Report definition for the report not specified

I have written the code  attached but getting the error "report definition for the report not specified"
string v_report_name = Charts.ReportPermutation.ToString() + Charts.charttype + ".rdlc";
            string v_report_server = "http://MANOJ-PC/reportserver";
            string v_report_path = @"D:/Anshutech New/AnshutechPlusProjectCosting/AnshuProjMgmtSystem/AnshuProjMgmtSystem/";
            this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "AnshuDataSet." + v_report_name;
            this.reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new System.Uri(v_report_server);
            this.reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = v_report_path + v_report_name;
            this.reportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Local;
Please help
Manoj Gokhale

Hi kalpesh ,
According to your description, you want to display a report which hasn’t been deployed to report server in ASP.NET MVC app, right?
If so, you can add a ReportViewer control in ASP.NET MVC and utilize ADO.NET to provide the data to display the report. For more information, please refer to this article:
ASP.NET MVC - Handling SSRS reports with ReportViewer – Part I.
If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
Best regards,
Qiuyun Yu
Qiuyun Yu
TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you,

    Just to save time for others who have the same requirement , use below,  fill the structure with sales order and other details. Leave the posnr blank if you need document flow , else fill the posnr if it is item level.
                 VBCO6      FROM VBCO6
                 MAKT-MAKTX FROM SPACE
                 KNA1-KUNNR FROM kunnr2000
                 KNA1-NAME1 FROM name
                 MAKT-MATNR FROM SPACE
                 IVKORG     FROM VKORG
                 IVTWEG     FROM VTWEG.
    No custom screen required, no tree control required, no coding required except that you need to call this at right place in your module pool/ report etc. SAP internally uses this for display in SAPMV45A.
    Hope it helps.

  • SCCM 2012 R2 reporting error: "The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter 'UserTokenSIDs' contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)"

    I have two SCCM environments under same active directory domain and one service account have been used for SCCM configurations on both the environments (QA and PRODUCTION). I am facing similar error as mentioned above while trying to fetch reports on
    PRODUCTION site, but the QA site is working fine, though same service account have been used for configuring both. While looking at the reportserverservice_<date> log on my Production DB server i see the following error
    "processing!ReportServer_0-3!2124!01/02/2015-09:09:30:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during
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    My DB and SCCM primary site are different and the reorting services point is installed on remote DB server. Please help me resolving the issue.
    Troubleshooting performed:
    1.Disabled the registry key 'EnableRbacReporting' from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\SRSRP to 0 and then restarted SSRS service and the reporting worked for some minutes after that the registry key reverted back to 1 automatically and
    reporting started throwing errors again.
    2. Checked with the permissions on DB whether or not 'sysadmin' role is assigned to the SCCM service account.
    3. re-registered the SQL management Provider WMI class.
    mofcomp.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof”

    Hi All,
    Finally found exact solution to the reporting error.
    Error: while launching SCCM reports (both from Console and web based) an unexpected error occured with error message as "The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘UserTokenSIDs’ contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist.
    It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)"
    Solution: This is password replication issue for the domain account used to configure reporting services point in SCCM. If your SQL SSRS reporting services instance and databse runs with local default account whereas the reporting services point on SCCM
    primary site is configured with domain account, (As in My case) you need to perform the following in order to get rid of the error.
    Launch 'Reporting Services Configuration Manager' from the SQL SSRS box(either Local or Remote), Connect to Report Server Instance->Go to 'Execution Account' tab->Specify the 'Execution Account' as domain account and password which is used to configure
    Reporting Services Point in SCCM Primary Site, and then click apply.
    Now Lauch the report either way (Web based or from Console), the error will disappear and all your default reports will execute perfectly as before.

  • An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report '' is invalid.The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. he report definition may have been created with a later version of R

    I am trying to create rdlc file programmatically. Using Memory Table as dataset. Here is my code
    ' For each field in the resultset, add the name to an array listDim m_fields AsArrayList
      m_fields = NewArrayList()
      Dim i AsIntegerFor i = 0 To tbdataset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
      Next i
      'Create Report ''' Open a new RDL file stream for writingDim stream AsFileStream
      stream = File.OpenWrite("D:\MyTestReport2.rdlc")
      Dim writer AsNewXmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)
      ' Causes child elements to be indented
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      ' Report element
      writer.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", Nothing, "")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns:rd", "")
      writer.WriteElementString("Width", "11in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", "5in")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Tablix1")
      writer.WriteElementString("Top", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Left", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".5in")
      writer.WriteElementString("Width", (m_fields.Count * 1.5).ToString() + "in")
      ' Tablix Columns
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TableColumnNext fieldName
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixColumns' Header Row
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".25in")
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Header" + fieldName)
          ' writer.WriteAttributeString("CanGrow",  True)' writer.WriteAttributeString("Keeptogether", True)
          writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("TextDecoration", "Underline")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingTop", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingLeft", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("LineHeight", ".5in")
          ''writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")''writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Style
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TexBox
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' CellContents
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCellNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCells
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRow'writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRows          Do not close Rows tag here colse it after details'End of Headers'Details Rows'writer.WriteStartElement("TablixRows")         Since Rows tag in header is not closed not need to open fresh tag
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", ".25in")
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, fieldName)
          '  writer.WriteAttributeString("CanGrow", True)'  writer.WriteAttributeString("Keeptogether", True)
          'writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("Value", "=Fields!" + fieldName + ".Value")
          writer.WriteElementString("TextDecoration", "Underline")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingTop", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("PaddingLeft", "0in")
          writer.WriteElementString("LineHeight", ".5in")
          ''writer.WriteElementString("Width", "1.5in")''writer.WriteElementString("Value", fieldName)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Style
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TexBox
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' CellContents
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCellNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixCells
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRow
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRows'End of Details Rows
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixBody
      ' Group
      writer.WriteElementString("KeepWithGroup", "After")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember' Detail Group
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Details")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Group
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMembers
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixRowHierarchy
      'writer.WriteStartElement("TablixMember")ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMemberNext' writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMember
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixMembers
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TablixColumnHierarchy
      writer.WriteElementString("DataSetName", "tbdataset")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Tablix
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportItems
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Body
      ' Page Header Element
      writer.WriteElementString("Height", "1.40cm")
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "Textbox1")
      writer.WriteElementString("Value", Nothing, "ABC CHS.")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRun
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextRuns
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraph
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Paragraphs
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' TextBox
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportItems
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' PageHeader
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Page
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportSection
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' ReportSections' DataSources
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "tbdata")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSourceReference
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSource
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSources'DataSet
      writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, "tbdataset")
      writer.WriteElementString("DataSourceName", Nothing, "tbdata")
      'writer.WriteElementString("CommandText", Nothing, "/* Local Query */")
      writer.WriteElementString("CommandText", Nothing, "TableDirect")
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Query'Fields
      ForEach fieldName In m_fields
          writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", Nothing, fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("DataField", fieldName)
          writer.WriteElementString("rd:TypeName", fieldName.GetType.ToString)
          writer.WriteEndElement() ' FieldNext
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Fields' rd datasetinfo
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSet
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' DataSets
      writer.WriteEndElement() ' Report' Flush the writer and close the stream
      'Convert to StreamDim myByteArray AsByte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("D:\MyTestReport2.rdlc")
      Dim ms AsNewMemoryStream(myByteArray)
      'Supply Stream to ReportViewer
      ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh()When I open rdlc in designer I get following error"Data at the root level is invalid."When I run the aspx I get following error
    An error occurred during local report processing.
    The definition of the report '' is invalid.
    The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services.
    The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services, or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas.
    Details: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
    Can anybody guide me?

    Hi Wendy Fu,
    Thanks for your feed back. I could see Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll to add as reference to my project. Actually I can open generated rdlc in designer, at run time I get error. I could not make out where is the exact mistake out of three
    options flashed.
    The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services.
    The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services
    or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas
    Details: Data at the root level is invalid
    My web config has following references
    <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91"/>
    <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91"/>
    May be I have to change these versions to 9 or 10.
    First I will try adding Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll .
    Once thanks for your reply.

  • Reporting Services will not automatically use a different replica for the report server databases when a failover occurs. How to overcome this issue

    Reporting Services offers limited support for using AlwaysOn Availability Groups with report server databases. The report server databases can be configured in AG to be part of a replica; however Reporting Services will not automatically use a different
    replica for the report server databases when a failover occurs. How to overcome this issue? is there any workaround for that..

    With the AlwaysOn listener you should have a single DNS name to connect to regardless of which cluster node is active. Are you using the listener service? If not, please refer to the link below.

  • The default value as "None" for the report filter which is Value List type?

    I want to know is it possible to make the default value as "None" for the report filter which is Value List data type?
    For example:The Project Classification Value List value type which have many value like "Supplier Rationalization" "Category Sourcing" "Contract Regegotiation" etc, and the value "Supplier Rationalization" is in the frist positon in the value list. When i use "Project Classification " as a report filter, the value "Supplier Rationalization" displayed as default value. And in the value list box in report filter of Project Classification , there is a value "None" which should be added automatically by system. So i manually filled the default value with "None" in Filter Prompt screen, but it does not work. After i display the report ,the Project Classification filter still use the ""Supplier Rationalization" as the default value.
    My current ESO version is 5.1. I tried other ESO version like 5.15, if i manaully give a default value "None" in Filter Prompt screen for filter Project Classification, then the default value is "None". It works well.
    Does anybody know if it's possible to do the same thing in ESO 5.1?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: David Gao on Aug 11, 2010 4:06 AM

    Hi David -
    This is possible, but the technique is not too obvious...
    To make "None" be the default choice for a query definition filter parameter of type value list type, you need to set the default value of the filter parameter to the following:
    <internal id of value list type>:616:NULL
    For example, I believe you will see that the internal id of the Project Classification value list type is 51, so the default value of the filter parameter would be:
    I hope this helps.

  • Problem in Getting Count answer for the report in OBIEE 11g..

    Hi friends,
    I created a report in OBIEE 11g, but i'm not getting the correct answer as i expected...I'm getting answer in presentation services but the answer is wrong..
    I'll explain to you with an example report: Suppose in the report "NATIONALITY COUNT IN DEPARTMENT WISE" manner
    i dragged the Nationality column from per_all_people_f which is dim table and i dragged the column that i applied aggregation rule "count" for the column "nation count" from per_all_assignments_f which is fact table......If i viewed answers means i'm getting correct answer
    (i.e.) nation count per Nationality..........
    NATIONALITY<---------------------->NATION COUNT
    INDIA 20
    AFRICA 10
    USA 5
    The above is the answer I'm getting with out including the department column from hr_all_organization_units...........
    But since according to the report i need count in department wise manner, so for that along with nationality and nation count column i dragged department column from hr_all_organization_units which is dim table and also i hide that column as i dont want to view the department column in answers..........
    If i clicked answers, means then I'm not getting the nation count for the nationality......... I'm getting the answer 0 for each and every nationality, if i included the hided department column
    NATIONALITY<----------------->NATION COUNT
    AFRICA 0
    INDIA 0
    USA 0
    I'm getting answers like the above if i include the department dimension column which is in hided manner.........................
    What is wrong with it........Whether i made any logical mistake for the report.....If so guide me friends..........

    you said about writing query in DB.......whether U meant of trying checking the query in toad..or something else..........
    Since im giving only one join from dim to fact in the physical diagram........
    But more than one join exist between those dim and fact, but im giving only one join mainly the primary key column of the dimension table to the fact table....Whether i need to give all the joins that exist(even if it has 2 or 3 joins between those fact and dim) tables....
    If i give count distinct means it is giving count for every nation as i mentioned below
    NATIONALITY<----------------------------------------------------->NATION COUNT
    Since you said to check about depts of the particular column....i couldn't able to understand about "depts" that you meant????
    Whether i made any logical mistake...........
    Edited by: HariPrasad on Oct 10, 2010 9:55 PM

  • Using the tcode:S_ALR_87013611, no report data  for the cost center

    Hi,Friends.I need a help.
    In the tcode FB60,i entered the following data and then posted the vendor inovice sucessfully.
    ( Note: G/L acct:55020141 is also a primary cost element)
    In the tcode:S_ALR_87013611,I entered the following data and executed.
    but the result is:{Report contains no data. Check the selection log}.
    data: { Controlling Area: C999, Fiscal Year: 2010, From Period:1, To Period:12,Plan Version:0,
            Or value(s):2001}
    (Note: Cost center:2001 belongs to Controlling Area: C999) 
    please tell me how to do,so that using the tcode:S_ALR_87013611, I can see the report data  for
    the cost center 2001.
    sincerely                      WenYao Ma
    Edited by: wenyao ma on Mar 22, 2010 1:09 PM

    thank you,friends.
    I just solved it.
    1) Maintain Controlling Area
       path:spro>Controlling>Organization>Maintian Controlling Area>Maintain Controlling Area.   tcode:OKKP
    In the {Activate components/control indicators}cost center should be 'component active'
    2) Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents
       path:spro>Controlling>Organization-->Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents.   tcode:KANK
      Element { COIN CO Through-postings from FI} should be assigned to one group.

  • Passing values to subreport in SSRS throwing an error - Data Retrieval failed for the report, please check the log for more details.

    I have the subreport calling from the main report. The subreport is based on MDX query agianst the SSAS cube. some dimensions in cube has values 0 and 1.
    when I try to pass '0' to the sub report as the parameter value, it gives an error "Data Retrieval failed for the report, please check the log for more details".
    Actually I am using table for storing these parameter values. In the main report I am calling this table (dataset) and passing these values to subreport.
    so I have given like [0],[1] and this works fine. when I give only either [0] or [1] then it is throwing an error.
    Could you please advise on this.
    Appreciate all and any help.

    Hi Divya,
    Based on the current description, I understand that there is no issue if you pass two values from main report to subreport, while the issue occurs when passing one value to subreport.
    To narrow down the issue, I want to confirm whether the subreport can run if there is only [0] or [1] in the subreport. If so, it indicates the query statements exist error in the subreport. If it’s not the case, this shows the issue occurs during passing
    values from main report to subreport. To make further analysis, please post the details of query statements of the subreport to the forum.
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

  • What is the functionality to create report tree for copa reports

    Dear Fellow members,
    Good day to you!
    I would need your advise on how to create report tree for the list of COPA reports created by users in Production. Note that currently power user is using KE30 to create these reports. Due to its sensitivity, I need to prevent users from knowing the list of reports created. Basically just wanted to allow user to execute the few copa reports revelent to his area like Channel P&L.
    Many thanks in advance & cheers.. !
    from Elaine

    Dear Mohammed azam
    Thanks for your reply.
    Before i can create the menu tree, i need to create the same report name and form name in DEV client, create the report tree with this report name. The report name & form name not necessary have to be t same format at the one in production client. meaning, you can create just a row and a column. That's it you can perform the normal landscape of transporting the report tree to QAS & PRD.
    Thanks & cheers !

  • Asynchrnous Update for the report?

    I know there is Asynchrnous Update for the chart in HTMLDB - if you enable it, and if the underlying data has changed, when the next update interval passed, you will see the chart updated with the new data. Does this feature also apply to tabular table report? I cannot find anything like this. If Asynchrnous Update works for the chart, I think it shoud be not difficult to make it work for the report, too. - don't know why oracle htmldb team hasn't provided this feature.

    If you put a example on it will be easier for people to help you out, tracking down javascript or html errors is easy if you can see it happen.
    A lot of the AJAX (PPR) functionality is not documented as it was intended for use with the Application Builder or Integrated end functionality, this will be standardized/documented future versions, that doesn't mean that you can't piggy back off the functionality because it will be accessible in future versions, trust me I know one of the guys that helps build this stuff.
    At the moment the forums/blogs/wiki are the best places to get further information about this, if you look at the example page there are links to the forum posts that asked for the example and insite into that particular feature.

  • Icons for the Reports missing in Workspace after applying patches

    Hello Gurus,
    I have installed on one of my VM's and then applied the patch on it.
    I have followed the Read Me for all the patches before applying them.
    After applying the patches however the icons for the Reports in workspace
    I have reconfigured web server at the end but that did not help. Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Hello Nick,
    Yes all the components show green and I can access the reports without any issues. Its just the icon that does not show up.
    I will check the logs you have mentioned to see if there are any exceptions in them.
    But the issues started up after applying the patches for
    I have checked the location path mentioned in Weblogic.xml in raframework.war file and the path points to the correct folder location where the folders mt and mt_thumbnails are located.
    Is the any other way out?
    Should I delete the contents inside the tmp folder located in RAFramework0
    Can reconfigurin Reporting and Analysis framework services help in resolving the issue?
    Please let me know.

  • Installing crystal reports 9 for the first time

    I am trying to install Crystal Reports 9 for the first time.  We just received a package with 4 envelopes including Crystal Reports 9 Advanced, Standard, Professional, and Developer.  Each envelope also includes Crystal Enterprise Report Appliation Server which I don't think I need (or I'm not sure).  I have read a little bit on how I can go online to the SAP Service Marketplace and request license keys.  I have not requested a permanent license key yet.  I believe that I can install Crystal with a temporary key and then input the permanent key later.  What I have done is insert the installation CD for Crystal Reports 9 Developer and then input the product key code found on the back of the Crystal Enterprise Report Application Server CD cover that was packaged with the Crystal Reports 9 Developer CD.  However I get a message saying that the product key code is not valid or has expired.  There is no product key code on the cover for the Crystal Reports 9 Developer CD but there is one on the Crystal Enterprise Report Application Server CD cover so that is why I input it.
    Why is this key code expired?  Please note that I am installing on a test PC before I install on the PC of the user who will be using Crystal for work purposes.  Therefore I wanted to just install with a temporary key if there is such a thing at this time.

    Hi Josh,
    I would like to add few things with above suggestion
    For a new key code :
    Request key codes for new orders via SAP Marketplace (SMP), will  receive a download letter on new purchases providing them with their SMP login credentials.  Using these credentials you can login and click in the  "Keys & Requests" tab > Request a License key .
    If your  existing Key code does not work :
    You need   create a customer message [] using component XX-SER-LIKEY-BOJ . 
    Hope this helps,

  • Authorization for the report

    I have made one report,  I needed to check the authorization for the report, how to do it.
    Eg.  One employee is executing the report, he only needed to select his transaction
    If somebody from one sales organisation, they only needed to take the data belongs to the sales office.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: p_vkorg  FOR tvkot-vkorg.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: p_pernr FOR pa0001-pernr
    for example two selection parameter is displaying. if my employee no is 100, while trying to enter execute the report for 200 employee no. no data should show. like that vkorg filed also should work.
    Please let me know how it possible.
    Sebastian John

    You can change the code below
    *---Authorization for Company code entered by the users.
    *---This code will restrict users to see data for company
    *---codes which they are not authorized to.
    *---Select all the company codes based upon selection entered by the
    SELECT bukrs
       FROM t001
       INTO TABLE li_bukrs
      WHERE bukrs IN z_bukrs.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    *---Clear Screen variable for Company code
       CLEAR z_bukrs.
       REFRESH z_bukrs.
    *---Filter and prepare Select options for Company code table to be
    *---passed to query. Table will only have values of company codes he is
    *---authorized to for display.
       LOOP AT li_bukrs INTO lwa_bukrs.
                           ID 'BUKRS' FIELD lwa_bukrs
                           ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '03'.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           z_bukrs-sign = 'I'.
           z_bukrs-option = 'EQ'.
           z_bukrs-low = lwa_bukrs.
           z_bukrs-high = space.
           APPEND z_bukrs.
           lv_flag = 'X'.
    *---Give warning message to the user in case he is not authorized to see
    *---data for all the company codes that he has entered.
       IF lv_flag = 'X'.
         MESSAGE ID 'ZFNG' TYPE 'W' NUMBER '015'.
    This code does an authorization check at company code level and removes all the company codes that user has entered but is not authorized to look for. After that we pass the filtered list of company codes for which user is authorized to in the select query and fetch the results. You can first select all the records from database for PERNR and VKORG. Then filter them and prepare new list of VKORG and PERNR after performing authorization check and pass it further to select queries in your program.
    KR Jaideep,

  • Report S_ALR_87013105 : no authorization for the report/ table 7KU6_001

    Hi Gurus,
    While executing the program S_ALR_87013105 (Detailed Reports 
    For Sales Order : Plan/Actual Comparison ) system showing the selection log.
    "Have no authorization for the report/table  7KU6_001 and 7KU6_002".
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    Pl can any one suggest on this issue.
    Thanks in advance,

    Contact your basis consultant to provide the missing authorisation. This is one of the authorisation object.

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