Require to change Person Type Automatically

Require to change Person Type in Employee form automatically by changing of Assignment status, currently HR is changing manually through Person Type Usage. I would like to know that is possible without customization and through personalization can it be done?

Doing this on a automatic basis might be difficult but you can schedule some concurrent program which will perform this action on a daily basis.
The program will first pick all the records for which the require change has happen in assignment on that day.
Then it will perform a bulk-update using API to change the user person type.

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    I wish you luck, but I am not sure that will work either. Changing a person type is not necessarily the same as changing some other person attribute, such as a middle name. Person type changes tend to happen by virtue of a specific business process, eg. hire applicant, terminate employee etc - these are all distinct processes that do a whole host of other back-end stuff, and the person type change just reflects what has been done. I think you can change a person type to another of the same fundamental type (e.g. 'Emp1' to 'Emp2', where they both have a system person type of EMP) but that's about it. The whole multiple person type thing has been around for a while now, and is needed for the Trading Community Architecture, so is not likely to take kindly to being changed in the manner you are hoping to do. In any case, what happens when you've made your change, and then something else comes along and changes it to some other combination?
    If it were me, I'd bite the bullet and change the reports. Thereafter, any further changes to the employee's record(s) will not affect them.

  • Requirement for changing document type

    Hello Gurus,
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    my question is:
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    Different Order Type can share the same number range. In the case, if Sale Order Type is saved in Transaction, then it cannot be chaged.
    The number range is controlled through Number Range Object, which is maintained in Sales Order Type (T.Code: VOV8).
    Configuration steps are as under:
    Normal Sales Order Cycle:-
    Step 1: Sales Document Type
    IMG > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales Documents >
    Sales Document Header:
    1. Sales Document Type:The sales document types represent the different business transactions, such as Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order, etc. To create new sales order type, always copy as with reference to similar sales order. If possible use standard sales order.
    2. Define Number Ranges For Sales Documents: Maintain number range with discussion with core team.
    3. Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types:
    A. Combine sales organizations / Combine distribution channels / Combine divisions: Ensure to maintain these, else Sales Order creation will give error.
    B. Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas: Assign only required Sales Order Types to required Sales Area. This will minimize selection of Sales Order Type as per sales area.
    Sales Document Item:
    1. Define Item Categories: If possible use Standard Item Category. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.
    2. Assign Item Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving item category: Sales Document Type + Item Category Group + Usage + Higher Level Item Category = Item Category
    Schedule Line:
    1. Define Schedule Line Categories: If possible use Standard Schedule Lines. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.
    2. Assign Schedule Line Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving Schedule Line: Item Category + MRP Type / No MRP Type.
    Step 2:
    IMG > Logistic Execution > Shipping > Deliveries >
    1. Define Delivery Types: If possible use Standard Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.
    2. Define Item Categories for Deliveries: If possible use Standard Item Categories for Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.
    3. Define Number Ranges for Deliveries: Ensure to maintain number range.
    Step 3:
    IMG > Sales and Distribution > Billing >
    1. Define Billing Types: If possible use Standard Billing Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New.
    2. Define Number Range For Billing Documents: Ensure to maintain number range.
    3. Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents: Maintain relevant copy controls such as Sales Order to Billing, Deliver to Billing, etc.
    Note: Ensure that Copy Control settings are done
    Sales Order to Sales Order (QT --> OR): VTAA
    Sales Order to Delivery (OR --> LF): VTLA
    Sales Order to Billing (OR --> F1): VTFA
    Delivery to Billing(LF --> F2): VTFL
    Billing to Sales Order (F2 --> RE): VTAF
    The configuration differs from scenario to scenario & requirement of the client.
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward point if useful.

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    Best regards,

    Navigate to Work Structures -> Status and query for all rows with system status Terminated Assignment. select your required assignment status as Default. Untick the other default.

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    Hi user-Keen,
    hmm interesting.. never tried this, but can you try personalisation and see if this works -
    Block : EMP_QF
    Field : NUMBER_TYPE
    Value : CWK
    The value is defaulted to EMP, try changing this to CWK

  • Employee as person type customer in Receivable

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    Thanks for your help.

    please follow the below procedure.
    1. Insert the employee on HR (suppose you used First name: Huerta and Last name: Huerta)
    2. Go to system options form in AR and activated the flags: (Trans and Customers tab)
    - Automatic Cuastomer Numbering
    - Automatic Site Numbering
    Note: if you are not using any of this values you need to update the specific data in customer
    interface tables, please review the manual for more information.
    3 Go to system administrator responsibility
    Path : \ profiles \ system and review if these profiles have a 'Yes' value for the level you are
    - HZ: Generate Party Number
    - HZ: Generate Party Site Number
    Note: if you are not using any of this values you need to update the specific data in customer
    interface tables, please review the manual for more information.
    4. Review what is the ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE for the party that was created in point 1. (In this
    case is : 'PER:10363')
    5. Insert this data on customer interface tables.
    truncate table ar.ra_customers_interface_all;
    insert into ar.ra_customers_interface_all
    'PHR_002', -- orig_system_reference
    'Huerta Huerta',
    'PHR_002', -- orig_system_address_ref, change it if you put another address
    'PHR_002', -- address1
    NULL, -- address2
    NULL, -- address3
    NULL, -- address4
    'San Mateo', -- city
    'San Mateo', -- county
    'CA', -- state
    NULL, -- provice
    'US', -- country
    '94401', -- postal_code
    'BILL_TO', -- SITE USE
    'N', -- primary_site_use_flag
    'A', -- customer_staus
    'I', -- insert_update_flag
    -1, -- last_updated_by
    sysdate, -- last_update_date
    -1, -- created_by
    sysdate, -- creation_date
    null, -- customer_number if automatic customer number is no
    null, -- customer_category_code
    null, -- location if autositenumber is no
    204, -- org_id
    truncate table ar.ra_customer_profiles_int_all;
    INSERT INTO ar.ra_customer_profiles_int_all
    ('PHR_002', -- orig_system_customer_ref
    'I', -- insert_update_flag
    'DEFAULT', -- Should be valid profile class
    'N', -- This can be 'Y','N' not null.
    -1, -- last_updated_by
    sysdate, -- last_update_date
    -1, -- created_by
    sysdate, -- created_by
    204 -- org_id
    6. The ORIG_SYSTEM_PARTY_REF = 'PER:10363' on ar.ra_customers_interface_all is
    the value that you get on point 4.
    That is the key to relate the information to the existing party without created a duplicated party
    7. Run customer interface

  • Change Simple Type

      I have created a simple type and deployed. Now, when i am trying to edit,it is in read-only mode.How can i edit the description of simple type?
    (Valuable answers will be awarded with points).
    Thank you,

    Hi Arpitha,
    Well do you require to change the value at runtime or design time?
    For designtime:
    WebDynpro explorer->Dictionary->local dictionary-->Data types->simple type--->ur simple type(Name).
    Double click ur simple type(name), automatically the window will open then change the fields and close.
    or goto the WD Explorer and  to the dictionary and open it you'll get the simpletype.Now here you can change it as per your requirement.
    Please clarify if it's at runtime.

  • My client current process shift amount is prorating.   Now my client requirement  employee change shift (SE20321D)   to normal (NSO70012) in the mid of the month employee will get shift  full amount,

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me to solve this two issues
    I will give you clearly about my client requirement
    in the current system (existing)  already configured  for shift allowance.
    shift allowance for executive
    Shift Allowance Rates
    2 shift
    3 shift
    RM  240
    RM 330
    shift allowance for non executive
    Shift Allowance Rates
    Category 1
    Category 2
    2 shift
    3 shift
    2 shift
    3 shift
    RM  180
    RM 280
    RM 95
    RM 130
    they are not maintained (there is no any key)   in info type 0014 or info type 0015  they earliest hr consultant  copied to  the Shift Allowance wage types :- 5533, 5534,5535,5536,5537,5538and 5559
    Note : 5533 & 5536 are for Payment.
    Other wage types are for calculation purposes only.
    And they modified (standard LAP9)  YAP9 (copied)  schema written pcr  for shift allowance
    The pcrs are YSH1,YSH2,YSH3,YSH4,YSH5,YSH6,YSH7,YSH8,AND YSHF
    1) So my actual my client requirement (Issue 1)
        In my client current process shift amount is prorating.   Now my client requirement  employee change shift (SE20321D)   to normal (NSO70012) in the mid of the month
    employee will get shift  full amount
    2) client requirement (Issue 2)     Shift Allowance become prorate if the Action (Info type 0000)  in the same month have changes. (Depand the action type)
    Actions are
    in same month employee changed action on 20.07.2014
    Kindly help me to solve this issues  feel very happy for your help.and if you need any information about issue please let me know i will share to you.
    Thank you

    Try this, it works very well for me.
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (composeOne, isFullscreen, isDialog, doFullFloat, doCenterFloat)
    myManageHook = composeAll. concat $
    [ [ className =? c --> doCenterFloat| c <- floats]
    , [ resource =? r --> doIgnore | r <- ignore]
    , [ resource =? "gecko" --> doF (W.shift "net") ]
    , [ isFullscreen --> doFullFloat]
    , [ isDialog --> doCenterFloat]]
    where floats = ["sdlpal", "MPlayer", "Gimp", "qemu-system-x86_64", "Gnome-typing-monitor", "Vlc", "Dia", "DDMS", "Audacious", "Wine"]
    ignore = []
    myLayout = tall ||| Mirror tall||| Full ||| tab ||| float
    tall = named "Tall" $ limitWindows 4 $ minimize $ Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
    tab = named "Tab" simpleTabbedBottom
    float = named "Float" simpleFloat
    main = do
    myStatusBarPipe <- spawnPipe myBar
    conkyBarProc <- spawnPipe conkyBar
    trayproc <- spawnPipe myTrayer
    xmonad $ ewmh $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig {
    terminal = "urxvt"
    , manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
    Last edited by helloworld1 (2012-08-14 05:20:56)

  • Error in sales order when selecting a warranty item in configurator 'Please enter required information - Service Reference Type Code'

    Error in sales order when selecting a warranty item in configurator 'Please enter required information - Service Reference Type Code'
    Not able to book the sales order because of this issue

    Order Management does not support the inclusion of optional service items in a configured Model BOM (see Support article #1296751.1 for more detail).  Allowing for such would therefore require customization.
    As you've found, there's no modeling restriction that prevents you from creating a Model BOM that includes optional service items, nor is there any problem with creating a Configurator Model for it.  And required service items (such as a warranty item that is a required child of an optional BOM component) do not present a problem; they have nothing to do with Configurator, and would never appear as sub-lines in OM.  The problem arises in OM, which requires that any service item be "associated" to the item it's "servicing".  OM does not automatically make such an association with service sub-lines, even though it might be argued that an association may be inferred by the BOM structure (i.e., OM does not assume that an optional service sub-line is necessarily associated, from a service standpoint, with its BOM parent).  OM customization is therefore required in order to hook any service item up to its corresponding product item.  Many customers who configure service along with product have implemented such a customization.
    (Another gap in such a solution that may be relevant to you is that for an included optional service item requiring recurring billing, Order Management does not create the requisite Service Contract.  Customers have likewise developed customizations to address this, as well.)
    As this is not specifically a Configurator matter (you could have created your order without using Configurator at all, and you would have experienced the exact same behavior), please do not take my explanation as being either authoritative or comprehensive (I am a Configurator expert, and only knowledgeable enough about Order Management to be dangerous).  It would be advisable for you to seek more detailed information/recommendations from the Order Management forum.

  • How to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material

    There is an issue where user wants to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material .Is  it posible to do so??
    IF not ,how can we delete that material from material master so that another material with same number and required material type and industrial sector  can be created.
    Points will be definitely rewarded.

    Hi Rohit,
    You can change the material type in MMAM trxn code if the material dosenot conatain any open purchase requisitions, open reservations & open purchase orders. Also material stock should be zero.
    Remember the new material type should have same attributes same as old material type.
    OLD Material New Material
    1) Standard Price 1) Standard Price
    2) Manufacture part 2) Manufacture part
    profile actvated profile actvated
    3) Quantity & Value 3) Quantity & Value
    Updation in all areas Updation in all areas
    4) should have same GL 4) Should have same GL acs
    It is not possible to change Industry sector once created.
    If you want to delete the Material, you can flag it in MM06 trxn code.
    Dont forget to Assign points if useful.

  • FM to change movement type in delivery

    Is there any SAP FM / BAPI available to change the movement type of items in an outbound delivery.
    We have a requirement to change the movement type before PGI is done on the delivery..

    Get the Schedule Line Category used in Sales order. Go to VA03, here double click on the sales order line item and go to "Schedule Lines" tab, here get the Schedule Line category.
    And then go to VOV6 and double click the Schedule Line category and in detailed screen, change the movement type.
    Then try for Delivery and PGI.

  • How to change data type of content type column.

    Hi all,
    I am having one content type. I have 10 columns in it. There are two rich text columns in my content type. I have attached this content type to pages library. I want to change the data type of this rich text column  to "Full
    HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing".
    Please assist me with this issue.

    From your description, my understanding is that you want to change the data type for rich text column in content type.
    The field type of Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing is "Invalid", you could refer to this article:
    You also could test it by create a Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing column and get the its type with C# code below:
    //change the URL to your SharePoint site
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp/sites/sharepoint2013"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPFieldType type = web.Fields["Column name"].Type;
    I have tested it with the PowerShell, it cannot hange the rich text column to “Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing” column. If you want to edit the rich text column, you could not change the type of the column as the screenshot
    As a workaround, you could follow these steps to accomplish your requirement:
    Create a “Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing” type column in the content type.
    Enter your site columns by clicking gear icon -> Site Settings -> Site columns under Web Designer Galleries under section.
    Find and delete the rich text column you want to change.
    Find the column you have created in step 1, and change the column’s name to the name of the text column you have deleted in step 3.
    But you will lose the data of the rich text column in pages library with this method.
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Want to change data type CHAR32 to CHAR40 in cutomized function module(CRM)

    Hi Friends,
         I have a requirement to change the data type CHAR32 to char40 .
         Pls guide me how to do I need to change it directly or we have do anymore changes?
    Thx in Adv.

    Hello Baba,
    In my opinion the length of a data field has little to do with the ITS and it's templates.  You should be able to change the length for your function module and then the new length should work on the ITS if using the Webgui.  If you have custom templates then maybe you will need to recreate the templates or modify the field length, but this is second to actually changing the datatype length in the R/3 system.

  • Automator - Change Image Type - Multiple page PDF- TIFF conversion

    I was able to do this on a friend's computer (not sure which version of OS X they were running), but this seems impossible on Snow Leopard.
    I need to convert hundreds of multiple page PDFs to TIFFs. I can't get this to work, and the Change Image Type option only lists single page PDF conversion. I could separate PDFs into multiple files, convert to TIFFs, but then I don't know how to recombine a bunch of TIFF pages into a larger file. From google searches, I know this is possible using tiffutil, but I don't really understand how to use that well, and I really need an automatic process.
    I'm at my wits end with this, because I did it just last week on someone else's computer and it was easy as pie. Why can't you convert multiple page PDFs in Snow Leopard?
    Any ideas?

    I just tried this - two problems.
    It creates a separate tiff document for each page of the input pdf.
    Also, this action is just annoying because it results in randomly named files in some temp folder that i can only locate using the reveal finder item action. I know I can rename files in automator, but I'd really like to have the output file have the same name as the input file.
    It confuses me why they would remove this functionality in Snow Leopard.

  • MMAM - change material type

    When we try to change the material type of a material we often get the following "error" messages:
    The material type cannot be changed.  The reasons for this are:
    stock already exists in the following plants
    purchase orders exists
    We want to change the material type automatically (via program) but then we need to catch these errors ---> so we need a workaround to be able to change the material type.
    Can anyone help us with this workaround ---> any known program/function/... for this issue?
    Kind regards,

    I don't want to create a way around these issues.  I just want to put these actions into a program so we don't need to do them manually. 
    Kind regards,

Maybe you are looking for