is no iCloud icon and you don't send apps to the cloud.

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