Restricted Web User Documentation

A Sap Abap developper has told me that we could have Web Users
for our Abap webdynpro accesses.
These users have usage restrictions and lower license costs.
From what he told me, they are not manageable from SU01.
As I have not found any documentation on these special users,
I open this thread.
Would you know if this really exists?
If yes, could you provide me a documentation concerning these restricted users?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

Hello Benoït,
These users do exist and we do use them because we have HR Abap Web Dynpro applications which are used by all the company employees.
These users are definitively defined in SU01. The only difference is the "Contractual User Type ID".
The actual type may be "SAP application Employee" or "SAP Application ESS user" or ?
This has to be negotiatied with your SAP representative and depends from the number of users and the volume of business that your company does as a SAP customer.

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    Is there any way to restrict the same.
    Please suggest.
    Any suggesion.
    Thanks In Advance
    Edited by: user12780476 on Dec 28, 2011 12:18 AM

    Does the javascript file is really a private resource?
    Assuming it is a private resource, here are the few things you can do :
    1. Don't put it into document root at all.
    2. Put it in a location where access is denied e.g.
    <If uri =~ '/private'>
    PathCheck fn="deny-existense"
    3. Use access control list (acls) to deny access to private resources.
    4. Use <If> else around send-file SAF e.g.
    <If uri !~ "*.js">
    Service fn="send-file"
    5. Use htaccess to deny access to those resources.
    So it all depends on what you really want to achieve.

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    Thanks a lot,
    Luciane de Medeiros

    This behavior is stemming from a change in MP 7.0 MR2 to disable the MPWeb login for system profiles.  This was an internal change made by the developers to restrict the log on to the MPWeb page by the default accounts created in MeetingPlace upon installation.  The change now displays this error when the admin account is attempted to be used for MPWeb login, as you experienced-
    Error:[22953] You cannot sign in to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface using preconfigured system profiles.
    You should be able to log into MPWeb using any other user profile that you have either created manually or pulled in from LDAP/Active Directory.  You just cannot use the admin account.  This is reserved for login to the MP Application Server Administration page only.  I am going to work to get this information added to the MP 7.0 documentation with a note for changed behavior in MR2 and above.  Here is the note from MP 8.0 documentation-
    Note: You cannot use this preconfigured admin profile to access the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Server interface. Instead enter the User ID and password information from one of the other user profiles that have system administrator privileges to sign in to the Web Server.
    Please let me know if you have any further questions.
    Thank You,

  • How to restrict the user(Schema) from deleting the data from a table

    Hi All,
    I have scenario here.
    I want to know how to restrict a user(Schema) from deleting the values from a table created in the same schema.
    Below is the example.
    I have created a table employee in abc schema which has two values.
    In the above scenario the abc user can only fire select query on the EMPLOYEE table.
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    If he uses then Insufficient privileges error should be thrown.
    Can anyone please help me out on this.

    kumar0828 wrote:
    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Can you please elaborate on how to add policies for a table for just firing a select DML statement on table.See the SQL Packages and Types manual first. It has examples. You can also search the web for examples. This is sometimes called "Virtual Private Database" or VPD.
    If you have problems, post a specific question here. Include CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to create a table as it exists before the policies go into effect, the PL/SQL code to create the policies, and additonal DML statements that will be affected by the policies. Show what the table should contain after each of those DML statements.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using. Confirm that you have Enterprise Edition.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
    The basic idea behind row-level security is that it generates a string that is automatically added to SELECT and/or DML statement WHERE clauses. For example, if user ABC is only allowed to query a table on Sunday, then you might write a function that returns the string
    USER  != 'ABC'
    OR      TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH') = 'SUN'So whenever any user says
    SELECT  *
    FROM    table_x
    ;what actually runs is:
    SELECT  *
    FROM    table_x
    WHERE   USER  != 'ABC'
    ;If you want to prevent any user from deleting rows, then the policy function can return just this string
    0 = 1Then, if somone says
    DELETE  employee
    ;what actually gets run is
    DELETE  employee
    WHERE   0 = 1
    ;No error will be raised, but no rows will be deleted.
    Once again, it would be simpler, more efficient, more robust and easier to maintain if you just created the table in a different schema, and not give DELETE privileges.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 2, 2012 10:26 AM
    I just saw the previous response, which makes some additional good points (e.g., a user can always TRUNCATE his own tables). ALso, if user ABC applies a security policy to the table, then user ABC can also remove the policy, so if you really want to prevent user ABC from deleting rows, no matter how hard the user tries, then you need to create the policies in a different schema. If you're creating things in a different schema, then you might as well create the table in a different schema.

  • Restrict the user   based on document type on migo transaction-prepare GRN

    We are running ECC6.0 R/3 system.We had a requirement as follows
    In MIGO transaction , we want to restrict the user on document type i.e. we want that a particular user can  prepare GRN for document type  STO only. He cannot prepare GRN for other document type.
    We checked  SU24->maintain check indicators for transaction codes->enter migo->execute->check indicator.This returned us the authorisation objects present in Migo transaction.We checked the help of all these objects,but none of them we found suitable for above mentioned requirement.We were planning to find out the proper authorisation object to add to Profile generater.
    The following is the objects which we have checked for.
    A_B_ANLKL-->     Asset Postings: Company Code/Asset Class
    A_B_BWART-->     Asset Postings: Asset Class/Transaction Type
    B_USERSTAT-->     Status Management: Set/Delete User Status
    B_USERST_T-->     Status Management: Set/Delete User Status using Process
    C_AFKO_AWK-->     CIM: Plant for order type of order
    C_CACL_DSG-->     Interface Design
    C_DRAW_BGR-->     Authorization for authorization groups
    C_DRAW_DOK-->     Authorization for document access
    C_DRAW_TCD-->     Authorization for document activities
    C_DRAW_TCS-->     Status-Dependent Authorizations for Documents
    C_KLAH_BKP-->     Authorization for Class Maintenance
    C_STUE_BER-->     CS BOM Authorizations
    C_STUE_WRK-->     CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments)
    C_TCLA_BKA-->     Authorization for Class Types
    C_TCLS_BER-->     Authorization for Org. Areas in Classification System
    C_TCLS_MNT-->     Authorization for Characteristics of Org. Area
    F_BKPF_BUK-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Company Codes
    F_BKPF_BUP-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Posting Periods
    F_BKPF_KOA-->     Accounting Document: Authorization for Account Types
    F_FICA_FOG-->     Funds Management: authorization group of fund
    F_FICA_FSG-->     Funds Management: authorization group for the funds center
    F_FICB_FKR-->     Cash Budget Management/Funds Management FM Area
    F_KNA1_APP-->     Customer: Application Authorization
    F_LFA1_APP-->     Vendor: Application Authorization
    F_SKA1_BUK-->     G/L Account: Authorization for Company Codes
    G_GLTP  -->       Spec. Purpose Ledger Database (Ledger, Record Type, 
    J_1IDEP_SL-->     Authorization object for depot sale transaction
    J_1IEXC_OT-->     Authorization object for Other Excise Invoice Create
    J_1IEX_PST-->     Autorization object for posting Other Excise invoice
    J_1IGRPT1-->     Auth. for PART1 at GR
    J_1IINEX  -->            Incoming Excise Invoice
    J_1IRG23D-->     Authorisation object for Depo Transactions
    K_CCA-->                     CO-CCA:  Gen. Authorization Object for Cost Center 
    K_CSKS     -->                CO-CCA:  Cost Center Master
    K_CSKS_SET-->     CO-CCA: Cost Center Groups
    K_PCA-->                    EC-PCA: Responsibility Area, Profit Center
    L_TCODE-->                    Transaction Codes in the Warehouse Management System
    M_ANFR_BSA-->     Document Type in RFQ
    M_ANFR_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in RFQ
    M_ANFR_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in RFQ
    M_ANFR_WRK-->     Plant in RFQ
    M_BEST_BSA-->     Document Type in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in Purchase Order
    M_BEST_WRK-->     Plant in Purchase Order
    M_MATE_CHG-->     Material Master: Batches/Trading Units
    M_MATE_STA-->     Material Master: Maintenance Statuses
    M_MATE_WRK-->     Material Master: Plants
    M_MRES_BWA-->     Reservations: Movement Type
    M_MRES_WWA-->     Reservations: Plant
    M_MSEG_BMB     -->Material Documents: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWA-->     Goods Movements: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWE-->     Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_BWF-->     Goods Receipt for Production Order: Movement Type
    M_MSEG_LGO-->     Goods Movements: Storage Location
    M_MSEG_WMB-->     Material Documents: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWA-->     Goods Movements: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWE-->     Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Plant
    M_MSEG_WWF-->     Goods Receipt for Production Order: Plant
    M_RAHM_BSA-->     Document Type in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_EKG-->     Purchasing Group in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_EKO-->     Purchasing Organization in Outline Agreement
    M_RAHM_WRK-->     Plant in Outline Agreement
    Q_TCODE     QM -->         Transaction Authorization
    S_ADMI_FCD-->     System Authorizations
    S_ALV_LAYO-->     ALV Standard Layout
    S_BDS_DS-->     BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Document Set
    S_BTCH_ADM-->     Background Processing: Background Administrator
    S_BTCH_JOB-->     Background Processing: Operations on Background Jobs
    S_CTS_ADMI-->     Administration Functions in Change and Transport System
    S_DATASET-->     Authorization for file access
    S_DEVELOP-->     ABAP Workbench
    S_DOKU_AUT-->     SE61 Documentation Maintenance Authorization
    S_GUI-->                     Authorization for GUI activities
    S_OC_DOC-->     SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents
    S_OC_ROLE-->     SAPoffice: Office User Attribute
    S_OC_SEND-->     Authorization Object for Sending
    S_PACKSTRU-->     Internal SAP Use: Package Structure
    S_PRO_AUTH-->     IMG: New authorizations for projects
    S_RFC-->                     Authorization Check for RFC Access
    S_SCD0     -->                Change documents
    S_SPO_DEV-->     Spool: Device authorizations
    S_TABU_DIS-->     Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30)
    S_TCODE     -->                Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start
    S_TRANSLAT-->     Translation environment authorization object
    S_TRANSPRT-->     Transport Organizer
    S_WFAR_OBJ-->     ArchiveLink: Authorizations for access to documents
    V_LIKP_VST-->Delivery: Authorization for Shipping Points
    V_VBAK_AAT-->Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Document Types
    V_VBAK_VKO-->Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Areas

    Have you executed a trace while a functional user executes the transaction code for the specific parameters? (i.e. document type). The trace will then show which objects are being checked; then look at the object documentation in txn Su21 to determine if there are any ways to restrict on the particular value; in some cases, if the authorization group field is being checked, additional configuration is needed in order to implement the security (Su21 will explain in detail for the particular object).

  • How to restrict the user to change the project structure but not the documents?

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    I am able to restrict the users to change the project structure, but I am not able to allow access to the project documents. It gives me the message "You are not authorised to change the project". This fulfills my one of the requirements. But, Is there any way  to restrict the user to change the project structure but not the documents?. Any help will be apperitiated.
    Rutvik Uapdhyay. 

    Hi Rutvik,
    Basically there are 2 different authorization role should look for and customize as per requirement in Z* namespace.
    role  - SAP_SOLAR01_ALL
    this take care of objects in Solar01 like tab access etc
    role -SAP_SOL_KW_ALL
    this takes care of entire documentation within solman
    hope this helps

  • File Open/Save dialog Restrict the user path selection Is there any way?

    Is there any way by which we can restrict the user from selecting the path from the Folder Browser/ File Open/ File Save dialog boxes?
    For example, I have a list of paths & want to allow the users to select from those paths or their sub folders. Is there any way to achieve this?
    -Vinay Pugalia
    If a post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on that post or
    "Vote as Helpful".
    Web : Inkey Solutions
    Blog : My Blog
    Email : Vinay Pugalia

    Hello Vinay Pugalia,
    >>For example, I have a list of paths & want to allow the users to select from those paths or their sub folders. Is there any way to achieve this?
    As far as I know, starting with Windows Vista, the Open and Save As common dialog boxes have been superseded by the
    Common Item Dialog:
    You could have a try to restrict the value of “look in”(shown in the opne dialog) and “Save in”(shpwn in the save dialog). If you want an example about the usage of this API, you could post a code sample request to:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to restrict the user input textfield to an Integer?

    Hello there;
    Here is my problem, and i need your help.
    I have a mssql 2005 server as my back end database;
    I have designed a web application from which i can load a specific table in my database.
    One of my table column is of integer type and i want to restrict the user to only entered an integer in the textfield.
    I have try the integer converter from the "converters" section of the pallete. The result is that its actually restrict the user input to be an integer, but i can't load the database, obtaining a java.lang.Int error message.
    Next i have tried using int theid=int.parseInt........ but i am receiving a syntax error of the type cannot find symbol parseInt.
    I can't just work this out!
    Could anybody help please.

    As has been stated in previous replies you can check that the value in the TextField is parseable as an Integer by using Integer.parseInt(fieldVariable.getText()). However, you can also restrict what characters can be entered into the text field, like so:
    Assume your field variable is textField1 then the KeyTyped event for the text field:
    private void textField1KeyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {
         if (evt.getKeyChar() < '0' || evt.getKeyChar() > '9') {
    }will only allow the numeric characters (i.e., 0-9) to be typed into the field. Keep in mind that in this case the backspace, delete, home, arrow, etc, keys will not delete characters, move the cursor, etc, so if you want those you have to test for them as well.

  • Restricting the user to operate DML's from SQL PLUS Environment

    how to Restrict the user to operate DML statements from SQL PLUS Environment.

    Once you restrict SCOTT user to not be able to do an INSERT command, the SQL*Plus returns an error for user SCOTT when he tries to execute an INSERT statement.
    Note however, that this is enforced by SQL*Plus, not the database!
    Look into the use of product_user_profile from Oracle documentation for more information.
    SQL> insert into product_user_profile values('SQL*Plus', 'SCOTT', 'INSERT', NULL, NULL, 'DISABLED', NULL, NULL) ;
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit ;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> disconnect
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> connect scott
    Enter password:
    SQL> insert into emp select * from emp ;
    SP2-0544: invalid command: insert

  • How to hide an webpart for the all members who have access for the this site but visible for the restricted read users?

    Any help?

    Hi Srabon,
    We can set the "Target Audience" property of web part to group maintaining restricted read  users.  By this, the web part will be shown to specific users only.
    Please let us know if this helps.
    M. Gubendra Raj

  • How to restrict the user id to a specific company code?

    I want to restrict a user id to access a specific company code only for both customizing and application data creation. This means that the user id can do customizing and create application data for that company code only and not for any other company codes.
    how can i do this?

    Hello Raja,
    You requirement of restricting users for application data can solved by adding the company code in the organization level button and the user will be restricted to mainatin application (transaction) data for the org element for which he is authorized for, if the transaction has objects which check company code.
    Customizing data authorization can be very tricky, as most of the customizing transactions are for maintaining customizing tables will not necessarily have an authorization check for org elements. In this case you may to manually insert a object called S_TABU_LIN alongwith S_TABU_DIS it will perform the job of restricting authorizations.
    In cases where the end user is accessing tables directly with SE16 S_TABU_DIS is the object that is check and maintained in PFCG.But,Such a restriction cannot be made with S_TABU_DIS alone. Fortunately SAP provides us with another authorization object S_TABU_LIN (Authorization for Organizational Unit), which can be used in conjunction with S_TABU_DIS to enforce such a restriction.
    This authorization object works only with Maintenance Views and Customizing tables. Also note that an Organization Criterion is a prerequisite for implementing the same
    A detailed step by step procedure to be followed is given below:
    1. The first step in implementation of line authorization is defining an Organization Criterion. For this we need to access the u201CSAP Reference IMGu201D customization page from SPRO transaction.
    2. From the IMG display screen select SAP Web Application Server -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Line Oriented Authorizations. Select the execute ( ) button for the u201CDefine Organization Criteriau201D.
    3. The resulting table display show all available Org Criteria values existing in the system. For our purposes we will create a new Org Criteria to suit our needs. Select the tab u201CNew Entriesu201D as shown below.
    4. Give an appropriate name starting with Y or Z for the new value. Note that a name starting with another letter will not be accepted by the SAP system. Click on u2018Saveu2019 button to save the newly created Org Criteria. This opens a new window asking for a Workbench Transport Request. This would be required so as to transport the new Line authorization restrictions further to the test and production systems.
    5. Now select the new Org Criterion u201CY_TESTu201D and double-click the u201CAttributesu201D tab as below to define the various Org Attributes.
    6. Provide the new Attribute name and Description for the same. Also fill the Authorization field value from the provided dropdown (1st Org Criterion Attribute u2026. 8th Org Criterion Attribute). The search help field is an optional field which can be filled if a search criterion exists or has been created earlier for the specific purpose. This field enables the u201CF4u201D when filling entries in the authorization object
    7. We already have a search help (C_T001) available, which provides as an F4 help the list of all available Company Codes in the system.
    Note that we can create up to 8 Org Attributes as per our requirements (by selecting u201CNew Entriesu201D tab), each corresponding to a column in the target table.
    8. Selecting the attributes link again will show us a list of all defined attributes and the authorization Field it will appear in. Now that we have defined the Attribute Field that we require, we need to associate each attribute to the corresponding Table Field in the target table.
    Select one of the attributes as below and double-click on the u201CTable Fieldsu201D button to define the field associations.
    9. Select the u201CNew Entriesu201D tab to create a new table field association.
    10. The View/table field must be filled with the target table which we need to control.
    11. The u201CField Nameu201D will require the field name of the target table which be linked with the specific Org Attribute. Performing an F4 on this field will display the list of all possible fields available in the View/table provided earlier. Here we will select the field name BUKRS (Company Code). Save the entries in the same workbench request created earlier.
    12. The next step would be to activate this new Org Criterion so that SAP now checks the authorization for S_TABU_LIN for every user
    13. In the u2018IMG displayu2019 go to SAP Web Application Server -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Line Oriented Authorizations. Select execute ( ) button for the u201CActivate Organization Criteriau201D.
    14. From the resulting customization screen tick the check-box for the Org Criterion that we have created. On saving the settings the system then asks for a Customizing Transport Request for further transport into test and development systems.
    15. Any user without this authorization will not be allowed in to the SM30 display/change screen for this table.
    16. In the role for which the S_TABU_DIS provides maintenance access for the table , we will now also need to maintain the object S_TABU_LIN.
    17. On selecting change button besides any authorization field you will need to select the Organization criterion which needs to be maintained here. Note that only one Org Criterion can be maintained in one instance of S_TABU_LIN object.

  • OID filter to restrict ocs user in calendar, files, mail

    We are trying to setup some filter in OID in order to restrict some search screen and list of value in calendar, mail and files so that our users doesn't see the users under another subtree of OID.
    We have the following in OID:
    orcldefaultsubscriber: dc=sric,dc=ca
    orclcommonusersearchbase: cn=users, dc=sric,dc=ca
    Under this Common User Searchbase we have about 50 different organization under which the end user of our services are located.
    We want to restrict the users of one organization to his particular organization. So that he cannot see the users of the others organizations.
    For example, in mail, when the user open a new mail and use the address book.
    The user shouldn't see all the user of dc=sric,dc=ca but instead be limited to the user under cn=his organization,cn=Users,dc=sric,dc=ca.
    We currently have OID filter in place to restrict the user of Portal.
    These filter are working fine. Trying to duplicate this functionality for calendar, mail and files.
    Any hints ?

    many thanks for your answer.
    if i can't filter corporate directory. can i disable this function from oracle web client?
    can i hide an user from corporate directory?
    many thanks
    best regards

  • Restricting Portal users Sessions.

    Dear All,
                       I have a requirement where i have to restrict the portal sessions of users to 3. How can we achieve this. Again can we keep sessions restriction by user. i.e. some group of users have max. 3, some have max. 4 etc.?
                      What would happen if user try to open a new session for the fourth time?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Vinayak,
    Let me clear something about restricting Portal user sessions. I do not think that the number of open sessions is limited by user (maybe I'm wrong but so far, all posts I know of are not refering to Portal session management per user).
    You can limit the number of over all sessions in the configuration of WebAS. So, if you for example want to limit the number of sessions in your portal, you could do it for the Web Module "irj". You can set a maximum session limit for each web module.
    Goto Visual Administrator->services->Security Provider->properties. There is a property called sessions_size.
    The default value is 200 and you can change the value you desire.
    Thus, to limited Portal session per user..not possible. Limited concurrent sessions number..Possible as describle above and other posts above.
    P.S: The parameters in the module irj: Maximum Sessions= -1 (-1 means "not set" or "unlimited"). You should restart your servlet engine after changing the parameter to be sure that the configurational change is active.
    Hope that helps. Award points for helpful suggestions.

  • Restrict WebI data sources

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to restrict data source access to a particular set of users in webi?
    For example:
    User A should see only excel as a data source.
    User B should see only Bex
    And so on.

    You can restrict to see BEx and Analysis View sources if you will deny the access  "Interfaces - enable Rich Internet Application" on Webi Intelligence application. After that users only can see universe and  no data source.
    For individual restriction on data sources i don't think so there is a option.
    Other way around if you restrict the users to access  Connection/Universe folders then users can not create anything and there will be no use of  to select the data sources.In this case depend on the access requirement you need to save OLAP/Relational connections and analysis view in the different folders.

  • Advanced restriction of users

    we have an older Apple G4 running Mac OS X 10.3.9 in our School Laboratory. Often kids are playing with the resolution settings and so on. Is it possible to restrict an user not to allow to change the display resolution. If this is not possible with 10.3.9 would it be possible with 10.4.x?
    Or more general are there some infos for restricting a user?
    Best regards,

    Are you really sure that you can administer OS X 10.3 with the Server Admin Tools? No OS X Server is installed in the network environment! All the documents I've red spoke about administering the OS X Server from a Client but not without a server!
    Here is an example from the OS X 10.3 Server Admin Tools Documentation:
    These applications can be installed on a computer other than your server to remotely administer Mac OS X Server.
    So what I guess is that the Server Admin Tools won't work without a OS X Server! So in our network where no OS X Server is installed the tools are useless.
    Am I right? Any suggestions?

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