Restricting iPad Video & App volume

I'm forever asking my kids to turn the volume to half when using their iPads.
Especially when watching Videos. Is there a way I can limit the volume to halfway? I know it can be done for music, but I can't see a solution for video & apps. Surely I can't be the first person with this issue?

Settings > General > Restrictions > Enable Restrictions > ALLOW CHANGES: Volume Limit > Don't Allow Changes

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    - I did a right-click SAVE IMAGE AS
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    I have tried resetting my ipad, removing all the movies and adding them back, but it does not help.  All these movies play with no problem in Itunes on my PC.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hello Brian, 
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you’re running into an issue playing iTunes Store content on your iPad Air, and you’ve already tried restarting the device and syncing the movies a second time. If you haven’t already, try backing up and restoring the device as shown in the article linked below.
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support

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    Anyone else having this same problem?  ...and how do I fix this APPLE?  I have already done a factory restart and loaded my apps, etc...back on to my iPad from iCloud, but the problem is still there.

    Thanks Rex. I appreciate your suggestion. There are two reviews on it so far (not much substance regarding function). 

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