Restrict search to the PSE forum

Can I restrict a search to the Elements forum?  The "Search Forums" searches the CS forum too.

Thanks Barbara.  As I feared!

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    Follow this tip to create a bookmark to a search page that searches only the forum you want or...
    Browse with Firefox and enable this Greasemonkey script, which forces all searches from a sub-forum to be local.

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    With the popularity of the iPhone and it's related discussion areas, we have experienced heavy usage and reduced availability of Apple Discussions today. In order to improve site performance, we have temporarily disabled the following site features:
    * Search
    * Read tracking (the "blue dots")
    * Subscription emails
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  • LR keyword search (coming from PSE Organizer 9)

    I am using LR 4.1 RC2.  This morning using LR I upgraded my PSE Organizer 9 catalog.  It has about 50k photos with keywords and star ratings.  It seems like the upgrade worked because I can now see all my photos in LR and they have the keywords and star ratings.  Hurray!  I am having some trouble  figuring out how to do keyword searches in LR though so I hope someone can help.
    In Organizer there are several ways to do keyword searchs:
    1.  Use the Keyword Tags panel and click on one or multiple keywords.  Organizer will then display only the photos that have all of the keywords, i.e., it uses AND.  This is very easy and is great for finding things very quickly when using one or more keywords.
    2.  Use Find > By Details (Metadata) which allows searching by multiple keywords and the choice of AND or OR.  You can also combine the keyword search with other metadata so that, for example, you can find all Bird photos taken in Florida using a Canon 7D + 100-400mm at ISO 400 in April 2011 that have 3 or more stars.  I use this option to search fairly often.
    3.  Use the Search bar and type in search expressions using NOT, AND, and OR.  I occasionally use this for complicated searches that #2 can't handle.  This is a pain in the butt to use since you must type everything out, but when #1 or #2 can't do it (which is rare) it is great to have this option too.
    Several months ago I read on the PSE forum a thread about using Organizer and an Adobe developer recommended upgrading to LR since it was more flexible and meant for professionals and serious amateurs.  Therefore even though I have read the LR help info and can't find how to do sophisticated searches I am sure it is possible and I just haven't found it yet.  Here is what I have found so far:
    1.  Use the Keyword List panel where I can select only one keyword.
    2.  Use the Library Filter bar where I can do a ctrl-click on multiple keywords, but this results in an OR instead of AND.  In other words, if I click on Birds and then ctrl-click on Florida I get all bird photos and all Florida photos (the union, not the intersection).  This is probably almost never what a person wants.
    I hope someone can tell me or point me to documentation so that I can at least do as much as the amateur Organizer can do.  Thank you!

    John, thanks for the reply.  Yes, I am discovering that the amateur Organizer has much better searching capability than the professional Lightroom. I have already mentioned in my post the flexibility and power and Organizer is not even as good as some other programs.  I had spent time investigating LR, but mostly raw conversion and non-destructive editing.  I had, I think naturally, assumed that LR's database functions would be at least as good as the cheap Organizer.  I never dreamt that they would not be as good or as easy to use.  I sometimes wonder what happens in corporations when they seem to forget their own past and come out with new stuff that is a step or two backwards compared to their older, lower end stuff.  Oh well.
    Thank you very much for the tip about having more than one instance of keywords in the filter bar.  That helps.
    After I posted I discovered using Smart Collections and that helps a bit too.  It is sort of a cutdown, less user friendly version of the Find By Details (Metadata) function in Organizer.  It also means that for just a one time search I would have to create a smart collection and then delete it.  What's with that, I wonder?  Of course, if you often want to do that same search then it is good (Organizer allows you to save the search too), but most of the time I just do it one time.  Oh well.
    I looked at the Any Tag plugin and also the Any Filter plugin (same website) and I might download them to try out.
    What I would like for Adobe to do is have their LR developers (probably a more prestigious development team in the company) talk to their Organizer developers (maybe a less prestigious development team) so that the LR developers can learn a bit about this.  Yes, I have been a software developer for many years so I do understand a bit about development organizations.  LR and PS are standard bearing products so their teams probably are held in higher esteem.  Time to be humble and talk to other people though, IMO.
    If any LR developers happen to read this then please know that I mean no offense.  But, please, at least, take a look at Organizer and see if you can come up with something simpler that requires less typing of multiple long keywords and more powerful searching using various types of metadata.  I am not saying Organizer is the best out there, but it is much better than LR in this case.

  • Is possible search within the disscusions threads ?

    I need to configurate the Search Iview, in order to search within the discussion forums.  That is to say, to be able to look for within discussion threads, as makes the SDN with the thrid party software that uses, I know, but doing that same one with iview standard of discussion forums?
    Actually, with my standard configuration, only look for the title of the discussions.
    I have EP 60, SP2.
    anybody would help me?
    thanks a lot.

    Hi Leandro,
    you can create an index and do some configuration changes as described in SAPNote 564677 in order to can search discussion groups. This should not only search the discussion titles but also the text within discussion threads. Btw: What Patch release do you use?
    Just another thing: please get in common with the Contributor Recognition Program. I could see that you have opened more than one thread where you mentioned that your problem was solved but you did not reward any points!
    Check this link for more information:
    Best regards,

  • Restriction while using the Search form

    Hi there,
    there is something I would like to point out when searching the forums:
    At least 30 seconds have to pass between searches. Please wait a while and try searching again.
    This happens when searching immediately rather than waiting for 30 seconds.
    Right, this is a restriction telling me, that I've got to wait another 30 seconds before I can do another search. Personally, this actually happens quite often that I stumble in to this time penalty. Especially when I'm looking for information which sometimes results into zero results.
    That is quite annoying. I accept this restriction for non registered users of this forum, but is this necessary to have this for members?
    This was once pointed out in this thread about the introduction of the new version.
    Would an admin like to change this? Any objections?
    I guess that this site doesn't have such a high output on search queries as well. ;-)

    cb474 wrote:
    karol wrote:
    Total number of registered users: 36,259
    I'm sure if everyone starts searching it *can* generate quite a load.
    Pierre wrote:The fluxbb search is quite inefficient. It could probably used to dos the server with just a few users.
    It seems like people are just speculating here.
    And for me what you speculate is contradicted by my actual experience, which is that much more heavily trafficked forums do not impose a thirty second wait period on registered users. Others above in this thread have observed the same thing. So, without actual information as opposed to pure speculation, I'm still very skeptical that the wait period is necessary.
    Considering Pierre is the maintainer, he is probably not speculating. And as you are a user on more heavily trafficked forums, I'm sure you know their server configuration like the back of your hand.
    We have one server running about 6 web applications, so we have no desire to improve searching on the forums at the expense of the rest of these apps, especially when Google/Bing/Yahoo will all serve your purpose just fine.

  • TS1398 my sons ipad 1 is not loading videos when he goes on to youtube through   his search engine (hes not on safari as he is on a parental restriction search engine) but has been able to for the last 12 months until the other day.

    My son has an ipad 1 and goes on to you tube through his search engine (which is not safari as i have put a parental restriction search engine on there for him) and up until a few days ago was working fine. now when ever he goes into youtube the video selections come up but when he presses a video to watch it doesn't load (comes up with the loading icon). However i wanted to see if this was a youtube problem so I unrestricted his youtube app and tried to get into youtube that way and it worked and the videos loaded. Does anybody know why it wouldn't work through his search engine now after working through it for so long?
    Any help would be great as i dont mind him going on youtube as long as innappropriate content is filtered (which is what his search engine did).

    I've never seen this issue, and I handle many iPads, of all versions. WiFi issues are generally local to the WiFi router - they are not all of the same quality, range, immunity to interference, etc. You have distance, building construction, and the biggie - interference.
    At home, I use Apple routers, and have no issues with any of my WiFi enabled devices, computers, mobile devices, etc - even the lowly PeeCees. I have locations where I have Juniper Networks, as well as Aruba, and a few Netgears - all of them work as they should.
    The cheaper routers, Linksys, D-Link, Seimens home units, and many other no name devices have caused issues of various kinds, and even connectivity.
    I have no idea what Starbucks uses, but I always have a good connection, and I go there nearly every morning and get some work done, as well as play.
    You could try changing channels, 2.4 to 5 Gigs, changing locations of the router. I have had to do all of these at one time or another over the many years that I have been a Network Engineer.
    Good Luck - Cheers,

  • How do I change the default "date range" when searching in the forums?

    Hi all,
    New to the SAP forums...  How do I change the default date range when searching in the forums?  I am getting a 90 day search by default.  Then I have to change it and search again.  Argh!
    --Amy Smith

    Hi Amy,
    the default date range cannot be changed by users. It is defined system-wide.

  • Search the discussions forum

    so... we used to be able to search the discussions forum. Maybe I'm just missing where that feature went to. When I use the Search at the upper right corner of the page it searches all of, but strangely enough rarely hits the forums. Please point me in the right direction.

    Read this announcement from the main discussions page:

  • Search in the forum

    Do we have a'SEARCH' option in the current upgraded version of
    discussion form.
    I can't find it the forum page

    Use the Search on the top write cornor it will ask you for the
    options to search...

  • Restricting user search to the communities the user has access to

    We want to be able to restrict our users to search within the community that user is in or to the communities that user has access to.
    A global portal search is not acceptable. Could someone help me with this. We are running portal 6.0sp1 on solaris.
    Jamal Najmi

    Hi Jamal Najmi,
    If you have KD hierarchy based on community, then you develop a small search portlet using adaptive tags that will search only those folders in the KD.
    Hope this helps.

  • Searching in the Forum

    Lately I haven't been able to search in the forums. I've tried searching on words I know are listed and I still get zero results. What's going on?

    Sorry, forgot to paste the link!

  • Searching on the Forums

    When searching, it is helpful to first understand the structure of the forums. The discussion forums are organized in a hierarchy starting with category at the highest level and then discussion boards, and then topics within each board. A category is an area in which multiple boards reside. Within a board, you will find numerous user created topics. Within a topic, you will find the original post and the subsequent replies.
    Searching from the Homepage
    When searching from the homepage using the search box located under the main navigation at the top right of the page, you are searching all categories.
    Searching from a Category Page
    Currently, our categories consist of Most Active Software Boards, Most Active Hardware Boards, Additional NI Product Boards, and Special Interest Boards -- as well as 9 various language boards. If you are on one of the category pages you will see the default search option is set to search only the boards within the category you are viewing.
    Click the dropdown menu to change in which section of the discussion forums you would like to conduct your search.
    Searching from a Board Page
    If you are on one of the board pages - such as the LabVIEW board - you will see the search option is set to search only the topics within the board you are viewing.
    Click the dropdown menu to change in which section of the discussion forums you would like to conduct your search.
    Search Filters
    Regardless of the scope of your search, once you are on the search results page, you can make use of the filtering options on the left sidebar for advanced sorting.
    The filters include changing the location of your search, filtering by author (username), date, solved or kudoed posts, type of post (only applicable when searching entire discussion forum), and topics with images or attachments.
    You can also make use of the advanced search form to search for exact phrases, topics including or excluding certain words, and viewing your results by topic or specific posts.
    Spellcheck in Search
    When you are performing a search, the search strings are spellchecked using a weighted dictionary specific to the forum context. When you are conducting a search, your original search string is used as well as a spellchecked version. Depending on the outcomes of the two searches, the search results page displays either the results for the original string or the corrected one, i.e. if one search seems to have better results than the other.
    If you receive spellchecked results and wish to instead search by your original search query, click on the text Search instead for query under the search box.
    Searching for Users
    From any search box, click the dropdown menu to change the search scope to users only. You can search by partial or whole usernames. Use the advanced search options to find results on biography or rank.
    Navigation Search
    On every page, in the main navigation, you will find a search box that allows you to search the entire site.
    Searching here will yield results from the KnowledgeBase, manuals, tutorials, and more.

    Yeah, I dont know, this whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Call me crazy but you would hope that when you buy an expensive phone it would last more than 15 months which is pretty far from forever..  Its ridiculous...  Consider me an unhappy customer.

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