Restrict my user

dear all
Im using adobe CCT and im as IT Admin, how to restrict my user to using subscription only at office computer?
which i know if i give adobe id to my user, he can using in second computer maybe at his home?
if im using CC packager and run silent install can i instaling adobe program without giving Adobe ID to my user?
please help me

You do not need to activate it in user's machine. While creating the package the Adobe ID & password is used, once the package is  made, it needs to be deployed.
The package that you need to create is un-named package which will not need any activation later on.
The best option for you should be go for Enterprise CC.
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    *to get the default layout variant.
      w_save = 'A'.
      if p_vari is initial.
        clear disvariant.
        disvariant-report = sy-repid.
        w_variant = disvariant.
        call function 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET'
            i_save     = w_save
            cs_variant = w_variant
            not_found  = 2.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          p_vari = w_variant-variant.
    *logic to check user authorization to change the layout setting.
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        if not sy-uname is initial.
          select single * from agr_users
                  where agr_name = c_role
                  and   uname    = sy-uname.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            w_save = 'A'.
            w_save = ' '.

    Hi Maine,
    Thanks for your reply.
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    "GEAtkins" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    You should be able to do that. You would create a new privilege level (ie 7), assign all commands to that level except (this is my guess) the command vpn-sessiondb, you would put that at a lower privilege level (ie 6). Here's a write-up that may help getting you in the right direction.

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    If the images are exactly the same size then make sure the layer with the mask
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    your document with the layer mask under Source document and under channel choose the layer mask.
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    kumar0828 wrote:
    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Can you please elaborate on how to add policies for a table for just firing a select DML statement on table.See the SQL Packages and Types manual first. It has examples. You can also search the web for examples. This is sometimes called "Virtual Private Database" or VPD.
    If you have problems, post a specific question here. Include CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to create a table as it exists before the policies go into effect, the PL/SQL code to create the policies, and additonal DML statements that will be affected by the policies. Show what the table should contain after each of those DML statements.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using. Confirm that you have Enterprise Edition.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
    The basic idea behind row-level security is that it generates a string that is automatically added to SELECT and/or DML statement WHERE clauses. For example, if user ABC is only allowed to query a table on Sunday, then you might write a function that returns the string
    USER  != 'ABC'
    OR      TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH') = 'SUN'So whenever any user says
    SELECT  *
    FROM    table_x
    ;what actually runs is:
    SELECT  *
    FROM    table_x
    WHERE   USER  != 'ABC'
    ;If you want to prevent any user from deleting rows, then the policy function can return just this string
    0 = 1Then, if somone says
    DELETE  employee
    ;what actually gets run is
    DELETE  employee
    WHERE   0 = 1
    ;No error will be raised, but no rows will be deleted.
    Once again, it would be simpler, more efficient, more robust and easier to maintain if you just created the table in a different schema, and not give DELETE privileges.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 2, 2012 10:26 AM
    I just saw the previous response, which makes some additional good points (e.g., a user can always TRUNCATE his own tables). ALso, if user ABC applies a security policy to the table, then user ABC can also remove the policy, so if you really want to prevent user ABC from deleting rows, no matter how hard the user tries, then you need to create the policies in a different schema. If you're creating things in a different schema, then you might as well create the table in a different schema.

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    We want to restrict our users from changing payment terms while adding A/R Invoice.
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    Thanking  you

    try below code in transaction notification procedure:
    if (@object_type = '13') and (@transaction_type IN ('A', 'U'))
    IF exists (select T0.DocEntry FROM OINV T0 Inner Join OCRD T1 on T0.CardCode=T1.CardCode Where T0.GroupNum  !=T1.GroupNum and T0.DocEntry =@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
                   SET @error = 30
                   SET @error_message =N'You are not authorized to change payment terms'     
    for how the transaction notification works or how to use :
    check How to use Transaction Notification

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    Kaleem A. Bhatti

    Dear Zakir,
    Thanks a lot for your favorable response. The query is solved now by defaulting rules.
    Kaleem A. Bhatti

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    can any one please help me out to restrict the users to self service page only in 11g.
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    Your user will have the Administration page if they have an Authorization Policy configured to allow the user any of the User Management or Role Management Functions. Also, if you login as a user that has those tabs, and logout while on the Administration tab, sometimes i've noticed the new user logging in with the same browser session will be in the Administration tab but with no items available.

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    Generally there is a possibility to change the batch no. If you want to restrict it means go for enhancement. Use BADI to acheive this.In  MB_MIGO_BADI you can set not to change the batch no. Hope it works. Thanking you.

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    My requirement is How to restrict the users in MIRO screen for not modifying Material Prices  of only the for specific  ROH types .
    For example :
    Valuation class             RM description
      3021                             RM - A
      3022                             RM - B
      3024                             RM - C
    when ever we procure  the above Raw materials A,B and C and
    the Quantity of each Raw material @ 10 units  and value @ 1 INR  for each unit
    RM - A procured qty 10 @1 total price is INR  10
    RM - B procured qty 10 @1 total  price is INR 10
    RM - C procured qty 10 @1 total  price is INR 10
    total price of PO is INR 30
    when we received invoice material prices are  assume it INR 1 is excess for each material.Now the invoice price for each RM has become INR 11.
    in MIRO we want restrict the user to change the price from INR 10 to 11.
    suggest the best possible ways to restrict in MIRO screen
    Thanks & Regards

                      Take help of ABABPER fo implement exit using INVOICE_UPDATE or MRMH0003 Logistics Invoice Verification: Revaluation/RAP exit. If this does not help then seek help of MM functional who will help you to find exit for the required task.

  • Restrict the user   based on document type on migo transaction-prepare GRN

    We are running ECC6.0 R/3 system.We had a requirement as follows
    In MIGO transaction , we want to restrict the user on document type i.e. we want that a particular user can  prepare GRN for document type  STO only. He cannot prepare GRN for other document type.
    We checked  SU24->maintain check indicators for transaction codes->enter migo->execute->check indicator.This returned us the authorisation objects present in Migo transaction.We checked the help of all these objects,but none of them we found suitable for above mentioned requirement.We were planning to find out the proper authorisation object to add to Profile generater.
    The following is the objects which we have checked for.
    A_B_ANLKL-->     Asset Postings: Company Code/Asset Class
    A_B_BWART-->     Asset Postings: Asset Class/Transaction Type
    B_USERSTAT-->     Status Management: Set/Delete User Status
    B_USERST_T-->     Status Management: Set/Delete User Status using Process
    C_AFKO_AWK-->     CIM: Plant for order type of order
    C_CACL_DSG-->     Interface Design
    C_DRAW_BGR-->     Authorization for authorization groups
    C_DRAW_DOK-->     Authorization for document access
    C_DRAW_TCD-->     Authorization for document activities
    C_DRAW_TCS-->     Status-Dependent Authorizations for Documents
    C_KLAH_BKP-->     Authorization for Class Maintenance
    C_STUE_BER-->     CS BOM Authorizations
    C_STUE_WRK-->     CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments)
    C_TCLA_BKA-->     Authorization for Class Types
    C_TCLS_BER-->     Authorization for Org. Areas in Classification System
    C_TCLS_MNT-->     Authorization for Characteristics of Org. Area
    F_BKPF_BUK-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Company Codes
    F_BKPF_BUP-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Posting Periods
    F_BKPF_KOA-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Account Types
    F_FICA_FOG-->     Funds Management: authorization group of fund
    F_FICA_FSG-->     Funds Management: authorization group for the funds center
    F_FICB_FKR-->     Cash Budget Management/Funds Management FM Area
    F_KNA1_APP-->     Customer: Application Authorization
    F_LFA1_APP-->     Vendor: Application Authorization
    F_SKA1_BUK-->     G/L Account: Authorization for Company Codes
    G_GLTP  -->       Spec. Purpose Ledger Database (Ledger, Record Type, 
    J_1IDEP_SL-->     Authorization object for depot sale transaction
    J_1IEXC_OT-->     Authorization object for Other Excise Invoice Create
    J_1IEX_PST-->     Autorization object for posting Other Excise invoice
    J_1IGRPT1-->     Auth. for PART1 at GR
    J_1IINEX  -->            Incoming Excise Invoice
    J_1IRG23D-->     Authorisation object for Depo Transactions
    K_CCA-->                     CO-CCA:  Gen. Authorization Object for Cost Center 
    K_CSKS     -->                CO-CCA:  Cost Center Master
    K_CSKS_SET-->     CO-CCA: Cost Center Groups
    K_PCA-->                    EC-PCA: Responsibility Area, Profit Center
    L_TCODE-->                    Transaction Codes in the Warehouse Management System
    M_ANFR_BSA-->     Document Type in RFQ
    M_ANFR_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in RFQ
    M_ANFR_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in RFQ
    M_ANFR_WRK-->     Plant in RFQ
    M_BEST_BSA-->     Document Type in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_WRK-->     Plant in Purchase Order
    M_MATE_CHG-->     Material Master: Batches/Trading Units
    M_MATE_STA-->     Material Master: Maintenance Statuses
    M_MATE_WRK-->     Material Master: Plants
    M_MRES_BWA-->     Reservations: Movement Type
    M_MRES_WWA-->     Reservations: Plant
    M_MSEG_BMB     -->Material Documents: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWA-->     Goods Movements: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWE-->     Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWF-->     Goods Receipt for Production Order: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_LGO-->     Goods Movements: Storage Location
    M_MSEG_WMB-->     Material Documents: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWA-->     Goods Movements: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWE-->     Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWF-->     Goods Receipt for Production Order: Plant
    M_RAHM_BSA-->     Document Type in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_WRK-->     Plant in Outline Agreement
    Q_TCODE     QM -->         Transaction Authorization
    S_ADMI_FCD-->     System Authorizations
    S_ALV_LAYO-->     ALV Standard Layout
    S_BDS_DS-->     BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Document Set
    S_BTCH_ADM-->     Background Processing: Background Administrator
    S_BTCH_JOB-->     Background Processing: Operations on Background Jobs
    S_CTS_ADMI-->     Administration Functions in Change and Transport System
    S_DATASET-->     Authorization for file access
    S_DEVELOP-->     ABAP Workbench
    S_DOKU_AUT-->     SE61 Documentation Maintenance Authorization
    S_GUI-->                     Authorization for GUI activities
    S_OC_DOC-->     SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents
    S_OC_ROLE-->     SAPoffice: Office User Attribute
    S_OC_SEND-->     Authorization Object for Sending
    S_PACKSTRU-->     Internal SAP Use: Package Structure
    S_PRO_AUTH-->     IMG: New authorizations for projects
    S_RFC-->                     Authorization Check for RFC Access
    S_SCD0     -->                Change documents
    S_SPO_DEV-->     Spool: Device authorizations
    S_TABU_DIS-->     Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30)
    S_TCODE     -->                Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start
    S_TRANSLAT-->     Translation environment authorization object
    S_TRANSPRT-->     Transport Organizer
    S_WFAR_OBJ-->     ArchiveLink: Authorizations for access to documents
    V_LIKP_VST-->Delivery: Authorization for Shipping Points
    V_VBAK_AAT-->Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Document Types
    V_VBAK_VKO-->Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Areas

    Have you executed a trace while a functional user executes the transaction code for the specific parameters? (i.e. document type). The trace will then show which objects are being checked; then look at the object documentation in txn Su21 to determine if there are any ways to restrict on the particular value; in some cases, if the authorization group field is being checked, additional configuration is needed in order to implement the security (Su21 will explain in detail for the particular object).

  • How to restrict the user from making any changes in Sales order- item level

    Hi to all
    How to restrict the users from making any changes in sales order at item level if the same sales order is released by senior user through status profile.
    Anish Parikh
    Edited by: anish parikh on Jan 24, 2008 5:16 AM

    Hi Anish,
    This can be achieved through the roles and authorization.
    This can be done through the basis team. they can create user profiles and roles.
    For the roles they assign some transaction codes so that they can view the only assigned tr. codes.
    Like that ur requirement can be done.
    Also u can prevent the user to change any fields in the sales order screen (VA02). for that please modify the authorisations.
    Hope i answers.
    Reward points if useful.
    Edited by: kaleeswaran bhoopathy on Jan 24, 2008 9:57 AM

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