Retrieve account id

My iPad pc died.
Replacement pc sees my iPad (separate) account only.
How do I retrieve original iPad account and put iPad's library on new pc?

It may be more of an issue of "authorizing" the new PC.
Launch iTunes. From the menu bar click Store > Authorize This Computer
If you have problems with your iTunes account, try here > Apple - Support - Apple ID

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    Thanks for the reply
    If we link with fnd_flex_values_vl and gl_code_combinations, number of records is increasing i.e records are repeating.
    add condition flex_value_set_id
    Also account number will be like 01-0101-0101-1010, so this means that account number is flex field. Then i think we have to use flex field tables. But i am not able to find out which are the tables and what is the link between them
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    Hi AspnetDeveloper,
    Thanks a lot for posting the exact steps.
    I was actually using WebServices 2.0 and that is why these examples were not working for me. I have the webservice up and running now with 1.0
    There is 1 more thing I need to ask.
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    1- File having Login/Logout code
    2- SourceCodeFile that was generated by WSDL.exe for Accounts --<<<<<< this is has namespace ClrWebservices.Accounts
    3- SourceCodeFile that was generated by WSDL.exe for Opportunities --<<<<<< this is has namespace ClrWebservices.Opportunity
    4- File having my code that calls the QueryPage methods to get data and then INSERTs into SQL Server table.
    As I read and tried that SQL Server doesn't support dynamically generated libraries, one has to do SGEN to generate serialization code. I did it and it was going perfect for only Accounts data. By the time I added code for retrieving opportunity data, the sgen.exe started giving error:
    Error: The top XML element 'Opportunity' from namespace ' ' references distinct types ClrWebservices.Accounts.Opportunity and ClrWebservices.Opportunity.Opportunity1. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the element or types.
    Even if I comment out all of my code that extracts Opportunity data, the error is same ..... but the error GOES AWAY if I don't compile the 3rd file in above list.
    Looks to me as if there is some conflict between Opportunity as a separate entity and as a child of Account.
    WSDL generated code for Accounts says:
    public partial class Opportunity {
    WSDL generated code for Opportunity says:
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(TypeName="Opportunity", Namespace="urn:/crmondemand/xml/opportunity")]
    public partial class Opportunity1 {
    Can anyone please pass on some pointers regarding the mistake I am making ...
    Thanks in advance

  • Retrieving Accounting Document number based on PO numbers

    Hey All,
            I have a list of PO numbers(EBELN) for which I am trying to get all Accounting information from BSIS. But before going to BSIS I am trying to determine the Accounting document number(BELNR) from some other table so that my select on BSIS will be efficient.
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    Is there any other easier and efficeint way of doing this?
    Any input is highly appreciated.

    I am retrieving Large amounts of data, around 1.5 million from BSIS.
    The code related to our discussion looks like this:
    "First I get all related PO's for the last three years and determine the no of packets.
    DO v_no_of_packets TIMES.
          IF v_end_indx GT v_total.
            v_end_indx = v_total.
          REFRESH i_ebeln_range[].
          APPEND LINES OF t_ebeln_range FROM v_start_indx TO v_end_indx TO i_ebeln_range.
          v_start_indx = v_end_indx + 1.
          v_end_indx   = v_end_indx + p_pkjsiz.
    IF NOT i_ebeln[] IS INITIAL.
      CLEAR l_bkpf.
      REFRESH l_bkpf[].
      SELECT ebeln ebelp zekkn vgabe gjahr belnr buzei FROM EKBE INTO TABLE t_belnr
                         WHERE ebeln IN i_ebeln_range
                          AND vgabe IN ('1' ,'2').
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT t_belnr.
        l_awkey+0(10) = t_belnr-belnr.
        l_awkey+10(10) = t_belnr-gjahr.
        IF t_belnr-vgabe = '1'.
          l_awtyp = 'MKPF'.
          l_awtyp = 'RMRP'.
        SELECT SINGLE bukrs belnr gjahr blart budat
          FROM bkpf INTO l_bkpf
            WHERE awtyp = l_awtyp
            AND   awkey = l_awkey.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
             APPEND l_bkpf.
      SELECT zuonr hkont gjahr belnr buzei budat blart wrbtr shkzg xblnr
    waers bukrs
       INTO TABLE i_bsis
       FROM bsis
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN l_bkpf
        WHERE bukrs = l_bkpf-bukrs
                          AND  hkont IN r_hkont   "Contains all Accounts
                          AND  budat = l_bkpf-budat
                          AND  augdt = 0
                          AND  augbl = space
                          AND  gjahr = l_bkpf-gjahr
                          AND  belnr = l_bkpf-belnr
                          AND  blart = l_bkpf-blart
                          AND  gsber = c_zrl1.
      SELECT zuonr hkont gjahr belnr buzei budat blart wrbtr shkzg xblnr
    waers bukrs
       APPENDING TABLE i_bsis
       FROM bsas
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN l_bkpf
        WHERE bukrs = l_bkpf-bukrs
                          AND  hkont IN r_hkont
                          AND  budat = l_bkpf-budat
                          AND  augdt = 0
                          AND  augbl = space
                          AND  gjahr = l_bkpf-gjahr
                          AND  belnr = l_bkpf-belnr
                          AND  blart = l_bkpf-blart
                          AND  gsber = c_zrl1.
    "Then process this data

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    So can any body give any pointer on this?

    Thanks for immd reply and it is really useful for new user like me.
    I converted the wsdl file to java. Now suppose i want to fetch all the record from User object on SOD, i wrote the following code snippet but got error as Internal Error: Session is not available. Aborting Server.
    Code : In java
    private static String mstrUrl="";
    URL wsUrl = new URL(mstrUrl);
    Default_BindingStub defaultBindingStubObject=new Default_BindingStub(wsUrl,null);
    UserLocator []listOfUser=new UserLocator[1];
    UserLocator userLocatorObject=new UserLocator();
    //String xml ="<ListOfUser><User><FirstName /><UserLastName /><LastUpdated> (>='07/28/2004 06:30:00') AND (<='07/28/2009 06:45:00')</LastUpdated></User></ListOfUser>"
    UserWS_UserQueryPage_Input userWS_UserQueryPage_InputObject=new UserWS_UserQueryPage_Input("1","1",listOfUser,"1");
    UserWS_UserQueryPage_Output userWS_UserQueryPage_OutputObject = defaultBindingStubObject.userQueryPage(userWS_UserQueryPage_InputObject);
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    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to write a report scripts that will retrieve from the Accounts dimensions all members that have Time Balance of Account information of "Last". I haven't been able to get the correct syntax to do this retrieval. Is there an existing syntax what is similar to a UDA that I can use as a retireval criteria?
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    I dont think there is a such report script command to list out TB First/Last account members.
    so you need to give some uda to the TB members and list out the accounts based on UDA in report scripts.
    - Krish

  • Retrieving account information without Firewire?

    I had been using a first generation Mac Book until it crashed last week. The store diagnosed it as a hardware problem and told me that the hard drive was completely unreadable. (They couldn't save my data). I purchased a new MacBookPro. I didn't have internet when I set it up, so the computer couldn't access my apple ID and information. Now that I have internet I am wondering:
    1) Can I get my old account information on this computer without doing a Firewire transfer?
    2) Can I get this computer to recognize my iTunes account, which is linked to my apple ID? (As of now, it won't let me listen to my own music without authorizing it) (Also - this is off topic, but will iTunes let me redownload the music I already paid for?)

    Your iTunes account doesn't change. Open iTunes and authorize the computer. I'm not sure if you can re-download the music you've already paid for, but you can certainly give it a try. I know you can re-download iPhone apps.
    If your old computer's drive is unreadable, then you will not be able to access the drive via Target Disk Mode.
    The only information Apple keeps based on your Apple ID is your personal information you provided when you completed the Setup Assistant forms. You cannot retrieve that information from Apple via the internet.

  • Retrieve Account

    I just changed my ISP and wanted to re-setup my email account.
    Not realizing that if I deleted the account, that I'd lose all my emails in the inbox.
    Is there any way of retrieving the account?

    See the following:
    General File Recovery
    If you stop using the drive it's possible to recover deleted files that have not been overwritten with recovery software such as Data Rescue II, File Salvage or TechTool Pro. Each of the preceding come on bootable CDs to enable usage without risk of writing more data to the hard drive.
    The longer the hard drive remains in use and data are written to it, the greater the risk your deleted files will be overwritten.
    Also visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on Data Recovery.
    If you have a backup then you can restore the data from your backup. Otherwise once you delete a Mail account it is deleted completely as opposed to being simply put in the Trash. If it's an IMAP account and you have all the mailboxes on the server, then just recreate the account. All your mail will still be on the server if you haven't deleted anything from the server.

  • Question on the retriving the records from Account

    Hi all,
    I am now trying to retrieve account records using ListOfAccount API in the web service. I would like to retrieve multiple account data using two different condition array but
    the execution result is not what I expected.
    Suppose, Now I would like to get two account names like "a*" and "b*" and the expected result is 5 records all told, ("a","aa","aaa","b""bb") but all I can retrieve is four records
    The JAVA code I wrote is this,
    ListOfAccount conditions = new ListOfAccount();
    Account condition1 = new Account();
    Account condition2 = new Account();
    condition1.setAccountName("LIKE 'a*'");
    condition2.setAccountName("LIKE 'b*'");
    conditions.setAccount(new Account[]{condition1, condition2});
    executeQuery("queryPageTest1", conditions);
    Why can't I retrieve all five records? Is it impossible to do so? Setting multiple conditions are not supported in CRM on Demand service?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Kdinesh_CRMIT.
    Thank you very much for your response.
    I have modified my Java code then run it, it worked fine! Thank you.
    And, I am very holding back but dare to ask, how can I set more than two "OR" conditions?
    I have set up the following code then tested but Axis error was observed.
    condition1.setAccountName("(LIKE 'a*') OR (LIKE 'b*') OR (LIKE'c*')");
    Is it possible to set more than two (2) "OR" conditions in the query?
    Thanks and best wishes,

  • Retreiving accounting Doc number based on PO number

    In my abaprogram I need to retrieve the accounting document number for a given PO number which has been GR'd.
    I need to know the table which stores there details.
    I need acounting document number because I need to read the BKPF table for getting exchange rate for a PO.
    If I read the BKPF table based on Object key which I can retrieve from PO, the select query takes a long time  hence I think I need to read bkpf based on primary key ?
    Please advice,

    Refer to these links...
    For BSID- Accounting Document Number corresponding PO Number is required
    Retrieving Accounting Document number based on PO numbers

  • Accounts linked to a sales district(Region) or sales area (Territory)

    How can we retrieve Accounts linked to a sales district (Region) or sales area  (Territory .)
    Is there a function module or a table link .
    Naval Bhatt .

    Hi Naval,
    For regions, try FM CRM_DD_BP_REGIONAL_SEARCH.
    For territories, you can use FM CRM_PARTNER_FILTER_TERRITORIES which accepts path IDs.To get the path IDs for a territory GUID, select territory_v guids from crmm_territory_v. Use these terr_v guids to select path IDs from table crmm_terrstruct.
    Arun Prakash

  • N8 Belle and issues with email accounts

    1. How to setup IMAP account, which is not on the default accounts list?
    2. How to prevent Gmail account from automated synchronisation?
    Go to Solution.

    1. If not mistaken, IMAP is the technology for mailing service. You should be able to setup email that using IMAP, e.g. yahoo mail.
    2. Did you try Setting>Appication Settings>Mail>Select email account that you had been setup>Auto retrieval/Account settings?
    Hope this helps you.
    If you find this post helpful, please show your appreciation by clicking the Kudos star at the left. If it provides you the solution, please click on the GREEN Accept as Solution button at below

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