Report Directory in XI 3.1

Since updating to XI 3.1 we can not find were to set the Report Directory on the Report Application Server. In XI r2 we could set it in the Server Properties Parameters Tab. Anyone have any ideas were that options went?

HKLM\Software\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Report Application Server\Server\LocalConnectionMgr\ReportDirectoryPath
Ted Ueda

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    pls help me :'<
    I can run this function in forms.
    "how can I get Launching report directory in report trigger??"
    does reports have same function???

    Click the little down arrow/+ symbol  next the + - in the folders bar.

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    Many thanks in advance. Best regards,

    I did not mean the Spool File Directory.
    I mean the parameter "SAP Server Application Location". The parameter above FTP Location.
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    "The report directory on the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application servers. This is the temporary storage location for security reports generated by background jobs. Virtual directories delivered in the ERP system, such as DIR_HOME and DIR_TMP, are supported. These directories are viewed with SAP ERP transaction, AL11. The same directory name is used for all SAP back-end systems."
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    But the "[0]" tells me it's 0 probably because the report is the first item in the result processing list, and if that ever changed, my code would break. Is there another location besides the above that holds the report directory?
    David J.

    The problem about using [0] is that you are also under the assumption that someone has NOT reordered the list of plugins in the Result Processor list.   To fix that you could check for the name of the Plugin instead of the index.
    To do this you could utilize the ModelPluginConfiguration callback.
    Foreach { Parameters.ModelPluginConfiguration.Plugins }
     if { Locals.Plugin.Base.DisplayNameExpression == "\"Report\"" }
           Then obtain the ReportFilePath
    Now, if someone decides to delete the Report plugin, then that is another story.
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  • Reports directory

    is the reports directory or reports noad registered in any table ? In which ?
    Thank you.

    try CDM_DIST_NODE for node definition.
    and the report directory depends on the process & run. all reports logs go to webserver psreports (if its configured that way).

  • Report Directory Creation

    Can you please change the report object to incorporate directory creation?  I'd like to file reports by date/time and dynamic directory creation is needed to do this in Lookout.
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    Ideas/experience welcome!

    Okay, I've got it.  You will need to disable images for this post page to see as typed (without smiley faces...that are NOT supposed to be in my text below)
    Key was to use expressions with embedded text functions such as:
     "cmd /c mkdir \\Domain\Share\lookout\reports\all_rad\"&left(text(if(Sw_All_Rad_Tnd_Live,now(Tmr_5sec),Pt_All_Ht_Start.value),"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"),10)&"\"&mid(text(if(Sw_All_Rad_Tnd_Live,now(Tmr_5sec),Pt_All_Ht_Start.value),"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"),12,2)
    The above is the value of an expression object that is connected to the run object's "Command line" property which writes the directory yyyy-mm-dd\hh based on a conditional pot value.
    The report's " Output directory" property uses another expression object that is similar, just without the dos command:
    "\\Domain\Share\lookout\reports\all_rad\"&left(text(if(Sw_All_Rad_Tnd_Live,now(Tmr_5sec),Pt_All_Ht_Start.value),"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"),10)&"\"&mid(text(if(Sw_All_Rad_Tnd_Live,now(Tmr_5sec),Pt_All_Ht_Start.value),"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"),12,2)
    Lookout is power, even if it is clumsy sometimes.
    A separate issue with reports is that the panels I am trying to print are full screen (normally maximized, normal panels).  Unfortunately, when the Panel.graphic is connected to the report.display parameter, it uses the screen property size and does not use the "maximized" equivalent size.
    The issue is that you cannot make a "non" maximized normal panel as big as it is when displayed maximized, so it is impossible to print the entire panel as it is displayed in Lookout.
    It would be great if this could be "fixed" some how.  Ryan....comment?
    Message Edited by erblock on 04-28-2009 12:53 AM

  • Default report directory

    i have view that when i run a report from a form it create a pdf file in the directory /reports/cache.
    i ask :
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    Thank's for replay
    the italian vampire ..........

    try sth like:

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    where can i add a another location to the path of jsp reports.
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    REPORTS_PATH cannot be used for locating jsp reports (when you are running web layout). You have to keep jsp files under document root that is OH/j2ee/OC4J_BI_Forms/applications/reports/web directory. You can create sufbolders under this directory and keep jsp files.
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    Hi Terry,
    have a look at the following inside the process model TestUUTs (or Single Pass)
    set this to "SpecificDirectory"
    then in
    set this to your target directory.
    If it's a permanent setting, then I'd suggest updating these values before run time in the report options panel from the Configure menu option.
    If it can be determined before the sequence is run, then you could do it as part of the report options callback. Otherwise, slot it in as and when needed, just before the call to the Determine Report File Path and Determine UUT Report File Path steps, although I guess that depends on how much you've modified the process model so far.
    Hope that helps
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

  • Report Services 9i not in Release 2?

    This is a reply to:
    Re: Date formatting
    Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition
    I am repeating it here, because the original post was posted so long ago, and I was afraid noone would ever see the reply that I just created. I appologize for the redundant question, but I really would like an answer.
    I finally found the time to download and install Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition
    It does not seem to have installed Report Services 9i, which is supposed to be a part of this.
    1. Oracle Home does have a "reports" directory, but it only has "admin". There is no "conf", "dtd", etc. There should be according to the docs.
    2. There is no such program anywhere on my machine named: "rwserver". According to the docs there should be:
    3. The install never gave me the name of the report server. 6i did --- Rep60_<my_pc_name>
    4. The Universal Installer, Installed programs "Inventory" does not show anything relating to reports other than "Reports OEM Extension" under "Management Tools"
    Do you know what I did wrong? Right now I have an OC4J EJB Reporter component that retrieves reports very nicely via HTTP URL from Reports 6i, and I would sure like to test it out on 9i!

    To install Reports, you need to install the Infrastructure (and it's patch) first. And then (in a separate $ORACLE_HOME) the Business Intelligence and Forms Install type.
    Did you do these steps in that order?
    Ashesh Parekh
    Oracle9iAS Product Management

  • Embed FREE3OF9.TTF in Oracle 9i PDF report

    I want to embed the "Free 3 of 9" barcode font in my Oracle 9i report. The steps I have taken are as follows:
    1. I know I can't use a True Type font for embedding so I have used the conversion utility - ttf2pt1 - to create .afm and .pfa files.
    2. I have copied these into a directory included in my REPORTS_PATH.
    3. I have updated my uifont.ali to include the following:
    [ PDF:Embed ]
    Free 3 of 9 = "FREE3OF9.afm FREE3OF9.pfa"
    4. In my report, I have selected the "Free 3 of 9" True Type font for the text having already included the font in my windows Font directory.
    5. I issue the following command to run my report:
    Unfortunately, the resulting pdf document displays the text in a default font (looks like arial) and not in the "Free 3 of 9" font. If I run the report to a file from Report Builder the PDF document includes the text using the barcode font.
    How can I test that my embedding is working correctly? Have I added the entry correctly to my uifont.ali? Am I doing this correctly, including the ttf barcode font in the report expecting it to be replaced by the .afm and .pfa fonts?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I know this is a very old thread, but I just beat my head against this for 2-days until I got it and wanted to post the solution.
    First of all, changes to uifont.ali do not go into effect immediately. I find that there a lag equal to the engine's job life, so I've been hitting refresh alot (about 20 times per change, sometimes more).
    The correct entry for PDF:Embed looks like this :
    [ PDF:Embed ]
    "Free 3 of 9" = "FREE3OF9.pfm FREE3OF9.pfb"
    Note the quotes around the font name. There is no mention of font names with spaces in the documentation, but it must be quoted. I'm not sure about case sensitivity on the filenames (it is a windows server) but the case matches my files.
    I am running Application Server under windows so I have to use the .pfm file. I'd expect to use the .afm if I was running on a linux server. (If I try to use the .afm, I get errors)
    The two files are in their own directory under $ORACLE_HOME/reports (called free3of9) and I added that directory to REPORTS_PATH in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/HOME0).
    I tried putting the fonts into my report directory, but that didn't work. I set my report directory by setting sourceDir property in the rep_server.conf file and apparently that setting doesn't influence font embedding.
    The first problem was converting the TTF to an Adobe Postscript Type 1 font, which I did with ttf2pt1. That produced a .afm though (and the .pfb), so then I used a windows program called CrossFont (the 15-day trial version worked fine) to produce the .pfm.
    The lag on making the changes was the most frustrating thing about this.

  • The report terminated with error:  REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document.

    I'm getting the below error for reports.
    The report terminated with error:
    REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document. REP-0110: File test2. cannot be opened. .
    When checked Environment using url 'http://host:port/reports/rwservlet/showenv?server=your_repserver_name"
    found below
    Reports Servlet Environment Variables
    Security Mode Non-secure
    HTTP Environment Variables
    SERVER_PORT   8888
    SCRIPT_NAME   /rwservlet
    SERVER_SOFTWARE   undefined
    GATEWAY_INTERFACE   undefined
    SERVER_PORT_SECURE   undefined
    ACCEPT   image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    REMOTE_HOST   test-wam-app
    REMOTE_USER   undefined
    AUTH_TYPE   undefined
    PATH_INFO   showenv
    QUERY_STRING   server=RptSvr_test-wam-app_wamtest
    PATH_TRANSLATED   undefined
    CONTENT_LENGTH   undefined
    CONTENT_TYPE   undefined
    AUTHORIZATION   undefined
    USER-AGENT   Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8)
    REMOTE_IDENT   undefined
    REFERER   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Servlet Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    KeyMapFile   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/user_projects/domains/WamTest/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS/applications/reports_11.
    DBAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwdbauth.htm
    SYSAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwsysauth.htm
    server   rep_wls_reports_test-wam-app_wamtest1
    DIAGNOSTIC   yes
    ERRORTEMPLATE   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwerror.htm
    ENCRYPTIONKEY   reports9i
    DIAGHEADTAGS   undefined
    DIAGBODYTAGS   undefined
    HELPURL   undefined
    RELOAD_KEYMAP   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Server and Engine Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/java/jdk1.6.0_23/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/opmn/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib
    ORACLE_HOME   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome
    TNS_ADMIN   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/config
    RW   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports
    REPORTS_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:
    REPORTS_TMP   /tmp
    REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI   /WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar
    java.class.path   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar
    ORACLE_HOME is on mount point u03, checked but no mention of mount point /u01.
    Dont know from where /u01 came. Could you please help me re configuring the env pointing to /u03.
    Reports server is up though without any issues.

    Ensure that the report name is correct. Also ensure that the report exist in REPORTS_PATH environment variable. Otherwise run the report including the reports path.
    report=<reports directory>/test2.rdf

  • Error -241741785​1 using Report generation toolkit

    I try to use the Report Generation toolkit (Version 1.0.1) for MS Office und the example "Generate Report from Template (Excel).vi" return an Error -2417417851
    I run Labview 6.02, on Win2000 German, and use Office 97 (Everything is installed (included MS Graph))
    Did someone experienced such a problem and found a solution?
    Thank you for your Help!

    Is LabVIEW and Office both German? Under Control Panel >> Regional Options >> General, is the language set to German? How about under Regional Options >> Input Locale? Reboot if you make any changes.
    I would suggest reregistering the nireports.dll. It is located in the National Instruments\Shared\NI Reports directory.​62567740067f3cc/4f811a9b23f1d46e862566f700615b7a?O​penDocument
    Next, mass compile (Tools >> Advanced >> Mass Compile...) the LLB's in the \vi.lib\addons\_office
    Product Development Engineer
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

  • Reports do not work

    I am not able to create any type of reports in DM. RTF/HTML choices just generate the xml file. The PDF choice produces the "There is error during report generation" message. The log states:
    3-04-16 11:36:05,814 [Thread-17] INFO ReportsGenerator - Using XSLT 2.0
    2013-04-16 11:36:06,032 [Thread-17] ERROR ReportsGenerator - XSLT-FO file generation message: Unable to access jarfile X:\Design\Dev\DM
    2013-04-16 11:36:06,032 [Thread-17] ERROR ReportsGenerator - PDF report generation FOP message: If the above line is something like 'Unable to access jarfile' that usually means that JVM parameter entered in JVM Options text box is not according to specifications.
    For PDF I can not find any info in documentation about the JVM parameter (the default value is -Xmx768M, the value change gives no effect).
    I am using the latest 3.3. version but the same story is on the
    Thank you,
    Edited by: userIV on Apr 16, 2013 4:06 AM

    Dear Dimitar,
    First thank you for the prompt reply
    1.     Yes, it’s built-in reports (File->Reports menu)
    2.     The OS is Windows7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 32-bit
    3.     I changed it & I have all right for the report directory, moreover I switched it between network & local drive to avoid network access influence
    4.     The DM has installed locally
    5.     report_data.xml is generated successfully
    6.     Moreover the ERD diagrams are created i(nothing more), if I do not remove it from the report configuration. But they are created in report sub-directory like AllTablesDetails_1.pdf_files as separate pdf files
    To be honest I did not get “could you try to generate report without Saxon i.e. remove it in Preferences”. I am not able to locate the preference in the list

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