Request.setHeader in servlet filter

Hi there,
I am working on servlet filter to filter HttpServletRequest before sending it to the original servlet.
The original servlet expects some content posted in the body of HttpServletRequest object.
In my servlet filter, I need to modify this content (already done) and then doFilter to the origin.
And here is the problem:
The original servlet uses HTTP header's content-length value to read the entire content posted. But if I modify this content in my filter, it will never get correct content of the request.
Unfortunately the original servlet is black boxed and there is no way to modify it.
Is there any way to modify HTTP headers of HttpServletRequest in servlet filter?
Thank you for any suggestions,

Hum... ServletRequest.getHeader is read only, so you can't change them. There few solution you may try though:
* Try create another wrapper instance of ServletRequest inside your filter and forward it to your black box servlet. You might have to wrote your own implementation to manipulate those Headers.
* How about after you changed your data, redirect/post to your black box with the correct content? Use or a java Http client to do fancy posting if needed.
Hope these helps.

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    My guess is that when you do the chain.doFilter you pass the request to another resource that then tries to access the request.getInputStream method.
    From the JavaDocs:
    public getReader()
    Retrieves the body of the request as character data using a BufferedReader. The reader translates the character data according to the character encoding used on the body. Either this method or getInputStream() may be called to read the body, not both.
    a BufferedReader containing the body of the request
    Throws: - if the character set encoding used is not supported and the text cannot be decoded
    IllegalStateException - if getInputStream() method has been called on this request - if an input or output exception occurred

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    import javax.servlet.Filter;
    import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
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         String[] excludedPages = {"SessionExpired.jsp","index.htm","index.jsp"};
         String timeoutPage = "SessionExpired.jsp";
         public void destroy() {
         public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
              if ((request instanceof HttpServletRequest) && (response instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
                   HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
                   HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
                   //httpServletResponse.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0);
                   String requestPath = httpServletRequest.getRequestURI();
                   boolean sessionInvalid = httpServletRequest.getSession().getAttribute("loginFlag") != "loggedIn";               
                   boolean requestExcluded = false;
                   for (int i=0;i<excludedPages.length;i++){
                             requestExcluded = true;
                   if (sessionInvalid && !requestExcluded){
              // pass the request along the filter chain
              chain.doFilter(request, response);
         public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
    The index.htm file (or the relevant portion)<HTML>
    <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <LINK href="RTEStyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <FORM NAME="Login" METHOD="POST" ACTION="rte.ServletLDAP"><!-- Branding information -->
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <td width="30%" align="left"><img src="images/top_logo_new2.gif">
              <td width="37%" align="center"></td>
              <td width="33%" align="right"></td>
    My web.xml entry for the filter:     <filter>
              Checks for a session timeout on each user request, redirects to logout if the session has expired.</description>
                   <param-value>this is a test parameter</param-value>

    Try adding CSS files and images to the excluded Pages.

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    If the filter is invoked by a HttpServletRequest, then the ServletRequest handle you've in the filter is just an instance of HttpServletRequest.
    Cast it back.

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    Well here is what I know. I hope it helps.....
    First thing is to create a class that implements the "javax.servlet.Filter" interface. But there are also other Filter interfaces that you could use depending on what you want: Filter, FilterChain, and FilterConfig.
    You have to implement the init(), destroy() and doFilter() methods (I ommitted the arguments).
    But most of your work will be done in the doFilter () method. You could extract request information from one of the arguments in these method and have a datasource connection to save to your back-end.
    Something like :
    public void doFilter( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse responce, FilterChain chain ) throws  ServletException {
          HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
          backEndDelegate.saveInformation(  request.getRemoteAddr(),  request.getRemoteHost() );
          chain.doFilter( request, responce );
    }Second, you need to configure the Filter. In the web.xml file add the following tags:
          <description>Logs Web Stats to the back end</description>
         <!--  you can also pass parameters to the StatsFilter -->
                   <param-name>some parameter</param-name>
                   <param-value>some parameter</param-value>
    </filter-mapping>That is just a little example. You can associate a filter with a Servlet using the <filter-mapping> tags too. And you can also do filter chains, but I don't feel like going there.
    I sure hope that it was helpful. If not then "RTFM"

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    Thanks guys,

    Ok, fixed it like this. Works perfect. JSF finds and uses the handmade Session Bean as well.
    if(request.getSession().getAttribute(BeanNames.SESSION_SCOPE_BEAN) == null) {
         SessionBean sessionBean = new SessionBean();
         request.getSession().setAttribute(BeanNames.SESSION_SCOPE_BEAN, sessionBean);

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    System.out.println("facesContext: " + facesContext); // shows that facesContext is null
    ApplicationFactory appFactory = ApplicationFactory)FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY);
    Application app = appFactory.getApplication();
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    </managed-bean>For the record, I am using JSF 1.0 Final.
    Thank you,

    wynton_0 wrote:
    Yes, there is a way to get hold of a managed bean with session scope in a servlet filter.
    See here:
    and here:
    [how to access faces context and backing beans in a servlet filter|]
    This makes no utter sense. A JSF session scoped managed bean is under the hood just put as a HttpSession attribute with the managed bean name as key. Guess what, you can just access the HttpSession in Filter by ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession() and then just call getAttribute() on it. If it isn't there yet, then just do a setAttribute() with a new instance.
    After I get User bean in my Servlet filter, I populate value to this bean, for example:
    The User bean is in session scope. The User bean's language attribute suppose to be same in the whole session scope, but later on, I got null. My question is:
    how to keep this value in session scope?The the session was apparently invalidated/renewed or you manually removed the bean or replaced it by null.
    In the future, please don't resurrect old topics, just start a new topic for each independent problem/question.

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    Any ideas what might be wrong?

    I got the same problem. I tried in others application servers alternatives and it works. By now i have to change links like this "http://localhost:8888/SIVIUQ/LoadIndex.portal?test=1" for forms using javaScript to send the parameters corresponding to the button pressed. To use buttons instead links is not the better solution due to usability. Any suggestion to solve this problem?
    Javier Murcia
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    Javier Murcia

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    Is it possible to do such a thing.
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
                   FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    "Start of RedirectFilter ");
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
              HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
              String requestURI=request.getRequestURI();
              String domainURL=request.getServerName().toLowerCase();
              String keywordToBeAppended=domainURL.replaceAll(domainName,"");
              String finalURL= request.getScheme()+"://"+domainURL+"/"+keywordToBeAppended+requestURI;
              RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(finalURL);
              rd.forward(request, response);
    "End of RedirectFilter ");
              chain.doFilter(request, response);

    There is technically a huge difference between "redirect" and "forward". You're doing here forwards. And because you continue the filter chain, you run into problems. You should do either a forward OR continuing the current request unchanged (through the filter chain) OR send a redirect. You cannot do one or more simultaneously.

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    I need ideas about what is the best way to write the forwarding logic. Should it be a Servlet Filter, or an initial Servlet that only does forwarding? Any code samples will be greatly appreciated.

    This is almost textbook definition of a Controller Servlet. I would use a Servlet that switches on what option needs to be performed and forwards to the proper URL.

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    836522 wrote:
    I really cant thank everyone enough for your help, thank you :)
    why not proxy? because I don't want the full functionalities of a proxy, so I thought why not to implement a servlet filter to do my task especially that all what I want to do could be easily implemented using the methods provided in servlets/filters. what I am thinking of now is to install servlet container and make it run in the proxy mode so any request to the website I want to protect will be directed first to the servlet then the servlet decide whether to pass this request to website or not, what do you think of this??I am afraid that will either not work or be overly complicated. The problem is with this
    so any request to the website I want to protect will be directed first to the servlet then the servlet decide whether to pass this request to website or notHow will the servlet pass on the request to the web site? Since it is not part of the other application, it cannot do a forward or include on the resource. Similarly a chain.doFilter() which is the normal way for the Filter to pass the request along to the end resource will not work.
    You can theorotically use a HttpClient from the Filter which will create a new http request to the underlying web site and flush the response received back to the browser. I think using a Proxy is the best bet. I would recommend an apache http server with some custom modules to implement your 'filter' code

  • Can java servlet filter capture anchors in URL

    Hi I need to capture the anchor in the URL that is requested by user. For example, if some one clicks, I would like to capture all the info in the URL including "intro". Is it possible through the java servlet filter architecture? If so, what API should I use? Some sample code would be very helpful as well. Thanks!!

    No, this is not possible. Anchors are handled by the client (i.e. web browser). The server never sees them.

  • SSO2Ticket within servlet filter - Orionserver

    I need to validate user that already logged in via SAP portal.
    So I get ticket as cookie.
    I read this cookie and try to validate it with that is JNI wrapper for C application.
    For this I put 2 files in system32 folder: sapssoext.dll and sapsecu.dll and I register first one with regsvr32.
    Now I try to run and it works perfectly. But I need this functionality inside my login servlet filter.
    So I still use but in stead of main method I put same calls into may filter.
    It seams to load sapssoext.dll but what ever method I call I get:
    Here is method that performs calls. Method is called from filter doFilter method.
    There is attached here.
    private void checkSAPTicket(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception
    //Ticket is hardcoded and valid
    // get PAB (public key) of issuing system. It is in root of my app server
    File pab=new File("verify.pse");
    String pabFilePath=pab.getAbsolutePath();
    Object [] o=null;
    File sapsecu=new File("sapsecu.dll");
    String ssf_library=sapsecu.getAbsolutePath();
    String version =SSO2Ticket.getVersion();
    //String ssf_library="sapsecu.dll";
    if(!SSO2Ticket.init(ssf_library)) {
    System.out.println ("Could not load library: " + ssf_library);
    System.out.println("evalLogonTicket call...");
    // Validate logon ticket.
    o = SSO2Ticket.evalLogonTicket (ticket, pabFilePath, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Throwable te) {
    System.out.println("evalLogonTicket call ended...");
    And the log I get when I run this:
    SAPSSOEXT loaded.
    static part ends.
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getVersion
    evalLogonTicket call ended...
    Could not validate SAP login ticket from HTTP Header.
    If I omit call SSO2Ticket.getVersion(); than the same exception is for SSO2Ticket.init(ssf_library).

    I think java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError means that it cannot find the .dll files.
    I am not sure it will find them even if the are registered with regsvr32.
    Have you tried placing the .dll files somewhere in the classpath ?

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