UITableView realtime loading.

I was trying to update a UITableView cell after receiving input from the user through a custom UIAlertView with a UITextField. So, after clicking on a cell, a UIAlertView appears for the user to enter in that value. After the user hits OK I wanted the cell to update its data. I tried to do this with [self.tableView setNeedsDisplay], but could not get the TableView to update. I have [self.tableView reloadData] in my viewWillAppear delegate and the only time the TableView updates is when switching views. I finally found that I could replicate the action of switching views by calling [self viewWillAppear:YES] in the UIAlertView's button click delegate. Something is telling me, however, that this is not a very good solution, even if it is a working one. Can someone explain to me if I am doing something wrong.

If you change the cell's text property directly then you shouldn't need to do anything for it to become visible.
If you are changing some underlying data structure that's used to set the cell contents when they are created then calling reloadData should do what you want.

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    Was that clear at all?
    How stupid is this setup already?

    Hi, there are two possible ways
    1. If you want the navigationBar to apear at each view use
    `-> RootViewControler = UITabBarController
    `-> viewControllers[0] = UITableViewController
    2. If you want the navigationBar to apear together with the tableView only use:
    `-> viewControllers[0] = UINavigationController
    `-> rootviewController = UITableViewController

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    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    // put up ActionSheet to get timeframe
    UIActionSheet* as = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Timeframe:"
    @"This Month",
    @"Last Month",
    @"This Week",
    @"Last Week",
    [as showInView:self.view];
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    LogListTableViewController* llc = [[LogListTableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
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    llc.from = self.from;
    llc.thru = self.thru;
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    [llc release];
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    [self.navigationController pushViewController:ac animated:YES];
    [ac release];
    else {
    // TBD
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    Is there a way to make this work?

    Hey Phil -
    When an action sheet (or alert view) is displayed, the main thread doesn't wait for the user to make a selection. In other words, the sheet is a _modal, but non-blocking_ view, unlike a Windows MessageBox for example, which is blocking. Thus the code you posted following showInView: will run immediately, which isn't what you want.
    As Rob pointed out, something like this should work for you:
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    // put up ActionSheet to get timeframe
    UIActionSheet* as = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Timeframe:" delegate:self /...>;
    [as showInView:self.view];
    [as release]; // release here, since as has been retained in showInView
    // optionally save indexPath in ivar if the current selection will change
    // before the sheet is dismissed
    self.lastSelection = indexPath;
    - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
    NSIndexPath *indexPath = [tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
    // or else: NSIndexPath *indexPath = self.lastSelection;
    // configure and present next table view here based on indexPath and buttonIndex
    // - actionSheet will be dismissed and released when this method exits
    Of course, you might want to place the latter code in one of the other delegate methods, such as actionSheet:didDismissWithButtonIndex:, depending on the desired transition sequence.
    - Ray

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    [[self navigationController]pushViewController:_newsDetailController animated:YES];
    However, It doesn't seem to be removing from the stack when the user hits the back button on the UINavigationBar.
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    I have tried [_newsDetailController release]; but it still doesn't make any difference. It just crashes after the third selection.
    This is what I'm doing in my didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
    - (void)tableViewUITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPathNSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    [[self appDelegate] setCurrentlySelectedBlogItem:[[[self rssParser]rssItems]objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
    [self.appDelegate loadNewsDetails];
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've spent ages on this!
    It worked fine until I added a UINavigationController.

    Hi Nick, and welcome to the Dev Forum,
    nrawlins wrote:
    ... It doesn't seem to be removing from the stack when the user hits the back button on the UINavigationBar.
    I understand how your observations could make it seem like your _newsDetailController is somehow staying on the stack, but that's not what's going on here. If you want to see the stack, just add some logging before and after pushing or popping:
    NSLog(@"stack: %@", self.navigationController.viewControllers);
    I think we'll need to see more of your code to isolate the problem, but what we're looking for is a logic mistake which causes the detail controller to always display the info for the same item, regardless of which item is selected next. Here's a list of questions to guide your search, and/or show you which code we need to look at:
    1) What's in the array returned by [[self rssParser]rssItems] ? It might help to add some logging in tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath like this:
    - (void)tableView(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    NSArray *item = [[[self rssParser]rssItems]objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
    NSLog(@"%s: item=%@", _func_, item);
    [[self appDelegate] setCurrentlySelectedBlogItem:item];
    [[self appDelegate] loadNewsDetails];
    2) What does loadNewsDetails do? It looks like it finds the details for the item stored in currentlySelectedBlogItem. Is that right? Some logging in loadNewsDetails might help to make sure the correct details are loaded there. From your description it sounds like you already had this part of the code working right, but it wouldn't hurt to be sure it's still doing what you expect;
    3) How does the data obtained in loadNewsDetails find its way to the details controller? This is the missing link not shown in the code you've posted so far. I think we need to look at:
    3.1) Where and when the details controller is created;
    3.2) Whether the same controller object is intended to persist from item to item, or whether a new instance of the controller is created each time an item is selected. The latter scheme is usually preferred for best memory management;
    3.3) Is the current item and detail data stored in the detailsController or the app delegate? When is it stored, and when is it used?
    For example, suppose the details controller is only created once and persists for the life of the table view. Then suppose loadNewDetails saves the new details in an ivar of the app delegate, and the code to fetch the new details is in viewDidLoad of the controller.
    In the above scenario, viewDidLoad would run after the details controller was created, and if the details of the first selection were loaded by then, the details for the currently selected item would
    be presented as expected. But viewDidLoad will normally only run once, so when the selection was changed, the new details would never be fetched, and the previous details will be displayed again.
    The best way to avoid this and other related scenarios, is to create a new details controller each time a new selection is made from the table view:
    // MyTableViewController.m
    #import "myAppDelegate.h"
    #import "NewsDetailController.h"
    // called by loadNewsDetails as soon as details have been loaded
    - (void)presentDetailController {
    NewsDetailController *viewController = [[NewsDetailController alloc] // vc retainCount is 1
    initWithNibName:@"NewsDetailController" bundle:nil];
    // store new details in the detail controller; e.g.:
    viewController.navigationItem.title = [self appDelegate].currentlySelectedBlogItem;
    viewController.textView = [self appDelegate].currentDetails;
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController // vc retainCount is 2
    [release viewController]; // vc retainCount is 1
    By releasing the new controller in the last line, we reduce its retain count to 1. Now the new controller is only retained by the stack, so when the stack is popped, the new controller will be dealloced.
    If none of the above is helpful, please answer all the questions as best you can and post the indicated code, ok?
    - Ray

  • Newbie: Help With Reverse Engineering a SWF

    Hi I'm looking for some help (direction to resources, etc) in recreating the kind of functionality seen at this website: http://www.schiff2010.com/
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    I'm wondering what I need to create something similar.
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    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="160" height="215" title="Schiff2010.com"><param name="movie" value="http://www.schiff2010.com/widgets/bomb_count_160x215.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><embed src="http://www.schiff2010.com/widgets/bomb_count_160x215.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="160" height="215"></embed></object>
    Thank you for any help.

    Just collecting a little data to see if this is as dynamic as you think it is, because when I checked it when you first posted, it seems to be the same info...
    4/30/2009: 5311 supporters displayed, starting with Steve Anthony
    If that doesn't change over time, this is not a real time presentation--which isn't surprising considering the trust-ability of anything political in nature.  Not that it couldn't be.

  • HP z820 specs

    Hi, I am ordering up a new Z820 pc for Premiere Pro CC/After Effects CC... all my work in HD video and the very odd 4K job (assuming this will only become more common). 
    A local supplier suggested:
    2 x Intel Xeon E5-2630 v2 2.6 1600 6xCore CPU's
    32 GB DDR3-1866 Ram
    Nvidia Quadro K4000
    HP Thunderbolt 2 PCIe 1 Port with 2 x G-Tech Studio Thunderbolt 8 TB
    I was thinking of going for a higher spec processor like the E5 2650 (2.6 8 core) or the E5 2667 (3.3 8 core).  I was also thinking of the K5200 over the K4000.... is this overkill. 
    I am coming from an older MacPro system and am not up to speed with the PC side of things.  Would love to stick with the Mac system but believe there is much better performance with PC...
    Any advice would be really appreciated.

    The problem with that Z820 specifically is that it's the previous gen Xeons. Those are not the new V3 Xeons that are Haswell E. Haswell E is the new platform that also includes the X99 JFPhoton spoke of. DDR4 significantly increases the bandwidth of the ram which greatly impacts GPU acceleration applications such as Premiere. AE performance is almost all CPU and ram so the video card has little impact there. The 8 Core i7 5960X shows the overall best performance on average because it has 8 Core/16 threads at a high clock speed compared to most Xeons. Premiere requires enough cores/threads to ideally decode/encode the media and then clock speed of the CPU's have greater effect on the GPU acceleration versus more cores/threads. The greater cores/threads of the dual Xeons can help with very complex projects with 4K,5K,6K media such as red due to handling a far greater load real time. The Dual Xeons can also handle a more complex comp in AE ie more layers,FX, and motion with AE comps at a higher resolution for ram preview due to the higher amount of ram available on the dual Xeons with the extra cores/threads. However the trade off is often slower export times and higher cost. So the question really becomes, does your workflow and media require the best realtime load capability or not. If the answer is no then the Dual Xeon is not really what your looking for. The single chip X99 system is going to give you the best of both at a lower cost. Many of the X99 boards such as the Asus boards also allow you to upgrade to the V3 Xeon chips so you can still upgrade to a single 14 Core Xeon later if you need that processing for your work. That is normally a better overall config than dual Xeons due to the latency the 2nd chip adds to the processing as they sync and share data.
    The 980GTX would be a far better card for the GPU acceleration and preview options with the HDMi 2.0 than the Quadro K5200 or the K4000. If you need 10bit color preview off the video card then you have to get the Quadro. If not then the 900 series Geforce cards are better. They are faster and run close to the same power requirement as the Quadro. They also run a a lower temp than the 700 series GPU Quadros. If you need 10bit color preview then look at a Blackmagic card. A 980GTX with a Blackmagic card gives you the better performance and the raw monitoring in 10bit color. If you plan to use Davinci at some point then you would need the Blackmagic card anyway most likely.

  • Scpm 2.0 IP Issue

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    Thanks in Advance.
    Phani Rayasam

    Hi Phani Rayasam,
    Thanks for sharing information on the error you faced with target setting.
    To answer your first Question setting targest with dimension calmonth and company code is fine.
    Secondly,There can be many reasons for data not being saved into the real time cube like
    check realtime load behaviour of cube.For that right click on the planning cube and select "Change real time load behaviour" and select the option button "Real time data target can be planned,Data loading not allowed". If this is not selected then data dose not get saved in cube.
    I am not sure why you are facing this issue till i actually check it in your system. It would be great if you open an OSS message for the same. So that we can look into it.or you can directly mail me and set up a meeting so that i can look into this issue in details.
    Thanks and best regards,

  • Integrated Planning - trying to load data from basic to realtime cube

    I have created a mulitprovider for my basic and realtime cube, and trying to copy data from basic to realtime using standard copy function in IP. It is not erroring out but data is not getting copied either. Both cubes having exactly the same structure. I can do a export datasource or a BPS multiplanning area..but I need a solution in IP..Any help would be appreciated...Thanks much..

    Infoprovider --> Multiprovider
    Agg Level --> Selected fields need to be copied
    Filter --> None selected, wanted to copy as is
    Pl. Fnc --> Standard Copy.
                    char usage: Selected infoprovider for 'changed'
                    to parameters: selected all key figs ( percent and amount)
                    from and to values: Basic to realtime
    Let me know.

  • How2 load xml into datagrid, and create realtime search of datagrid data

    I wanted to be able to load xml data into a datagrid and then create a searchbox that would search in real time (as person typed) from any part of the datagrid.  Does anyone know of any as2.0 component that can do that easily?  If not, i would like to try to tackle this the old fashioned and use this to teach myself as2.0 advanced coding.  can someone point to a step by step or explain how i might get this accomplished?  from loading the xml to putting the node info into the datagrid, to being able to search it in real time.  This is part of a project that i was given that has some serious consequences if i botch it.  Please help!  Thanks so much!

    import fl.controls.DataGrid;
    import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;
    import fl.data.DataProvider;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.events.Event;
    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
    var dg:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
    var urlloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    urlloader.load(new URLRequest("whatever.xml"));
    function loadcompleteF(e:Event):void {
        var xml:XML=XML(e.target.data);
        for (var i:int = 0; i < xml..Name.length(); i++) {
            dp.addItem({User:xml..Name[i].User.text(), Xp:xml..Name[i].Xp.text(), Rank:xml..Name[i].Rank.text()});

  • RealTime - Failed to load shared library

    Hi everyone,
    I'm working with the cRIO 9074 system and programmed a ANC application with LabView. Yesterday I tested my application the first time but it didn't work as expected. Because of my testing- and developing-place are different I have to carry the cRIO-System and my laptop between them. So I just disconneted the powersupply and the networkcable. Then 10min later I tried testing again but I got an error. Today in the morning I got the same error like yesterday, which is the following one:
    "Failed to load shared library AdaptivFilter. Ensure that the library is present on the RT target. Use MAX [...]"
    I reinstalled the NI software (more than once) how I was adviced with MAX but it didn't fix the problem, maybe the AdaptivFilters-library was not included.
    In the project-explorer a library called "NI_AdaptivFilter.lvlib" is included and I also found the path of the file on my harddrive.
    It drives my nuts that it worked and than 10min later it doesn't.
    I hope you could help me, thanks.
    project_explorer.PNG ‏71 KB
    Unbenannt.PNG ‏57 KB

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks for responding.  I am running LabVIEW 8.5 and running on an 8106 Embedded Controller.  Unfortunately, I cannot post my DLL however, I did some troubleshooting and found that the issue seems to be that myDLL calls another one of my DLLs which doesn't seem to be loaded onto the RT box.  If I deploy and run a VI which calls this second DLL and then run my original VI, it deploys without issue.  I guess I can understand why it didn't work in first place, since the 2nd DLL is not called from any VI and only called from myDLL, however I don't understand why simply opening the VI which contains the call to myDLL and reselecting it fixes the problem.  Also I have run the DLL thru the 8.5 DLL checker and it says that the DLL is OK, in fact the DLL checker new that myDLL had a dependency on the second DLL.  Is there something that I can do other than pre-deploy the second DLL to the RT box to get around this issue?
    Thanks again,
    Kevin C.     

  • How to load data in realtime/transactional cube for BPS

    hello all,
    I have installed the neccessary cube from business content and all the neccesary content. how do I get data in that real time/transactional cube. SInce we dont have any rules or datasource or anything so its confusing me can someone please help me.
    If you have any other imp point to share about this please help.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Raj,
    Transactional cubes are filled with data using the BPS layouts. They do not require any update rules for this purpose.
    However you can also load the data from your source system into this cube and for this you will need to usual Update rules, InfoSource etc. Before loading data you may need to check if the Cube is enabled for Reporting (in RSA1 > right click> Swtich transactional cube.
    Hope this helps...

  • Does UITableView have a callback for when it is done loading ALL cells?

    I find it very diffcult to change UIActivityIndicator on and off for data loading into a table. I set it on and then call "reload data" on my tableView and then turn it back off. I dont think that is correct, because reload data will return immediately, it doesnt block until al the data is loaded correct? So a better way it to check for a callback when all the cells are loaded?
    How are you guys doing this?

    The table isn't going to load all cells anyway.
    Say you have a 100-item table of which 6 cells are visible at a time. The table view will only use tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: to create 6 or 7 cells.
    Later on, if the user scrolls, the table view will call tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: some more, for the newly visible cells.
    If the table view held on to every cell once it had been loaded, more and more cells would gradually get allocated until all 100 cells were in existence and holding data. That would use up a lot of memory. (What if the table has 10,000 cells?)
    If the table view did the standard thing of calling \[release\] on a cell as soon as it didn't need it, memory wouldn't get used up but a lot of time would be wasted allocating and deallocating.
    So the table view has a list of "cells I have but don't really want". When they encourage you to call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: in your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: routine, they're effectively saying "when the table is asking you for a cell for a given table entry, ask the table if it's got any unwanted cells to give you, before you go off and allocate a new one".
    As far as your question is concerned, this means that the table never really finishes loading. It'll only load 6 or 7 cells at a time, and when the user scrolls, it'll load some more. Depending how you've written tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, it may only ever have 6 or 7 cells in memory at a time.
    It all depends what you want. If you want your activity indicator to say "I am working on giving you a display but what you see on the screen isn't what you're ultimately going to get", then
    (1) Get each individual cell to start its filling-itself-with-visible-data process when you allocate/reuse the cell in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:. Give the cell a unique visible appearance when you do this. When the load process is complete, get the cell to call setNeedsDisplay so that it can get repainted with the real data. The user's experience will be of a table that appears instantly, each cell with an activity indicator in it, and the activity indicators then disappear as soon as each cell finishes its work. It will look rather nice.
    Or (2) do much the same, but get each cell to increment a global "loads in process" counter when it is born/reborn, and decrement it when its data have arrived. Then use that global counter to control a single UIActivityIndicator.
    The key in both cases is for cell creation to be fast, and the actual loading of data to the cells (if it's slow) to be done separately.

  • Logic 10.0.5 is out! Three new drummers, LOADS of fixes.

    I have not yet finished reading the release notes, it is almost 5,000 words...
    Logic Pro X 10.0.5: Release notes
    Logic Pro X 10.0.5 is an update to Logic Pro X. Logic Pro X is a new paid version of Logic Pro.
    Logic Pro X 10.0.5 update
    New features and enhancements
    Includes 3 new Drummers and 11 new Drum Kit Designer patches.
    Significant enhancements to Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ plug-ins, including:
    Redesigned, easier-to-use interface that's also accessible within the Smart Controls area
    Double Precision processing provides more accurate filtering, especially for low frequencies
    Oversampling option improves high-frequency clarity
    Option to apply EQ only to stereo left, right, middle, or side signals
    There is now an option to set the Piano Roll to a light background color.
    Selected notes in the Piano Roll are now highlighted by a selection frame.
    When Logic is stopped or in Play mode, the glyph on the Metronome button in the control bar now illuminates to indicate that “Click while recording” is enabled.
    The Shuffle commands are improved (see Logic Pro X Help for details).
    User interface
    There is now a command to assign region names to track names.
    The waveform size in an audio region now adapts to the value of the region gain parameter.
    Loops that belong to the same family can now be selected and changed using a new control in the region header.
    Logic Pro X now assigns region and Mixer channel colors that are closer to the original colors when opening a project created in an earlier version of Logic.
    Option-clicking a disclosure triangle in the Project Audio window now toggles all disclosure triangles in the window.
    The Windows menu again lists all currently open windows.
    The Mixer can now be reliably resized when in All mode.
    Renaming multiple selected Mixer channels now reliably renames all channel strips in the selection.
    When creating a duplicate track, the correct track icon and color are now assigned to the duplicate.
    The song title is now automatically populated in the Share to iTunes dialog when sharing a song created in Logic 9 or GarageBand for iOS.
    It's once again possible to browse or load patches onto the Output channel strip via the Library.
    The View menu items One Track and Selected Regions in the Piano Roll are now disabled when Link mode is disabled.
    Improves processor balancing for multi-output software instrument configurations.
    Improves handling of multiple displays on OS X Mavericks v10.9.
    Resolves an issue that in some cases might cause audio clicks and pops when scrolling.
    Moving an automation line while playing no longer spikes in CPU usages, or clicks and pops in the audio output.
    Resolves an issue that could cause clicks and pops in the audio output when adjusting the gain or output level settings during playback in the various plug-ins.
    Logic's interface no longer freezes when using the Native Instruments Maschine controller to adjust two macro controls simultaneously.
    Fixes an issue in which a warning about not enough memory might be displayed when performing Undo after editing a protected track.
    Adjusting the frequency controls while playing audio through the Stereo Spread plug-in no longer causes audible zipper noise.
    Improves the performance of scrolling when dragging regions in the Tracks area beyond the currently visible section.
    Playing notes live into the Arpeggiator plug-in no longer sometimes leads to spikes in CPU usage.
    Fixes an issue that could cause a spike in CPU usage when recording near the end of a project.
    Logic 9 projects that contain a macro object in the Environment now behave more reliably when opened into Logic Pro X.
    Multiple instances of the Scripter plug-in no longer have the potential to cause stuck notes.
    The Scripter plug-in is no longer prone to causing stuck notes when using the Delay Note Until Next Beat preset.
    Switching between presets in the Space Designer plug-in no longer sometimes results in noise.
    Regions copied from a Track Stack can now be muted as expected even when they are within a Track Stack that is muted.
    Deleting an audio Track Stack while it was soloed no longer leaves all the remaining tracks muted.
    Entering a new crossfade value in the Region inspector for multiple selected regions now works as expected.
    Region-based automation data beyond the end of a region is now chased properly even when playback is started after the last automation node within the bounds of the region.
    Logic now maintains the correct relative levels when automation on multiple tracks belonging to the same Group are copied by dragging.
    Resolves an issue in which track automation might be deleted when switching patches.
    The default display setting when showing automation on Track Stacks is now Volume, instead of Display Off.
    A track is now created as expected when using a control surface to set the automation mode of a channel strip not previously assigned to a track.
    Moving a SMPTE locked region can no longer  cause the automation on the track to  move.
    The position of the automation line no longer jumps unexpectedly when it is selected after creating 4 automation points with a Marquee selection.
    Adjacent automation points of the same value are no longer sometimes inadvertently deleted when moving automation points on a grouped track.
    The Repeat Section Between Locators command now includes automation on tracks that contain no regions in the repeated section.
    When using Touch mode, Logic no longer writes unneeded automation points at the held value when holding a fader at the same position where there is an existing automation ramp.
    Writing automation to an Aux not assigned to a track can no longer potentially cause tracks in a Track Stack to be rerouted to that Aux.
    Copying multiple regions where only some affected tracks contain automation no longer activates Automation Read mode on the channel strips that have no automation.
    Chase now works as expected for MIDI controllers on channels other than channel 1.
    Takes are now shortened as expected when the take folder containing them is shortened by an edit operation and No Overlap mode is enabled.
    Fixes an issue in which the visible area might jump unexpectedly when comping in a take folder that was not on the selected track.
    Fixes an issue that caused some audio regions to be immovable when duplicate regions are packed into a take folder.
    Packing regions with names containing non-ASCII characters into a take folder no longer creates garbled take names.
    Numbers assigned to MIDI takes now increment reliably.
    Expanding a take folder no longer potentially causes the playhead to fall out of sync with the audio output.
    When using OS X v10.9, the playhead in the Audio Editor now consistently maintains the correct position when switching from Flex Time to Flex Pitch mode.
    It's now possible to set a loop to a length of less than 1/16 note.
    The position of beat markers in the Global Beat Mapping track are now updated appropriately when using the various Cut/Insert Time commands.
    Inserting a beat marker in the Beat Mapping track no longer creates unexpected tempo events in some circumstances.
    Expanding a take folder no longer potentially causes the playhead to fall out of sync with the audio output.
    Resolves an issue in which some MIDI notes might unexpectedly change position when Beat Mapping.
    Adding a Beat Mapping marker no longer intermittently removes existing tempo events.
    Inserting a fade-in using Shift-Control and the Pointer tool now works consistently.
    Using the Fade tool to set fade-ins on multiple regions in a set of grouped tracks now works reliably.
    Dragging regions on multiple grouped tracks with the Drag Mode set to X-Fade  no longer potentially results in crossfades of varying lengths.
    The Delete command now works as expected on selected regions that are inside a collapsed Group in the Project Audio window.
    It's now possible to add a green Apple MIDI loop to the Tracks area as an audio loop by dragging it from the Loops browser while pressing the Option key.
    Logic Pro X no longer creates separate tracks for non-overlapping regions when unpacking folders in projects created by earlier versions of Logic.
    Using the  menu that appears when pressing the Metronome button in the Control Bar, it's now possible to set the metronome to sound only during count-in.
    Improves the reliability of Undo in several areas.
    The Mixer window  no longer intermittently moves when scrolling past the minimum or maximum value of the fader using a scroll wheel or gesture.
    It's now possible to select or open folder tracks in the Mixer.
    Right-clicking  an Aux or Output channel strip in the Mixer and selecting Create Track now behaves as expected even if the channel strip is not initially selected.
    Command-click again works reliably to  deselect a Mixer channel within a selected group of channels.
    The display of audio waveforms of regions in a track  no longer change unexpectedly when enabling or disabling the Groove status on a track.
    Looped regions inside a folder now update the point they are supposed to stop playing after extending the length of the folder.
    Overwriting an existing project  no longer potentially leaves assets from the original project in place.
    When creating a new project from a Logic 9 template, the default save path is no longer the location of the template.
    Improves the mapping of Smart Controls to channel strip settings created in Logic 9.
    The Follow Tempo parameter in the Region inspector is no longer incorrectly disabled for Apple Loops in songs last saved in GarageBand 6 or earlier.
    Clicking and holding down on the upper-right corner of a region no longer unexpectedly enables looping in the Region inspector, with a loop length of zero.
    The Region Inspector no longer displays a Loop checkbox for selected Track Stack folder regions.
    It's once again possible to disable Quantize in the Region Inspector for a region on a track slaved to a Groove Master track.
    Saving a song created from a template  no longer resets the tempo to 120 BPM.
    Text for alert messages now always displays correctly on control surfaces.
    Changing Region inspector parameters for MIDI regions on the main track of a Track Stack now behaves as expected.
    It's again possible to change the Transpose value in the Region Inspector using the + and - keys.
    Logic now consistently responds to Play or Stop key commands when a floating Region inspector window is open.
    It's no longer possible to give the same name to more than one project alternative.
    MIDI played from the Musical Typing Keyboard and Logic Remote is now routed through the Physical Input object in the Environment, which allows  Environment processing of MIDI as it is being played into Logic from these sources.
    Logic no longer adds 2 extra frames to the value when entering a SMPTE position in a project set to a non-drop frame rate.
    Regions copied by option-dragging in projects with a start position earlier than bar 1 now end  at the desired position.
    Moving the first arrangement marker in a project  no longer inadvertently moves other arrangement markers.
    Resolves a rare issue that could cause the timing of a track in a project with many tempo changes to be altered after turning Flex on and then off.
    Logic now asks the user to save the project when closing a project immediately after entering text into the Project Notes area.
    It's now possible to consistently add, remove, or edit plug-ins on tracks that were frozen in Source Only mode.
    Pressing the Control key while dragging a region with the Snap Mode set to Bar now moves the region by beats instead of ticks, as expected.
    Editing the left border of an audio region now behaves as expected when the Snap setting is set to “Snap Regions to Relative Value”.
    Resizing a region with the Snap setting set to “Snap Regions to Absolute Value” now behaves as expected.
    Resolves an issue that caused an event in the Event List to move later than expected when editing its position.
    The “Capture as Recording” command now works as expected when multiple MIDI tracks are record-enabled.
    It's now possible to preview sections of an audio file outside the current region borders by clicking the area in the Project Audio window.
    The tap-to-click option for trackpads now works reliably with all drop down menus.
    The “Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position” key command now reliably discards the recording.
    It's again possible to use the Tab key to navigate to the next control while working with plug-ins in Controls view.
    The MIDI Activity display now shows chords as they are played when using Musical Typing.
    All currently found audio files are now reliably saved with a project when using Save As or Save a Copy As with a project in which one or more audio files are missing.
    The name of a project is now correctly updated after saving a  project created from a template.
    Fixes an issue in which clicking on the level LED in the track header did not select the track.
    Resolves an issue in which changes made to the setup for Mackie Control and other MCU-compatible control surfaces were not saved by Logic Pro X.
    Setting the Display Time preference to “SMPTE/EBU with Subframes”, “SMPTE/EBU without Subframes,” or “SMPTE/EBU with Quarter frames” can no longer  cause the time display to jump unexpectedly.
    Saving a project for the first time no longer resets the record path when it was previously set to an external path.
    Performing undo in the Piano Roll or after deleting a flex marker no longer has the potential to unfreeze currently frozen tracks in the project.
    Sample rate, tempo, and key information is now reliably stored within template files.
    Fixes an issue in which the Repeat Regions dialog did not have key focus when opened, making it necessary to click it with the mouse before pressing Return to confirm the operation.
    Individual MIDI Draw points in the Piano Roll are now  easier to grab.
    Deleting a track no longer has the potential to inadvertently delete regions on other tracks.
    Cut/Insert Time edits no longer add unexpected tempo changes.
    Scrubbing the SMPTE display in the LCD no longer moves the playhead to the wrong position.
    Copying an arrangement marker to a position between two other arrangement markers  now moves the end-of-song marker to accommodate the new section, as expected.
    Audio regions now appear as expected in the Audio Editor, even when cycle is enabled and there are no audio regions within the cycle area.
    Flex Pitch now correctly detects notes for take regions that have manually inserted flex markers.
    The timing of notes played during the count-in on EXS24 or Drummer tracks is now more reliable.
    Pasting an audio region into a take folder now correctly places the region on the selected take lane.
    When saving an EXS instrument, the default save location is now ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Sampler Instruments.
    Editing the start point and anchor in the EXS audio editor now consistently alters playback as expected.
    Logic no longer overwrites an existing audio file of the same name when performing a bounce with the option to create a split stereo file enabled.
    Audio tracks assigned to output to a bus now consistently maintain that assignment when imported into a different song.
    User-defined controller assignments now work as expected to control MIDI plug-in parameters.
    The Record Repeat command now deletes the previous recording when used after recording in Cycle mode.
    Quantize now operates reliably on takes that are displayed in the Audio Editor.
    The Tuner window is no longer affected by the Content Link setting of other plug-in windows.
    Audio now plays for multiple cycle iterations when using marquee selection to define the cycle area.
    When the Edit command “Analyze Audio for Flex Editing” is used, Logic now properly resets any existing pitch edits on the selected audio files.
    Command-clicking a selected note in Flex Pitch mode in the Audio Editor now deselects the note, as expected.
    Setting a track to Flex Edit mode with the Slicing algorithm no longer processes the track with Flex if no edits have been applied.
    It's again possible to set Software Instruments to mono.
    Logic no longer creates an extra audio file when merging or format-converting audio files.
    Resolves an issue in which the Mixer did not show the 8th bus send on a channel strip.
    Changing the input format of a stereo output channel strip to mono now creates a second mono output channel strip on the Mixer for the other channel in the stereo pair.
    Setting an external recording path now reliably resets the Audio Assets setting. Conversely, enabling the Audio Assets setting now disables an externally set recording path.
    The compressor meter in the channel strip is now in sync with the meter in the plug-in window.
    Improves the translation of articulations when an Ultrabeat-based patch is assigned to a Drummer track.
    When a project starts on an upbeat, a Drummer region at the project start now automatically creates a fill at the beginning.
    Changes to Drummer regions are now reliably applied when the regions are set to follow a flexed audio track.
    MIDI editors
    The Link mode button is now available for the Piano Roll editor.
    The “Limit Dragging to One Direction” setting now works  as expected in the Piano Roll.
    It's now possible to grab notes shorter than 15 ticks for editing in the Piano Roll.
    Double-clicking a region with MIDI Draw enabled now consistently opens or closes a MIDI editor.
    Resolves an issue in which recently recorded MIDI notes might disappear from view in the Piano Roll when recording with cycle engaged.
    It's again possible to alter the pitch of notes in the Piano Roll via MIDI input.
    Using  Option-Shift  to edit the end points of multiple selected notes to the same position in the Piano Roll Editor now works as expected.
    In the Piano Roll, it's again possible to use Option-Shift in conjunction with the Velocity tool to set all selected notes to the same velocity.
    An Event Float window that is linked no longer switches unexpectedly to the Region level when using arrow keys to move from note to note in the Piano Roll.
    Pasting events in the Piano Roll when the playhead is to the right of the region border will not trigger the error “Illegal Region number”.
    It's now possible to copy a note in the Piano Roll to a different pitch at the same position when the note starts before the left edge of the region.
    It’s now possible to move notes in the Piano Roll by increments smaller than 13 ticks when the “Limit Dragging to One Direction” setting is enabled.
    User-inserted rests no longer incorrectly appear as notes in the Piano Roll.
    Copying a muted note in the Piano Roll now creates a muted copy of the note, as expected.
    Fixes an issue in which some note events might not be selectable in the Step Editor.
    The contents of the Event List are now updated properly when deselecting a region from a multiple selection while Content Link mode is enabled.
    The Event List now displays the correct LSB values for 14-bit pitch bend events.
    Editing Release Velocity values in the Event List now behaves as expected.
    The “Copy selected events” option in the MIDI Transform window now behaves as expected.
    Score Editor
    Fixes an issue that could cause the menu option for switching between Parts and Score view in the Score Sets window to disappear.
    Double-clicking  a region with the All Instruments filter setting active now reliably reveals all regions on that track, rather than just the single region.
    The contents of the Event List editor are more consistently updated when changing the region selection from the Score window.
    Newly inserted key signatures no longer display “xx Major” in some circumstances.
    The Chord Grid Editor now correctly names Add 9 chords.
    The clef menu no longer disappears for a Mapped Instrument staff style set to “No Clef”.
    It's again possible to create a new Chord Grid library that uses an alternate tuning.
    It's  now possible to adjust the Velocity setting in the MIDI Meanings settings window by scrubbing the value with the mouse.
    The length adjustment in the MIDI Meanings settings window can now be adjusted via a pop-up menu.
    In the Staff Style window, the check marks indicating that a style is used in the current song now reliably update to reflect changes when Content Link mode is off.
    Grace notes now scale properly when the scale setting of a Score Set is  less than 100.
    Resolves an issue that prevented reassigning instruments assigned to a Score Set after performing certain other edits.
    Fixes an issue that prevented naming a floating score Part box set.
    Solo now works as expected on channel strips using an external I/O plug-in
    Ultrabeat can now find samples that have been relocated from the default install location.
    Ultrabeat now correctly applies the Fine Pitch adjustment to all triggered samples when trigger mode is set to Multi.
    It's now  possible to halve/double the current rate of the Arpeggiator plug-in by clicking the Slow/Fast buttons.
    The ES1 synth plug-in  can now be set to offer 32 and 64 voices per instance.
    The Scripter plug-in now allows System Realtime MIDI events to pass through.
    The Scripter plug-in now offers an option to keep current control values when recompiling a script, rather than resetting all values back to their defaults.
    The Scripter MIDI plug-in now includes a Set Parameter function.
    Switching between Vintage Electric Piano patches while holding notes no longer potentially results in momentary jumps in level.
    The Vintage Electric Piano no longer potentially creates audible pops when switching patches when the Drive is enabled and set to Type II.
    It's now possible to continue working with the Scripter editor window when Logic Pro X is not in focus.
    The Surround Compressor plug-in now properly shows all the new circuit types available in Logic Pro X.
    It's again possible to copy or paste settings in the Space Designer plug-in window.
    The order of controls in the Retrosynth Filter Envelope and Amp Envelope sections has been reorganized to improve usability.
    The plug-in window no longer appears empty for Waves plug-ins opened in projects created in Logic 9.
    Fixes an issue in which inserting a plug-in on multiple stereo Software Instrument channel strips would insert mono versions of the plug-in on some channel strips.
    EXS24 or Kontakt settings are no longer  removed from a song if the Audio Device buffer size is changed before saving the song.
    Resolves an issue in which adjusting parameters on the Channel EQ while playing back might cause minor clicks and pops in the audio signal.
    Moving an Amp Designer instance to a different plug-in slot no longer sometimes changes its sound.
    “Save as Default” for Audio Unit presets again works as expected.
    It's now possible to exchange movie files in a project by dragging a new movie file into the Movie window or the Movie inspector.
    Logic Pro X can now work with the following professional video codecs, if OS X Mavericks v10.9 and the codecs are installed: Apple Intermediate Codec, Apple ProRes, AVC-Intra, DVCPRO HD, HDV, XDCAM HD / EX / HD422, MPEG IMX, Uncompressed 4:2:2, XAVC.
    There is now a Show/Hide Movie Window command in the View menu when the current project contains a movie.
    Resolves an issue in which some movies that were compatible with QuickTime X did not play in Logic Pro X.
    Exporting audio to a movie with a portrait orientation no longer causes the movie to rotate 90 degrees.
    Logic is now  able to export surround AAC audio to a movie even if the original audio in the movie was originally kept.
    The visible frame of a movie now updates as note lengths in the Piano Roll are changed.
    Import/export fixes and improvements
    XML projects imported from Final Cut Pro X now contain volume and pan automation when opened in Logic Pro X.
    Exporting a project as an Final Cut Pro/XML file with the “Export as Final Cut Compound Clip” option enabled now behaves as expected.
    Includes several improvements to the way Logic handles audio sample-rate conversion when importing Final Cut Pro XML.
    Logic now shows a progress bar when importing large Final Cut Pro XML projects.
    32-bit float audio files in Final Cut Pro XML projects are now converted to 24-bit files during import so they play properly when imported into Logic.
    The start time of imported Final Cut Pro XML projects is now consistently correct.
    It's now possible to export Music XML when the Score window is in linear view mode.
    Logic no longer shows multiple alerts when importing a Final Cut Pro XML project containing videos in a format not supported by Logic.
    Songs created in GarageBand 6 no longer load in Logic Pro X with an extra channel in the Mixer.
    Fixes an issue in which audio in a song imported from GarageBand 6 might play back too fast in Logic Pro X.
    Logic now offers to include embedded tempo and marker information when using Track Import to bring an audio file into a project that contains no other audio regions.
    Simultaneously dragging multiple MIDI files into the Tracks area now behaves as expected when using No Overlap mode.
    The default destination path for exported MIDI files is now the project folder instead of ~/Music/Logic.
    When importing projects, there is now an Add All button in the Aux import dialog.
    The user settings in the Bounce window are now retained after sharing to iTunes.
    Split stereo SD2 files no longer incorrectly import as AIFF files when the WAV file option is enabled.
    The “Share Song to iTunes” command now creates a playlist with the name entered if there is not already an iTunes playlist with that name.
    MIDI events that precede the start point of a region are no longer included when the region is exported as a MIDI file.
    Stability and reliability
    Includes several fixes related to stability and reliability, including to resolve issues that could cause Logic to quit unexpectedly in these circumstances:
    When changing the length of a time-stretched region
    When importing tracks from another project
    When recording with the color palette open
    When bypassing an instance of the Maschine plug-in
    When exporting Music XML after applying Enharmonic Shift to some notes
    When changing the range on an Environment fader whose style was set to Text
    When quitting a project that has a Surround Compressor inserted on a channel strip
    When removing a control surface from the Control Surface setup window when the Logic Remote is also present
    When changing the range value of a Smart Control during playback.
    When reapplying a Time and Pitch operation after undoing a previous one
    When dragging an audio region from a take folder to a new song

    Thanks Erik,
    If nothing else, this huge list of updates and fixes, shows clearly that the Logic Dev team is working hard on fixing and improving LPX to a major degree.... and from the list of fixes done.. show they do read the bug reports submitted!
    As an aside....
    I recall how all the 'naysayers' prior to LPX (and in some cases, since...)  were proclaiming how Logic was dead, the team was being disbanded, we won't see any further development, the Dev team doesn't listen or care... and so on....... I wonder where those people are now?

  • Problems loading text to xib using plist in tableview's selected cell

    I am developing an app that starts with a grouped tableview cell.  Each cell has an image, text, and description from a plist.  When a cell is chosen a xib is loaded by a view controller in the plist.  I want to load into the xib some text, an image, and a sound file that is in the plist (dict for that cell).  This way I don't have to have lots of view controllers and xibs.  I have been able to load the xib using this method but I can't get the images and text to load.  I have been able to do it when I don't have a grouped table view but when I add the grouping in the plist the connection is lost.  below is my code.  Could someone look at it and tell me where I've gone wrong, how to correct it, or another way to do what I want to do?
    I know I am not calling the right array and then dictionary but I don't know how to correct this.  Help please.
    //  RootViewController.h
    //  TableViewPush
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @interface RootViewController :  UITableViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>  {
    NSArray *tableDataSm;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *tableDataSm;
    //  RootViewController.m
    //  TableViewPush
    #import "RootViewController.h"
    #import "Location One.h"
    #import "HowToUseViewController.h"
    #import "TableViewPushAppDelegate.h"
    @implementation RootViewController
    @synthesize tableDataSm;
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
        const NSDictionary *const row = [self rowForIndexPath:indexPath];
        NSString *wantedClassName = [row objectForKey:@"controller"];
        UIViewController *const vc = [[NSClassFromString (wantedClassName) alloc] init];
        NSLog(@"controller is -%@-", wantedClassName);
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
        TableViewPushAppDelegate *appDelegate = ( TableViewPushAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
        appDelegate.myImage = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[tableDataSm objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"picture"]];
    NSLog(@"%@", appDelegate.myImage);
    appDelegate.textView = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[tableDataSm objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"description"]];
        [vc release];
    //  TableViewPushAppDelegate.h
    //  TableViewPush
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @class RootViewController, HowToUseViewController;
    @interface TableViewPushAppDelegate : UIViewController <UIApplicationDelegate>  {
        NSString *myImage;
        NSString *textView;
        UIWindow *window;
        UINavigationController *navigationController;
        HowToUseViewController *howToUseViewController;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet RootViewController *viewController;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UINavigationController *navigationController;
    @property(retain,nonatomic)NSString *myImage;
    @property(retain,nonatomic)NSString *textView;
    //  TableViewPushAppDelegate.m
    //  TableViewPush
    #import "TableViewPushAppDelegate.h"
    #import "RootViewController.h"
    @implementation TableViewPushAppDelegate
    @synthesize window;
    @synthesize navigationController;
    @synthesize viewController;
    @synthesize myImage;
    @synthesize textView;
    //  Location One.h
    //  TableViewPush
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import "RootViewController.h"
    @interface   Location_One: UIViewController  {
        IBOutlet UIImageView *imageOne;
    IBOutlet UITextView  *textViewTwo;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) UITextView *textViewTwo;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) UIImageView *imageOne;
    //  Location One.m
    //  TableViewPush
    #import "Location One.h"
    #import "TableViewPushAppDelegate.h"
    @implementation Location_One
    @synthesize textViewTwo;
    @synthesize imageOne;
    -(id) init{
        if((self = [super initWithNibName:@"Location One" bundle:nil])){
        return self;
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
           NSLog(@"InView did load");
    [super viewDidLoad];
        TableViewPushAppDelegate *appDelegate = (TableViewPushAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
    textViewTwo.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", appDelegate.textView];
    NSString *path = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",appDelegate.myImage];
    UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:path];
        [imageOne setImage:img];
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
                        <string>52 Glass Illusions Studio</string>
                        <string>150 S Camino Seco, #119</string>

    I think you problem lies in this part.
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath {
        const NSDictionary *const row = [self rowForIndexPath:indexPath];
        NSString *wantedClassName = [row objectForKey:@"controller"];
        UIViewController *const vc = [[NSClassFromString (wantedClassName) alloc] init];
        NSLog(@"controller is -%@-", wantedClassName);
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
        TableViewPushAppDelegate *appDelegate = ( TableViewPushAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
        appDelegate.myImage = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[tableDataSmobjectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"picture"]];
    NSLog(@"%@", appDelegate.myImage);
    appDelegate.textView = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%@",[[tableDataSm objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"description"]];
        [vc release];
    specifically the underlined part.  does this need modifying or completely rewritten.

  • WL server failed to response under load

    We have a quite strange situation on my sight. Under load our WL 10.3.2 server failed to response. We are using RestEasy with HttpClient version 3.1 to coordinate with web service deployed as WAR.
    What we have is a calculation process that run on 4 containers based on 4 physical machines and each of them send request to WL during calculation.
    Each run we see a messages from HttpClient like this:
    [THREAD1] INFO   I/O exception (org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request: The server OUR_SERVER_NAME failed to respond
    [THREAD1] INFO   Retrying request
    The HttpClient make several requests until get necessary data.
    I want to understand why WL can refuse connections. I read about WL thread pool that process http request and understand that WL allocate separate thread to process web request and the numbers of threads is not bounded in default configuration. Also our server is configured Maximum Open Sockets: -1 which means that the number of open sockets is unlimited.
    From this thread I'd want to understand where the issue is? Is it on WL side or it's a problem of our business logic? Can you guys help to deeper investigate the situation.
    What should I check more in order to understand that our WL server is configured to work with as much requests as we want?

    Thanks for a good explanation!
    Linux server it's not in my competencies but what we have now is:
    root    soft    nofile  3072
    root    hard    nofile  65536
    So the upper number is really big. As I understood it's a config for whole processes in operation system.
    But I go further and find these numbers for our WL managed server.
    cat /proc/23085/limits
    Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units
    Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            seconds
    Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes
    Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes
    Max stack size            10485760             unlimited            bytes
    Max core file size        0                    unlimited            bytes
    Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited            bytes
    Max processes             578455               578455               processes
    Max open files            8192                 8192                 files
    Max locked memory         32768                32768                bytes
    Max address space         unlimited            unlimited            bytes
    Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited            locks
    Max pending signals       578455               578455               signals
    Max msgqueue size         819200               819200               bytes
    Max nice priority         0                    0
    Max realtime priority     0                    0
    Again it's only a config numbers. If continue moving in this direction I'd want to see the real numbers when the server is under load. So finding these numbers I would make an assumption that the issue is here. Don't you know is there a log file or history file where I can find a max open file descriptors for WL server?

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