Retreiving time zone

I am trying to retreive list of time zones in java. TimeZone.getAvailableIDs() method return a list of 558 time zones. But I want a list of main 25 Time zones.
Are there any method to do so??

You could , with time and effort, filter the list but
why would you want to..... ?Here's why. For example that list contains the timezones "America/Los Angeles" and "America/Vancouver". At the present time those two timezones are identical, but at some time in the past (I think over 30 years ago) they had different rules. If you aren't interested in the past but only in the present, then there's no reason to differentiate between the two.
So it could be useful to produce a list of canonical timezones. The hasSameRules() method could be one of the methods you would use to do that.

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    Hmm, this is very strange and it almost seems like a bug with ISE. I would recommend that you contact TAC and have them check this out. 
    The reason I think that it is a bug (Related to the timezone) is the fact that the base OS (Cent/ADE OS) appears to be running fine and keeping track of DST (Day light savings) but the actual application (ISE) installed on Cent is not. 
    I am far from NTP or Linux expert but I don't believe that NTP pushes/honors timezones. I think NTP just synchronizes the clock while timezones/DST is controlled locally. 
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    I was able to find these but perhaps there are more and a specific one to CST/CLST. I tried searching for those but could not find anything:
    NS-ISE-01/admin# show timezones | i Santiago
    NS-ISE-01/admin# show timezones | i Chile
    NS-ISE-01/admin# show timezones | i CLT
    NS-ISE-01/admin# show timezones | i CLST
    Let me know what you find. I would like to know the cause/resolution
    Thank you for rating helpful posts!

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    Go to Settings>Mail, etc.>iCloud and delete the account. Then add in a new account with the details you want.

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    Same problem. Everything done on the following discussion does not work:

  • Get date from Oracle when local time zone is different from Oracle time zon

    Local machine time zone= +2
    Oracle time zone= +1
    I set date to Oracle using java.sql.Date.
    From application I save date at 00:30 clock and send e.g. 28.06.2002, but in Oracle date is save as 27.06.2002 01:00 (hour=01 , I suppose that is because java.sql.Date hasn't time the Oracle set it time = time zone=+1) And when I get date from Oracle I get incorrect date. In SQL I don't use date masks. Maybe solution is to use java.sql.Timestamp object (when save date to Oracle) instead of java.sql.Date?
    But if I save date at e.g. 01:00 clock and send e.g. 28:06.2002 in Oracle, date is save as 28.06.2002 01:00 and when I read from Oracle I get correct date.
    Thank you.

    Local machine time zone= +2
    Oracle time zone= +1
    I set date to Oracle using java.sql.Date.
    From application I save date at 00:30 clock and send
    e.g. 28.06.2002, but in Oracle date is save as
    27.06.2002 01:00 (hour=01 , I suppose that is because
    java.sql.Date hasn't time the Oracle set it time =
    time zone=+1) Presumably you are using setTimestamp() to store the value. If you are explicitly using a varchar (string) then you will have to correct the timezone your self.
    And when I get date from Oracle I get
    incorrect date. In SQL I don't use date masks. Maybe
    solution is to use java.sql.Timestamp object (when
    save date to Oracle) instead of java.sql.Date?The method setDate/getDate store a 'date' which is not the same as a 'date and time' for which setTimestamp/getTimestamp are used.
    But if I save date at e.g. 01:00 clock and send e.g.
    28:06.2002 in Oracle, date is save as 28.06.2002
    01:00 and when I read from Oracle I get correct date.
    Thank you.

  • How to calculate for diffrent time zones

    I have a simple clock that shows the current time using the
    get.Time command. My problem is this. I'm in the central time zone.
    So to calculate Pacific time I subtract 2 hours from hours like so
    "hours = mydate.getHours() - 2 ;" So if it is 2pm central it
    should be 12pm in the pacific. Doing my method will show that it is
    12am when it is not. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance. Below
    is my code. I'm hoping that with a fix I can do the same for other
    time zones.
    Attach Code
    mydate = new Date();
    seconds = mydate.getSeconds();
    minutes = mydate.getMinutes();
    hours = mydate.getHours()-2;
    day = mydate.getDay();
    date = mydate.getDate();
    month = mydate.getMonth();
    year = mydate.getFullYear();
    if (hours>12) {
    hours = hours-12;
    ampm = "PM";
    } else {
    ampm = "AM";
    if (hours == 0) {
    hours = 12;
    if (minutes<10) {
    minutes = "0"+minutes;
    if (seconds<10) {
    seconds = "0"+seconds;
    if (day==0){
    day = "Sunday"
    } else if (day==1){
    day = "Monday"
    } else if (day==2){
    day = "Tuesday"
    } else if (day==3){
    day = "Wednesday"
    } else if (day==4){
    day = "Thursday"
    } else if (day==5){
    day = "Friday"
    } else if (day==6){
    day = "Saturday"
    if (month==0){
    month = "January"
    } else if (month==1){
    month = "February"
    } else if (month==2){
    month = "March"
    } else if (month==3){
    month = "April"
    } else if (month==4){
    month = "May"
    } else if (month==5){
    month = "June"
    } else if (month==6){
    month = "July"
    } else if (month==7){
    month = "August"
    } else if (month==8){
    month = "September"
    } else if (month==9){
    month = "October"
    } else if (month==10){
    month = "November"
    } else if (month==11){
    month = "December"
    time = ((hours) + ":" + (minutes) + ":" + (seconds) + " " +
    datefinal = ((day) + " " + (date) + " " + (month) + " " +

    When you use any of the Date functions in Flash its
    referenced to the LOCAL SYSTEM Time/Date.
    So when you have a visitor in London it shows their time
    LOCAL SYSTEM (PC) time and in Sydney it shows their LOCAL SYSTEM
    (PC) time etc, etc. No need to calculate anything.
    Hope it helps

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    Thanks in advance

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  • Open MM Period with different time zone via job

    Hi All,
    I'm getting a bit confused with posting date and times and time zones.
    I read note 968050 and it states that all the posting date are stored in the  MKPF with the server date for consistencies reason.
    My problem is that my company has two company code one in Europe (sever time as well) and one in US. I would like to schedule a job to open the MM period (MMPV) every first of the month at 12:00 US time. (let say EU time)
    two questions:
    - Should i schedule it at 6 Server time?
    - will I be able to make postings in the last day of the month in the evening when in Europe (and on the server) it's already a new month? In other words can i make an entry in MKPF with posting date new month but still in the old period???

    Timing:  You need to be sure that the period has been moved on Day 1, before an office starts work. 
    We have companies in Australia, Europe and United States.  We run three separate jobs for each of these areas (ver5.0).
    If you were to move the period on Oct 30, the result on the 31st would be:
    1- Material could no longer be moved in September (usually not a problem because FI stopped postings to Sept earlier in the period)
    2 - Material could be moved with posting dates of November, (if FI has opened the FI Accounting periods.)
    Material movements made October 31st are just like movementes made on Oct 30.

  • Devices and I are in one city but time zone and location based apps show devices location in another city

    iPad2 with IOS 8.1.2 located with me in Eastern Time Zone city but settings under General reflects Central Time Zone(Chicago).  All location based Apps are reflecting a Central Time Zone city, one that I have never visited.  I did an erase and restore of a backup prior to this issue but it was not resolved.  What do I do?         

    I am having a similar issue. I moved about 10-15 miles. Any app, such as Maps, a Weather, etc, that use location keep showing my current location as my old address. I'm interested in hearing the solution to your problem.

  • How can I correct time zone information

    Yesterday  Europe/Moscow zone was changet from  GMT+4 to GMT+3
    I've managed to adjust ical4j.jar library replacing Moscow.ics by this very simple zone file
    PRODID:-//Oracle//Calendar Server//EN
    After init-config for both davserver and Convergence this jar file is deployed and I see It into
    Moreover I found modified zoneinfo file into
    I see in the Convegence Options Time Zone Europe Moscow GMT+0300
    So far so good.
    Bad news when I export calendar via Convergence calendar interface  I see in  the head of ICS file the following time zone information
    PRODID:-//Oracle Corporation/CS
    The offset +0400 is absolutely wrong!
    Since I see in convergence all events shifted by one hour back respect to lightning data.
    I found a lot of information about how to add time zone alias, but have no info about correction existing time zone.
    Any comments are welcome.
    Thank you, Monk.
    Operating system time zone information is right.
    Java time zone is updated too.

    Yes I know about time zone information into VEVENT Object.
    Can You provide me URL where I can download plugin you are talking about?
    Plugin can be for Firefox or Chrome.
    Till now I can only use export calendar button of Convergence Calendar interface.
    Here you can find two event
    th-17 and th-19 created by Lightning
    th-17 - started 17-00
    th-19 - started 19-00
    According to the Convergence them start at 16-00 and 18-00 respectively.
    By the way .Lightning show them correct but fire alarm one hour earlier.
    Seams that Lightning took wrong time zone information from the server with +4 offset.
    PRODID:-//Oracle Corporation/CS
    DESCRIPTION:Default Mozilla Description
    DESCRIPTION:Default Mozilla Description

  • How do I stop iCal from ever changing the time zones of my appointments?

    I cannot figure out time zone support in iCal, and just want it never to move the time of an appointment when I change time zones. I have tried switching time zone support on and off, and it makes no difference, the appointment times change when the time zone changes. It's infuriating! How do I make it stop?

    According to iCal Help...Changing the time zone for an event: Choose iCal > Preferences, click Advanced, and select the "Turn on time zone support" checkbox...To change the event's time zone, choose a time zone from the pop-up menu in the Info drawer. To make the event appear at the same time no matter what time zone the main calendar view is in, choose Floating..;~)

  • How do I stop iCal from changing my gCal events to UTC time zone when entering new events?

    Within the last week, iCal has begun automatically changing the time zone of new events I enter via Calendar on my Google calendar to UTC. It does not do this for items entered on my iCal calendar.
    I enter the date and time (Pacific Time)  and as soon as I add an invittee or click "Done" it changes the time zone to UTC.
    iCal time zone support is on
    Mac time zone is set automatically (and its correctly finding PDT)
    gCal time zone is also set for Pacific
    Calendar reads 11-1 pm...
    Yes, one solution would be to not use Calendar. Barring that, what do you suggest?

    I was having the same problem and spent some time on the phone with apple today.(new computer is under apple care). Tried a ton of stuff with different folks and ultimately I (well, me and 3 apple specialists) was able to solve this issue.
    Here's the break down:
    1. Quit Mail, Calendar and Messages.
    2. Open: System Preference -> Mail, Contacts & Calendars
    3. Delete all your google accounts (using the little minus button below your account list)
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. Re-add your google accounts. (Obviously, keep the calendar box checked).
    6. Open calendar and wait for your google info to populate.
    7. Attempt to add an event with correct time zone.
    Events I created while I was having the problem still had the problem.
    I simply deleted those broken events and recreated them with refreshed settings.
    I've only had this working for a few hours so I'm not certain it will stay working forever.
    But for now it is a relief.
    I realize deleting and re-adding the accounts is annoying but it's a lot less frustrating than seeing UTC every time you add an event.
    Hope that helps everyone else having this problem.

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