Return most recent matching record on Sub Report

I am hoping there is an easier way to go about this.
REPORT 'A': I have already made a report (which will inevitably be a subreport) that only reports the first record of each Group2 (I used a counter formula and conditional suppress.)  This enabled me to have a report full of only the most recent records.
As an example, let's say this first report contains Account#, Price, and Invoice Date (again, it only reports the most recent Invoice Date and corresponding price and account # - the other records for each account are supressed).
REPORT 'B': I have another report with Account Numbers and Category Numbers.
I want to Match the Account Numbers, lookup the numbers on the original report ('A'), and return the recent Prices and Invoice Dates to the 2nd report ('B').  So that Report B has Account#, Category#, Most Recent Price, & Most Recent Invoice Date.
A subreport has been my only idea because again, I only want the most recent prices from 'A' to report on 'B'.  Any help is appreciated.
Edited by: Mara Nowak on Sep 4, 2008 9:39 AM

If Report B is the main report then I would suggest grouping on the same field as you used in Report A for Group 1. Place the subreport, Report A, in the GH1 and link it based on the Group 1 field. The subreport will then only display data for the same group instance.
If you need to use the most recent data or price in Report B then assign those values to shared variables in the subreport and reference them in formulas in the main report in a section below where the subreport resides, GH1.

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    can someone give me idea to write the query or view?
    Thanks for help.
    create table foo_a
              Key varchar2(10),
              Attr varchar2(100),
              Val varchar2(100),
              EntryDate date,
              EndDate date,
              EFDate date,
              ETDate date
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    FS.1 || AAA     || 250     || 30-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005     ||     31-DEC-2005
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    FS.1 || AAA     || 350     || 01-JAN-2006 ||     31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005     ||     31-DEC-2005
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    FS.3 || YYY     || 100     || 10-FEB-2006 ||     31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005     ||     31-DEC-2005
    FS.3 || XXX     || 120     || 10-FEB-2006 ||     31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005     ||     31-DEC-2005
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    FS.4 || aaa     || 'H'     || 11-FEB-2006 ||     31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005     ||     31-DEC-2005
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    FS.2 || BBB || 1/12/2006      
    FS.3 || CCC || 2/9/2006     
    FS.3 || XXX || 2/10/2006      
    FS.3 || YYY || 2/10/2006      
    FS.4 || aaa || 2/11/2006      
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    FS.2 || BBB || 1/12/2006 || 31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005
    FS.3 || CCC || 2/9/2006 || 31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005 || 31-DEC-2005
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    See the following link for a great discussion of this topic:

  • Most recently inserted record

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    note: there is no date columns.

    It's possible, but not probable (given how your table is likely created).
    TUBBY_ORCL?create table not_likely
      2  (
      3    column1 number
      4  )
      5  rowdependencies;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
      2    for i in 1 .. 100
      3    loop
      4      insert into not_likely values (i);
      5      commit;
      6    end loop;
      7  end;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
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      2  from not_likely
      3  where ORA_ROWSCN =
      4  (
      5    select
      6      max(ORA_ROWSCN)
      7    from not_likely
      8  );
    1 row selected.
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    Assuming you don't have row dependencies enabled on your table, you could consider using flashback query if you know roughly when you are trying to compare to.
    All in all ... if you need to do this for part of the application design, then you need to do more design work on the structures at hand.

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    very good
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    Thanks in advance

    Hello Bob,
    Thank you for your question. I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

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    I want my query to show the rows that has most recent purchase dates with same amount in consecutive purchase date.
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    It should not get
    because inv_number 10866311 has a prvevious inv_amount of 65.49.
    and not get this
    because they are not the most recent purchase date even if they have the same inv_amount.
    Thanks in advance.

    You're right; thanks for catching my mistake.
    I changed the WHERE clause of the main query (including subquery there) to deal with that situation:
    WITH     got_grp          AS
         SELECT      x.*
         ,      ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY      purchase_date )
                - ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  inv_amt
                                             ORDER BY         purchase_date )     AS grp
    --     ,      ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY      purchase_date )     AS r1
    --     ,        ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  inv_amt
    --                                         ORDER BY         purchase_date )     AS r2
         FROM     table_x     x
    SELECT     *     -- Or list all columns except grp
    FROM     got_grp
    WHERE     (inv_amt, grp)  IN  (
                               SELECT    MAX (inv_amt) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY MAX (purchase_date))
                        ,       MAX (MAX (grp))
                                FROM      got_grp
                                GROUP BY  grp
                                ,       inv_amt
                                HAVING    COUNT (*)     > 1
    ;Thanks, too, for posting the sample data. Apparantly, you're more interested in solving this problem than OP is.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 22, 2010 1:36 PM
    The r1 and r2 columns are not needed for the solution. You may want to display them, just to help see how the query works.

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    Field 1: IS_WITH
    Field 2: DATE_SENT

    WITH application_movement AS
    SELECT 1 application_id, 'Greg' is_with, to_date('01-jan-07') date_sent FROM dual
    SELECT 1 application_id, 'Steve' is_with, to_date('01-feb-07') date_sent FROM dual
    SELECT 2 application_id, 'Bill' is_with, to_date('01-feb-07') date_sent FROM dual
    SELECT 2 application_id, 'Fred' is_with, to_date('01-mar-07') date_sent FROM dual
    SELECT 2 application_id, 'Jim' is_with, to_date('01-apr-07') date_sent FROM dual
    SELECT DISTINCT application_id,
           FIRST_VALUE(is_with) OVER (PARTITION BY application_id ORDER BY date_sent DESC),
           max(date_sent) OVER (PARTITION BY application_id)
    FROM   application_movement;
                 2 Jim   01-APR-07
                 1 Steve 01-FEB-07Greg

  • Need to retrieve the most recent record per deposit number

    Can someone please show me a way to solve my problem or at least point me in the right direction.
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    bib_mdd_no this is a deposit number
    bib_upd_by person who updated the record
    bib_upd_date date the record was updated (timestamp)
    A deposit might have more than one bibliographic entry with either the same date or a newer date and, the deposit might have one or more person updating the bibliography
    The table has 4974 records but only 1867 are unique deposit numbers
    All I want to do is select a single record that indicates when the deposit was last edited and and who did the editing (as indicated by the *). I don't care which record it is as long as it is the most recent date.
    The following query retrieves 1944 records (67 duplicates) and has eliminated 3000 duplicates but hasn't eliminated them all. Why?
    select unique(bib_mdd_no), bib_upd_by, bib_upd_date from mdd_biblio
    order by bib_mdd_no
    M64C/16-001 MDD 13-SEP-07 *
    M64C/16-001 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-002 DPROUXE 30-NOV-07 *
    M64C/16-002 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-002 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-003 DPROUXE 29-NOV-07 *
    M64C/16-003 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-003 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-004 MDD 13-SEP-07 *
    M64C/16-004 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-005 MDD 13-SEP-07 *
    M64C/16-005 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-006 DPROUXE 03-DEC-07 *
    M64C/16-006 MDD 13-SEP-07
    M64C/16-007 MDD 02-OCT-07 *
    M64C/16-008 MDD 02-OCT-07 *
    M64C/16-009 MDD 02-OCT-07 *
    M64C/16-010 MDD 02-OCT-07 *
    I don't understand why of these duplicates still show up here since 3000 have been eliminated..
    To Reiterate: What I really need is a simple query to retrieve the most recently edited record for each deposit number regardless of the updater's name. I need this in order to build a summary table from this and 15 other tables.
    Thanks for any help you can give

    Usually it is done somehow like this
    select bib_mdd_no,
      from (select bib_mdd_no,
                   row_number() over (partition by bib_mdd_no order by bib_upd_date desc) r
              from mdd_biblio
    where r = 1
    order by bib_mdd_noRegards

  • How to determine most recent date from the date column of internal table

    Dear friends
    would you like to tell me. how i determine the most recently changed record by looking at date and time from internal table i am not supposed to sort the table by date and time... I must check date and time with other records date and time to determine which record is most recently changed...
    here the scenario is.
    id idnumber chdate chtime
    1 123456 20060606 135312
    2 123456 20060606 135900
    3 123456 20060606 132300
    4 123457 20060606 140000
    5 123457 20060606 142500
    in the above scenario i must keep in my mind that the most recently changed record is identical to its idnumber i can say that:
    the record should be fetched this way
    id idnumber chdate chtime
    3 123456 20060606 132300
    5 123457 20060606 142500
    because here the id 3 is the most recently changed in the idnumber 123456
    where id 5 is the most recently changed in the idnumber 123457
    please help me to determin how i am supposed to carry out this task any suggestion, code will be great help of mine.

    After testing my suggestion above, I realized that it doesn't work because the delete adjacent actually will keep the first one and delete the rest.  I'm working with Srinivas's code a bit now,  I think it is almost what you want.  I am under the impression that you dont' want to HIGHest date/time, but just the last record of the sequence, if this is the case, then this code will help.  Here we will assign an index to each record per the idnumber, that way we can sort it and get the lastest record.
    report zrich_0001.
    types: begin of itab_type,
            id       type i,
            idnumber type i,
            chdate   like sy-datum,
            chtime   like sy-uzeit.
    types: end of itab_type.
    types: begin of itab_type2,
            id       type i,
            idnumber type i,
            index    type i,
            chdate   like sy-datum,
            chtime   like sy-uzeit.
    types: end of itab_type2.
    data: itab     type table of itab_type with header line,
          itab2    type table of itab_type2 with header line,
          prev_rec type itab_type.
    data: v_id type i.
      itab-id       = 1.
      itab-idnumber = 123456.
      itab-chdate   = '20060606'.
      itab-chtime   = '135312'.
      append itab. clear itab.
      itab-id       = 2.
      itab-idnumber = 123456.
      itab-chdate   = '20060606'.
      itab-chtime   = '135900'.
      append itab. clear itab.
      itab-id       = 3.
      itab-idnumber = 123456.
      itab-chdate   = '20060606'.
      itab-chtime   = '142500'.
      append itab. clear itab.
      itab-id       = 4.
      itab-idnumber = 123457.
      itab-chdate   = '20060606'.
      itab-chtime   = '140000'.
      append itab. clear itab.
      itab-id       = 5.
      itab-idnumber = 123457.
      itab-chdate   = '20060606'.
      itab-chtime   = '120000'.
      append itab.
      clear itab.
    <b>  data: counter type i.
    * Assign an index to each row per idnumber
      loop at itab.
        on change of itab-idnumber.
        if sy-tabix > 1.
          clear counter.
        clear itab2.
        move-corresponding itab to itab2.
        counter = counter + 1.
        itab2-index = counter.
        append itab2.
    * Sort it and get rid of older records.
      sort itab2  by idnumber ascending
                     index descending.
      delete adjacent duplicates from itab2 comparing idnumber.</b>
      read table itab2 with key idnumber = '123456'.
      write:/ itab2-chdate, itab2-chtime.
      read table itab2 with key idnumber = '123457'.
      write:/ itab2-chdate, itab2-chtime.
    Rich Heilman

  • Most recently sold date

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement where my client wants to have a report that displays "most recently sold date ".
    The report should have " sales org", " material num" and " most recently sold date"
    upon execution, he should be able to find a recent date sold for a requested material.
    Please let me know, do any standard reports have this " most recent sold date"? if not how and from where get into report.

    Hi Pavan,
    Create an ODS which is having info objects like
    Sales org (Key field )
    Material(Key field )
    Invioce Date(Key field )
    Invoice Amount (KF) (Data field )
    Invoice amount should be an exception aggregate with excpetion on Last value and ref. characteristics should be invoice date . This way if there is material sold on 10 diff. invoice date , system will have only one record of last invoice date.
    Create update rule from 0SD* cube to custom made ods . And the required report could be achieved through this ODS.
    Hope that helps.
    Mr Kapadia
    Assigning points is the way to say thanks in SDN.

  • "Mobile Device helper has stopped working" after installing most recent

    OK. Like a thousand other threads that have been posted over the past week or so on this topic and having tried most of the suggestions, I find myself at a loss.
    After most recent update (which I installed on Monday) from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 all **** has broken loose between my *iPhone, iTunes & Outlook*. This all came to light just hours after the install. . . . I noticed that my phone wasn't syncing - at all, it just "hung" there then I went into my contacts in Outlook - gone. . . UGH, EEK, OK, so they're still on my iPhone BUT I can't get to them in Outlook. After loosing most of yesterday and all of today I am at the mercy of someone who might know how to resolve this issue.
    _*Steps I have taken :*_
    I have un-installed and reinstalled iTunes 5 times, no luck, I've restarted, yada yada yada. I've hidden my Norton's Internet Security, allowed iTunes, etc. *Still no luck*. Take in mind, all was great after months of perfect syncing, etc. no problems whatsoever . . .
    *The two messages that I continue to get when I open iTunes and connect my phone:*
    1) "Mobile Device helper has stopped working"
    2) " Unable to load data-class information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later".
    The most recent error message under "Problems Reports & Solutions" on my start menu read:
    Product: MobileDeviceHelper
    Problem: Stopped working
    Date: 4/7/2010 3:42 PM
    Status: Not Reported
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: AppleMobileDeviceHelper.exe
    Application Version: 16.691.14.1
    Application Timestamp: 4ba3b8fe
    Fault Module Name: CoreFoundation.dll
    Fault Module Version: 1.550.17.21
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4b8cb530
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0000db6b
    OS Version: 6.0.6002.
    Locale ID: 1033
    This is the same message that I have received the last 10 times under Mobile Device Helper.
    *Please PLEASE please*, does anyone know how to resolve this problem?
    *Thank you SO MUCH for any insight.*
    -signed, UGH!!!

    I have had the same experience... uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes and all Apple components only to now be in a position where I can't sync my iphone at all (before I started trying various solutions I could still sync music... now nothing!) and I continually get the messages "mobile device helper has stopped working" and then "iTunes was unable to load dataclass information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later".
    I even tried reinstalling iTunes 9.0 but somehow I don't have the old library saved - means I lose all the ratings, playlists etc.
    Really frustrating and disappointing.

  • "No matching records found" trying to add sales order in SBO8.8

    Sometimes only, we get the following error (the most)
    "No matching records found - 'Warehouse' (ODBC -2028) [Message 131-183]" trying to add a new sales order when, with the filled document, we push the buttom "Add".
    It shows certain similarity with
    Note 1501421 - After upgrade to 8.8 - exporting to word ends in error
    because of the previous upgrading and kind of error.
    Sometimes it happens because of an article but if you take it alone, the order is added normally and after that never happens again with it but with others.
    Can anybody please help me?
    Thank you very much.

    Thanks for answering, Gordon.
    I have sure saw it in SBO8.8 SP00 PL03 and PL05.
    But I do not think we are the only ones who happened something like this ... :S
    Of course, I did not find any pattern on BP or items.
    The problem is you have to enter that sales order again.

  • Select the Most Recent Record

    I have a 2-page report that is grouped by employee, where the first page is a standard letter except for address, and the second page is a reproduction of a scanned form that the employee had returned.  The employee may have returned several versions of the form over time, updating it each time.
    I would like to have the report only pull in the most recent scanned image, ignoring all prior images.  I'm struggling with the correct record selection criteria. 
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    If you have any date field in the data base that updates the time whenever the image is updated then use that date field in the report-->record sort expert and use ascending order. Now place the image field from the data base in the group footer of Employee which shows the latest image. If you want the old one then goto record sort expert and change the order for date field to descending.

  • Select most recent record prior to a target date

    Let's say I have a set of unique records with the following dates:
    Is it possible to select only the most recent record prior to a user-entered target date (e.g., 12/1/08)?  So in this case, only the record dated 11/30/08 would be selected for the report.

    Use the record selection formula like this
    {Date field}<={?Date Parameter}
    And also wrtite the group selection formula like this
    {Date field}=maximum({Date field})
    This returns the recent value nearer to the date entered in the prompt.

  • How to get Most current record in the reporting

    Hi All,
    I have reporting requiremnt  like to get the most recent record.
    Please see the below example we have 3 records but with 2 different sales represtentatives assigened to the same document.but i need to get most recently assigned sales representative record  that is number 2(10726056 and status open).
    Now i am geeting the 2 open records .Need to get only one.we do not have any other difference in the records to keep track of the sales representatives assignment to get the new sales rep id other than request id.
    Can any one tell me  most rcurrent data varibles under the request id do.Will it solves my issues o r any other ideas please welcome.
    Customer No    Sales rep    Doc number    Status     Request id
    0000613086    10726056    9000783660       C            REQU_1
    0000613086    10726056    9000783660       O            REQU_1
    0000613086    10182679    9000783660       O            REQU_2

    Hi Sirisha,
    it seems to be a problem of the kind "exception aggregation" , but let me say it can result in a very complex solution.
    What about using a Virtual Infoprovider with servicecs to solve the issue?
    You should create an additional InfoCube that reads form the basic one (where you have data) and then you should "delete" invalid records considering the request number.
    By the way time stamp seems to be the easier solution.
    Hope it helps

  • Latest (most recent ) price of material for a customer in the report.

    I need to create a query where I need to show latest(most recent ) price of the material of a customer based on condition types. I need to show latest price of the material for the customer. can some one please tell me how to show this latest(most recent ) price in the report.
    Kindly respond.

    That is ok but i want only one record be considered for reporting, not all records resulting into avarage.

Maybe you are looking for

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