Restore default icons

I recently changed icons for some applications such as iTunes. How do I restore the default icon on that application. (is there a folder with default icons?)

Don't know if this will work but, have you tried doing a Get Info then clicking on small icon & hitting delete (presuming original icon still in Resources folder)?

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    Hi user114700,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    OS X Mavericks: Change the icon of a file or folder
    Restore the original icon for an item
    Select the file or folder, then choose File > Get Info.
    At the top of the Info window, select the custom icon, then choose Edit > Cut.
    - Judy

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    In Finder "Go" menu, hold the option key and choose Library. Then go to Preferences and trash these files:
    Then, restart.(You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)

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    I found the answer to this with help from the people at MacBB. I used a free app called LiteIcon which did the job very neatly for me. I also tried using OnyX and Cocktail but neither of them worked.

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    Where do the default Aqua icons reside, anyway? And is there any way to get back to them short of installing a clean system folder? Hope this makes sense...
    Thanks in advance,
    PowerBook G4 17   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1.5 GB RAM

    Well, I've thought of doing an "Archive and Install," which would give me a fresh "System" folder but leave my current accounts, Internet settings and email intact, and presumably, get all my default icons back. But then you have to laboriously transfer over a lot of Application Support files for your installed, 3rd-party apps, which can take hours. At this point, I have only a handful of messed up icons, and I'm thinking that I may be better off living with it until Leopard comes along and I can make a fresh start that way. What's so frustrating is that replacing that CoreTypes.bundle got nearly all my Aqua defaults back - but why are those few that won't revert so stubborn??
    I should add that I'm glad I didn't buy CandyBar. It seems to mess with your System folder in a way that Unsanity's "Shapeshifter" does not.
    Take care,

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    I'm not sure, but I have the feeling your Mac wouldn't like that very much. Reaching deep down into the system and plucking part of it out while it's running is a recipe for disaster. Also, while there are many icons there, not all are in CoreTypes.bundle. Some like Finder, Dock, HelpViewer are in CoreServices folder.
    I would say to try the the 10.4.6 Stand Alone Combo Updater.
    Since this is a fuller install, as opposed to an incremental "delta" update so it should overwrite any files that are damaged or missing. It does not matter if you have applied it before. But since these icons were changed with the apps you used, I doubt that an update would change them back.
    I would live with the icons you have until we can find a good solution. If you really can't bear it you could "archive & install" and then reapply the 10.4.6 Combo Update.
    What about the "Previous System" folder you have from the old archive & install? Were you able to get to the old CoreServices and dig out any icons there?
    [email protected]

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    Hi, welcome to the WD Community.
    See if the following link helps.
    How to restore the WD icon in My Computer in Windows

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    nemesio wrote:
    i know but i dont want to use candy bar, were do i go to do it manually?
    why not? use LiteIcon then. it's free and is MUCH safer than mucking with system files by hand. if you insist you can do it as follows. go to /system/library/coreservices. control-click on coretypes.bundle and select "show package contents". go to contents-> resources. change the file GenericFolderIcon.icns with your own .icns file. back up the original bundle first.

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    Error 1602: Try the following steps to resolve this error:
    Ensure proper USB isolation troubleshooting has been performed, and test with a known-good cable.
    Follow the steps listed for Error 1604.
    This error may be resolved by disabling, deactivating, or uninstalling third-party security, antivirus, and firewall software. See steps in this article for details on troubleshooting security software.
    Above from:

  • E72 : "Item no longer available; Restoring default...

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    Has anyone seen this message on E72 ?
    I have had my E72 for abt a month. After much struggle and trial/errors I had got most of the stuff working (email etc.).
    HOWEVER, I made the big mistake of accepting the firmware v 023.xx upgrade. It never completed the update successfully (the USB connection kept getting lost).
    But the worst part is I am now getting these random messages when I am simply scrolling thru' the menu items.
    "Item no longer available. Restoring default key setting".
    Has anyone seen this message on E72 ? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    When I check the firmware it still shows 021.024 dated 17-Oct-2009.

    Did you upgrade using OVI or NSU?  I did upgrade mine to 023.002 with NSU 2.4.1.  If you use Vista or 7 as OS, make sure you have Administrator right while installing OVI, PC Suite, or NSU.
    During the installation, the phone disconnected.  I remove the USB connection and the battery as well, then plug the USB and battery in then click Retry.  It worked after 2 times remove and plug-in.
    I never seen the message you have before.  I think it is because the firmware upgrade didn't finish successfully.  And for USB keep disconnected, try use other USB port and make sure it is direct connection from PC to E72 without using any USB hub.

  • TS3579 I found this useful because I did not know about the effect of typing in data and that you could only drag to rearrange the data.  I had typed in data before and this had caused problems but restoring defaults did not cause correct dates to show up

    I found this  (TS3579: If the wrong date or time is displayed in some apps on your Mac Learn about If the wrong date or time is displayed in some apps on your Mac) useful because I did not know about the effect of typing in data and that you could only drag to rearrange the data.  I had typed in data before and this had caused problems but restoring defaults did not cause correct dates to show up in Finder. 

    It sounds like there are a couple things going on here.  First check if you have a successful install of SQL Server, then we'll figure out the connection issues.
    Can you launch SQL Server Configuration Manager and check for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) if default instance or SQL Server (other name) if you've configured your instance as a named instance.  Once you find this, make sure the service is started. 
    If not started, try to start it and see if it throws an error.  If you get an error, post the error message your hitting.  If the service starts, you can then launch SSMS and try to connect.  If you have a default instance, you can use the machine
    name in the connection dialog.  Ex:  "COWBOYS" where Cowboys is the machine name.  However, if you named the SQL Server instance during install, you'll need to connect using the machine\instance format.  Ex:  COWBOYS\Romo (where Romo
    is the instance name you set during install).
    You can also look at the summary.txt file in the SQL Server setup error logs to see what happened on the most recent install.  Past install history is archived in the log folder if you need to dig those up to help troubleshoot, but the most
    recent one may help get to the bottom of it if there is an issue with setup detecting a prior instance that needs to be repaired.
    Sam Lester (MSFT)
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Please remember to click
    "Mark as Answer" and
    "Vote as Helpful" on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How to restore default OS X Lion theme?

    Recently, I downloaded an app named "Cloak" which changes the color of your Finder, but it didn't work so I uninstalled it. After I did that, it changed the buttons around. For example on Safari, when I press the red exit button it goes full screen instead. Other things happen too (Look at the photo) How do I restore default OS X Lion theme so that it goes to normal? It's really ******* me off, help me pleaseee?

    An example of the 3rd party programs that people insist on installing and wonder why their systems go haywire.
    I would suggest going to the developers site and seeing if they have a downloadable uninstaller.
    If you install these eye candy programs, they become entwined with your core system and the result is often as we see above, or often worse, like data loss through disc or system failure.
    Good Luck

  • Changing the default icon of a af:inputDate component

    I want to change the icon of an af:inputDate component.
    I discovered two solutions, but they are imcomplete solution.
    Solution 1:
    background-image: url("../images/icone_calendario_menor.gif");
    background-image: url("../images/icone_calendario_menor.gif");
    background-image: url("../images/icone_calendario_menor.gif");
    Problem: When I press the icon whith the mouse button and wait still appear a default icon while mouse button is pressioned.
    Solution 2:
    content: url("../images/icone_calendario_menor.gif");
    width: 16 px;
    height: 16 px;
    content: url("../images/icone_calendario_menor.gif");
    width: 16 px;
    height: 16 px;
    Problem: This solution works on Internet Explorer, but in Mozilla Firefox the new icon cover partially the default image but still possible to see a piece of the defaul icon.
    Observation: My new icon is 16 x 16 pixels.
    I believe that the solution 1 is better, but i think is missing a piece of code, there is a billion of icon states, core, busy, compact, depressed, selected , etc.
    Victor Jabur
    Edited by: user4579872 on Apr 26, 2010 5:29 PM

    Check this doc
    It shows all pseudo classes available.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Pl do not post duplicates - Change the appearance of the default icons and bar in iStore

  • Change the default icon for unsatisfied node

    Is it possible to change the default icon for the unsatisfied node (unsatisfied indicator). I have checked the UI content element with the same name, but it does not have the source file setting in it, so I guess it is hard coded. I tried to change the source file with the name unsatisfied_status.gif to a different image and it works, but this will be a system wide change. I want to do this as a model specific change. Has anyone done this before? Thanks in advance.
    [My Oracle Blog|]

    Did you try changing image name in UI edit page?
    UI edit page lists few images which can be changed for each UI, like unsatisfied indicator, logic status icons etc.

Maybe you are looking for