Restrict permission to write Update  query in query generator

I would like to restrict the users from using the update command in the query generator, as SAP B1 allows professional users to update database using SQL commands like Update,Delete,Insert.
so how can i prevent the users from using the above commands except the "select" command.kindly help me.

The only thing you could do is prevent the users from using the Query Generator.  It would not be possible to just restrict Update and allow select.
It is either everything or nothing.
If the users are professional users then there should be some rules in the company.   If someone wants to Vandalise they can do it anyways.

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    () of each item within the database, and then writing the width and
    height back into the database. Everything works except when I goto
    write the values into the database - the page (when loading) continues
    to work and work and work until I restart the tomcat service. I do not
    understand why this would occur, and what is even stranger - I have
    very similar code i used for resizing images in the database into a
    thumbnail - display and original file sizes using a similar approach...
    and that works with out a problem...
    I have tried the code with out the inner update query - it works. I
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    query and that works, but when I try multiple updates the second query
    appears to stall.
    The code is as follows.:
    <%@ page language="java" import="javax.servlet.*,javax.servlet.http.*,*,java.util.*,java.sql.*,*,java.awt.*,java.awt.image.*,java.awt.Graphics.*,java.awt.geom.*,java.awt.image.renderable.*,*,com.jspsmart.upload.*,*,*"%>
    <jsp:useBean id="mySmartUpload" scope="page" class="com.jspsmart.upload.SmartUpload" />
         // Variables
         int count=0;
         int width                                             = 0;
         int height                                             = 0;
         String vFileName                                   = "";
         String vFileExt                                        = "";
         String vFileID                                        = "";
         String format                                        = "0";
         // Connect to the database
         Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=WWWBBD;User=wwwbbd;Password=bbd1412");
         //Create the statement
         Statement sqlGetPics                              = con.createStatement();
         Statement sqlUpdate                                   = con.createStatement();
         //build the query
         String qryGetPics                                   = "SELECT TOP 5 FileID, FileExt, FileName, AdjFile = CASE WHEN FullFile IS NULL THEN Display ELSE FullFile END FROM FileStore WHERE (UPPER(FileExt) = '.JPG' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.TIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.GIF' OR UPPER(FileExt) = '.BMP') AND (NOT Display IS NULL OR NOT FullFile IS NULL)";
         //execute the query
         ResultSet rsGetPics                                   = sqlGetPics.executeQuery(qryGetPics);
         // Initialization
         SmartUpload uploader                              = new SmartUpload();
         mySmartUpload.initialize(getServletConfig(), request, response);
         // Upload
         while ( {
              vFileID                                             = rsGetPics.getString("FileID");
              vFileExt                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileExt");
              vFileName                                        = rsGetPics.getString("FileName") + vFileExt;
              width                                             = 0;
              height                                             = 0;
              uploader.fieldToFile(rsGetPics, "AdjFile", "/upload/" + vFileName);
              if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPG") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPEG"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIF") || vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIFF"))
                   format                                        = "TIFF";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".GIF"))
                   format                                        = "JPEG";
              else if (vFileExt.equalsIgnoreCase(".BMP"))
                   format                                        = "BMP";
                   format                                        = "0";
              // update the width & height
              if (format != "0")
                        //Opens the image
                        RenderedImage src                    = JAI.create("fileload","d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        width                                   = src.getWidth();
                        height                                   = src.getHeight();
               imageFile               = new"d:\\servers\\tomcat\\webapps\\jsp\\upload\\" + vFileName);
                        InputStream is                         = new FileInputStream(imageFile);
                        //build the query
                        String qryUpdate                    = "UPDATE FileStore SET Width = " + width + ", Height = " + height + " WHERE FileID = " + vFileID;
                        //execute the query
                        ResultSet rsUpdate                    = sqlUpdate.executeQuery(qryUpdate);
                   catch(Exception e)
                        {out.println("An error occurs : " + e.toString());}               
         <TITLE>Repair Files</TITLE>
    <%=count%> files updated in the database.

    BTW - I also tried this with a prepared statment query... no good.

  • Update purchase register query

    Hi All,
    I want Updation in Following query, My client want item name and Quantity also in this.
    SELECT  M.DocNum AS 'AP Inv. #', M.DocDate as 'Date', M.CardName as 'Vendor Name',M.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Ref',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Base Amt.(Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ECess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'EDCS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'VAT (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CST (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CVD (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CVD (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'SERVICE (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Ser.Tax (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Cess_sertax (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CS on Ser.Tax (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess_st (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS_ST (Rs.)',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) From PCH3 Q Where Q.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) AS 'Freight (Rs.)',
    M.WTSum AS 'TDS (Rs.)',
    M.DocTotal as 'Total (Rs.)'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry
    WHERE (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]')
    Deepak Tyagi

    Dear Thanga ,
    I am posting Again my Query and modify this with item name and quantity. This query is working well at my system..
    SELECT  M.DocNum AS 'AP Inv. #', M.DocDate as 'Date', M.CardName as 'Vendor Name',M.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Ref',
    (Select Sum(Quantity) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'TotQty',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) FROM PCH1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Base Amt.(Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ED (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'ECess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'EDCS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'VAT (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CST (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CVD (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-40 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CVD (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'SERVICE (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=5 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Ser.Tax (Rs.) ',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Cess_sertax (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=6 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'CS on Ser.Tax (Rs.)',
    (SELECT distinct (TaxRate) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Hcess_st (Rate)',
    (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM PCH4 where statype=-10 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'HECS_ST (Rs.)',
    (Select Sum(LineTotal) From PCH3 Q Where Q.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) AS 'Freight (Rs.)',
    M.WTSum AS 'TDS (Rs.)',
    M.DocTotal as 'Total (Rs.)'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PCH3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry
    WHERE (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]')
    Thanks & Regards
    Deepak Tyagi

  • How to restrict number of rows returned in a query

    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..

    776317 wrote:
    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..
    Because you have only *6 rows* in you column, if you less than 10 rows then it displays only containied/exist rows. nothing much
    select ename,empno from emp where rownum < 10;Thanks

  • Need to re write as a one query

    I have a below two queries and i need re write as same query.I'm passing test session id's to second query as of now.In second query i have minimum 5 recods for 1 test session id.finally I'm converting rows as a column from second query based on roster_domain_name column(see the finally o/p).could you some on help.advance thanks.
    1st query
    SELECT DISTINCT a.test_session_id test_session_id, address,
                    TO_CHAR (birth_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS birth_date,
                    branching_profile_name, city, email, exnum, first_name,
                    home_phone, institution_id_display, last_name, middle_name,
                    site_id_display, state_name, student_id,
                    TO_CHAR (test_session_date,
                             'yyyy-MM-dd') AS test_session_date, zip
               FROM vuestudenttestsessioninfo a, test_session_detail b
              WHERE EXISTS (
                       SELECT td.test_detail_id
                         FROM test_detail td
                        WHERE domain_map_id IS NOT NULL
                          AND b.test_detail_id = td.test_detail_id
                          AND domain_map_id IN (27604,27605,27606,27607))
                AND site_id IN ('8904')
               AND TRUNC (test_session_date) BETWEEN TO_DATE ('11/24/2009',
                                                  AND TO_DATE ('12/4/2009',
                AND a.test_session_status_id IN (3, 4)
                AND a.test_session_id = b.test_session_id
           ORDER BY address1st query o/p like below
    SELECT a.test_session_id,c.roster_domain_name,to_char(a.score),a.sem FROM
          test_session_detail a,test_session b ,test_detail c
          WHERE a.test_session_id = b.test_session_id
          AND c.test_detail_id = a.test_detail_id
          AND exists (
          select td.test_detail_id
          from test_detail td
          where domain_map_id is not  null
          and c.test_detail_id =td.test_detail_id
          and domain_map_id in('303','306','305','304'))
          AND b.test_session_id in (getting session ids from 1st query)
          AND domain_group_id NOT IN (
          SELECT domain_group_id
          FROM test_session_detail a,test_session b
          WHERE a.test_session_id = b.test_session_id
          AND a.domain_group_id is not null
          AND b.test_session_status_id = 4
          AND a.test_session_status_id <> 3
          AND b.test_session_id IN (getting session ids from 1st query))
    2nd query o/p
    final o/p
    Address     Birth Date     Branching Profile     City     Email     Exnum     First Name     Home Phone     Inst ID     Last Name     Middle Initial     Site ID     State/ Province     Student ID     Test Date     Zip Code     AR - Integers and Fractions     AR - Decimal Numbers     AR - Percent     AR - Estim, Ordering, Numb. Sense     AR - Word Problems

    Hi ,
    Version **
    Business rule is:
    I have two scenarios 1) can use first query getting result
    2) can use both queries getting result.
    In second scenario i'm facing problem with regarding taking more time due to executing two queries one after one.
    because i'm getting test session id's from first query executing and displaying results from both quires .Now i have thought to merge both queries as a one query.I think it's possible with in line view quires(2nd query).Pls help
    And DDL part i'm using 1 view and reaming those scripts.
    VIEW vuestudenttestsessioninfo
    Name                                      Null?    Type                       
    STUDENT_ID                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)               
    FIRST_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)               
    MIDDLE_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(50)               
    LAST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)               
    ADDRESS                                            VARCHAR2(201)              
    CITY                                               VARCHAR2(30)               
    STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTRY                             VARCHAR2(30)               
    ZIP                                                VARCHAR2(20)               
    EMAIL                                              VARCHAR2(100)              
    HOME_PHONE                                         VARCHAR2(20)               
    CELL_PHONE                                         VARCHAR2(20)               
    BIRTH_DATE                                         DATE                       
    STUDENT_ID_PK                             NOT NULL NUMBER                     
    EXNUM                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(9,)                 
    TEST_SESSION_DATE                                  DATE                       
    COMPLETION_DATE                                    DATE                       
    TEST_SESSION_ID                           NOT NULL NUMBER(9,)                 
    INSTITUTION_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER                     
    SITE_ID                                   NOT NULL NUMBER                     
    BRANCHING_PROFILE_ID                      NOT NULL NUMBER(10,)                
    TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ID                    NOT NULL NUMBER(10,)                
    INSTITUTION_ID_DISPLAY                             VARCHAR2(10)               
    SITE_ID_DISPLAY                                    VARCHAR2(10)               
    STATE_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(30)               
    BRANCHING_PROFILE_NAME                             VARCHAR2(100)              
    SITE_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(200)              
    ADDRESS_2                                          VARCHAR2(100)              
    ADDRESS_1                                          VARCHAR2(100)
    SQL> desc test_session  
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TEST_SESSION_ID                           NOT NULL NUMBER(9)
    INSTITUTION_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER
    STUDENT_ID_PK                             NOT NULL NUMBER(9)
    BRANCHING_PROFILE_ID                      NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ID                    NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    TEST_SESSION_DATE                                  DATE
    ACCESSED_TIMES                                     NUMBER(9)
    COMPLETION_DATE                                    DATE
    DURATION                                           NUMBER(10)
    CREATED_ON                                         DATE
    MODIFIED_ON                                        DATE
    CREATED_BY                                         NUMBER
    MODIFIED_BY                                        NUMBER
    IS_RESUMED                                         CHAR(1)
    SQL> desc test_session_detail
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TEST_SESSION_DETAIL_ID                    NOT NULL NUMBER(9)
    TEST_SESSION_ID                           NOT NULL NUMBER(9)
    TEST_DETAIL_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ID                             NUMBER
    THETA                                              NUMBER
    SCORE                                              NUMBER
    PERCENTILE                                         NUMBER
    SEM                                                NUMBER
    TEST_START_DATE                                    DATE
    TEST_END_DATE                                      DATE
    TEST_DURATION                                      NUMBER
    CREATED_ON                                         DATE
    MODIFIED_ON                                        DATE
    CREATED_BY                                         NUMBER
    MODIFIED_BY                                        NUMBER
    TEST_SEED                                          VARCHAR2(15)
    TEST_ALIAS                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    COMPANION_FORM                                     CHAR(1)
    DURATION_START_DATE                                TIMESTAMP(6)
    DURATION_END_DATE                                  TIMESTAMP(6)
    DOMAIN_GROUP_ID                                    NUMBER
    TIMER_LIMIT                                        VARCHAR2(100)
    SQL> desc test_detail
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TEST_DETAIL_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    TEST_TYPE_ID                              NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    OPERATIONAL_POOL_ID                                NUMBER(10)
    FIELD_TEST_POOL_ID                                 NUMBER(10)
    INSTITUTION_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER
    TEST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(500)
    TEST_ALIAS                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    DESCRIPTION                                        VARCHAR2(100)
    OPERATIONAL_TEST_LENGTH                            NUMBER
    ACTIVE_STATUS                                      CHAR(1)
    DELETE_STATUS                                      CHAR(1)
    FIELD_TEST_ITEM                                    VARCHAR2(1)
    FIELD_TEST_LENGTH                                  NUMBER
    IS_DIR_SAMPLE                                      CHAR(1)
    DIR_SAMPLE_PATH                                    VARCHAR2(1000)
    CREATED_ON                                         DATE
    MODIFIED_ON                                        DATE
    CREATED_BY                                         NUMBER
    MODIFIED_BY                                        NUMBER
    FORM_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    DOMAIN_MAP_ID                                      NUMBER(9)
    DOMAIN_SEQUENCE                                    NUMBER(9)
    ROSTER_DOMAIN_NAME                                 VARCHAR2(100)

  • IPhoto: Unable to write to library. Check that you have permission to write to the library directory

    I have been asked to submit a new thread regarding iPhoto's recent inability to write to library.
    The original thread can be found here.
    Mac Mini (Mid 2011)
    OSX 10.10.2
    Seagate 4TB External HDD, formatted to Mac OS External (Journaled) (purchased 8 Feb 2015)
    Previously, "Ignore ownership on this volume" was not ticked. Now it has been selected.
    Before 30 March, iPhoto Library located on the Seagate external HDD worked fine with no errors. It was previous copied from Carbon Copy Cloner from one of my Samsung internal HDD in my Mac Mini that had a S.M.A.R.T. failure. There were errors with particular thumbnails and files (I assume had corrupted due to the internal HDD failing) but CCC did as directed and copied the entire iPhoto Library to the new Seagate external HDD.
    It seems that after installing the latest iPhoto update:
    iPhoto version 9.6.1 from the App Store (installed March 30, 2015), iPhoto no longer has "permission" to write to library when opened:
    (Could this be a program with the latest software update?)
    Upon accessing the Photo Library First Aid control panel (holding Option+Command keys and selecting iPhoto):
    And selecting the first option, "Repair Permission,"
    I still receive the error message (doesn't even start repairing photo library permissions):
    What else should I do? It won't let me "Rebuild Database" either. I have restarted the Mac Mini. I haven't tried disconnecting the external HDD. And I do not have another HDD big enough to transfer the entire iPhoto Library to see if it is my iPhoto Library that has corrupted, or the new Seagate external HDD that has decided not to play nice. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    OK. I've been trying to workshop this some more.
    AFTER restarting my Mac Mini, I selected "Get Info" on this Seagate external HDD, and low and behold, "everyone" sharing & permissions was reset back to "Read Only." I attempted to move a folder into this external HDD and was as to "Authenticate" the move. So entering my Administrator password, the folder can be moved.
    I went into Disk Utility to "Verify Disk" and I now get the green text "This volume appears to be OK."
    But I am UNABLE to "Ignore ownership on this volume."
    I receive the following error message:
    The operation can't be completed. "An unexpected error occurred (error code -8076)."
    I am pulling my hair out!

  • Eventually denied permission to write in home directory

    My wife is using a Mid-2007, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac (iMac7,1) with 6GB RAM and more than 1TB of free available HD space.  She is running Mountain Lion (10.8.3) and has administrator privileges.
    After she has been using the computer for a while (hours or days; it varies), the system eventually denies her writing privileges to folders in her own Home directory. 
    I'll give two common examples:
    She'll download a file in Safari (or iTunes), and everything appears to proceed normally until the download "finishes" at which point she receives an error message that says she doesn't have permission to write to the save location.  The download remains in her browser's download list, but the file itself "disappears".  Changing target directories (e.g. from Downloads to Desktop) makes no difference.
    TextEdit will automatically reopen upon log in, and display one or more SavedState "Untitled" documents with text in them (she uses it as a scratch pad). When she attempts to add text to one of these documents, e.g. "Untitled 8," an error appears that says she does not have permission to make changes to the document and is prompted to make a Duplicate, so she does so.  She can successfully enter text in "Untitled 8 (copy)" but when it comes time to save the file, another error is returned that claims she does not have permission to write to [whatever location].
    Only two things seem to correct this situation, neither of which are permanent. That is, it eventually happens again.
    1. She logs out and logs back in. Things will behave normally for a while.  This is a pain, of course, because she typically discovers the problem when she is in the middle on working on one or more things, and the login process is fairly slow (as are most things on this iMac since upgrading to Mountain Lion -- though better since restricting the activity of Sophos Antivirus).
    2. Repair the permissions in her Home directory:  Get Info, click the lock & enter her password, change the Privilege of Me from Read & Write to Read Only, then back to Read & Write, and finally click the gear so as to Apply to enclosed items.  Once this is finished, access is restored... until it happens again.  Funny thing about this particular procedure is that her permissions appear to be set normally at the outset, ie., Read & Write.
    Another odd thing about the download problem is that the system does not seem to have a problem writing to whatever temporary directory it uses during the downloading process. The error only comes once the file is complete.
    There does not seem to be any precipitating event that leads to this change in her permissions/access privileges.
    Repairing permissions using Disk Utility does not resolve the problem.
    Running other kinds of repairs (repair disk when booted in Recovery Mode, running Drive Genius 3 from a separate partition or from the optical media, TechTool Pro, etc.) do not resolve the problem.
    When I log in to this same computer using my account (also with admin privileges), I have yet to encounter this eventual-permission-denial problem.
    Any thoughts or recommendations are welcome, obviously.  This is driving us batty!

    Hmmm, sounded like a RAM problem until you mentioned your account doesn't do it.
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts (Users & Groups in later OSX versions)>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

  • Problem in select query in QUERY INFOSET

    Hi All
    I have requirement to find the sales text maintained for sales order in mass in production. By using the FM READ_TEXT i can pass the necessary values to get the sales text. We dont want to write a program and then transprot to P01. So what i did in SQ02 i create a infoset and worte code in the infoset. Here i am facing the problem that in the select query where clause what ever  on the selection screen values, for that the query need to fetch the records. But selection screen is dymically selected based on SQVI t-code.
    In select query if i write like this
           FROM STXH
           WHERE TDOBJECT     EQ C_KNMT .
    Here i have hardcoded KNMT so it will fetch only that value irrespective of any values on the selection screen. How to get the values based on the selection screen. I debugged the query it automatically generates the code for selection screen which i am not able to pass in the program.
    SAP has generated this code
    select-options SP$00004 for STXH-TDOBJECT.
    select-options SP$00005 for STXH-TDNAME.
    select-options SP$00006 for STXH-TDID.
      If i pass SP$00004 on where clause its giving me error. So how to pass it dynamically. Waiting for experts answer.

    Hi Vijay,
    In this case concatenate 'TDOBJECT' 'EQ' C_KNMT INTO V_WHERE (Say) SEPERATED BY SPACE.
    DATA : v_where(90) type c.
    clear v_where.
                               INTO V_WHERE
                               SEPERATED BY SPACE.
           FROM STXH
           WHERE (V_WHERE) .
    Try to do this and let me know in case of any.

  • "Check that you have permission to write to the library directory." I had this error pop up when trying to access a iPhoto Library from Finder.

    The error, "Check that you have permission to write to the library directory." Displayed after trying to access a iPhoto Library from finder. The file is located on the local hard drive and was accessed not 5 minutes before the error displayed. Upon searching the forums I found a similar problem and the instructions said to check a permission box in the "Get Info" tab. There was no box visible and after clicking the arrow to open the "Open With" tab, the rainbow wheel started to spin and I could no longer access Finder or the desktop. I was deleting files trying to make space on my hard drive and noticed as I was deleting files more data was being added to the iPhoto Library. My question is how can I fix this and how can I prevent this in the future, thank you very much for any help, I would really like to keep these pictures.

    I found a similar problem and the instructions said to check a permission box in the "Get Info" tab.
    This applies only when the Library is on an external drive. You cannot ignore permissions on the system drive.
    I was deleting files trying to make space on my hard drive
    What were you deleting?
    and noticed as I was deleting files more data was being added to the iPhoto Library.
    Hard to see how deleting files can add data to the iPhoto Library. Can you explain why you thought this?
    I would really like to keep these pictures.
    Make a back up now.
    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store

  • How to implement enter-query , execute-query in Apex Forms

    I am new to Oracle Application Express. I want to know what is the equivalent of ENTER-QUERY and EXECUTE-QUERY features of Oracle Forms in Oracle APEX? I saw a lot of documentation, but everywhere I found that APEX forms only have 3 database actions, (1) INSERT (2) UPDATE & (3) DELETE.
    Does anybody know how we can do QUERY in APEX Forms? (like we do in Oracle Developer Forms).
    Thanks in advance.

    Oracle APEX is a web/ stateless environment. So you do not have the same functionality/ features as in a Oracle Forms environment which is session/state oriented.
    You can however achieve functionality similar to Enter Query / Execute Query through other means.
    The easiest is to use the Forms with Report wizard. It creates 2 pages, the first one is a report and the other a Form. Clicking on the Report rows takes you to the Form page in Edit mode where as the the Create button takes you to the Form in Insert mode.
    If you want to have the enter-query / execute query on a single page it will require significant effort and skills. Try it when you have acquired some more skills in Apex.
    In APEX , like any other web application, you have to think in the web paradigm and not client-server. Even Forms 11g is essentially client-server like and is session oriented through the forms applet.

  • Wrong query is getting generated in WHERE NOT EXISTS  with group by clause

    Query is getting generated wrongly in where not exists section when i use group by function.Please prvoide me any clue to over come the problem.
         to_number(KOFAX.RECEIVED_TZ)     TZ_OFFSET,
         min(sysdate)     ADT_CRT_DT,
         min(sysdate)     ADT_UPDT_DT,
         'I' IND_UPDATE
    WHERE     (1=1)
                   and INNER.KOFAX_FILE_NM = KOFAX.KOFAX_FILE_NM
                   AND INNER.IM_CUST_ID = KOFAX.IM_CUST_ID
              and INNER.BATCH_ID=KOFAX.BATCH_ID)
    And (substr(KOFAX.RECEIVED_TZ,1,1) <> '+')
    Group By to_number(KOFAX.RECEIVED_TZ)
    ) S
         SELECT     'X'
         WHERE     T.TZ_OFFSET     = S.TZ_OFFSET AND

    Easiest fix for you would be to change the detection_strategy on the IKM from NOT_EXISTS to either :
    -- Try this out, it should work, it will give the same data through the equiverlant steps.
    -- This will load all incoming data into your I$ table, there will be more rows to crunch in the following 'Flag Rows for Update' step, it might give incorrect results potentially - you will have to test it.
    So try MINUS first, failing that, see if NONE gives you what you want in your target.
    Are you inserting only new data or updating existing data?

  • Error: X "does not have permission to write to the application's directory! Are you running off a disk image? If not, ask your system administrator for help."

    I have received to following error from at least three different applications when they have attempted to auto-update recently: X "does not have permission to write to the application's directory! Are you running off a disk image? If not, ask your system administrator for help." 
    I am not running off a disk image and I have admin privileges... Not sure what the problem is, but it just started happening (a week or two ago) and I have never previously had a problem with these applications auto-updating.  I have repaired permissions and attempted other "fixes" found on the interweb, but nothing works.  Also, this is only happening on my iMac (27" Intel i5) and not my MacBook Pro (17" Intel i5) -- both are running Lion.  Please help!

    If you updated using the default install (merge) from before Tiger, you may be seeing an issue that we saw when Leopard first came out last year.
    Not sure of the fix - it was not simple - but if you search back in these forums you might find something that will help. I believe it deals with the numbers assigned to accounts (501, etc).
    If you open your Accounts Preferences and unlock the padlock, right-click Advanced Options and read your User ID and Group ID. Let us know what they are.
    Now, in the other user admin account, do the same thing.
    One of the real experts who knows much more about this than I may be able to then help.
    And be sure to check out this article

  • Imoive : can not open new projects and kept pop up "you have permission to write projects" . plz help~!

    New mac mini OS X Lion
    I have problem with Imoive. When I try to open new projects for imovie....
    Imovie can not create new projects and message pops up "Please check there is enough space or you have permission to write new projects".
    I have no clue and Disk has more than 300GB now.
    Can anyone help me....?

    I found a similar problem and the instructions said to check a permission box in the "Get Info" tab.
    This applies only when the Library is on an external drive. You cannot ignore permissions on the system drive.
    I was deleting files trying to make space on my hard drive
    What were you deleting?
    and noticed as I was deleting files more data was being added to the iPhoto Library.
    Hard to see how deleting files can add data to the iPhoto Library. Can you explain why you thought this?
    I would really like to keep these pictures.
    Make a back up now.
    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store

  • After upgrading to the latest version of itune, I get this message when trying to open itunes: "The I'tunes Library File is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have permission to write for this file.

    After importing the latest version of itune, I now get this message:  "The I-tunes library file is locked, on a locked disk , or you do not have permission to write for this file.  How do I resolve this?

    check if you have read & write permissions for your music folder. in the finder, right-click on it and get info. unlock the little padlock (you may have to enter your admin password) and change the permission settings if necessary. next, click on the little gear-shaped icon and apply to enclosed items like so
    the important part is to apply to enclosed items !
    also, even if it seems unrelated, try the steps in this support article: iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization

  • Office 2013 and RMS restrict permission

    I want to restrict Access/modify/view access to documents for some users, and I'm able to do this with Word 2010, but not with Word 2013.
    When I try to restrict access using "restrict Editing" under file information I got the this error:
    "We were not able to find the information Rights Management Template. Please contact your administrator."
    Then I use Rights Protected Folder and things worked fine with me as shown below.
    And my question is how to use RMS with Office 2013 without the plugin?
    Note: Templates are shown in Office 2013 normally and it is updated

    Hi AmirMahouk,
    Protecting Word 2013 file with RMS templates/manuall permissions is performed in very similar way to Word 2010:
    Document cannot be empty (blank)
    Go to File > Info > Protect Document > Restrict Access > Restricted Access.
    Select "restrict permission to this document"
    Provide emails of the users you want to protect documet for in Read or in Change fields. You can choose additional options clicking "More Options" button.
    Did my post help you or make you laugh? Don't forget to click the Helpful vote :) If I answered your question please mark my post as an Answer.

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