Reporting Requirment Analysis

Hello Experts,
I am new to BW reporting and have been searching for an approach to design a Technical Spec from Functional specs given to me. The domain is SPL,I need to understand what should be the approach in identifying the free characteristics, filters, functions,formulas, strucutres etc.If anyone any suggestions or documents to guide me through this will really appriciate that.

Hello Sarah,
            You can follow the Top-Down or Bottom-up approach of SAP -ASAP can find more details/information in SDN website  i.e. search for Etbtd007-Blueprint Step by Step(ASAP Methodology).
            Or you can follow the new approach i.e. RAD(rapid application development). More details at this URL :
Have a look at the slides from 12 to 30 in the second presentation.
If you have any problems in accessing the above URL's, do let me know or can reach me at [email protected]
Hope the above information will help you.

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    Kindly share me the Zip files(File Name) required for configuring the Report and Analysis for the version
    Thank and Regards

    Depends which products, have a look at -
    It says but just change it to

  • Any tips at this Reporting requirement gathering stage?

    Hello Experts,
    I have 10 different sources of data which will mostly come to me in flat files.
    Some of the data coming to me for <b>UPDATE</b> will be
    1. daily,           (3 of the sources)
    2. weekly,       (2 of the sources) 
    3. monthly      (2 of the sources) 
    4. quarterly.   (2 of the sources)
    Some of the reporting requirements are <b>(GENERATE REPORTS)</b>:
    a) As needed i.e. on demand by managers
    b) Monthly
    c) Quarterly
    I am still in the report requirement gathering phase and I would like some hints here:
    Q1. What are the Dos and Don’ts?
    Q2. Does it matter whether the various sources are loaded into Cubes or ODSes? Which is the better choices and for what reasons?
    Q3. Any special guide on the frequency of Updates?
    Q4. Can the data elements from the 10 sources be all placed in say, 2 or 3 dimensions and within a single Cube?  Any advantages of this?
    Q5. Can each of the data elements from the 10 sources be placed in say, 10 different ODSes? Any advantages of this?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Amanda,
    Actually, I’d split the process into those stages:
    1.     gathering report forms that users want to have and a frequency of report generation.
    2.     collection information on available sources of data
    3.     analysis: do the sources will provide all data for forms required – simultaneously the list of reports that would be possible to create is made. Here you can take into account not only availability of resources, but also budget/time/work force limitation. It’ll determine the scope of implementation.
    4.     Conceptual model (with parallel excersises in BW).
    •     If some reports (and data in them) are completely different, don’t having common information, then consider creating separate data providers. 
    •     If some reports (and data in them) have something in common, then consider creating separate data providers with a multiprovider on them.
    •     If all data are linked to some key(s) (for example a document number), then consider creating a single cube
    •     Determine time granularity (are your weekly, monthly and quarterly data may be derived from the daily data? If yes, maybe these data (except daily) are redundant. If not, then probably these data supply some additional information to daily? – consider merging this additional info into daily cube (or probably through separate ODS or cubes).
    So, it’s a somewhat an answer to Q2 and Q5.
    Q3. You may load data just before (say a several days) the reports generation.
    Q4. See above about single cube. Additionally, the rule of thumb is to have more little dimensions than few huge dimensions. Consider spreading out your chars into different dimensions. If you’ll be able to have all data in a single cube, it would give you an enormous flexibility in building reports (especially, not mandatory ones, but ad-hoc reports on demand).
    Also you can visit site. I downloaded “Tips on Implementing a BW-Based Management Reporting Solution (and Getting Your Users to Use It!)” but cannot find it in inet. If you want I can send it to you along with “SAP BW projects: dos and donts” (ppt-demo and transcript).
    Best regards,

  • Hyperion Reporting and Analysis

    Hello Gurus,
    So I installed Hyperion ( foundation services(all componants), essbase(all componants), planning (all componants. well, it was only one componant), Reporting and Analysis framework (web application, services and common libraries. i installed only these two because hyperion planning depends on them), financial management ADM driver (chosen by default when i want to install hyperion reporting and analysis). i installed them and configured them all togather. I'm using a Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production on Windows 2008 SP2 32bits.
    Configuration of Reporting and Analysis framework failed, and that caused several problems when i ran the EPM system Diagnosis. this is what i got. Note: I'm gonna list only the errors/warnings in anything other than reporting and Analysis. as for reporting and analysis, i'm gonna list everything. sorry it's so long....
    Hyperion Foundation
    FAILED HTTP: HTTP Checking availability of HTTP context http://DC-HYPERIONT01:19000/raframework/index.jsp
    Error: com.hyperion.cis.utils.BadResponseCodeException: Bad response code with GET method: 404
    Recommended Action: Check that the application is started
    0 seconds
    EPM System Registry
    FAILED REG: Registry Next issues are present:
    LOGICAL_WEB_APP (id: fa67b59381bd8c85S4cc267951398ff60006S73df):
    "webAppType" property missed
    "context" property missed
    "port" property missed
    "SSL_Port" property missed
    "isSSL" property missed
    "host" property missed
    "" child missed
    RA_FRAMEWORK (id: fa67b59381bd8c85S4cc267951398ff60006S7bc8):
    "applicationId" property missed
    "RA_PRODUCT" parent missed
    RA_FRAMEWORK (id: fa67b59381bd8c85S4cc267951398ff60006S74c6):
    "applicationId" property missed
    "DATABASE_CONN" child missed
    Error: Checker execution failed.
    Recommended Action: Refer to the validation logs for exception details.
    Financial Reporting
    FAILED REG: Datasource Checking if datasource property exists in the registry
    Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Recommended Action: Refer to the validation logs for exception details.
    0 seconds
    Reporting and Analysis
    FAILED CFG: Configuration Validating that configuration tasks have been completed
    Error: EPMVLD-01004: The following configuration tasks have not been completed:
    FrameworkServicesConfiguration: Configuration Failed
    Recommended Action: Attempt to configure referenced tasks
    0 seconds
    PASSED DB: Database Connectivity Checking connection to database jdbc:oracle:thin:@dc-hypdbt01.nuqulgroup.loc:1521:hybdb
    0 seconds
    PASSED SVR: Essbase Java API Launch external checker with next command: D:\install03092012\user_projects\epmsystem1\config\validation\\launchEssbaseJavaAPI.bat EssbaseJAPIConnect ****** DC-HYPERIONT01:1423 Embedded
    5 seconds
    PASSED EXT: External Authentication Check Native Directory external authentication provider configuration
    0 seconds
    PASSED REG: Configuration Checking if product has only one product node in registry.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Reporting and Analysis Services and corresponding Agent Modules belong to the same host.
    Reporting and Analysis Services and corresponding Agent Modules belong to the same host.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if all required RAF properties exist under the RAF Logical Web App component.
    Error: Some required properties are not found in the RAF Logical Web App component: WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.PreconfiguredCategories, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.BackgroundColor, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.OpenNewWindow, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localLanguageCode, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.HeaderColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.HeadlinesPageTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.FooterColor, WebClient.Internal.Cookies.EncryptCookies, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainWizard, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.HeadingColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localCountryCode, WebClient.Cache.Domain.DomainInfoTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.BackgroundColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.Name, RCPDirectoryURL2, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CategoryCacheSize, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.MIMETypeToDisplayForSQRProgramOutput, WebClient.Cache.Objects.TaskListingTTL, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CategoryTTL, SmartViewContext, WebClient.Internal.Transfer.PassDCByStream, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.FooterColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.HeaderColor, OfficeAddinSupport, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.BackgroundColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.HeaderColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.PollingTimeSec, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.LeftColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheModifyTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.LeftColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheListTTL, WebClient.UserInterface.Subscription.ShowSubscriptions, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.LeftColor, WebClient.Diagnostics.Log.Configuration, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.ShowHTMLOutputForSQRPrograms, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.ShowTimeOrder, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.DASResponseTimeout, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.PollingTimeSec, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localVariant, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.LinkColor, WebClient.UserInterface.SmartCut.ShowAsLink, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.BackgroundColor, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.ShowSPFOutputForSQRPrograms, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.FontColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.General.MaxNumberOfInitializedFromPublished, WebClient.Internal.Upload.MaxFileSize, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.RightColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.HeadingColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.HeadingColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.HeadingColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.ShowDateOrder, WebClient.Cache.Objects.BrowseQueryTTL, RelatedContentProtocol, WebClient.Cache.Objects.PublishedSmartPagesQueryTTL, WebClient.CorporateWorkspage.Folder, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainFrame, WebClient.SmartPages.Publish.Location, WebClient.SmartPages.General.MaxNumberOfSmartPages, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.Name, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.Name, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.DefaultColorScheme, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheListSize, WebClient.UserInterface.Configuration.EnableMSReportsIntegration, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.FontColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.RightColor, WebClient.Internal.Temp.Location, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.BQServiceResponseTimeout, RAFVersion, customSmartcutUrl, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Title.ColorMainTitleUnderline, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.FontColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.DiskCachePollingPeriod, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainWizardBorder, WebClient.Cache.Objects.JobTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.General.ShowHeadings, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.FooterColor, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.ZAC, Folder0, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.RightColor, WebClient.Cache.Notifications.NotificationQueryTTL, WebClient.Internal.Cookies.KeepCookiesBetweenBrowserSessions, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.ShowBookmarks, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.PreconfiguredEmbeddedObjects, WebClient.Cache.Browse.JobOutputSummaryListing, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.ShowExceptionsDashboard, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.Name, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Text.ColorMainLinkFont, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.HeaderColor, WebClient.Internal.Redirect.RedirectPolicy, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.LeftColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.RightColor, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Text.ColorMainFont, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.FooterColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.Show24HourTime, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.FontColor.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the RAF Web App component.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Agent (AGENT) components exist.
    Error: Components not found.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    WARNING RA: Reporting and Analysis Checker execution failed.
    Check if RAF Services are available.
    No RAF Services (Agent Module) components found in Registry.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Job Factory data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent Module is associated with some Agent.
    Every Agent Module is associated with some Agent.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Reporting and Analysis Setup (RA_SETUP) component exists.
    Error: Components not found.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the RAF Web App (RA_FRAMEWORK_WEB_APP) components exist.
    Found: 1. Hosts for the components: DC-HYPERIONT01.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check consistency of the Service Agent sets between Registry and V8_SERVICEAGENT.
    Error: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check consistency of the Service Agent properties between Registry and database tables (V8_SERVICEAGENT, V8_SA_PROPS).
    Error: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Agent Modules and corresponding Agents belong to the same host.
    Agent Modules and corresponding Agents belong to the same host.
    0 seconds
    WARNING RA: Reporting and Analysis Checker execution failed.
    Check if all required RAF properties exist under the Reporting and Analysis Setup component.
    The Reporting and Analysis Setup component is not found.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent Module (except IR Log) is associated with some Reporting and Analysis Service(s).
    Every Agent Module (except IR Log) is associated with some Reporting and Analysis Service(s).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Service Broker data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Reporting and Analysis Service (RA_SERVICE) components exist.
    Error: Components not found.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Agent Module (AGENT_MODULE) components exist.
    Error: Components not found.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if all required Workspace configuration files exist under the RAF Logical Web App component.
    All required files exist.
    0 seconds
    WARNING RA: Reporting and Analysis Checker execution failed.
    Check if Agents are available.
    No Agent components found in Registry.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Reporting and Analysis Service is associated with some Agent Module.
    Every Reporting and Analysis Service is associated with some Agent Module.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Event Server data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent is associated with some Agent Module(s).
    Every Agent is associated with some Agent Module(s).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the RAF Logical Web App (LOGICAL_WEB_APP) component exists.
    Found: 1.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Repository data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    0 seconds
    FAILED WA: Essbase connectivity Check connectivity between Web Analysis Server and Essbase Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that: 1) Essbase Server is configured properly and started; 2) Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    0 seconds
    FAILED WA: HFM connectivity Check connectivity between Web Analysis Server and Financial Management Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that: 1) Financial Management Server is configured properly and started; 2) Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    0 seconds
    FAILED WA: Login Check the possibility to login on Web Analysis Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    0 seconds
    PASSED WEB: Web Application Availability of Web application context http://DC-HYPERIONT01:9000/WebAnalysis
    0 seconds
    Many Many thanks in advance,

    Hello Krishna,
    yes, looks like i didn't have moduke 7 downloaded. however after i did and installed it, i still got the following errors that seemed to do with connectivity to RAFRAMEWORK and it's database. I am going to list errors in all modules, except for Reporting and Analysis, i'm going to post everythign else.
    Hyperion Foundation
    FAILED HTTP: HTTP Checking availability of HTTP context http://DC-HYPERIONT01:19000/raframework/index.jsp
    Error: com.hyperion.cis.utils.BadResponseCodeException: Bad response code with GET method: 404
    Recommended Action: Check that the application is started
    0 seconds
    EPM System Registry
    FAILED REG: Registry Next issues are present:
    LOGICAL_WEB_APP (id: fa67b59381bd8c85S4cc267951398ff60006S73df):
    "webAppType" property missed
    "context" property missed
    "port" property missed
    "SSL_Port" property missed
    "isSSL" property missed
    "host" property missed
    "" child missed
    RA_FRAMEWORK (id: fa67b59381bd8c85S4cc267951398ff60006S74c6):
    "applicationId" property missed
    "DATABASE_CONN" child missed
    Error: Checker execution failed.
    Recommended Action: Refer to the validation logs for exception details.
    Financial Reporting
    FAILED REG: Datasource Checking if datasource property exists in the registry
    Error: Datasource property raframeworkDatasource not found.
    Recommended Action: Fix failure manually with epmsys_registry tool.
    0 seconds
    FAILED REG: Datasource Checking if datasource property exists in the registry
    Error: Datasource JNDI property raframeworkDatasourceJNDI not found.
    Recommended Action: Fix failure manually with epmsys_registry tool.
    0 seconds
    Reporting and Analysis
    PASSED CFG: Configuration Validating that configuration tasks have been completed
    0 seconds
    PASSED DB: Database Connectivity Checking connection to database jdbc:oracle:thin:@dc-hypdbt01.nuqulgroup.loc:1521:hybdb
    0 seconds
    PASSED SVR: Essbase Java API Launch external checker with next command: D:\install03092012\user_projects\epmsystem1\config\validation\\launchEssbaseJavaAPI.bat EssbaseJAPIConnect ****** DC-HYPERIONT01:1423 Embedded
    6 seconds
    PASSED EXT: External Authentication Check Native Directory external authentication provider configuration
    0 seconds
    PASSED REG: Configuration Checking if product has only one product node in registry.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the RAF Web App (RA_FRAMEWORK_WEB_APP) components exist.
    Found: 1. Hosts for the components: DC-HYPERIONT01.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent Module (except IR Log) is associated with some Reporting and Analysis Service(s).
    Every Agent Module (except IR Log) is associated with some Reporting and Analysis Service(s).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if IR BI Services are available.
    All IR BI Services are available: IRBI_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Reporting and Analysis Service (RA_SERVICE) components exist.
    Found: 37.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Agent (AGENT) components exist.
    Found: 1. Hosts for the components: DC-HYPERIONT01.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check consistency of the Service Agent properties between Registry and database tables (V8_SERVICEAGENT, V8_SA_PROPS).
    Error: There is inconsistency between Registry and V8_SERVICEAGENT for the following items: JF1, SB1, RM1, ES1.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis Service component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Service Broker data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    1 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Agent Module (AGENT_MODULE) components exist.
    Found: 6.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Repository data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    1 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if IR Job Services are available.
    All IR Job Services are available: IRJOB_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Reporting and Analysis Services and corresponding Agent Modules belong to the same host.
    Reporting and Analysis Services and corresponding Agent Modules belong to the same host.
    3 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if RAF Services are available.
    All RAF Services are available: RAF_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01), RAF_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if IR Log Services are available.
    All IR Log Services are available: IRLOG_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if all required Workspace configuration files exist under the RAF Logical Web App component.
    All required files exist.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Reporting and Analysis Service is associated with some Agent Module.
    Every Reporting and Analysis Service is associated with some Agent Module.
    1 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check consistency of the Service Agent sets between Registry and V8_SERVICEAGENT.
    Data in Registry and database are consistent.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent is associated with some Agent Module(s).
    Every Agent is associated with some Agent Module(s).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if every Agent Module is associated with some Agent.
    Every Agent Module is associated with some Agent.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if all required RAF properties exist under the RAF Logical Web App component.
    Error: Some required properties are not found in the RAF Logical Web App component: WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.PreconfiguredCategories, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.BackgroundColor, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.OpenNewWindow, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localLanguageCode, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.HeaderColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.HeadlinesPageTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.FooterColor, WebClient.Internal.Cookies.EncryptCookies, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainWizard, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.HeadingColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localCountryCode, WebClient.Cache.Domain.DomainInfoTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.BackgroundColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.Name, RCPDirectoryURL2, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CategoryCacheSize, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.MIMETypeToDisplayForSQRProgramOutput, WebClient.Cache.Objects.TaskListingTTL, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CategoryTTL, SmartViewContext, WebClient.Internal.Transfer.PassDCByStream, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.FooterColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.HeaderColor, OfficeAddinSupport, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.BackgroundColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.HeaderColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.PollingTimeSec, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.LeftColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheModifyTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.LeftColor, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheListTTL, WebClient.UserInterface.Subscription.ShowSubscriptions, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.LeftColor, WebClient.Diagnostics.Log.Configuration, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.ShowHTMLOutputForSQRPrograms, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.ShowTimeOrder, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.DASResponseTimeout, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.PollingTimeSec, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.localVariant, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.LinkColor, WebClient.UserInterface.SmartCut.ShowAsLink, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.BackgroundColor, WebClient.UserInterface.JobOutput.ShowSPFOutputForSQRPrograms, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.FontColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.General.MaxNumberOfInitializedFromPublished, WebClient.Internal.Upload.MaxFileSize, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.RightColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.HeadingColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.LinkColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.HeadingColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.HeadingColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.ShowDateOrder, WebClient.Cache.Objects.BrowseQueryTTL, RelatedContentProtocol, WebClient.Cache.Objects.PublishedSmartPagesQueryTTL, WebClient.CorporateWorkspage.Folder, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainFrame, WebClient.SmartPages.Publish.Location, WebClient.SmartPages.General.MaxNumberOfSmartPages, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.Name, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.Name, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.DefaultColorScheme, WebClient.Cache.Objects.CacheListSize, WebClient.UserInterface.Configuration.EnableMSReportsIntegration, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.FontColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme2.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.RightColor, WebClient.Internal.Temp.Location, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.BCMessagesColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.BQServiceResponseTimeout, RAFVersion, customSmartcutUrl, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Title.ColorMainTitleUnderline, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.FontColor, WebClient.Applications.iHTML.DiskCachePollingPeriod, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.General.ColorMainWizardBorder, WebClient.Cache.Objects.JobTTL, WebClient.SmartPages.General.ShowHeadings, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.FooterColor, WebClient.Applications.DAServlet.ZAC, Folder0, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.RightColor, WebClient.Cache.Notifications.NotificationQueryTTL, WebClient.Internal.Cookies.KeepCookiesBetweenBrowserSessions, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.ShowBookmarks, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.PreconfiguredEmbeddedObjects, WebClient.Cache.Browse.JobOutputSummaryListing, WebClient.SmartPages.DefaultSmartPage.ShowExceptionsDashboard, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.Name, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Text.ColorMainLinkFont, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme3.HeaderColor, WebClient.Internal.Redirect.RedirectPolicy, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.LeftColor, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.RightColor, WebClient.UserInterface.PortalColor.MainFrame.Text.ColorMainFont, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme1.FooterColor, WebClient.UserInterface.Localization.Show24HourTime, WebClient.SmartPages.ColorScheme.ColorScheme0.FontColor.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the RAF Web App component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Job Factory data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    1 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if IR DAS Services are available.
    All IR DAS Services are available: IRDAS_AGENT_MODULE (Agent on dc-hyperiont01).
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Event Server data folder exists.
    Data file locations are valid.
    1 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Interactive Reporting Product (INTERACTIVE_REPORTING_PRODUCT) component exists.
    Found: 1.
    0 seconds
    FAILED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the Reporting and Analysis Setup (RA_SETUP) component exists.
    Error: Found: 2, which is more than 1. This indicates some problem.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that you ran the config tool and configured the Reporting and Analysis component.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if all required RAF properties exist under the Reporting and Analysis Setup component.
    All required properties exist.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if the RAF Logical Web App (LOGICAL_WEB_APP) component exists.
    Found: 1.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Agent Modules and corresponding Agents belong to the same host.
    Agent Modules and corresponding Agents belong to the same host.
    0 seconds
    PASSED RA: Reporting and Analysis Check if Agents are available.
    All Agents are available: Agent on dc-hyperiont01.
    0 seconds
    PASSED SDKC: SDK checker Launch external checker with next command: D:\install03092012\user_projects\epmsystem1\config\validation\\launchChecker.bat PingBQService ****** localhost 6800
    11 seconds
    PASSED SDKC: SDK checker Launch external checker with next command: D:\install03092012\user_projects\epmsystem1\config\validation\\launchChecker.bat FetchCategory ****** localhost 6800 /Sample Content
    16 seconds
    FAILED WA: Essbase connectivity Check connectivity between Web Analysis Server and Essbase Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that: 1) Essbase Server is configured properly and started; 2) Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    0 seconds
    FAILED WA: HFM connectivity Check connectivity between Web Analysis Server and Financial Management Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that: 1) Financial Management Server is configured properly and started; 2) Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    0 seconds
    FAILED WA: Login Check the possibility to login on Web Analysis Server.
    Error: An error occurred while running the check.
    Recommended Action: Ensure that Web Analysis Web Application is configured and started.
    1 seconds
    PASSED WEB: Web Application Availability of Web application context http://DC-HYPERIONT01:9000/WebAnalysis
    0 seconds
    Many many thanks in advance,

  • Configure Database is getting failed under Reporting and analysis in

    When I am trying to configure the database under Reporting and Analysis its getting failed and when I check the configtool.log it says
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.446-04:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01107] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] Running file: C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\biplus\database\Common\postInit.sql
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.461-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] trace: UPDATE V8_CONTAINER SET CREATION_DATE = null, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE = null where CREATION_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.461-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01102] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] Execute SQL: UPDATE V8_CONTAINER SET CREATION_DATE = null, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE = null where CREATION_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.461-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] trace: UPDATE V8_CONT_VERSION set CREATION_DATE = null WHERE CREATION_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.461-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01102] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] Execute SQL: UPDATE V8_CONT_VERSION set CREATION_DATE = null WHERE CREATION_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.477-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] trace: UPDATE V8_CONT_VERSION set LAST_MODIFIED_DATE = null WHERE LAST_MODIFIED_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.477-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01102] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] Execute SQL: UPDATE V8_CONT_VERSION set LAST_MODIFIED_DATE = null WHERE LAST_MODIFIED_DATE is null
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01104] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.DBConfigurator] postInit.sql Processed (3) Success (3) Errors (0)
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-07558] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] Called : Storage.getComponent(com.hyperion.hit.registry.ComponentType)("RA_FRAMEWORK")
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-07561] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] Called : Storage.getComponent(com.hyperion.hit.registry.ComponentType)("64711b2385581a47S60706d4c148f4212621S7cb4") : Returned RA_FRAMEWORK
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-07561] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] Called : Storage.getChildren(com.hyperion.hit.registry.Component,com.hyperion.hit.registry.ComponentType)("RA_FRAMEWORK/64711b2385581a47S60706d4c148f4212621S7cb4,DATABASE_CONN") : Returned 1
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.AbstractProductDBConfigurator] trace: This is not datasource db component.  Doing clean up now.
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01110] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.AbstractProductDBConfigurator] remove old link only
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.493-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] trace: Removing link from RA_FRAMEWORK ( 64711b2385581a47S60706d4c148f4212621S7cb4 ) to DATABASE_CONN (64711b2385581a47S615148421490d7dbbddS77a8)
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.508-04:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01112] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.AbstractProductDBConfigurator] Create new database component and link it
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.508-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] trace: Storage.getComponents(com.hyperion.hit.registry.ComponentType)(DATABASE_CONN)
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.508-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-07561] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] Called : Storage.getComponents(com.hyperion.hit.registry.ComponentType)("DATABASE_CONN") : Returned 10 component(s)
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.571-04:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-05955] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.document.Storage] Setting link. Parent: id [RA_FRAMEWORK/64711b2385581a47S60706d4c148f4212621S7cb4], componnet type [RA_FRAMEWORK]. Child: id [customURL:HRA/64711b2385581a47S615148421490d7dbbddS77a8], component type [DATABASE_CONN]
    [2014-10-16T05:33:37.602-04:00] [EPMCFG] [ERROR] [EPMCFG-01020] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 20] [ecid: 0000K^OJPaCCslW5Pz_Aid1KFt1l000004,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RunAllTasks] Error: [[
    com.hyperion.cis.config.ProcessingException: Failed to configure HPSU component: {0}, {1}
    at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RunAllTasks.executeDbConfigTask(
    at com.hyperion.config.wizard.impl.RunAllTasks.execute(
    All the required tables got created the Schema(SchemaName: HRA) but still the database configuration is getting failed.
    All Other hyperion products got successfully configured.

    Hi Nowshad,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have did that couple of time but still getting the same above message.  I have also followed the below document from metalink  but still no luck.
    Reporting And Analysis Configuration with New Database Fails (Doc ID 1482499.1)
    I am not sure what I am missing.
    Vijaya Krishna.

  • CRM report requirement

    Hi SDN,
    I got the new requirement to create report in BI from CRM standard report "Progress analysis workbench report" which we can see with Tcode "cnpawb" in CRM with input 1000 as controlling area.
    For this report I came to know all the fields are from the table "STMAIN_EVWB", but I am unable to find the related data source to replicate into BI.
    Can anybody please update your inputs on this.
    With regards,

    This is the best way as you want to compare your old changes with the new one.....we can do night job to offset the loading performance
    If your write a routine in the update rule and refer the old selection, still to refer that for those records it may still take a huge performance load.......
    N Ganesh

  • Attrition Report and Analysis

    Hi All,
      I am new to HRMS. I have a Requirement to build Attrition Report and Analysis a report. How many joinees,resinees,transferout,transfer in and redundnacies per month. The report should shoulddispaly month wise.
    How to build this report. If any one worked similar requirement. Please guide me or post details.

    Dear Vignesh,
    Thanks for your prompt replay, I tried but i didn't get the details exactly. My report should display like below.
                        JAN     FEB     MAR     APR     MAY     JUN     JUL     AUG     SEP     OCT     NOV     DEC
    Staff              103      104     104          105     107     107     115
    Joinees          1                    1            2                    8
    Resigness                    1                    6          1                    2
    Transfer in
    Please give me idea through sql is it possible.

  • XL-Reporter - sales analysis including row discount and document discount

    Hello World!
    In XLR I want to report all item-sales to customers grouped by item-groups based on invoives.
    Since I am interested only in net amounts (without tax, freight and other expenses) and discounts I use 'S0_LineTotal' as attribute.
    'SO_LineTotal' includes the discount of each item-row in the document.
    The row selection is as follows:
    ARDT(Code = "ARCreditMemo","Invoice")
    FIG(SO_DocType = "I")
    ITM( * ) 
    Group By ITM.ItmsGrpCod
    The problem is that I also have to include the document discount 'OINV.DiscSum' in the result.
    In combination with the row selection specified above the attribute 'Total Discount' delivers no results (always 0).
    In the standard SAP report 'Sales - AR/Sales reports/Sales Analysis' the total discount is averaged to all items in the matrix of a document.
    How can I achieve this in my XL-Report?
    Thank you very much for your support!
    Frank Romeni
    Edited by: Frank Romeni on May 15, 2008 3:55 PM
    Edited by: Philip Eller on May 29, 2008 8:53 AM

    To get this, I tried drag following information from Report composer:
    Under Sales tab, choose Items(Display more atrributes to choose Item Group), Document Number(choose this one because same items may have different discount in different documents), Discount % Per Row(light dimension),Discount % Per Document(light dimension), Row Total(measure).
    Drag the Item Group to the Group region.
    Run the report and the result should be all items are grouped by item Group and discounts and total in different document for each item will be listed.
    Hope this helps you.
    Maggie An
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Report for analyse the sales realisation for a particular period

    Hi guys,
    Is there any report for analyse the sales realisation for a particular period.

    Able to find the solutin the report S_AHR_61016532 it self.

  • FICO:What are the critical reporting requirements of a finance department?

    Hi Experts,
    Can you help me identify all the reporting requirements of a finance departmentn when it comes to the use of BW?
    i. From a reporting perpective, what does the finance department need from BI to say that BI is a worthwhile investiment?
    ii. Does BI provide any of the answers provided in i. (above) through its business content objects? If so, can you discuss how BI provides each of the solutions? (I will apprecaite a discussion for the "finance team" and not neccessarily for the IT team)
    iii. If all the requirements of a finance department are already available with a newly installed BI, then
    what are the typical functions of a BI consultant  to a finance department? i.e. why will a finance department find the need to bring in a BI consutant to advise them on how best to use BW in their environment?
    iv. How does the above discussion pertain to CO. i.e. If your discussion above is strictly for FI, can you address i, ii, iii for CO?
    Thanks and Happy Holiday.

    From a reporting perpective, what does the finance department need from BI to say that BI is a worthwhile investiment?
    Normally Financial reports needed for the customer will be P&L, Balance sheet, Cashflow statements and the AR, AP and also Controlling and the Turn over Ratios to know about the financial funding stage about their organization based on their functional requirements.
    ii. Does BI provide any of the answers provided in i. (above) through its business content objects? If so, can you discuss how BI provides each of the solutions? (I will apprecaite a discussion for the "finance team" and not neccessarily for the IT team)
    Better to talk to your FI CO team for this to understand better at ECC functional level to know what would be the best extractors that you can report on. BI content is already there for almost FI CO reports.
    and everything mentioned clearly in that why , how , what.
    iii. If all the requirements of a finance department are already available with a newly installed BI, then
    what are the typical functions of a BI consultant to a finance department? i.e. why will a finance department find the need to bring in a BI consutant to advise them on how best to use BW in their environment?
    Though the Finance team has every Extractor at ECC side its only BI consultant who has to work on Modeling , Extraction, Reporting Part for BEx Reports. You have to Map the Fields even though its BI Content some of the Customized objects like Routines, Formulas would be there for each and every project .
    iv. How does the above discussion pertain to CO. i.e. If your discussion above is strictly for FI, can you address i, ii, iii for CO?
    Hope it helps

  • Reporting and Analysis Framework stuck - status yellow"Startup in Progress"

    I just installed on Win Server 2008 R2 - Foundation Services, Planning, and Essbase. 64bit computer, 500gb hard drive, physical box, 16gb memory - more than enough i would hope to run an EPM Planning development instance.
    IIS 7.x .net framework 3.5.1 with Oracle Database 11g.
    So each time i launch Workspace and log in as admin, it hangs for about three to five minutes and throws back the error stating that the reporting and analysis services on 6800 aren't responding.
    In the workspace, navigate>administer, reporting and analysis, services, it shows reporting & analysis still trying to start.
    The message in "RaFramework_stdout_console_Servlets" log in c:\oracle\midleware\user_projects\domains\epmsystem\servers\epmserver0\logs\
    [SRC_METHOD:  flush:?] GSM at localhost:6800 is not up

    I will look through those logs. Thanks.
    I did notice that there is a time_wait on the 6800 port - I can't understand if its something to do with the operating system or EPM; I don't have a firewall rule in place on that port and the OS was configured to turn off any firewalls.

  • Hyperion Reporting and Analysis - DAS, IR and Job Services Replication..

    Dear All,
    We are on Hyperion System 9.3.1 on Windows box and Repository in Oracle 10g Database. We have around 300 Interactive scheduled jobs.
    When these jobs are getting executed Hyperion Services are getting hang and In logs we are getting "Process out of memory..".
    In order to overcome "Process out of Memory.. Exiting" error. We need to replicate DAS, Interactive Reporting and Job Services on the same machine.
    I am doing Hyperion's IR, DAS, JOB Services Replication in Development environment. To achieve the same I performed the following tasks :
    # I have installed and configured Hyperion System 9.3.1 below components on MS Windows XP professional SP2 and Repository in Oracle 10g database.
    Hyperion Shared Services 9.3.1
    Hyperion Reporting and Analysis BI+ Services
    Hyperion Reporting and Analysis UI+ Services
    Every thing was configured fine.
    # To replicate the IR, DAS and Job Services. I started the Hyperion Reporting and Analysis BI+ Setup on the same machine then I select IR, DAS and Job Services.
    # Next I started Configuration Utility. Which ask me to configure Database. I selected the same database which I used for BI Services previously. Database Configuration was successful.
    # I changed the Port as below
         Core Services to 7801 instead of 6801
         Chaged the port for Job Service 7796 instead of 6796.
    # Next started Service Configurator where System was showing one more Job Service (JF2_<hostname>) in Remote Service Configurator. And in Local Service Configurator System was showing new BI and DAS. Then I configured Data Sources in DAS.
    # Started the Services.
    Next I started the Scheduled Jobs. It is taking same time as earlier. In logs it is showing that Only JF2_<hostname> Service is getting used. System is not using JF1_<HOSTNAME> anymore.
    I have few query regarding this.
    1) Why Configuration Utility didn't ask for GSM host and Port? Do I need to configure it manually?
    2) I have not chaged the port for DAS and IR Services. my concern is regarding port usage by new DAS and IR Services ? Do I need to configure it or It will be managed by system itself?
    Please show me the direction. Any help would be highly appreciable.
    Manmohan Sharma

    We have replicated the Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Services by changing the port number of Replicated Services to non-default port.
    Services are working fine.
    Manmohan Sharma

  • Reporting and analysis not working in workspace

    the startup document specified does not exist in the repository. select a new startup document on the general preference tab.
    when i click ok
    a not found error occurred communicating with server
    click show details
    uri: http://server:19000/raframework/conf/toolsconfig.xml
    state 404 not found
    and then when i click preference, the reporting and analysis framework seems to be not working because for example for financial reporting and web analysis, we can see things like $(/raframework.....epmstatic/raframework.....etc)
    any help would be fine regarding waht i could have done wrong

    Has it ever worked, have you checked the logs,  have you logged into Oracle Support and had a look the documents available e.g. 1422178.1

  • Standard Report requirement

    Hi Guys
    In my current implementation i have one report requirement.
    Iam giving lot of benefits to my employees. I like to capture all the expenses employee wise.
    I have already uploaded the employee personel number and during transactions we are entering the personel number
    But we i go and check the report, in the dynamic selection the personel number is not available
    Is it possible to take a standard report based on personnel number. If i give a personel number - i should get all the expnese gl accounts done for that employee
    Warm Regards

    I have a suggestion.
    Create Employees as Employee vendors in Accounts payable.While creating vendor master, In the accounting information tab, assign the personel no.You have a separate reconciliation account for this employee vendors.
    Make Payments to vendor by using T.code F-53 . You can view the report of all employees to whom payment was made.
    You can view the standard reports to see the payments made to the employees.
    S_ALR_87012103 - List of Vendor Line Items
    S_ALR_87012083 - List of Vendor Open Items for Printing
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Assign points if useful.
    Sridhar M

  • Report requirement from BW

    Hi ,
    I need to execute the scenario in bw for report requirement.
    the report requirement is:
    The Fields are material, Batch, internal char, char value.
    Here the logic is the field Internal char no have values vintage,Bill of entry and the field char value have 222, 333-7876 for correponding field.
       Material        Batch          Internal Char no.         Char vlue
       2009822       58938         Vintage                        222
                                               Bill of entry                  333-7876
    They need bw report like
    Material             Batch          Vintage             Billof entry
    2009822           58938           222                  333- 7876
    Can any one give idea.

    Hi Satya,
    Follow the below given steps,
    1) Goto rows area and right click to create new formula variable.
    2) In the edit step of your formula, remove the default description and put a &, you will get different options. select the new text variable.
    3) Give the variable name, description and select the type as replacement path.
    4) On the next screen select your characteristics i.e. Internal cost type (first char).
    5) on the next screen select replace variable with Key or text value whichever you want.
    6) Here we are done with heading part.
    Now for defination of formula variable,
    1) Right click on Formual variable tree and create a new variable.
    2) Select type as replacement path and on next screen select the other characteristics i.e. Internal cost value i.e. 222.
    3) Again on next screen replace variable with key.
    4) Finally select Dimension indicator as Number.
    5) We are ready to use the variable. In the defination part use newly created variable.
    Now you will get the output in exactly required format.

Maybe you are looking for