Resize rollback tablespace

I have a rollback tablespace contain 7 rollback segments, I want to resize(decrease) the tablespace without reduce the datafile size, any suggest method? Its it possible cretae another rollback tablespace then take origin rollback tablespace offline?

Sum of datafile sizes defines the tablespace size. So to reduce tablespace size datafile size have to be reduced.

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    Well U should add space in datafiles if datafiles are of smaller size and very soon they need to autoextend.
    Storage parameters must be decided before making tablespace.
    for ur second query i will suggest u to have different datafile on different disks

  • Resize rollback

    happy new yaer.
    I have a question :
    How to resize rollback ?
    Many thanks before.

    Thank you.
    Can I just have the sql instruction to shrink the rollback and teh one to resize the datafile belong to rollback tablespace.
    Many thanks again.

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    a) Consider using RMAN for backup
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    This is the steps to migration from rollback tablespace to undo tablespace (from 8i to 9i migration by manual upgrade) :
    SQL>alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile;
    SQL>create UNDO tablespace UNDOTBS  datafile ‘d:\database\mydb\system\undotbs01.dbf’ size 500M;
    SQL>alter system set undo_tablespace= UNDOTBS  scope=spfile;
    SQL>shutdown immediate
    SQL>select SEGMENT_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME,STATUS from dba_rollback_segs; --Verirify creation and usage UNDO tablespace
    SQL>drop tablespace rbs including contents and datafiles;
    SQL>create pfile=’d:\database\mydb\system\pfile\init.ora’ from spfile;No need to drop old rollback segment.

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    To resize a tablespace the supporting datafiles must be resized or a datafile must be added to the tablespace.
    I.     This can be done with the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE command.
    ADD     DATAFILE '/DISK6/app_data_04.dbf'
                   SIZE 200M
                   NEXT 10M
                   MAXSIZE 500M;
    This will add a datafile to the app_data tablespace and it will turn on the autoextend feature so that the datafile will be increased by 10MB when necessary but will not exceed 500MB.
    II.     Datafiles supporting tablespaces can also be resized as follows.
              DATAFILE '/DISK5/app_data_02.dbf'
              RESIZE 200M;
    This will resize the datafile DISK5/app_data_02.dbf to a new size of 200MB.

  • Resizing the tablespace

    Hi all,
    I have ran out of space in the asm so couldn't add the datafiles to a tablesapce so I tried to resize the tablespace which has got unused space so that I can use the gained space to add datafile when I tried to do that I am getting the following error. What can I do
    select FILE_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME,sum(MAXBYTES)/1024/1024/1024,sum(USER_BYTES)/1024/1024/1024,sum(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME='DATA11' group by TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_NAME;
    FILE_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME SUM(MAXBYTES)/1024/1024/1024 SUM(USER_BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.290.639902725      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     2.01165771                2.01171875
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.291.639902049      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     1.91497803                1.91503906
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.296.639896325      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     4.73626709                4.73632813
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.298.639895327      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     1.99212646                 1.9921875
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.300.639894203      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     2.07611084                2.07617188
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.305.639892373      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     1.93255615                1.93261719
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.319.639873689      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     2.04779053                2.04785156
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.339.639863013      DATA11                                 31.9999847                     5.23431396                  5.234375
    Actually the alloted size for +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.290.639902725 file is 31 g but used is very less as you can see, but when I tried to make it to 20 g by using the following command i am getting the error.
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.291.639902049' RESIZE 20g;
    ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '+DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.291.639902049' RESIZE 20g
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01237: cannot extend datafile 233
    ORA-01110: data file 233: '+DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.291.639902049'
    ORA-17505: ksfdrsz:1 Failed to resize file to size 2621440 blocks
    ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted
    What is the problem, Please help.

    Hemant K Chitale wrote:
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.291.639902049 DATA11 31.9999847 1.91497803 1.91503906The datafile is only 1.9GB currently. Why not try resizing it to 2GB
    Similarly :
    +DATA_1/affperf/datafile/data11.290.639902725 DATA11 31.9999847 2.01165771 2.01171875this datafile is only 2.012GB in size.
    What other files do you have in the DiskGroup ? What is the total size of the files ? How large is the DiskGroup ?
    Hemant K Chitaleactually i am trying to shrink data11 tablespace
    TABLESPACE_NAME SUM(MAXBYTES)/1024/1024/1024 SUM(USER_BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024
    DATA11 255.999878 21.9458008 21.9462891
    This is the status of the tablespace, See out of 255gb alloted for it only 22gb is used. So I thought of shrinking it and use the gained space through shrink to add datafile to another tablespace. on trying this i got the mentioned error. also now i checked the asm space it shows that 99gb is free. Is re balancing problem causing this ORA-15041.

  • Rollback tablespace to UNDO tablespace

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    Thank you

    If you are using rollback segment and want to switch to automatic undo. following are the steps.
    1. Create UNDO tablespace. (if does not exists)
    4. Shutdown and start the database.
    Cheers, you are now using automatic undo management.
    Dilipkumar Patel.

  • Resizing temporary tablespace in oracle 8i

    I some questions on oracle 8i.
    1. how do I know on oracle 8i if the tablespace X is the temporary tablespace?
    2. I have someone that increase the size of the temporary tablespace, so I have to decrease it to its normal size, my question is when I do the following command.
    alter database tempfile '/u02/oradata/TESTDB/temp01.dbf' resize 250M;
    alter database tempfile '/u02/oradata/TESTDB/temp01.dbf' resize 250M
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value
    Does someone show me how to solve this issue?

    you can use the below sqls
    sql>SELECT tablespace_name, extent_size, total_extents, used_extents,
    free_extents, max_used_size FROM v$sort_segment;
    From the output of the v$sort_segment query:
    extent_size      : size of one extent, in number of Oracle blocks
    total_extents     : total number of extents in the segment (free or in use)
    used_extents      : total number of extents currently in use
    free_extents      : total number of extents currently marked as free
    max_used_size: maximum number of extents ever needed by an operation (like a sort):
    sql> SELECT s.username, u.tablespace, u.contents, u.extents, u.blocks FROM v$session s,
    v$sort_usage u WHERE s.saddr=u.session_addr;
    SQL> select s.username, s.sid, u.tablespace, u.contents, u.segtype,
    round(u.blocks*8192/1024/1024,2) MB
    from v$session s, v$sort_usage u
    where s.saddr = u.session_addr
    and u.contents = 'TEMPORARY'
    order by MB DESC ;
    ### search MetaLink on: resize tempfile
    Note 273276.1 How to Shrink the datafile of Temporary Tablespace
    Note 274283.1 How to resize Tempfiles if receive an ORA-03297 error Gen RDBMS.
    RD-9014 :
    Note 132663.1 ORA-03296 Resizing Temporary Locally Managed Tablespace
    Note 180578.1 Cannot Resize Tempfiles in Bitmapped Temporary Tablespaces
    Note 161103.1 Space For a Tempfile Not Allocated In The Filesystem

  • Unable to shrink/resize undo tablespace

    Hi Experts,
    I have Oracle database running on RHEL 4.7 in production environment, my undo tablespace has grown upto 32 GB, database is rebooted, still the tablespace is full.
    I want to shrink, resize the undo tablespace, please help me
    Few details are as below
    show parameter undo_retention
    undo_retention integer     10
    Please help

    This post is repeatedly executed by mistake, thread with same name is posted 2 minutes before this
    Edited by: user1687821 on Jul 9, 2010 9:29 AM

  • Doubts in the rollback tablespace

    Dear Gurus,
    I created a database using dbca to do it...
    The creation was fine, but when I looked at the rollback segments at OEM I saw that the tablespace of the rollback is the system tablespace....
    Now I have a doubt, the tablespace of the rollback segment wasn´t to be the UNDOTBS1?

    rollback segments show the active undo segments used in ur database (database vide), as system segment is created as the database created for system table space undo activities, further the oracle by default create and drop undo segments automatically and will not show in rollback segments , u can view the active created segments in v$rollstat view which are system generated. you can create your custom undo segments but for that u have to set parameters in initial parameter file and have to tell oracle to manage undo segments manually.

  • Resizing System Tablespace

    Dear All,
    My system datafile size has reached around 3.29 GB. I have separated the datafiles and now My query indicates that i am only using 9 percent of the total system tablespace. I need to reduce the size of this file to 400M. i issued the command "ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '............' RESIZE 400M". i recieve an error saying "file contains used data beyoung requested resize size".
    Any comments are highly appreciateable.
    Thanks and Best Regards.
    Shahzada Khurram Khan

    First, no matter which tablespace is the target you cannot shrink the allocated file space to less than the last allocated object.
    So map the tablespace: list objects by file, block to see how much room exists, if any, at the end of each allocated file. Then attempt to shrink each file down.
    This will take the space away before some other object gets allocated to it.
    Next verify that all objects in the system tablespace are only those objects placed there by Oracle when the database is created. Move non-SYS/SYSTEM owned objects to a different tablespace. Repeat above.
    The odds are you will still not get back that much of the allocated space. In which case your choices are to either live with it, or to bebuild the database from scratch so that you re-create the system tablespace.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • My rollback tablespace is almost full. what can I do ?.

    My rollback tabelspace is near to full. If I select unlimited tablespace option, will this solve my problem ? OR I need to add an additional rollback tabelspace.
    Is anybody describe what is the difference in between Unlimited option in tablespace or by adding new tablespace.

    Are you getting any errors? If you just want to increase the space in the tablespace, you can add a datafile, but i am not sure that is what you are looking for.
    If you are on 9i, check out the undo features.
    btw, what is oracle version that you are using?

  • Create Rollback Tablespace

    i am using oracle8i in solaris
    now i want to create a RBS tablespace and make it availablein oracle8i,
    in oracle9i i know to create as
    create undo tablespace undo1 datafile 'filename' size 20m;
    and we should use "alter system set undo_tablespace=undo1" to make it available.
    but in oracle8i i dont know how to create and make it available.
    do we need to create as follows or any other option is there to create
    create rbs tablespace rbs01 datafile 'filename' size 20m; likewise ........
    and how to make it available
    with regards

    reate rbs tablespace rbs01 datafile 'filename' size 20m; likewise ........and how to make it available
    yes,after creating this tablespace ,u will have to create new rollback segment like
    STORAGE ( initial 1m next 1m OPTIMAL 4096K );
    *storage parameter need to be set according to ur requirement.
    make them online by
    also put these rollback name to init.ora file.

  • To resize temporary tablespace

    The temporary tablespace extends endlessly and its size reaches 3.8 GB now. Every time the database startup, it takes a long time to initialize the temporary tablespace before completing startup process.
    I want to resize it. What should I do next?
    Should I add a limit to its size?
    May experts here share your experience?

    To all,
    thank you for your opinions!
    From the following SQL and its result, it can be noted that most space of the temporary segment is free.
    from dba_free_space s, dba_data_files f
    where s.FILE_ID = f.FILE_ID
    DRSYS     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\DR01.DBF     YES     87941120
    INDX     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\INDX01.DBF     YES     45735936
    RBS     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\RBS01.DBF     YES     503308288
    SYSTEM     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\SYSTEM01.DBF     YES     12632064
    TEMP     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\TEMP01.DBF     YES     3964395520
    TOOLS     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\TOOLS01.DBF     YES     12574720
    USERS     C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\HRDB01\USERS01.DBF     YES     113238016
    Then what should I do next? Drop the existing one and recreate a new temporary tablespace with a max size limit?

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