Resizing Photos for Poster-sized Prints

On pages 168 through 170 of  his CS3 book Scott Kelby recommends the following procedure for making extra large prints.
Image > Image Size: Type in the new, larger document size dimensions.
Then type in a larger resolution. Kelby recommends 360 pixels/inch.
Lastly and most importantly, for the sampling method, he says to choose Bicubic Sharper (best for reduction) instead of Bicubic Smoother (best for enlargement).
By doing this Scott Kelby disregards the Photoshop recommendation, Bicubic Smoother and uses Bicubic Sharper instead.
I am planning to make some large prints and am unsure as to whether to follow the Kelby recommendation or not. I would appreciate any advice or recommendations on this?

Pixels != (not equal) print quality. There are endless discussions on ppi vs. dpi vs. lpi on the Illustrator forums and if you read them, you will see that there is no point at all in using more pixels just because the physical size of a document once its printed gets larger. There may be specific reasons as to why Mr. Kelby recommends it in his book, but it certainly isn't necessary many times. Now "large" is a very vague definition, so if you can be more specific on what you plan on doing, it would be easier to gicve you better advise and avoid sending you off on producing unecessary Gigabyte size files...

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    Talk to the people who are going to print it and get a minimum ppi. Then do the math at actual size to see if you have enough pixels. I've done banners at 25 ppi. How crisp it looks depends entirely on the viewing distance - think angle of total field of view.
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    Kay Wilhelm

    Hi Kay,
    As an example, let's say we're trying to prepare this 1000x664 pixel, 1MB image for online posting. 
    If the website you're posting to is giving you a maximum dimension, for example that the image has to be 600 pixels across or less, then follow these 4 steps:
    1. Go to File -> Save for Web
    2. In the Save for Web panel, look for the Image Size boxes. 
    3. Enter the desired dimension.  For example, if the website you're trying to upload to requires that images be 600 pixels across, enter 600 in the Width box.  The height should recalculate automatically. 
    4. Hit the Save button.  You will now have an image saved to the required pixel dimensions!
    If the requirement is for a maximum file size, rather than specific file dimensions, you would follow a different procedure.  If we were trying to resize the same 1000x664 pixel, 1MB image to a size of 100KB or less, we would follow these steps:
    1. Go to File -> Save for Web
    2. In the upper right hand corner of the Save for Web panel, make sure the format is set to JPEG.  Our original image was a PNG, which tends to have a larger file size.  JPEG images tend to have a smaller file size.
    3. In the Save for Web panel, look for the projected size of the file as saved with the current settings.  This is below the lower left hand corner of the image.  In this case, it is 170KB, which is higher than our desired maximum size of 100KB.  
    3.  The easiest way to control the file size at a given pixel dimension is by reducing the image quality.  The controls for image quality are in the upper right hand corner of the Save for Web panel.  The default setting for JPEG exports is 60%. 
    4.  You will need to determine how far you want to reduce the image quality in your particular case.  In this example, we can reduce the quality from 60% to 40% without affecting the visible image quality too much.  Setting the quality to 40% reduces the image size to 99KB, which is below our maximum of 100KB.
    5. When you are satisfied with the quality settings, press Save to save your image. 
    Hope this helps!

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    Select your image thumbnail in the library and from the top menu choose:
    Photo >> Create Virtual Copy
    With the virtual copy selected (highlighted) click Develop
    Click on the crop overlay or press R on the keyboard
    Click on the dropdown menu to the left of the padlock and choose Enter Custom
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    Go back to the Library and click the export button, bottom left.
    Click the choose button to select a folder on your hard drive where you want the jpeg saved
    Scroll down to File settings and choose:
    Quality Slider 49 (this will keep compression  low for fast loading on your facebook page)
    Scroll down to  Image Sizing and check Resize to Fit
    Choose: Width & Height and enter
    W 851 H 315 and choose pixels from the dropdown menu
    Enter 72 for resolution and choose pixels per inch from the dropdown
    Scroll down to Output Sharpening and check the box Sharpen For
    Chose Screen from the dropdown and Standard
    Scroll down to Post Processing and choose Do nothing – next to After Export
    Click the Export Button
    When the export has finished (see progress bar top left) go to your folder to find your cover pic.

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    I need to edit photos for print and then create a second version for the web.
    You can resize photos as you export from iPhoto - use a custom size and set what you need and upload the exported photos
    This is how you do that - you can not "resize" within iPhoto - you resize (and make another copy) when you export.
    As to your saving photos form PS into the iPhoto library and wondering why it does not work - it is becaus you must NEVER make any changes of any sor tto the structure or content of the iPhoto library using any program other than iPhoto - saving a photo into the iPhoto libray is not supported and will not work - you set PS as the external editor and when you finish editing you save and iPhoto handles the new image

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    Found on another question. Worked on iPad
    iOS 7: How to reduce screen motion
    You can reduce screen motion in iOS 7. iOS 7 uses a parallax effect to create the perception of depth on your Home screen and elsewhere.
    To reduce the effect, you can turn on Reduce Motion in Settings > General > Accessibility. When you turn on Reduce Motion, Home screen transitions will fade instead of zoom.
    When the parallax effect is on, you may notice the following:
    Wallpaper, icons, and alerts shift slightly as you move your phone.
    When you set a wallpaper in Settings > Wallpapers & Brightness, the photo or image will be slightly zoomed and can't be scaled to fit the screen.
    If you zoom in, you will need to rescale your wallpaper to fit to the screen. You can't rescale certain photo formats, including landscape or square images.
    To learn more about iOS 7, refer to the user manual.
    Last Modified: Nov 6, 2013

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    You could try making a blank canvas of the correct dimensions, then copy your photo onto it. Now you can crop, resize, reposition, add text, graphics, or color blocks to fill the blank space etc.
    This method would give you more control over what is seen in the final slide show.

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    With a web site, do not post high resolution images as the primary view of your products, that makes your site slower to load on lesser broadband connections, and more expensive to view on wireless connections.
    For a web site, use lower-resolution and smaller images for the primary view, and use a web content management system that allows for (for instance) clicking on a photo to view a higher-resolution image, and/or a content management system that allows the user to access a higher-resolution gallery of images.
    Default display of and mailing of larger and higher-resolution images chews up potentially very expensive data for folks on wireless connections, and usually won't be popular with mass-mailings.   Lower-resolution and smaller and even thumbnails with web links to higher-resolution images — which can incidentally also include tracker URLs, even in HTML-based mail — will consume less of the mobile recipient's cash, and will load and view much faster, or will load.  (On iOS, large messages will give the user the option to download the rest of a larger message, which means that most of your mail often won't even get viewed.) 
    Slow loads and large images can result in web connections get abandoned and mailing list clients drop off lists, too.  Thumbnails and text and simple HTML are better.
    As for "a good size", run some of your own tests on lower-performing network links, and see how well your content management system and your mail works in these situations — you're probably not aiming for customers on dial-up though I still deal with folks that only have that available — but you're definitely not going to want to assume ginormous network bandwidth with your marketing.  One megabit per second (1 Mbps) "broadband" links — and slower — are still very common, after all.  Also test your HTML with a few different clients, as there are various differences in how (or how well) HTML is rendered in various mail programs — some HTML mail looks like junk in some common clients.
    All of this stuff is fairly typical fodder for web and email marketing discussions, and not at all specific to OS X.

  • Resizing photos for a website?

    I a building a website and when I resize -- even to make a photo or logo smaller -- everything gets wavy and low-quality.  Help!

    I like to keep the footprint of my web images as small as possible.  Especially for mobile users who must pay for bandwidth.  Nothing chops a mobile data plan to hell faster than a web site that uses excessively large images.  I only use 100% quality for printed output.  On the web I compromise at 20-50% quality to keep the file size down & improve page load speed.
    Go to File > Save for web.  Use the 4-up panel and compare image quality with file size.  See screenshot.
    For Photos, use JPEG.
    For Gradients or graphics requiring alpha-transparency, use PNG-24.
    I rarely use GIFs anymore.
    Nancy O.

  • Auto resize photo for mail

    Symbian Anna allows me to choose the size of pics I want to send via MMS.
    Unfortunately, when I chose mail, I get the full picture attached to it.
    Is there a way or an app that could do it automatically ? (I know I can edit and resize but it takes too much time).
    If not, it would be very good to think about it in future development. 
    Thank you in advance for any useful answer

    If you don't check the option to allow users to download files, then only 800x600 sized photos are uploaded to .Mac. If you are allowing downloads, the photos are limited to roughly 6MP (I can't narrow down the exact size) when uploaded. If neither option works for you, you might have to export them. I don't know what size iWeb uses.
    If your photos are 8-10MB each I'm assuming they're RAW format. RAW always gets converted to JPG so even before being shrunk to within 6MP, they'll be 1-3MB JPG's. Hope this helps.

  • Resize photo for web

    My photo in iPhoto are more than 2000x2000 pixels, 8-10 MB each. Whehter iPhoto Gallary or iWeb auto resize them? No point for me to have large files on web. And I need thousands online.

    If you don't check the option to allow users to download files, then only 800x600 sized photos are uploaded to .Mac. If you are allowing downloads, the photos are limited to roughly 6MP (I can't narrow down the exact size) when uploaded. If neither option works for you, you might have to export them. I don't know what size iWeb uses.
    If your photos are 8-10MB each I'm assuming they're RAW format. RAW always gets converted to JPG so even before being shrunk to within 6MP, they'll be 1-3MB JPG's. Hope this helps.

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    I am trying to resize a photo from 3264 x 2448 to 600 x 149 and I just can't seem to do it.
    I'd appreciate a how to...need it for masthead.

    You can do it with the crop tool which is more visual.
    After choosing the crop tool, select unrestricted or custom and type your  dimensions 600 x 149 into the width and height boxes. Type 72 into the resolution box.
    Drag your crop tool over the entire image then click in the middle to reposition it to get the best composition bearing in mind the original aspect ratio will be different.
    Click the green checkmark when you are happy and re-save.

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    so at present Constrain proportions is ticked and I am unable to change it.
    W,H and R are locked
    Am unable to choose from list  beginning:
    Bicubic (best for smooth gradients)   How do I unlock all these to enable me to change specific items.
    thanks for any advice.

    That is very strange as I had tried turning that on before and nothing had happened.
    Now it has. Maybe when I closed my machine down it somehow triggered it back if there was a glitch.
    thank you Barbara, you have made me happy again.
    I am not sure I need to strip the exif if I am putting them up in my Picasa album but I will try one to see what , if any effect it has on the picture in the gallery.
    You have helped me in the past under a different name BUt I couldn't seem to find my login details so I started again. :-)

  • Adobe photoshop elements 13 to resize photos for email

    Can I use elements 13 to resize email photos so they are not to large to send

    Editor>Expert tab>File menu>Save for web.
    In the dialog that comes up, make the long side about 800 px. The short side will fill in automatically
    Check "Constrain Proportions"
    Select JPEG for file format.
    Make the destination folder different from the source folder so as not to overwrite the originals.

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