Report - Unable to display image stored on External server

I need to display image on report that is on different instance for that i had put a formula column (in report 10g) and for that coloum i made file format as image and read from file as Yes and giving it the URL of Image stored on different server . but at run time for PDF output i am getting error like REP-1295: Data format of column 'CF_1' is unsupported
Please help me , Thx in advance.

From the documentation:
URL Reference
1.Insert a dummy image in your template.
2.In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
url:{'http://image location'}
For example, enter: url:{''}
Element Reference from XML File
1.Insert a dummy image in your template.
2.In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
You can also build a URL based on multiple elements at runtime. Just use the concat function to build the URL string. For example:
where SERVER, IMAGE_DIR, and IMAGE_FILE are element names from your XML file that hold the values to construct the URL.
This method can also be used with the OA_MEDIA reference as follows:
Edited by: stevencallan on Feb 13, 2009 3:50 PM

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    I need to put image on XML report that is on different instance for that i had put a dummy image on XML template and in the WEB TAB for that image i put the tag like url:{ATTRIBUTE3} and attribute3 is having correct value we are also showing it on the report , but at the run time i can only see the dummy image of the template and the URL, not the actual image , URL points to a image on different server we can see the image when we place that URL in Web browser.
    Please help me , Thx in advance.

    From the documentation:
    URL Reference
    1.Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2.In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter: url:{''}
    Element Reference from XML File
    1.Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2.In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
    You can also build a URL based on multiple elements at runtime. Just use the concat function to build the URL string. For example:
    where SERVER, IMAGE_DIR, and IMAGE_FILE are element names from your XML file that hold the values to construct the URL.
    This method can also be used with the OA_MEDIA reference as follows:
    Edited by: stevencallan on Feb 13, 2009 3:50 PM

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    Please help me , Thx in advance.

    I've got the same problem.
    Did you find any solution?
    Thank you

  • Displaying images stored in SQL Server

    Is there someway of displaying images stored within SQL
    Server. Is FDS required? Prefer a method to display images without
    using FDS; Web Service would be okay if that can work

    I do that sort of thing using PHP and mySQL the binary part
    of the image is stored in a BLOB field (Binary Large OBject) along
    the rest of the information necessary for the http headers (e.g.
    mime type, file name, file size) being staored in their own fields.
    That info is then used to build the file using PHP. The PHP
    file contains a mySQL query whos result is echoed with the
    appropriate headers. The URL points at the PHP file rather than at
    any saved image.
    Here's the php:
    # display_imagebank_file.php
    # Note: the ID is passed through the url e.g.
    # this_files_name.php?id=1
    # connect to mysql database
    mysql_connect('HOST', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
    # run a query to get the file information
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT FileName, MimeType, FileSize,
    FileContents FROM blobTable WHERE ID='$id'");
    # perform an error check
    $fileName = mysql_result($query,0,0);
    $fileType = mysql_result($query,0,1);
    $fileSize = mysql_result($query,0,2);
    $fileContents = mysql_result($query,0,3);
    header("Content-type: $fileType");
    header("Content-length: $fileSize");
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$fileName");
    header("Content-Description: from imagebank");
    header("Connection: close");
    echo $fileContents;
    $numRows = mysql_num_rows($query);
    echo "File not found <br>";
    echo $numRows;
    echo " is the number of rows returned for id = ";
    echo $ID;
    Hope that helps

  • Problems displaying images stored in SQL Server as Datatype "image"

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    'image' and it only shows a portion of the image.
    It seems to be tied to the size (kb) of the image since the
    larger the
    image the less of it is shown before it cuts off(sometimes it
    cuts off
    mid line so it's about the file size and not fitting the
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    Here is the code I am using that deals with the image.
    public var theImage:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
    private function getScans_result(event:ResultEvent):void{
    var imageByteArray:ByteArray = event.result[0].Image;
    theImage = imageByteArray
    <mx:Image id="theIMG" width="160" height="220"
    Any Thoughts??

    I do that sort of thing using PHP and mySQL the binary part
    of the image is stored in a BLOB field (Binary Large OBject) along
    the rest of the information necessary for the http headers (e.g.
    mime type, file name, file size) being staored in their own fields.
    That info is then used to build the file using PHP. The PHP
    file contains a mySQL query whos result is echoed with the
    appropriate headers. The URL points at the PHP file rather than at
    any saved image.
    Here's the php:
    # display_imagebank_file.php
    # Note: the ID is passed through the url e.g.
    # this_files_name.php?id=1
    # connect to mysql database
    mysql_connect('HOST', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
    # run a query to get the file information
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT FileName, MimeType, FileSize,
    FileContents FROM blobTable WHERE ID='$id'");
    # perform an error check
    $fileName = mysql_result($query,0,0);
    $fileType = mysql_result($query,0,1);
    $fileSize = mysql_result($query,0,2);
    $fileContents = mysql_result($query,0,3);
    header("Content-type: $fileType");
    header("Content-length: $fileSize");
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$fileName");
    header("Content-Description: from imagebank");
    header("Connection: close");
    echo $fileContents;
    $numRows = mysql_num_rows($query);
    echo "File not found <br>";
    echo $numRows;
    echo " is the number of rows returned for id = ";
    echo $ID;
    Hope that helps

  • XML Publisher Report - Not able to see image stored on External server

    I need to put image on XML report that is on different instance for that i had put a dummy image on XML template and in the WEB TAB for that image i put the tag like url:{ATTRIBUTE3} and attribute3 is having correct value we are also showing it on the report , but at the run time i can only see the dummy image of the template and the URL, not the actual image , URL points to a image on different server we can see the image when we place that URL in Web browser.
    Please help me , Thx in advance.

    I've got the same problem.
    Did you find any solution?
    Thank you

  • Displaying Images Stored on a Server In Flex

    My original idea for my app was to have live thumbnails of websites by screenshotting a html component in the app and saving these screenshots as jpgs which are applied as the source of the thumbnails. I now realise this is a bit too unstable as if the site doesn't load the images won't display. What I want to do instead is use the same idea but instead of the application writing to the application directory writing to a server where the images are stored so that it will overwrite these images.
    What I need to know is how to display server stored images in flex in either an image component or an array collection so they can be applied to a tilelist. The problem is I have zero experience at using server side data with flex. Can anyone point me in the direction to some examples/tutorials on how to display server stored data or more specifically images within a flex application or give me advice on this? Cheers.

    quick and easy way to do it would be with PHP.
    Make a script, scan a server folder and return the results in an XML format that can simply be fed into a datagrid/tilelist/whatever. To give you a few hints of what to look into.
    You'll need an initial HTTPService request fired off to the php script. The PHP script will then need to parse through the folder finding all the images, i'd recommend the glob() function in PHP to do this. eg:
    print "<images>";
    foreach (glob("directory/*.jpg") as $filename) {
        print "<screen><name>".$filename."</name><location>directory/".$filename."</location></screen>"
    print "</images>";
    then you'll need to handle the result event, simply feed each item into its respective place and ta daa.
    there are loads of examples around with this same methodology principle like this one:
    and i'm sure if you search around for 'flex php gallery' on google you'll probably even find a totally relevant example.

  • Display image stored @ content managemenbt

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    pls let me know how to resolve this.

    You need to access binary property values separately from the node. In 9.2 the API is accessed via INodeManager.getStream(). Alternatively you can take advantage of the tags we have for this as well. Take a look here on edocs:

  • Display images stored in the database

    I have images stored in the databse. I followed the steps provided in the oracle documentation. Now i want to retrive the image from the database into a java object that can be dislayed in , say, a JLabel. I am able to retrieve the image from the database into the OrdImage in the package and view the properties of the image. But unable to retrive the image as such to be displayed.
    Thanking You

    This might help...
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import oracle.sql.* ;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class HelloDBImage implements ActionListener{
    OracleConnection con = null;
    JLabel label = null;
    String textFieldString = "Image ID entered";
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String prefix = "You typed \"";
    if (e.getActionCommand().equals(textFieldString))
    JTextField source = (JTextField)e.getSource();
    ImageIcon imgIcon = createImageIcon(source.getText());
    if (null != imgIcon)
    // Create image Label
    label.setText("Image not found! ");
    //actionLabel.setText(prefix + source.getText() + "\"");
    public ImageIcon createImageIcon(String key)
    Image image = null;
    ImageIcon imgIcon = null;
         // Connect to the database if necessary
    if (null == con) con = connect();
    // Create Input Stream from DB image.
    InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(
    getDBInputStream(con, key));
    if (null != is)
    // Create Image from Image Input Stream
    ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is);
    image =;
    // Create Image Icon from ImageInputStream
    if (null != image) imgIcon = new ImageIcon(image);
    } catch (Exception e)
    System.out.println("exception raised " + e);
    return imgIcon;
    public Component createPanelAndContents(String key)
    // Create the image label
    ImageIcon imgIcon = createImageIcon(key);
    if (null != imgIcon)
    // Create image Label
    label = new JLabel(imgIcon);
    label = new JLabel("Image not found! ");
    // Create layout
    GridBagLayout gridBag = new GridBagLayout();
    // Create panel to draw in
    JPanel pane = new JPanel();
    GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(label,
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    c.weightx = 1.0;
    c.weighty = 1.0;
    gridBag.setConstraints(scrollPane, c);
    c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    scrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
    pane.add(scrollPane, c);
    // Add a text field and label to get anoter image
    JTextField textField = new JTextField(10);
    // Add fields for input
    JLabel promptLabel = new JLabel("Please enter DB key: ");
    pane.add(textField, c);
    return pane;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    String key = "1";
    } catch (Exception e) { }
    //Create the top-level container and add contents to it.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("SwingApplication");
    HelloDBImage app = new HelloDBImage();
    if ((args.length > 0) && (args[0] != null)) key = args[0];
    System.out.print("length= " + args.length + "/" );
    if (args.length > 0) System.out.println(args[0]);
    Component contents = app.createPanelAndContents(key);
    frame.getContentPane().add(contents, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    //Finish setting up the frame, and show it.
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public InputStream getDBInputStream(OracleConnection con, String key)
    InputStream is = null;
         int index = 0;
         Statement s = con.createStatement();
         OracleResultSet rs =
         (OracleResultSet)s.executeQuery("select * from images " +
    "where item_id = " + key );
         if ( // Just get first image if more than 1.
         index = rs.getInt(1);
         OrdImage imgObj =
    (OrdImage) rs.getCustomDatum(2, OrdImage.getFactory());
    is = imgObj.getContent().getBinaryStream();
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("exception raised " + e);
    return is;
    public OracleConnection connect() throws Exception
    String connectString;
    Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
    connectString = "jdbc:oracle:oci8:@orcl";
    OracleConnection con = (OracleConnection)
    return con;

  • Display Images stored on filesystem

    I have stored photos (JPEG images) in my OS filesystem and trying to create album to view them using BFILE datatype and stored procedure. I would like to diaply one photo on each page withlinks to next and previous photos. I was able to make this working but have still following issues.
    - It only shows image for first row. For other rows, the strored procedure doesn't even run.
    - The 'Layout and pagination' for report displays more rows on each page, even if I specify "Number of Rows" as 1.
    Could you help me fix these issues? Also, if you have better way to do it, I am willing to try.
    Following are more details of my setup.
    Using Oracle Application Express with Oracle 11g on RedHat server.
    Table description:
    SQL> desc swiss_photos
    Name Null? Type
    Sample data in table:
    SQL> select photo_id, photo, filename from swiss_photos
    3 bfilename('PHOTO_DIR', '2008-0 2008-05-16/img_2101.jpg
    2 bfilename('PHOTO_DIR', '2008_0 2008_05_16/img_2100.jpg
    Proceduer to display image:
    SQL> select text from user_source where name='DISPLAY_EASY_IMAGE' order by line;
    procedure display_easy_image( p_id number ) as
    s_mime_type varchar2(48);
    n_length number;
    s_filename varchar2(400);
    bfile_loc bfile;
    s_mime_type := 'image/jpeg';
    --INSERT code to verify if procedure gets executed
    insert into test_dei values (p_id);
    select mimetype, dbms_lob.getlength(photo), filename, photo
    into s_mime_type, n_length, s_filename, bfile_loc
    from swiss_photos
    where photo_id = p_id;
    owa_util.mime_header(nvl(s_mime_type,'application/octet'), FALSE );
    htp.p( 'Content-length: ' || n_length );
    htp.p( 'Content-Disposition: filename="' || s_filename || '"' );
    end display_easy_image;
    HTML expression of "PHOTO_ID" column for report:
    <img src="#OWNER#.display_easy_image?p_id=#PHOTO_ID#" width="700" height="700" />

    I have stored photos (JPEG images) in my OS filesystem and trying to create album to view them using BFILE datatype and stored procedure. I would like to diaply one photo on each page withlinks to next and previous photos. I was able to make this working but have still following issues.
    - It only shows image for first row. For other rows, the strored procedure doesn't even run.
    - The 'Layout and pagination' for report displays more rows on each page, even if I specify "Number of Rows" as 1.
    Could you help me fix these issues? Also, if you have better way to do it, I am willing to try.
    Following are more details of my setup.
    Using Oracle Application Express with Oracle 11g on RedHat server.
    Table description:
    SQL> desc swiss_photos
    Name Null? Type
    Sample data in table:
    SQL> select photo_id, photo, filename from swiss_photos
    3 bfilename('PHOTO_DIR', '2008-0 2008-05-16/img_2101.jpg
    2 bfilename('PHOTO_DIR', '2008_0 2008_05_16/img_2100.jpg
    Proceduer to display image:
    SQL> select text from user_source where name='DISPLAY_EASY_IMAGE' order by line;
    procedure display_easy_image( p_id number ) as
    s_mime_type varchar2(48);
    n_length number;
    s_filename varchar2(400);
    bfile_loc bfile;
    s_mime_type := 'image/jpeg';
    --INSERT code to verify if procedure gets executed
    insert into test_dei values (p_id);
    select mimetype, dbms_lob.getlength(photo), filename, photo
    into s_mime_type, n_length, s_filename, bfile_loc
    from swiss_photos
    where photo_id = p_id;
    owa_util.mime_header(nvl(s_mime_type,'application/octet'), FALSE );
    htp.p( 'Content-length: ' || n_length );
    htp.p( 'Content-Disposition: filename="' || s_filename || '"' );
    end display_easy_image;
    HTML expression of "PHOTO_ID" column for report:
    <img src="#OWNER#.display_easy_image?p_id=#PHOTO_ID#" width="700" height="700" />

  • How to display Images stored in a database using javascript

    I have some images stored in a table and I need to display them using javascript. The images are stored in BLOB columns: I would like to know if I can put them on a directory and then get it from there using BFILENAME function.
    Any suggestion?

    Hi All,
    Yes DuraiRaja - i am using the document.getElementById(' ').
    In my app, I have a Main controller calling a View - Default.HTM,
    This Default.HTM, in turn loads up three trays T1, T2, T3 and these tray elements in turn call up the controllers ctrl1, ctrl2, ctrl3 associated to them.
    CTRL1 calls a view - View1 - V1.htm, which has the below code.
    And on the below page all that i am trying to do is validate if "FieldVal" is blank or not.
    I get an error on IE as "Object required"
    I get a HTTP 501/505 error when i try to upload the code.
    Thanks all !

  • Aperture 3.5.1 suddenly unable to render images for the external plugins?

    Today when I started to create HDR images using the Photomatix plugin, the dialog: 'Editing Error This image cannot be rendered for editing because Aperture does not support the image format.' appeared.  The exact same set of images was processed by the exact same plugin yesterday.  Subsequently I tried editing the images with other plugins receiving the same error message.  Similarly I was unable to use Photoshop as the external editor on the images.  I also reimported the images with the same results.  Might I add that Aperture is perfectly able to export the images as TIFF files. It would appear that my copy of Aperture is no longer able to work with plugins.  How is this possible when nothing else has changed?

    Thanks.  Yah, been messing around and found it.  Didn't realise it was IPTC data so I never hit the drop down to see what was under it.  Dropped one clanger in that I deleted the Copyright Notice from the dropdown as I didn't want to find it stamped it twice as all the images get it on import.  Because I deselected it though, it actually deleted what was there.  Easy enough to fix of course but, IIRC if you select the Lift / Stamp to lift all the keywords, I seem to recall it stamps them again if you inadvertently re-stamp an image you've already done.
    I try to keep this as uncomplicated as possible, could never decide whether to go with title or caption, I guess it matters neither way, unless doing this professionally in which case I guess there are IPTC conventions.

  • Displaying Images stored in Database

    Hi, all i am having images stored in Databases as BLOB.
    how i can display that in flex application. suppose i am having the ArrayList of Employees in which employee object also have a field of called empImage, how i can display this data in flex.
    i am using BlazeDS.
    Amar Deep Singh

    This will give you the idea of getting the image from you array list. zontallist-control/
    Please rate my answer. Tks

  • Problem in displaying images stored in Blob variable

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement where i need to retrieve the image stored in Blob variable in DB and display the image in JSP page.
    I have written the below code to achieve this, it works fine
    In JSP, I am calling a action in the <img tag
    <img src='${}/> In my controller class
    InputStream inputStream=accessoryPicturesLOB.getPicture().getBinaryStream();
    byte[] theBytes = new byte[inputStream.available()];;
    response.getOutputStream().write(theBytes);But the problem is, *if i right click on the image and select save picture as option i get a error saying "The system cannot find the specified file "*
    Can you please tell me what is wrong in my approach/code
    Is there any better approach to display image that is store in Blob variable ?
    Please help on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    You need at least to set the filename in the content disposition header.

  • Cache of Displayed Images Stored in a BLOB

    I would like to know how I can cache the data that is an image stored as a blob? This is for when I refresh/revisit/branch to a page taht contains images sourced from a blob, such that it does not compel the browser to regenerate the blob image file data?

    We use jsp (for example ManagerPhoto.jsp), which is deployed to OC4J:
    Blob managerPhoto;
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=manager_photo.jpg");
    ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
    outputStream.write(managerPhoto.getBytes(1, (int)managerPhoto.length()));
    out = pageContext.pushBody();
    And HTML-code in the page to display an image:
    <img width=120 height=149 src=".../ManagerPhoto.jsp?p_orun_id=11">

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