Restart Loop after Hotsync

PLEASE HELP!!!  I had to replace my 700p (Sprint) with another 700p and when I went to sync the new phone, after the sync was finished, the phone went into a restart loop.  It is like a soft reset.  The only way I can get it to stop is to do a hard reset.  I've done the hard reset and resync a number of times, but the phone still goes back into a loop.  Any ideas on what is going on?  Could it be a bad "new" phone?
Post relates to: Treo 600 (Sprint)
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There's a backup folder that contains previous device information. You have to locate it(most likely in the location I gave you below/above.) Right click the folder and the left click rename, change the name to old files,
Then hotsync your freshly hard reset device. Sync to the same username where you found the backup folder. 
Post relates to: None
Message Edited by legendeld on 12-04-2008 04:00 PM

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    Message was edited by: Sakahara
    Message was edited by: Sakahara

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    I have noticed the same on my Satellite P500 but I must say its not an issue, its absolutely normal. The notebook will restart several times (10 times or more) to finish the installation.
    You must know that a lot of drivers/tools will be installed and certain restart must be done to configure everything properly.
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    - How do I install versamail without it causing the loop?
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    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Looping resets are caused (Most of the time) by corruptioncoming over from the PC. The way to prevent this is to rename the backupfolder. (C:/Program Files/Palm/Hotsync username/Backup)
    Then try to reinstall VersaMail. 
    Post relates to: None
    Post relates to: None

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    Sorry if thats a lot of information, I've been trouble shooting this for a few days. But thanks for any help you can offer!
    A strange note:
    -when booting from the mavericks usb, I got stuck in the restart loop a couple of times. I managed to get past this by clicking the mousepad a few times right after the gears finished spinning. The mouse became visible, the apple screen shifted color a bit (went from a bluish gray tint to an orangish gray tint), the mouse became visible, and I got to the reinstall menu as normal. As far as I can tell the clicking may have been coincidental, but it was the only time I was able to boot the usb, and I wasn't going to risk restarting to test that, and then not be able to boot again.

    Hey, thank you for your reply! I didn't have everything backed up, but I have a lot of my important stuff saved, though, so that's somewhat of a relief..
    As far as my hard drive is concerned, would I have to send it in somewhere to get it fixed or would I just have to get a brand new one? If so, how much? Sorry if I seem a bit amateur, but this computer is my first personal computer, and I'm really lost without it!

  • Z68a-gd65 boot loop after bios update using USB

    Hi there,
    My  z68a-gd65 (G3) went into a boot loop after I did a bios update from a USB key that I installed using the latest BIOS version on the MSI site
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    Is there a way to set the board to factory defaults again???

    Hi there,
    Maybe for others to solve the same problem, I found out what was the cause of this problem, I had a USB/Firewire card installed in the PC, after removing it the BIOS update could proceed from the USB stick as planned.
    After the update though, my USB/firewire card can still not be installed back into the slot, because doing so will make the boot loop appear again, very odd!
    Does anyone know why this new BIOS will not work with the card that has been inside my PC for 2 years???

  • Airport Extreme & Express in unending restart loop

    After downloading and installing hardware/software updates (unsure which it was) for Airport Extreme and Express, the Airport Utility has for 24 hours been in an endless restart loop. I can't force quit the Airport Utility. There seem to be mention of a lot of similar problems and suggested solutions, but none make sense or have worked for others. Help anyone?

    same here. using one Extreme as Access Point and second device to "extend" the 2.4 GHz network
    "Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:12:19 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:12:21 Gewichtung: 5 Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins lease <86400> domain <speedport.ip>
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:12:34 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:12:52 Gewichtung: 5 Disconnected from network.
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Joined BSS 10:9a:dd:82:5e:fd
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Installed unicast CCMP key for authenticator 10:9a:dd:82:5e:fd
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Jan 05 16:13:05 Gewichtung: 5 Rotated CCMP group key.
    Jan 05 16:13:07 Gewichtung: 5 Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins lease <86400> domain <speedport.ip>
    Jan 05 16:13:15 Gewichtung: 5 Disconnected from network.

  • Ipad mini ios7.0.4 restart loop. how to fix it?

    i have just jailbroken my ipad mini ios7.0.4 with evasion, and then after i install some font (khmer), it stuck with restart loop. i have tried to get into safe mode. but it doesn't work. and i'm trying to restore it. i got stuck with error 3194 or 3004. what should i do now?

    No. iOS 7 is not compatible with a PPC Mac.

  • E2 won't start after hotsync

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    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    Hello and thank you for using the Palm Help Forums!
    Try a hard reset. A hard reset will erase all data on the device and restore settings to default. For further information and instructions on hard resets please visit and look up article number 42094 in the Solution I.D. search field.
    After a hard reset is complete and the device is restored, try hotsyncing the device again. If it begins looping after a hotsync again, you may be transferring something onto the device that is either corrupted or incompatible.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • Random iPhone crashes and reboot loop after iOS 7 upgrade

    Hi all
    Since I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 7, I suffer from random crashes/resets, where my iPhone reboots and enters a reboot loop (Apple logo, black screen, reboot, Apple logo, black screen, reboot, etc) that I can only exit by restoring the device (resetting doesn't help).
    Some more information
    a) The device: iPhone 4, 32 GB, has never been jailbroken, and has never shown any similar issues before.
    b) The crashes/reboots: I haven't been able yet to find a pattern when and why they happen. I had reboots when searching for an app, when pluging in the wall charger, when entering the access code, and even when doing nothing at all (iPhone in my pocket). The only constant is the reboot loop after the crash.
    c) What I tried so far: I restored the device several times, using normal restore (with the iTunes logo) and DFU mode (black screen). After that, I recovered from a recent backup (takes some hours), and everything is ok again - for some hours, until the next crash and reboot loop. I also set up the device as a new phone, and there it seems stable, so I exclude a hardware issue. I tried quite a few of the advices that I found when googling for reboot loops: reset all settings (this led to an another immediate crash and reboot loop), disable app background refresh, etc.
    I've been using this device for my daily business. With the current instability (and the couple of hours it takes to bring it back to life again), it became more or less useless. I wish I could downgrade again (I know that I can't). My assumption is that either iOS 7, or some incompatible app or some corrupt setting is causing this situation. But I don't know how to proceed to isolate and eliminate the issue. I really would like to avoid setting up everything from scratch again.
    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    First of all, sorry for my half-finished post above. While typing, I was interrupted, and by reflex I hit CMD-S. Unfortunately, the stupid interface of Apple's support website interpreted that as a submit command. I tried to complete my text with the update function, but when finally hitting the submit button, I got an error message, and all my updated text was gone... No way to bring it back, and also no way to delete the half-baked posting. Quite frustrating.
    Now, to complete what I started above:
    In my case, the problem definitely had something to do with the springboard process (an iOS system 'app' that manages the iOS homescreens) and the watchdog process (another iOS system 'app' that monitors certain things on your phone and that can initiate a restart when it thinks the phone is frozen). In the folder '/Users/<your account>/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<your phone>' I could see what caused my crashes; they were all 'stack+SpringBoard' and the reason in these crash log files was 'Watchdog timeout'.
    The following two forum posts helped me:
    I'm quite sure that my issues had to do with the 'application map' that is mentioned in the above posts. So far, Ive been thinking that it was just too large (as in the case of Andi1996 [second link above]), but jmbladen's observation seems not to support this. So, the absolute number might not the source of the problem, but I still assume that something went wrong with my application map during the upgrade from iOS6 to iOS7. I remember having stability problems before, as soon as all my 10 home screens were full of apps and newly downloaded apps would generate additional pages (only visible via iTunes). Considering that there are some fundamental changes to how we can organize apps within folders in iOS 7, it can well be that the springboard process just wasn't able to cope with my application map correctly within the 120 seconds before the watchdog process restarts the phone. My massive cleanup action must have fixed this somehow.
    @jmbladen: I'm only using iCloud for the 'find my phone' functionality, so all the backup & recovery was done via iTunes from my local harddisk. And there was no temporal pattern for my crashes before. You might suffer from the same symptoms, but probably not because of the same cause.
    My advice for anyone affected by random crashes and a reboot loop is to check out the directory with the CrashReporter logs mentioned above to find out what app or process causes the crash. If it's the springboard and watchdog problem, then you should try to clean up your home screens (from iTunes). Maybe the absolute number of apps is not that important, but make sure that you reduce the number of screens. And then sync and backup before you start using the phone again. In my case it helped.
    Hope this helps someone else too.
    P.S. Once you know the right keywords to search for, you find forum postings back to 2008 / iOS 2 describing exactly the same problem. This reboot loop is a very nasty issue, and it is hard to understand that Apple still hasn't been able to address this, or at least provide some better help on how to get out of it again.

  • Ios 7 restart loop

    My phone went into a restart loop while charging and woke me up in middle of the night.  I thought something was wrong with my phone until I found out nect day that severall people at work also had similar experienece one or twice after upgrading to ios7.  Apple should look into fixing this bug.

    This problem occurs on 6 of the 10 iPhones in my department (at a ~300 person org).
    Our IT Director mentioned that this is a known issue with Microsoft Exchange, but many NYC Apple Store employees haven't heard of it, and some of my colleagues have replaced their phones (only to have the looping issue recur).
    IT also suggested that deleting and re-adding your Exchange Calendar should fix the issue, but we have had decidedly mixed results.

Maybe you are looking for