Resolution of 720p HD Movies on Itunes

Hi, are all HD Movies on Itunes 1280x720 or are they lower then that? Thanks

are all HD Movies on Itunes 1280x720
If they are lower, they are not HD.

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    I am a bit confused, and I hope someone here can clear up my confusion
    I was about to purchase the new TinTin movie in HD from iTunes, but I have become a bit uncertain about the actual resolution of the HD movies, and from which device I should purchase the movie to get best quality.
    Here is why:
    When I look at iTunes store from my Mac the movie is presented as 720p with a filesize of 3.50GB, and when I look at iTunes store from my new iPad it is shown as 1080p, but the filesize is "only" 3.43GB.
    This does not make sense to me. Why should the movie in iTunes on the Mac only be 720p vs 1080p on the iPad. And why does the 1080p version on the iPad have a smaller footprint than the 720p version on the Mac?
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    When I look at iTunes store from my Mac the movie is presented as 720p with a filesize of 3.50GB, and when I look at iTunes store from my new iPad it is shown as 1080p, but the filesize is "only" 3.43GB.
    Interesting. I'm no expert on the topic, but this is what I think might be going on. From the How to purchase, download, or view HD 1080p1 content section of the following document:
    iTunes: Purchasing and viewing HD videos
    ... I'm seeing:
    iTunes 10.6 by default is set to purchase, download, and playback HD content in 720p. You must change your local preference setting if you prefer to download, purchase, and playback HD content in 1080p1.
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    Apparently the display is required to be HDCP compatible to view HD movies in iTunes. My display isn't so this is my problem. I contacted Apple support and they have agreed to credit me for the HD movie and I have now downloaded the SD version.

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    Click the Chapters button in the control bar on the movie.

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    In the requirements it says:
    • To play 720p HD video, an iTunes LP, or iTunes Extras, a 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor and 1GB of RAM is required.

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    Fingers crossed...

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    The Apple TV doesn't support .mkv.
    Video formats
    H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    Audio formats supported
    HE-AAC (V1), AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV; Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound pass-through
    Photo formats

  • Cant access purchased movies from itunes store

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    It may not be the "file type," but the resolution, if the downloaded movies are "HD."  The tech specs for the 4th gen iPod touch
    states the video playback capabilities for the 4th gen iPod touch, where is says TV and Video.  It sounds like 720p (1280x720) is sometimes supported, but not always, and I believe some iTunes Store content is now 1080p.  If you do a Get Info in iTunes on the movies, you should get details about resolution and file type.
    However, in any case, for the small size of an iPod touch screen, if the movies you downloaded are "HD" (720p or higher), you should probably download the SD (standard def) version for use with your iPod touch.  The SD version also takes up less than half the storage space of the HD version, and probably uses less battery power when played (because the iPod's processor does not need to work as hard). 
    I believe you are entitled to download the SD version at no additional cost, if you paid for the HD version.  You should be able to do it from the Purchased screen in the iTunes Store.

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    Can someone confirm that the original iPad is unable to play HD video?  I imagine it is the 1080p that's the problem.  Can anyone confirm that 720p would work?  Is there no longer a means to get both HD and SD when purchasing a movie from the iTunes store?  If there is, how?
    Thanks for your help.

    You can get the SD or 720p version by:
    Open iTunes 11
    Click iTunes in menu bar > select Preferences...
    Click on the Store tab
    Change When downloading High Definition videos, prefer dropdown to 720p > click OK
    Click on the iTunes Store button
    Click Purchased link
    Click Movies tab
    You should now see a download icon for the movies you already have 1080p version of.
    Click on this download icon to download the 720p version.
    This will put a 720p version in the same folder on your hard drive as the 1080p version.  If you have iTunes setup to play 1080p when available, it will play the 1080p version.  When you connect your iPad 1, it will sync the 720p version.
    Don't forget to change your preference back to 1080p so you can continue to get the higher quality version.

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    Thanks in advance,

    I think two versions is probably the only way. At least the MP4 versions will be small so shouldn't use up much of your hard drive space.
    By the way, with the MP4 versions that go on your iPod, try hooking your iPod up to your TV set and setting the TV Out option to ON and with the proper AV cable, you should still be able to see them on the big screen. Try it out and see how it looks.
    Since you have a camcorder, you might already have an AV cable you can use. See here...
    Getting the Video out of Your New iPod--for Cheap!

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    It's all in the manual... starting on page 26...
    USB seems to work as well. Tried that?
    By the way, this dang thing has "only" 768 physical pixels vertically, so "1080p" won't be visible anyway, and scaling will take place. Hope you won't be diappointed. All specs including resolutions here.

  • I rented an HD movie in iTunes by mistake. Can I switch the rental to SD version before starting to watch it? Trying to make room on iPad.

    I rented an HD movie in iTunes by mistake. Can I switch the rental to SD version before starting to watch it? Trying to make room on iPad for more rentals to take with me on trip.

    You can get the SD or 720p version by:
    Open iTunes 11
    Click iTunes in menu bar > select Preferences...
    Click on the Store tab
    Change When downloading High Definition videos, prefer dropdown to 720p > click OK
    Click on the iTunes Store button
    Click Purchased link
    Click Movies tab
    You should now see a download icon for the movies you already have 1080p version of.
    Click on this download icon to download the 720p version.
    This will put a 720p version in the same folder on your hard drive as the 1080p version.  If you have iTunes setup to play 1080p when available, it will play the 1080p version.  When you connect your iPad 1, it will sync the 720p version.
    Don't forget to change your preference back to 1080p so you can continue to get the higher quality version.

  • I can not watch a rented movie with iTunes

    I found the movie in the store (The Emperor (1080p HD)) and rented it thhrough my mini's (a 2.3 Ghz i5 w/ 16Gb Ram running Mac OS 10.8.4) iTunes app (version 11.0.5). I waited for the movie to download completely. I selected the "Rented" tab from my "Movies" Library and clicked on the movie icon (it had a strange appearance which was a generic light grey box with a fim frame in the middle). iTunes responded with: "This movie requires Quicktime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes.). I admit I was dumbfounded for a moment since I associate Quicktime with Apple media more closely than iTunes. I went to the file via Finder, and looked at the extension: m4v and tried to open it with Quicktime. Quicktime responded: "This application cannot be used to play "Emperor (1080p HD).m4v" In order to play this content, please open it with iTunes."
    OK, I mumbled, I've seen nonsense like this before and it could be permissions based. My iTunes Library is on an external network drive because of its size. I'll copy the file to the local volume and see what happens. A few minutes later, the copy was complete. I added the file to my Library in iTunes, and this time the movie's icon image was correct. I launched to film. It opened and audio can be heard, but the video is absent. In its place is a field of alternating grey and white squares. I can watch any other video file at 1080p. The mini is connected via HDMI to a Yamaha AV receiver which outputs video to an Epson 5010 projector. Screenshots of the iTunes window appear the same when opened in Preview. I've changed the screen resolution from 1080p to 720 and 1080i and get the same result.
    This evening's experiment is over since the rental ends in 24 hours now that I've -listened- to the audio.
    Can anyone tell me why I had this experience and (outside of not renting another movie from iTunes) how I might successfully view an movie in the future?

    Hi Mikey1220,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If you have not been able to play the rented movie, I'd recommend starting with the troubleshooting steps in this article:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Troubleshoot issues on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you haven't been able to connect to the iTunes Store:
    Make sure your date, time, and time zone are correct in Settings > General> Date & Time.
    Note: Time Zone may list another city in your time zone.
    Make sure that your iOS software is up to date by tapping Settings >General > Software Update (iOS 5 or later) or connecting your iOS device to iTunes and clicking Check for Update on your device's Summary page.
    Check and verify that you're in range of a Wi-Fi router or base station. If you're on a device with cellular service, make sure that cellular data is turned on from Settings > General > Cellular.
    Note: If connected to cellular data, larger items may not download. You may need to connect to Wi-Fi to download apps, videos, and podcasts.
    Make sure that you have an active Internet connection. You can check theuser guide for your device for help with connecting to the Internet.
    Make sure that other devices (portable computers, for example) are able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and access the Internet.
    Try resetting (turning off and then on again) your Wi-Fi router.
    If the issue persists, try troubleshooting your Wi-Fi networks and connections.
    Next, try to download the movie again using the steps in this article:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If your rental expired before you could view the movie, or if the behavior persists, you may want to report an issue with your purchase:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    Best Regards,

  • Why can't I buy HD movies on iTunes for Windows?

    Was hoping someone could help me with an issue I'm having trying to purchase HD movies on iTunes using a Windows 7 system.
    When trying to purchase the movie in HD, I get the following message:
    The thing is, I was able to buy 3 HD movies previously, but over the last few months, it hasn't been working. When I close the above window, it takes me to the system requirements, which I think I have.
    Windows System Requirements for HD content:
    32 or 64-bit version of Windows 7; Windows XP and Vista do not support HDCP
    iTunes 10 or later
    2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor
    At least 1 GB of RAM
    A video driver that supports HDCP (you may need to check with the manufacturer to determine if your video driver supports HDCP)
    A display that supports HDCP with a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher with a digital connection (DVI, DisplayPort, or HDMI)
    Here are my system details:
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Dell Inspiron 537S
    Pentinum (R) Dual-Core CPU ES300 @ 2.60GHz 2.60 GHz
    4.00 GB RAM memory
    64-bit Operating System
    iTunes 10.4
    The only ones I'm not sure about are the last 2 bullets. I called Dell and I was told I didn't need a new monitor, but just a video card. I didn't trust the representative's answer too mcuh.
    Does anyone know what I'm missing to be able to purchase HD movies?
    If it helps, the movie I was trying to purchase was Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Thank you!

    Do you have?
    A video driver that supports HDCP (you may need to check with the manufacturer to determine if your video driver supports HDCP)
    A display that supports HDCP with a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher with a digital connection (DVI, DisplayPort, or HDMI)

  • HT1390 I've attempted to rent a movie through iTunes 11.0.5

    I found the movie in the store (The Emperor (1080p HD)) and rented it thhrough my mini's (a 2.3 Ghz i5 w/ 16Gb Ram running Mac OS 10.8.4) iTunes app (version 11.0.5). I waited for the movie to download completely. I selected the "Rented" tab from my "Movies" Library and clicked on the movie icon (it had a strange appearance which was a generic light grey box with a fim frame in the middle). iTunes responded with: "This movie requires Quicktime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes.). I admit I was dumbfounded for a moment since I associate Quicktime with Apple media more closely than iTunes. I went to the file via Finder, and looked at the extension: m4v and tried to open it with Quicktime. Quicktime responded: "This application cannot be used to play "Emperor (1080p HD).m4v" In order to play this content, please open it with iTunes."
    OK, I mumbled, I've seen nonsense like this before and it could be permissions based. My iTunes Library is on an external network drive because of its size. I'll copy the file to the local volume and see what happens. A few minutes later, the copy was complete. I added the file to my Library in iTunes, and this time the movie's icon image was correct. I launched to film. It opened and audio can be heard, but the video is absent. In its place is a field of alternating grey and white squares. I can watch any other video file at 1080p. The mini is connected via HDMI to a Yamaha AV receiver which outputs video to an Epson 5010 projector. Screenshots of the iTunes window appear the same when opened in Preview. I've changed the screen resolution from 1080p to 720 and 1080i and get the same result.
    This evening's experiment is over since the rental ends in 24 hours now that I've -listened- to the audio.
    Can anyone tell me why I had this experience and (outside of not renting another movie from iTunes) how I might successfully view an movie in the future?

    You are looking at the amount of storage that you have available on the actual iPad (Settings > General > About > Available) and not the amount that you have in the cloud (Settings > iCloud) ?

  • Unable to purchase HD movies on iTunes to watch on my Macbook Pro with Retina Display?

    I tried to purchase HD movies on itunes but was presented with an error message saying 'This cannot be played in HD on this computer. If you buy the HD version, you will have to transfer it to an HD-compatible device in order to watch it. Or, you can buy the SD version and watch it on this computer.' but this was obviously not right because i'm using a Macbook Pro with Retina Display 15" and it's resolution of 2880x1800 far exceeds the minimum screen resolution required for HD playback. Performance was not the cause either as this is an 2.6ghz quad core computer with 16GB of RAM. Any help on this matter? Thanks in advance.

    I talked to Apple Support and we at least stopped the bleeding, a little bit. These are the troubleshooting steps I did before I contacted Apple Support:
    1. Reinstalled OSX
    2. Restore the last known good Time Machine Backup.
    This did not fix my issue, so I called Apple Support and they told me this:
    1. Turn Power off.
    2. Wait 15 seconds.
    3. Plug in Magsafe adapter.
    4. Wait 15 seconds.
    5. Hold down the Shift+Option+Power Button for 20-30 seconds.
    6. Turn Power back on.
    Ok, this stopped the bleeding a little, but as soon as I plugged in a Apple USB Superdrive
    and a Apple Mini Displayport to VGA Adapter. This "USB Devices Disabled" pop-up pops up like every 30 minutes now. At least, it is not constantly popping up after I close it, so I guess it will do for the temporary. Going to contact Apple support, later, though to see what else can be done.

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