Retrieve os (windows) clientside username in ADF

hi all,
i want to know how can i retrieve the clientside os username within adf, maybe with a java bean or something else. any code snippets availiable?
i want to implement a simple security mechanism with the logged in user information.
thank you very much.
best regards

check this thread for a similar discussion:
Get Windows username and domain name

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    Thanks in Advance.

    You can!
    When you drag the workflow fields tot he form, there will be a hidden AWS_ASSIGNED_ID field..
    which will have the principal id of the user as per the MySql definition..
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    Why have 5 accounts if you need to access all of them.. just have one account?
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    Error Message
    org.apache.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
    File "/apps/oracle/product/ODI11116_frsh/oracledi.sdk/lib/Lib/", line 50, in __init__
    self.connect(host, port)
    File "/apps/oracle/product/ODI11116_frsh/oracledi.sdk/lib/Lib/", line 58, in connect
    self.ftp.connect(host, port)
    File "/apps/oracle/product/ODI11116_frsh/oracledi.sdk/lib/Lib/", line 129, in connect
    raise socket.error, msg
    socket.error: (146, 'Connection refused')
    Prasad Jayakumar

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    private IWorkflowContext fetchWorkflowContext() {
              IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =
              ITaskQueryService queryService = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService();
              IWorkflowContext workflowContext;
              try {
                   workflowContext =queryService.authenticate("weblogic", "weblogic1".toCharArray(), null);
                   } catch (WorkflowException e) {
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
         <server name="default" default="true" excludeFromFederatedList="true">
              <identityPropagation mode="dynamic" type="saml">
                   <policy-reference enabled="true" category="security" uri="oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy"/>
    How to retrieve WorkflowContext without passing username and password ?
    workflowContext =queryService.authenticate("weblogic", "weblogic1".toCharArray(), null);
    Edited by: user10303338 on Oct 5, 2011 1:51 AM

    Use :
    Properties prop = System.getProperties();
    prop.put("http.proxyPort","8080"); // change the port
    //prop.put("https.proxyPort","8080"); // change the port

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    Any ideas or suggestions?

    This of course shouldn't happen - it shouldn't be possible to move the window above the screen.
    Possible workaround:
    Ensure that the rogue window is the frontmost in the application.
    Open the AppleScript Editor, and paste the following into it:
    tell application "XXXXX"
    set the bounds of window 1 to {4, 93, 800, 500}
    end tell
    Enter the name of the application as it appears on the application's icon where I have XXXXX
    Press the 'run' button
    or save the script as an application (and keep in case it happens again!)

  • Best practise to retrieve user specified UI Locale in ADF BC Model

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    The user has the ability to change the UI locale by means of a simple popup which contains a <af:commandLink> with a <af:setActionListener from="#{locale}" to="#{Session.currentLocale}"/> for every supported locale.
    <li>Which is the best way to make the current UI locale available on the Model?</li>
    <li>Are there other (better) solutions then the once I propose?</li>
    Possible solutions:
    <li>Use the BindingContext in the SessionInfo Managed Bean to retrieve the RootApplicationModule and store the locale in the Session UserData Map. This requires to overwrite the activateState and passivateState methods to prevent problems when the AM is released to the pool.</li>
    <li>Use the ADFContext object to store the UI locale on the HTTP Session object by using ADFContext.getCurrent().getSessionScope(). The ADFContext object is shared between the UI and the Model.</li>
    <li>Use the ADFContext object and its locale property e.g. ADFContext.getCurrent().setLocale(locale)</li>
    Solution 1: should be chosen when you are working in a clustered environment.
    Solution 2: can be difficult to work with in clustered environments since its hard to share the HttpSession object over different clusters.
    Solution 3: I'm not sure if this works! The JavaDoc isn't very helpful.
    Oracle JDeveloper Studio Edition Version Build JDEVADF_MAIN_GENERIC_090826.1233.5475 on MicroSoft Windows 7
    Oracle RDBMS 11gR1 on Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

    Thanks for the hint.
    I have read the thread and gave the example by Steve Munch a go (Updated URL to the example on [Steve Munch Dive into ADF Blog|] ).
    Since I'm using ADF 11g and the example given is for ADF 10g I had to make some modifications to the example in order to make it work.
    Let me explain in short the difference for the people who are interested:
    <u>Extending the ADF/Faces Lifecycle</u>
    Since the ADF 10g ADFPhaseListener class has become deprecated in ADF 11g we have to use a different approach.
    Instead of using the CustomADFPhaseListener and CustomFacesPageLifecycle classes for extending the ADF/Faces Lifecycle we have to use the a custom oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PagePhaseListener.
    In this class we overwrite the beforePhase method and use a slightly modified version of Steve's code.
    public void afterPhase(PagePhaseEvent pagePhaseEvent) {
    if (ADFLifecycle.PREPARE_RENDER_ID == pagePhaseEvent.getPhaseId()) {
        App app = (App)ELHelper.get("#{App}");
        Locale preferredLocale = app.getPreferredLocale();
        UIViewRoot uiViewRoot = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot();
        boolean changedLocale = false;
        if (preferredLocale == null) {
        } else {
          if (preferredLocale != uiViewRoot.getLocale()) {
            changedLocale = true;
        if (changedLocale) {
          for (ControlBinding cb : (List<ControlBinding>)pagePhaseEvent.getLifecycleContext().getBindingContainer().getControlBindings()) {
            if (cb instanceof JUCtrlListBinding) {
              JUCtrlListBinding lb = (JUCtrlListBinding)cb;
              // If the list has a translatable null value
              if (lb.hasNullValue()) {
                // Force the list of values for the list binding to be recalculated
                // so that the null value text will be in the new locale.
    }Next we need to register this CustomPagePhaseListener. This should be done in the adf-settings.xml configuration file.
    This file should be placed at *\ViewController\adfmsrc\META-INF* where ViewController is the name of your ADF Rich Faces project.
    Example of adf-settings.xml file content.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <adf-settings xmlns="> ">
       <adfc-controller-config xmlns="">
    </adf-settings>Good information about extending the Faces Lifecycle is found in the Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide chapter [19.4 Customizing the ADF Page Lifecycle|]
    Hope this information is useful.
    Edited by: StevenJanssens on 12-apr-2010 3:39
    Used correct forum layout tags for code examples

  • Obtain Username from ADF Security with BPM Task Page

    I have a requirement to obtain the currently logged on user within a BPM task page.
    I log onto either the BPM workspace or our own custom workspace that leverages the BPM Tasklist Taskflow. When navigating from a task in the tasklist, I have attempted to use an ADF EL expression to obtain the current user #{securityContext.userName}. However this seems to return anonymous. I have created a very simple test case and process to prove this, just displaying the user on the screen. However it shows as anonymous. I have done nothing special with either the task page or my workspace application to configure security aspects. Other than the standard ADF security of the custom workspace loggin.
    Does anyone know if this is achievable? (My ADF skills are limited)
    Interestingly, this seems to work fine on some of our sever installs but not on others, including my Local Windows install. Therefore it is concidence it works on the servers (Linux).
    Many Thanks for any guidance you can provide
    FYI, The Task actions, task comments etc all record the logged in user correctly. I also reviewed comments in
    Regards Dave
    Edited by: DavidGaskell on Dec 1, 2012 12:41 AM

    Hi thanks,
    I'm a little confused so apologies.
    The steps we have followed to date as as follows:
    1) Written our own login page which inplements ADF security to authenticate the user
    2) Integrated the BPM task list task flow into our application as per Oracle docs.
    3) Written a separate application for the task page.
    4) run the application so u log into application, go to task list page, click in a bpm task in task list which launches the custom bpm task page. At this point the security context is anonymous evn though the login page shows the user logged in.
    Therefore are you suggesting I need to add some additional steps to pass the context into the custom page. FYI we have no single sign on implemented.
    I presume the BPM context must be set based on the logged on user as all task actions are performed as the user details are recorded.
    In a simpler scenario I get the same outcome whe using the out the box bpm workspace.
    Rgards Dave

  • How to Set username in ADF from JAAS

    Greetings :
    I have an application that is mostly working. The problem is this. A user logs in using a JAAS module I wrote. As the principal I set their username. That works, I can display it on a jsp page or put it in session just fine. The problem is that when this user creates a new record there is a owner field that I want to default to this username. For example, I have a table mapped to adf data controls. Somewhere in the entity object (or wherever you think if you tell me differently) I would like to do something like :
    the problem is, that I don't have the request object inside the create for example (obviously so and it most certaily shouldn't be accessible there).
    Can anyone tell me the best way to do this sort of thing?

    You can look in help under:
    Enabling a Database Audit Trail in an Entity Object Definition
    This will give you the option to save created by, created date, modified by and modified date with the record. The username will be prefixed by the realm.
    You can get the username inside an application module via:
    String userId = getUserPrincipalName();

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 - ADFS/Windows Network Load Balancing Converging Issue

    My name is Brandon. We have started upgrading our servers to Windows Server 2012 R2. We have some powerful servers for running ESXI 5.5 as the OS with the Guest Operating Systems as Windows Server 2012 R2. As far of our migrations/upgrades we have configured
    ADFS 2012 R2 into a Server Farm with Windows Network Load Balancing to add redundancy in the event a server goes down.
    I have been having issues with a Node with the Cluster getting stuck in the Status of Converging. The only way I have been able to get it back up is to restart the virtual server completely and it is temporary. When I first configure the Cluster the two
    virtual servers get added to the Node with no problems and fully converge. However, after some time a node will end up in Converging and this takes Authentication for ADFS down as the nodes can not be contacted over Port 443.
    Error: Host: Unable to connect to "server name"
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    I have tried using 1 & 2 Virtual NICs on the machines and still end up with communication issues. Could someone assist me with why I am having this issue? This is not an issue with a firewall. If it was a firewall it would never communicate the first
    time. Has anyone had experience with a similar configuration and how were you able to make it work?
    Below is my configuration.
    Static ARP Entry for Cluster IP Address has been added to our Layer 3 switch.
    Physical Server 1:
    ESXI 5.5 HOST
    1 NIC CONNECTED (shared with virtual guest)
    Virtual Server 1 (Guest OS)
    Physical Server 2:
    ESXI 5.5 HOST
    1 NIC CONNECTED (shared with virtual guest)
    Virtual Server 2 (Guest OS)
    Virtual Servers
    Virtual Server 1
    NLB NODE 2 
     VNIC 2 (NLB)
    Virtual Server 2
    NLB NODE 2
     VNIC 2 (NLB)
    Cluster Configuration/Properties
    a. IP:
    a. IP:

    According to your description, my understanding is that:2 ESXI 5.5 physical devices ( and, each of them has a virtual WS 2012 R2( and Cluster the 2 virtual servers successfully, but they corrupt with event
    ID 21, and a restart of virtual device will resolve this problem temporarily.
    Event ID 21 means that NLB failed to converge due to inconsistencies in the port rules between this host and cluster host. This will occur if the number of port rules or the type of port rules are different between hosts.
    Ensure that all NLB hosts have identical port rules. Detailed steps you may reference:
    Event ID 21 — NLB Port Rules Configuration
    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Login Window in a JSP /ADF Application...

    Hi ,
    I test the sample demo applications located in
    I have a question , however....
    Is it possible and 'easy' to create a login window , so as the user who types in a url in his browser ... such as :
    created following the "Creating a JSP Application with ADF Using a Model 1 Architecture" application , will view different rows than another user.....according to , let's say , a flag in the table(s) used in the construction of the ADF model.....
    NOTE:In the sample application "Creating a JSP Application with ADF Using a Model 1 Architecture" (found in each user is logged in automatically , as the ADF model was constructed using a db user credentials...(hr in this case).
    Thanks , a lot for your interest

    have a look at container managed J2EE security in which you protect an application's root URL. The user can either authenticate through basic authentication or a form based login screen.
    If using e.g. ADF BC, set the property property to MUST and call getPrincipal() on the ApplicationmoduleImpl.
    From here you can set an application specific database context for the user to enforce VPD (Virtual Private Database).
    If you have time to wait, a whitepaper about this is in teh works, probably being leased end of January

  • Maximise Task Pages in iFrame popup Window when opened From ADF Task List

    We have built a custom worklist application that implements the Out of the Box Task list ADF Task flow. For application reasons, we have disabled the preview window (bottom section of task list) by using the Task Flow paramters.
    When navigating from the tasklist, it launches a new browser window for the applicable task.FYI the browser url seems to take the pattern of that below.
    My question is is it feasible to control the size of this window? It allows seems to open a set size. The ideal would be to maximise the window to a full screen. This would save the users having to do this manually. Does anyone know if this is feasible? Or have any ideas suggestions for items you have done to perform similar functionality.
    Any help would be appreciated to see if this is feasible.
    FYI, we are using SOA/BPM
    Many Thanks

    Sorry to reply to my own threads. If anyone doesn't have a resolutin for this, has anyone experienced issues like this with your own custom workspaces?
    Also in IE, when the tasklist page is closed (prior to it launching completely) the workspace reamins in model form.
    Has anyone experience this issue?
    Regards Dave

  • How to retrieve a window from a "phantom" display?

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    I'm stumped. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance -

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    I can get the app to the foreground and access the menus. Unfortunately there is nothing that allows me to re-size the window from the "View" menu, nor is there a command to create a new window. Unfortunately Command-W won't close the window (which might then allow me to re-open a new one), nor will Expose let me click the little green re-size button while I've got the window on-screen. ...
    I'm wondering if I can edit the plist file or a .DS_Store file somewhere to tell it to re-position the window.
    Cheers -

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    Can any one give me the code or an example as how to retrieve the values associated with the table in jspx page.
    I am working in ADF10.1.3.

    I am using ADF10.1
    I have a table with multi selection in my jspx page.
    I have to get the table particular row and using that need to get other values associated with the table.
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    SelectedRowSet = this.getTable1().getSelectionState().getKeySet();
    rowSetIter = selectedRowSet.iterator();
    // Get the Selected Row Values from
    if (selectedRowSet.size() > 0)
    for (int counter = 0; counter < selectedRowSet.size(); counter++)
    int index = (Integer);
    JUCtrlValueBindingRef currentRow =
    (JUCtrlValueBindingRef) getTable1().getRowData(index);
    Row row = currentRow.getRow();
    if (row!=null)
    variable name = ((String) row.getAttribute());
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