Repository Assistant, how to create?

I have installed Oracle db 10g and OWB 10g on Win XP.
I am rather new to Oracle and to OWB10. So I'd like to know how to login
in Repository Assistant:
Repository User name:----
Repository password:----
Hostname: localhost
Port number: 1521
Oracle Service Name: ???
Net Service Name: ???
Do I have to copy the Tnsnames.ora from the db to the OWB directory?
What, if the repository user and or owner already exists?
When I pass the Login dialog, I recieve the following error:
(in german: Die Installation des Warehouse Repository Eigentümers wurde bei Benutzer REPEIGNER nicht erfolgreich ausgefuehrt)
This means:
Installation of the Repository-Owner REPEIGNER was not successful.
Java, Exception - grantpriv.sql

This is a part of the log file, created during my login tryings.
(under ...\owb10\owb\UnifiedRepos\log_060914_185743.000.log)
But I doesn't give me no further insights.
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:43.043: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ProcessEngine.display( Log File Directory = D:\oracle\Owb10\owb\UnifiedRepos\log_060914_185743.000.log
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:43.043: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ProcessEngine.display( OWBCC_HOME(OracleHome) = D:\oracle\Owb10
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:45.045: 00> oracle.wh.ui.jcommon.WhPushButton@5b0668: WhPushButton constructor : rtsString = Kennwort für 'OWBRT_SYS' zurücksetzen (optional)
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:45.045: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.NewMLSPanel.initLangs( ... I'm in initLangs()...
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:46.046: 00> oracle.wh.ui.jcommon.WhPushButton@5b0668: WhPushButton constructor : rtsString = Kennwort für 'OWBRT_SYS' zurücksetzen (optional)
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:48.048: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,0,0,0x0,invalid,hidden,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.main[5]20060914@18:57:48.048: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizardWelcomePanel[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:00.000: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Willkommen,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:00.000: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.InstallTypePanel[,16,0,530x467,layout=java.awt.GridBagLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:06.006: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Schritt 1 von 3: Installationsart,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:06.006: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.InstallTypePanel.onExit( [InstallTypePanel].. I am in InstallTypePage ..
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:06.006: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Schritt 1 von 3: Installationsart,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:06.006: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel[,16,0,530x467,invalid,layout=java.awt.GridBagLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Schritt 2 von 3: Repository-Benutzer und Anmeldeinformationen,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel.onExit( [SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel] ... I am in SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( [validateNewUsrPwdFields()] ... I am in validateNewUsrPwdFields ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( [validateServerInfo] ...I am in validateServerInfo ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( Connection: host/port/serice_name = LOCALHOST/1521/PUPPE
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( url = (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(HOST=LOCALHOST)(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=PUPPE)))
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( Host = LOCALHOST, Port = 1521, Oracle Service Name = PUPPE
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( [validateServerInfo] ... complete ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( [validateSysUser] ...I am in validateSysUser ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( sys User Name : SYS
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( Trying DBA connection ...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getSysConnection]....
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:28.028: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getSysConnection]: Trying to connect as SYSUSER SYS with jdbc:oracle:thin:@...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:30.030: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getConnection]: Switched from jdbc:oracle:thin:@ to jdbc:oracle:oci8:@
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:31.031: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getSysConnection]: Throwable >> run getConnection().
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:31.031: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getConnection]....
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:31.031: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getConnection]: Trying to connect as USER SYS with jdbc:oracle:thin:@...
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:32.032: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getConnection]: Switched from jdbc:oracle:thin:@ to jdbc:oracle:oci8:@
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:33.033: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( [getConnection]: Throwable = java.sql.SQLException: E/A-Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:33.033: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( report = INS0009: Anmeldung bei Datenbank mit Benutzer SYS nicht möglich.
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:33.033: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display(>java.sql.SQLException: E/A-Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:33.033: 00> oracle.wh.ui.jcommon.WhButton@1a6518: WhButton setLabel rtsString = OK
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@18:58:49.049: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Schritt 2 von 3: Repository-Benutzer und Anmeldeinformationen,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@19:00:37.037: 00> oracle.wh.ui.common.UIUtils@1283052: Setting cursor called on oracle.wh.ui.owbcommon.OWBWizard$7[frame0,291,223,698x577,invalid,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=Repository-Assistent - Schritt 2 von 3: Repository-Benutzer und Anmeldeinformationen,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060914@19:00:37.037: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel.onExit( [SimplifiedRegisterUserPanel]

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    With your database 11g install OWB is already installed under the ORACLE_HOME's owb directory. You should/could have just used it.
    I'd suggest a cleanout and start again, here are the steps:
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    Jeremy -
    You can create a CM repository using the following path:
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    Click on the New button.

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    You can create the vie in the physical layer of your repository, select "Select" from the dropdwan box when you create a new table. Next add the columns. They must have the same names as in your view.
    If you don't have any other tables in your repository, created an alias of your view and make a "dummy" join with the original view. Next create your BM and PL.

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    Are you referring to the subscription feature for KM.
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    Oracle9i Release 2 (
    Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g Release 2 (
    Microsoft Windows XP
    during creating the repository owner in repository assistant in about 96% I had an ORA-22905 exception. I read somewhere that I need to patch 9i. I used
    Oracle PatchSet
    Now "Creating repository owner" step has stopped after i had set owner user and password. CPU is working on 100% and memory used by process is growing. There is no exceptions and Repository Assistant hangs.
    .BorderLayout,title=Repository Assistant - Etap 5 z 8: Repository Owner Information,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,4,30,690x543,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=385,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
    main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060712@11:14:04.004: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( [ValidationEngine] ... I am in checkOnSysDbmsLock ...
    main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060712@11:14:04.004: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.ValidationEngine.display( query = select distinct s.username, s.sid,s.serial# from dba_kgllock l, v$session s, x$kgllk x where l.kgllktype = 'Pin' and s.saddr = l.kgllkuse and s.saddr = x.kgllkuse and x.kglnaobj like '%DBMS_LOCK%' and s.STATUS <>'INACTIVE'
    main.AWT-EventQueue-0[6]20060712@11:14:04.004: 00> oracle.wh.service.impl.assistant.DatabaseEngine.display( getSysConnection() is ok.
    (End of log file)

    I've had the same problem:
    On windows XP pro, 32 bit
    - Installed Server
    - Installed Patch
    - Installed Oracle Worflow + and created workflow user
    - Installed
    All seemed to be fine until attempting to create the OWB repository owner.
    The first problem is the same as mentioned above. The issue relates to the view dba_kgllock which was forced created against objects that do not exist. To solve this I used TOAD to find the script used to create the view, deleted the view and created an empty table with the same columns.
    This is a complete HACK but allowed OWB Repository Assistant. All then continued and was looking good until about 60% complete and then the system fails with a socket read fail within java.
    Thats it, I've stopped dead now, going to continue installation attempts in the morning

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    content server DB (even we know it's NOT recommended)
    I have use Content Server with MaxDB in more than 1 ocation without any issues.
    You need to set up the repositories in OAC0.

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    Please explain further.
    You can create a file system repository for each of the file systems.
    The document approval workflow is a functionality which is already available withing the portal.
    However, be aware that the file system repository does not support custom properties and versioning.
    In that case you might want to use a CM respository in the FSDB mode which lets you store metadata on the portal and the actual files on the file server.

  • Repository Assistant Create Repository hangs 30%, SeedData.xml 0%

    Using Repository Assistant (Windows 32 bit Advanced Setup Install Type to create a (runtime) OWB Repository on a remote server (solaris 64 bit) Oracle Enterprise Edition but the installation hangs at 30% when it is about to start Process Element SeedData.xml (0%). I have checked that the JVM has been installed and is valid on the remote server, returned valid object count 9548 which is greater than the 8548 quoted on Metalink. I have looked at the log file and the last file processed was 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\owb\bin\admin\..\..\reposasst\SeedData.xml counted 16587 lines in 140 milliseconds', before lots of class does not exist messages (seems normal as installing Design Repository on local machine also raised these java class does not exists errors). One strange thing was the OWB Repository Assistant did not display the "Oracle Home for the OWB Installation" window/page where I would have checked the "Skip checking of the remote OWB Oracle Home for the Installation"
    I have also tried creating the OWB repository using OMBPlus command OMBINSTALL OWB_REPOSITORY, e.g.
    This also hangs at the SeedData.xml step by checking the log file created.
    Any ideas what might be the problem? I have already been able use OWB Repository Assistant to create a OWB Repository on a remote Windows server.

    Few years ago when i was using OWB 9.0.2 , i had similar problem but dont remember what i did to fix it..
    Check the following links
    Help! Installation of seed data failed.
    Install repository owb 9.0.4
    Error at the time of repository creation
    INS0017: Installation of the seed data
    Hope this helps.

  • Repository Assistant - vanishes at 0%(while creating new work space)

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to OWB started learning it(11g R2), I created a user for workspace owner and granted owb_user role with admin option and when I hit finish at the summery page of Repository Assistant it shows a small window with progress bar and after a few seconds it just vanishes (at 0%), no error prompted........
    Can any one help me in solving this issue......
    Thanks in advance,

    Issue got solved - for service name i kept 'orcl' it should be "" is my domain.

  • Repository Assistant fails: Unable to create repository

    I have a database, OWB is installed in a separate Oracle Home ( Both on the same server (RHEL).
    When trying to create the Repository using the Repository Assistant I receive the following error after ~5% of the installation:
    ORA-06575: Package or function SECURITY_PV_UTILITIES is in an invalid state. This happens during run of the secCreate.sql script. The installation aborts.
    I have seen other threads with the same problem but without any solution. (I cannot migrate to 11g)
    The installation is for a Runtime Repository.
    During the I selected
    - Advanced Setup
    - Creating the repository for a new user as repository owner
    One thing to mention is that during the setup the system does'nt find a 'compatible' Oracle Home. I entered the Oracle Home of the OWB installation which wasn't accepted. Therefore, I pressed the 'Skip'-option. I am not sure whether this is correct.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.
    Reiner Kühl

    This is generally caused when something the package relies on is missing in the database.
    1. Drop cascade the following schemas :
    Repository Owner
    OWBRT_SYS user.
    2. Drop the following roles :
    OWBR_<repository owner>
    OWB_A_<repository owner>
    OWB_D_<repository owner>
    OWB_O_<repository owner>
    OWB_<repository owner>
    3. Restart the OWB Repository Assistant:
    a) Create a new Repository
    b) Create a new OWB Target Schema in your existing schema (or create a new target user)
    4. Connect in SQLPLUS as the repository owner and use the OWB_HOME/owb/rtp/sql/service_doctor.sql script to check the status of the Control Center Service.
    You can use "NOTE.340196.1 Data Collection Script for Oracle Warehouse Builder" to check the status of the OWB 10.2 environment. It will list invalid objects by schema and type. This script also has a use in your normal backup and recovery plans. It outputs the details of your locations. With that data and your MDL file, you can recreate a repository very quickly. The note is available on Metalink. There is also a note available for OWB 11.1, Note:454044.1

Maybe you are looking for