Requrred screenshots for alvgrid display

i am the beginner  to ABA/4,
i want to learn how to create alv reports .
can u people help me?

Hi Sravanthi
To have more functionalities like totals, subtotals,logos,etc we choose ALVs compared to reports.
Check this:
Documentation on alv:
you can check out:
ABAP List Viewer
The common features of report are column alignment, sorting, filtering, subtotals, totals etc. To implement these, a lot of coding and logic is to be put. To avoid that we can use a concept called ABAP List Viewer (ALV).
This helps us to implement all the features mentioned very effectively.
Using ALV, We can have three types of reports:
1. Simple Report
2. Block Report
3. Hierarchical Sequential Report
There are some function modules which will enable to produce the above reports without much effort.
All the definitions of internal tables, structures and constants are declared in a type-pool called SLIS.
The important function modules are
a. Reuse_alv_list_display
b. Reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge
c. Reuse_alv_events_get
d. Reuse_alv_commentary_write
e. Reuse_alv_grid_display
A. REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY : This is the function module which prints the data.
The important parameters are :
I. Export :
i. I_callback_program : report id
ii. I_callback_pf_status_set : routine where a user can set his own pf status or change the functionality of the existing pf status
iii. I_callback_user_command : routine where the function codes are handled
iv. I_structure name : name of the dictionary table
v. Is_layout : structure to set the layout of the report
vi. It_fieldcat : internal table with the list of all fields and their attributes which are to be printed (this table can be populated automatically by the function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE
vii. It_events : internal table with a list of all possible events of ALV and their corresponding form names.
II. Tables :
i. t_outtab : internal table with the data to be output
B. REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE : This function module is used to
populate a fieldcatalog which is essential to display the data in ALV.
If the output data is from a single dictionary table and all the
columns are selected, then we need not exclusively create the field cat
alog. Its enough to mention the table name as a parameter
(I_structure name) in the REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY. But in other cases
we need to create it.
The Important Parameters are :
I. Export :
i. I_program_name : report id
ii. I_internal_tabname : the internal output table
iii. I_inclname : include or the report name where all the dynamic forms are handled.
II Changing
ct_fieldcat : an internal table with the type SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV which is
declared in the type pool SLIS.
C. REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET : Returns table of possible events for a list type
Parameters :
I. Import :
Et_Events : The event table is returned with all possible CALLBACK events
for the specified list type (column 'NAME'). For events to be processed by Callback, their 'FORM' field must be filled. If the field is initialized, the event is ignored. The entry can be read from the event table, the field 'FORM' filled and the entry modified using constants from the type pool SALV.
II. Export :
I_List_type :
0 = simple list REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY
1 = hierarchcal-sequential list REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY
2 = simple block list REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND
3 = hierarchical-sequential block list
D. REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE : This is used in the Top-of-page event to print the headings and other comments for the list.
Parameters :
I. it_list_commentary : internal table with the headings of the type slis_t_listheader.
This internal table has three fields :
Typ : ‘H’ – header, ‘S’ – selection , ‘A’ - action
Key : only when typ is ‘S’.
Info : the text to be printed
E. REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY : A new function in 4.6 version, to display the results in grid rather than as a preview.
Parameters : same as reuse_alv_list_display
This is an example for simple list.
This is used to have multiple lists continuously.
The important functions used in this report are:
This function module is used to set the default gui status etc.
Parameters :
Export :
I. is_layout : layout settings for block
II. it_fieldcat : field catalog
III. i_tabname : internal table name with output data
IV. it_events : internal table with all possible events
Tables :
i. t_outtab : internal table with output data.
This function module adds the data to the block.
Repeat this function for all the different blocks to be displayed one after the other.
This function module is used for hierarchical sequential blocks.
Parameters : All the parameters are optional.
This function module display the list with data appended by the above function.
3. Hierarchical reports :
Hierarchical sequential list output.
The function module is
I. Export:
vii. i_tabname_header : Name of the internal table in the program containing the
output data of the highest hierarchy level.
viii. i_tabname_item : Name of the internal table in the program containing the
output data of the lowest hierarchy level.
ix. is_keyinfo : This structure contains the header and item table field
names which link the two tables (shared key).
II. Tables
i. t_outtab_header : Header table with data to be output
ii. t_outtab_item : Name of the internal table in the program containing the
output data of the lowest hierarchy level.
slis_t_fieldcat_alv : This internal table contains the field attributes. This internal table can be populated automatically by using ‘REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE’.
Important Attributes :
A. col_pos : position of the column
B. fieldname : internal fieldname
C. tabname : internal table name
D. ref_fieldname : fieldname (dictionary)
E. ref_tabname : table (dictionary)
F. key(1) : column with key-color
G. icon(1) : icon
H. symbol(1) : symbol
I. checkbox(1) : checkbox
J. just(1) : (R)ight (L)eft (C)ent.
K. do_sum(1) : sum up
L. no_out(1) : (O)blig.(X)no out
M. outputlen : output length
N. seltext_l : long key word
O. seltext_m : middle key word
P. seltext_s : short key word
Q. reptext_ddic : heading (ddic)
R. ddictxt(1) : (S)hort (M)iddle (L)ong
S. datatype : datatype
T. hotspot(1) : hotspot
some theory regarding alv:
This table tells ALV which events are processed by the caller by CALLBACK.
The table of possible events per list type can be initialized using the module REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET.
You can display the names of the constants in the type pools SLIS which represent the individual events using the individual test function in the function module
REUSE_ALV_EVENT_NAMES_GET. Only events with a form routine name are processed.
The table structure contains the fields:
Name of the Callback event.
Possible Callback events:
• Action
Process actions on the list
As this is a frequently-used Callback event, the form routine can also be passed directly in the interface in the IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND.
If a user list status is to be set, it must be done in the form routine assigned to this event. The ALV function codes, which must not be active, are in the Parameter RT_EXTAB. This table must be passed with the SET PF-STATUS command (with inactive user function codes as well, if necessary).
The STANDARD status of the function group SALV should be used as a template for a user-specific status.
As this is a frequently-used Callback event, its form routine can also be passed directly in the interface in the IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET.
Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists using the layout parameter IS_LAYOUT-EXPAND_FIELDNAME of the structure IS_LAYOUT.
Exit for passing item entries (ITEM table) for a header record which was expanded interactively by the user.
RS_SELFIELD-TABINDEX contains the header table index for which the item entries are to be put in the global item output table (T_OUTTAB_SLAVE). The Callback is only called if ALV has no items for a header which is to be expanded.
RFLG_ALL is passed with 'X' if the user shows all items. The application must ensure that entries are not repeated in the item table. RS_SELFIELD is initial in this case.
CALLER_EXIT USING RS_DATA Is called at the beginning of the function module to make special settings. It is not usually used.
• List processing events
IMPORTANT: The application Callback routine must not manipulate the internal output table and/or its header record. This restriction applies to all Callbacks which are called in the list output and run under the 'List processing events'.
TOP_OF_LIST no USING parameter. Information output at the start of the list
END_OF_LIST no USING parameter. Information output at the end of the list
TOP_OF_PAGE no USING parameter
Equivalent to the list processing TOP-OF-PAGE event
END_OF_PAGE no USING parameter. Not available for hierarchical-sequential lists.
Information output at the end of a page. This is only called for printing.
The selection information and list status are output together (if they exist) on a separate page by default. See also the documentation of the parameters:
The user can format the header area of the 'cover page' himself or herself by specifying a Callback routine for this event.
Analogously to TOP_OF_COVERPAGE the user can add other information to the information output by ALV (selection information, list status) at this event.
The Top-of-page event is always processed in ALV and is only passed to the caller via the Callback mechanism. This is still the case if the caller, e.g. by a user action, processes a branch list which was not formatted by ALV (e.g. a popup with additional information about the list record selected and displayed by ALV).
In this case, top-of-page cannot be formatted by ALV analogously to the basic list, it must be handled completely by the caller. The event top-of-page still occurs in ALV. When ALV notices a top-of-page which was not caused by an ALV output, the form routine in FOREIGN_TOP_OF_PAGE is called.
The event end-of-page is always processed in ALV and only passed to the caller via callback. This is still the case, e.g. when the caller processes a details list which was not formatted by ALV (e.g. a popup with further information about selected list records which were displayed by ALV).
In this case, end-of-page cannot be formatted by ALV analogously to the basic list, it must be handled completely by the caller. The event end-of-page still occurs in ALV. When ALV notices an end-of-page that was not caused by an ALV output, the form routine in FOREIGN_END_OF_PAGE is called.
Output information before each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance.
Output information after each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance.
• Internal use only
Name of the form routine which should be called in the calling program at the event.
Field catalog with field descriptions
2.7.1. Description
Field catalog containing descriptions of the list output fields (usually a subset of the internal output table fields). A field catalog is required for every ALV list output.
The field catalog for the output table is built-up in the caller's coding. The build-up can be completely or partially automated by calling the REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE module
See also the documentation of the function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE.
The minimal field catalog is documented under 'default'. The caller can use the other optional parameters to assign output attributes to a field which differ from the default.
A field catalog need not be built-up and passed explicitly only under the following conditions:
• The internal table to be output has the same structure as a Data Dictionary structure which is referred to in the internal table declaration using LIKE or INCLUDE STRUCTURE.
• all fields in this structure are to be output
• the structure name is passed to ALV in the parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME.
See also the documentation of the IMPORTING paramter I_STRUCTURE_NAME.
• row_pos (row position)
value set: 0, 1 - 3
Only relevant if the list output is to be multi-line (two or three lines) by default.
A multi-line list can also be defined by the user interactively if the default list is one-line.
The parameter specifies the relative output line of the column in a multi-line list.
• col_pos (column position)
value set: 0, 1 - 60
only relevant when the default relative column positions differ from the field catalog field sequence. The parameter specifies the relative column position of the field in the list output. The column order can be changed interactively by the user. If this parameter is initial for all field catalog entries, columns appear in the field catalog field sequence.
• fieldname (field name)
value set: internal output table field name (required parameter)
Name of the internal output table field which is described by this field catalog entry
• tabname (internal output table)
value set: SPACE, internal output table name
This parameter is used in 'manual' field catalog build-up only for hierarchical-sequential lists.
Name of the internal output table which contains the field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME.
Data Dictionary reference
• ref_fieldname (reference field name)
value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary field name
Name of the Data Dictionary field referred to.
This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a reference to the Data Dictionary (not a program field), and the field name in the internal output table is different from the name of the field in the Data Dictionary. If the field names are identical, naming the Data Dictionary structure or table in the FIELDCAT-REF_TABNAME parameter is sufficient.
• ref_tabname (reference table/structure field name)
value set: SPACE, name of a Data Dictionary structure or table
Structure or table name of the referred Data Dictionary field.
This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a Data Dictionary reference (not a program field).
Reference to fields with currency/measurement unit
Each internal output table sum or quantity field whose decimal places are to be formatted appropriately for the unit in the list must follow the convention:
• the field is of data type QUAN or CURR (internal type P) (the field must really have this physical data type. Overwriting the physical data type with the parameter FIELDCAT-DATATYPE has no effect)
• There is a field in the internal output table which contains the associated unit.
• There is also an entry in the field catalog for the unit field.
(If the unit is not to appear as a column in the list, and cannot be interactively displayed as a column, e.g. because it is always unambiguous and is therefore explicitly output by the caller in the list header, the field catalog units field entry can take the parameter FIELDCAT-TECH = 'X'.
The association of a value field to a unit affects the output as follows:
• appropriate decimal places display for the unit
• an initialized field with a link to a non-initial unit is output as '0' for the unit (if FIELDCAT-NO_ZERO is initial). When this field is summed, this unit affects whether the units are homogeneous.
• an initialized field with a link to an initial unit is output as SPACE. When this field is summed, the unit SPACE does not affect the homogeneity of the units.
• When non-initial fields with an initial unit are summed, the unit SPACE is considered to be a unit.
Link to currency unit
• cfieldname (currency unit field name)
value set: SPACE, output table field name
Only relevant for amount columns with associated unit.
Name of the internal output table field containing the currency unit associated with the amount field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME. The field in FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry.
• ctabname (internal currency unit field output table)
value set: SPACE, output table field name
only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists
Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME field.
Link to measurement unit
• qfieldname (measurement unit field name)
value set: SPACE, output table field name
only relevant for quantity columns with unit link.
Name of the internal output table field containing the measurement unit associated with the quantity field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME.
The field in FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry.
• qtabname (internal measurement unit field output table)
value set: SPACE, output table field name
only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists
Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME field.
Column output options
• outputlen (column width)
value set: 0 (initial), n
For fields with a Data Dictionary link this parameter can be left initial.
For fields without a Data Dictionary link (program field) the parameter must be given the value of the desired field list output length (column width).
initial = column width is the output length of the referred Data Dictionary field (domain).
n = column width is n characters
• key (key column)
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = kex field (key field output in color)
Key fields can not be interactively hidden. Parameter FIELDCAT-NO_OUT must be left initial.
For exceptions see the documentation of the FIELDCAT-KEY_SEL parameter.
• key_sel (hideable key column)
value set: SPACE, 'X'
only relevant when FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'
Key field which can be hidden interactively.
The key column sequence cannot be changed interactively by the user.
The output is controlled by the FIELDCAT-NO_OUT parameter analogously to non-key fields.
• no_out (field in field list)
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = field is not displayed in the current list.
The user can interactively choose the field for output from the field list.
The user can display the contents of these fields at line level using the 'Detail' function.
See also the 'Detail screen' documentation of the parameter IS_LAYOUT.
• tech (technical field)
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = technical field
Field cannot be output in the list and cannot be displayed interactively.
Field can only be used in the field catalog (not in IT_SORT, ...).
• emphasize (highlight columns in color)
value set: SPACE, 'X' or 'Cxyz' (x:'1'-'9'; y,z: '0'=off '1'=on)
'X' = column is colored with the default column highlight color.
'Cxyz' = column is colored with a coded color:
• C: Color (coding must begin with C)
• x: color number
• y: bold
• z: inverse
• hotspot (column as hotspot)
value set: SPACE, 'X'
'X' = column cells are output as hotspots
• fix_column (fix column)
value set: SPACE, 'X'
Not relevant for block lists (output of several lists consecutively)
'X' = column fixed (does not scroll horizontally)
All columns to be fixed must have this flag, starting from the left. If a column without this flag is output, only the columns to the left of this column are fixed. The user can change the column fixing interactively. See also the documentation of the Layout parameter
• do_sum (sum over column)
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = a sum is to be calculated over this internal output table field.
This function can also be called by the user interactively.
• no_sum (sums forbidden)
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = no sum can be calculated over this field, although the data type of the field would allow summing.
• input (column ready for input)
Function not available
Format column contents
• icon
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = column contents to be output as an icon.
The caller must consider the printability of icons.
• symbol
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = column contents are to be output as a symbol.
The internal output table column must be a valid symbol character.
The caller must consider the printability of symbols.
Symbols can usually be printed, but may not always be output correctly, depending on the printer configuration.
• just (justification)
value set: SPACE, 'R', 'L', 'C'
Only relevant for fields of data type CHAR or NUMC
' ' = default justification for this data type
'R' = right-justified output
'L' = left-justified output
'C' = centered output
The justification of the column header always follows the justification of the columns. Independent justification of the column neader is not possible.
• lzero (leading zeros)
value set: SPACE, 'X'
Only relevant for fields of data type NUMC
ALV outputs NUMC fields right-justified without leading zeros by default.
'X' = output with leading zeros
Note: If a NUMC field is output left-justified or centered by FIELDCAT-JUST, leading zeros are output. If the output of leading zeros is suppressed by a Data Dictionary reference ALPHA conversion exit, the output is always left-justified.
• no_sign (no +/- sign) Only relevant for value fields
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = value output without +/ sign
• no_zero (suppress zeros) Only relevant for value fields
value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = suppress zeros
• edit_mask (field formatting)
value set: SPACE, template
template = see documentation of WRITE formatting option USING EDIT MASK template
The output conversion conv can be made by template = '== conv'.
The following text parameters should be specified for program fields without a Data Dictionary reference. The texts are taken from the Data Dictionary for fields with a Data Dictionary reference. If this is not desired, the text parameters can also be specified. The Data Dictionary texts are then ignored. If the user changes the column width interactively, the column header text with the appropriate length is always used. The interactive function 'Optimize column width' takes account of both the field contents and the column headers: if all field contents are shorter than the shortest column header, the column width depends on the column header.
The 'long field label' is also used in display variant definition, sort, etc. popups.
• seltext_l (long field label)
• seltext_m (medium field label)
• seltext_s (short field label)
• reptext_ddic (header)
analogous to the Data element maintenance 'Header'
The specified text is not necessarily output in the list, an optimum among all texts is sought.
• ddictxt (specify text)
value set: SPACE, 'L', 'M', 'S'
You can specify with values 'L', 'M', and 'S', the keyword that should always be used as column header. If the column width changes, no attempt is made in this case to find an appropriate header for the new output width.
Parameters for program fields without Data Dictionary reference
see also 'Text' parameters
• datatype (data type)
value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary data type (CHAR, NUMC,...)
Only relevant for fields without Data Dictionary reference
Program field data type
• ddic_outputlen (external output length)
value set: 0 (initial), n
Only relevant for fields without Data Dictionary reference whose output is nevertheless to be modified by a conversion exit.
see also the documentation of the parameter FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK
see also the documentation of the parameter FIELDCAT-INTLEN
n = external format field output length
The column width FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN need not be the same as the external format output length (FIELDCAT-DDIC_OUTPUTLEN).
• intlen (internal output length)
value set: 0 (initial), n
Only relevant for fields without Data Dictionary reference whose output is nevertheless to be modified by a conversion exit.
see also the documentation of the parameter FIELDCAT-EDIT_MASK
see also the documentation of the parameter FIELDCAT-DDIC_OUTPUTLEN
n = internal format field output length
• rollname (data element)
value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary data element name
F1 help can be provided for a program field without a Data Dictionary reference, or F1 help which differs from the Data Dictionary help can be provided for a field with a Data Dictionary reference, using this parameter.
When F1 help is called for this field, the documentation of the specified data element is displayed.
If the FIELDCAT-ROLLNAME is initial for fields with a Data Dictionary reference, the documentation of the data element of the referred Data Dictionary field is output.
• sp_group (field group key)
value set: SPACE, CHAR(1)
Field group key.
Keys are assigned to group names in the IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS parameter (see also the documentation of the parameter IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS).
When such an assignment is made in the field catalog and in IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS, the fields are grouped correspondingly in the display variant popup.
• reprep (Report/Report interface selection criterion)
value set: SPACE, 'X'
• The system contains the Report/Report interface (function group RSTI, table TRSTI)
• Parameter LAYOUT-REPREP = 'X'
(see also the documentation of the parameter LAYOUT-REPREP of the IMPORTING parameter IS_LAYOUT )
'X' = When the Report/Report interface is called, the value of this field is passed in the selected interface start record as a selection criterion.
2.7.2. Default
• The following entries are usually sufficient for internal table fields with a reference to a field defined in the Data Dictionary :
• fieldname
• ref_tabname
ALV gets the remaining information from the Data Dictionary.
If no relative column position (COL_POS) is specified, the fields are output in the list in the order in which they were added to the field catalog.
REF_FIELDNAME need only be specifid when the name of the internal table field differs from the name of the referred Data Dictionary field.
Information which is explicitly entered in the field catalog is not overwritten by information from the Data Dictionary.
Priority rule:
Entries in the field catalog have priority over differing entries in the Data Dictionary.
• The following entries are usually sufficient for internal table fields without a reference to the Data Dictionary (program fields):
• fieldname
• outputlen
• datatype
• seltext_s
• seltext_m
• seltext_l
F1 help can be provided for program fields by assigning a data element to the parameter ROLLNAME.
If the parameters SELTEXT_S, SELTEXT_M, SELTEXT_L, and REPTEXT_DDIC contain appropriate field labels, the program field column headers are also adjusted appropriately when the column width changes
Simple ALV report
1. Please give me general info on ALV. - this one discusses which way should you use - ABAP Objects calls or simple function modules.
2. How do I program double click in ALV?
3. How do I add subtotals (I have problem to add them)...
4. How to add list heading like top-of-page in ABAP lists?
5. How to print page number / total number of pages X/XX in ALV? (no direct solution)
6. ALV printing problems. The favourite is: The first page shows the number of records selected but I don't need this.
7. How can I set the cell color in ALV?
8. How do I print a logo/graphics in ALV?
9. How do I create and use input-enabled fields in ALV?
10. How can I use ALV for reports that are going to be run in background?
11. How can I display an icon in ALV? (Common requirement is traffic light icon).
12. How can I display a checkbox in ALV?
13. Top-of-page in ALV
14. ALV Group Heading
How to add list heading like top-of-page in ABAP lists?
Go thru these programs they may help u to try on some hands on
ALV Demo program
BCALV_GRID_DEMO Simple ALV Control Call Demo Program
BCALV_TREE_DEMO Demo for ALV tree control
For beginners
if u have got access to R/3 system.. check transaction ABAPDOCU..
Go for Siemens material. Check the following link:
Use function module ABAP_DOCU_DOWNLOAD..
This will download 1100 documents to your local drive .
Please check also the foll links to start learning ABAP.
U can also get help from below links
Please chk the below links
This is link from SAP about ABAP certification
There is a pdf called ABAP certification.
You can try
They provide Certification simulation questions which are very useful and a must try site.
Have a look at below link for mySAP Technology - ABAP Workbench
Have a look at below link for SAP NetWeaver - ABAP Workbench
this is link from SAP about ABAP certification
ABAP Materials
In this link You can find Step by Step Scren Shot document :,com_docman/task,doc_details/gid,27/
Reprots - this one discusses which way should you use - ABAP Objects calls or simple function modules.
ABAP objects
Please check this online document (starting page 1291).
Also check this links as well.
scripts easy material
Check these step-by-step links
for Smartforms material
How to trace smartform
check most imp link
step by step good ex link is....
Checkout !!,289142,sid21_gci948835,00.html
List of all BAPIs
ALV programs.
. How do I program double click in ALV?
How can I use ALV for reports that are going to be run in background?
Top-of-page in ALV
ALV Group Heading
RFC Destination
Table Control

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    I try Live Chat; holy sh!t, these people are useless! Are they paid to just tell you want to hear?
    First guy tells me 'no increase' in any of my prices';
    second guy says line rental going up, Infinity going up, but caller features package will not go up as they were included free in the package I signed up for with the Mod here
    third, it's a girl; she says everything will go up, and if I choose to leave I need to pay a full year's charges for cancelling.
    Plainly, they are not all correct.
    All I want to know is, what is going up? When? Do I have to sign up/pre-register for this free year's Caller Display thing? Won't that mean my contracts for BB/Calls, and Line Rental will have different end dates?
    I have read the big long thread about the rises, so do not require a repeat of the answers given there as most of them contradict each other anyway, just like Live Chat.
    It would be helpful to get a reply from a Mod (preferably the one who signed me up to this new contract in the first place) and not from any of the BT 'groupies'.
    Incidentally, I've not had any letter or e-mail informing me of the price rises at all.
    I'm a Private person; I respect those who respect my Privacy.

    DavidM wrote:
    Hi Old_Bear,
    Thanks for posting. Not sure what you mean by BT 'groupies' but you can check if you're directly affected by the pricing change by entering your details here.
    Hi David
    Old_Bear wrote: 
    I use the price increase checker linked to on the other thread here; it tells me the Infinity/Calls Package will go up, but there is no mention of any changes to my Calling Features prices.
    Been there, done that!
    Also spoke to Live Chat - pretty useless!
    My questions were:
    What else will go up?
    Will I start being charged for caller display, etc. when they are clearly included free as part of the package I agreed to sign up for with your colleague?
    Do I have to sign up/pre-register to get it for free when BT do start charging?
    Will this mean my Line Rental and BB/Calls contracts will have different end dates?
    I only want a straight answer to my questions; Customer Service have so far given me 5 different answers.
    I'm a Private person; I respect those who respect my Privacy.

  • What is the default for the "Display PDF in Browser" setting?

    What is the default for the "Display PDF in Browser" setting in Adobe Reader 9 and X?
    Also, are any statistics available on what proportion of users have this setting set to on?

    For all three the default is "checked".
    Be well...

  • A document page opens that is too big for the display and runs off the end of the monitor

    How do you fix a problem where document pages open that are too big for the display and runs off the end of the monitor? The borders are off the monitor so there is no window edge to grab and adjust.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, or by a peripheral device. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Set "optimize for screen display" at runtime?

    is it possible to set the option "optimize for screen display" at runtime when using the CR2008/.NET 2.0 runtime?
    Best regards,

    Ok, I'm a bit smarter now. If I open the new pdf with reader 7 the graphics are in normal size at 100%. If I open the same pdf in Acrobat 9 pro everything is a bit to big with the "original size" setting, so the graphics are blured, because they get streched. It is a problem of displaying, the pdf seems to be ok, cause it looks good printed and good in Reader 7. But how can I know how the result will look at the users screen and why is the same file different in two reader versions?
    and there is still the problem with the pattern / diffusion / noise whatever is the best word for it.

  • How can we change the  color of the image for product display for different

    Hi All,
    How can we change the  color of the image for product display for different colors, to be displayed on site.

    Hi priya,
    The requirement that you have stated is not a standard feature in ISA CRM. In order to do the same, you will need to modify the standard ISA code in Java. A common path for the solution would be as follows:
    1. Colours
        a. Maintain a text type for Color under the object - PCAT_ITM in Customizing.
        b. Modify the standard search of ISA to search within your new text type as well. (In standard it only searches in Description.
       c. Maintain all shirts colour data in the new type created in step a.
       d. Your requirement will be done!
    2. Price
      a. Use list prices for your shop and assign the appropriate condition type, acces in your catalog.
      b. Modify the standard search of ISA to search on the list prices as well.
      c. This too will be done!
    3. Accessories - This is very tricky, and will require some exploration. However, here's my opinion,
    a. Search for the standard function module, which will return the accessories when provided the product as an input.
    b. Modify this function module according to your requirement and ensure that it can be accessed remotely.
    c. Modify the JSP as in steps 1b and 2b above to call this new remote-enabled function module.
    d. Now you're done!!
    The ISA modification part is not so simple, you need a really good guy like "Sateesh Chandra" who'll be able to handle your requirements. This is all I could manage, hope it is some help to you!
    Thanks & Regards,

  • For output display report is final_internal table or structure in wd ABAP?

    Hi all,
    for output display report is final_internal table or structure in wd ABAP?
    in wd java output display report -.> CALLING rfc and that RFC OUTPUT table
    finally in internal table is assigned to STRUCTURE .Same procdure?

    Dear Madhu,
    thanks for guidence!
    its showing popup tht this BADI ( ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS ) is only use for "SAP Internal  use".

  • Extender for Mini Display Port. Need help.

    I am running a setup with a 30m optical extender for DVI. I have just upgraded to the 8-core Mac Pro with 27" display which uses mini-display port. But that will give me maximum 1920x1200 resolution that is way too low for the 27" and I have to buy a converter from mini-display port to DVI.
    Is there any available extender cables for mini display port (30 meter)?

    that will give me maximum 1920x1200 resolution
    To go higher than 1920 wide, you need Dual Link.

  • Icon for multiple displays?

    I downloaded Mavericks yesterday and am looking for the icon that allows for multiple displays.  According to the overview it should be on my menu bar but nothing has shown up.  Is there a setting I need to change?  Or, is there another way I can connect my laptop to my TV through my Apple TV using wi-fi?  Thanks!

    Try System Preferences, Displays, check the box to show Mirroring in menu bar.
    Is your Mac capable?
    AirPlay Mirroring
    Requires a second-generation Apple TV or later. Supported by the following Mac models:
    iMac (Mid 2011 or newer)
    Mac mini (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Early 2011 or newer)
    Mac Pro (late 2013)

  • Can Powerbook connect to Sony LCD flat panel properly for simul. display?

    I want to buy the Sony KDL-52XBR2 LCD flat panel and connect my Powerbook G4 using an HDMI or HD-15 Pin cable for simultaneous display.
    While the TV specs say it will allow a PC to connect and display, I have had trouble in the past with Mac/tv connectivity because of video driver issues in either the Powerbook or the tv. I could not get both screens to display simultaneously (without parts being cut off at the bottom or sides). Apple would not support my question as the "connected device" (the tv) was not an apple product.
    Before I spend the money on a new TV, I would like to know if anyone has had success with "plug-and-play" connectivity to a 42" or 50" plasma or LCD flat panel, in particular a Sony product.
    Thanks in advance for sharing.

    YOu should probalby post your question in the appropriate PowerBook "Displays" discussions:

  • What are the allowable dimensions of screenshots for ibooks?

    What are the allowable dimensions of screenshots for ibookes?  I know the requirement is very specific.
    And what is the best tool to do so?  I tried to use the native screenshot tool but it is hard to make the size precise.

    Minimum size is 600 pixels in the shorter dimension. Maximum size is 2048 pixels in the longer dimension. That's what you get when you take a screenshot on a new iPad. (There is no point in having something larger than this.) Screenshots taken with an older iPad are 1024x768.
    For my book, I just took screenshots on an iPad 2 (1024x768) and used those. They were accepted without complaint.

  • Apple Care - Coverage for broken display? iPhone 4S

    next week I get my new (first) iPhone from Vodafone (Germany). An iPhone 4S, and as all know, the display is very critical. My old phone, fell very often down, but it was an HTC desire and so nothing happen. But I think, with a iPhone 4S I have not so much luck.
    That the reason, why I think about Apple Care. Is there a Coverage for broken displays?
    Or do I need Apple Care+? If I need Apple Care+, is this available for germany? Because I don't see it at the german page. I think I can buy it, but accept the apple care+ me from germany?
    And second question. Do I need the Apple Care for the first year of my iPhone? Because it's free for the first year if I understand it right, and then can buy it for the second year? Or do I understand it wrong? If this it right, again: are broken display covered for the first free/included year?
    Thanks for your help

    Broken displays are only covered if they were a factory defect at the time of purchase. Otherwise, they result from user negligence which is not covered under the warranty.
    AppleCare Extended warranty is an addition to the one year default warranty. You can purchase AppleCare Extended Warranty any time before the one year factory warranty expires which is one year from date of purchase.

  • Time stream from resource WC not valid for total display period (PP/DS)

    Hi Apo Experts,
    As I enter the product view in the PERIOD TAB, this error message pops up "Time stream from resource WC not valid for total display period".
    Diagnosis was "The time stream for resource WSMT200_9000_001 is not valid for the general display period. This can cause the display of the time buckets profile for this resource in the product planning table to be inaccurate."
    Please, can someone help me understood what was this error mean and the cause? And maybe an idea on how to correct this.
    Greatly appreciate your answer!
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Raymond,
    the capacity of a resource in the live cache is generated in the past and in the future according to the settings Planning Parameters (/SAPAPO/RES01) on tab general data. Here the days- and days+ are important.
    e.g. the resource has got the following parameters: days- 30 and days+ 180.
    Today we have the 1th of January 2008.
    After starting the product plan table you can choose the planning horizon from/to.
    If the time fence is more than 180 days in the future you will get your message above because planning parameters do not "allow" more than 180 days in the future.
    Instead of this the message do not appear if you choose a smaller value.
    For more information please see SAP Note 449452.
    Hope this helps.

  • Time stream from resource  not valid for total display period

    Dear Friends,
    In APO after PPDS Run, and executing  Product View, in period tab of product view I am getting an error with following meassge.
    Time stream from resource WP5_0110_001 not valid for total display period
    Message no. /SAPAPO/RRP_PT055
    The time stream for resource WP5_0110_001 is not valid for the general display period. This can cause the display of the time buckets profile for this resource in the product planning table to be inaccurate.
    Can anybody come across such type of error, if yes please let me know the possible solutions to overcome this problem.
    Thanks and Regards

    Kinldy refer to  SAP Note No. 449452 for the exmplanation and solution to the issue.
    Rgs - Vikas

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