Reverse Datagrid Loading Order

Currently I have a datagrid loading data from a MySQL database via PHP & ZendAMF. I need to show the last rows first (reversing the order, Row 1 -> Last Row & Last Row -> First Row).
Any suggestions?

Well, since I'm paging the data in increments of 50, probably not a good idea to attempt it on the front in side. So, the PHP side is probably going to be the best option I think.
So here is my PHP:
public function getProjects_full_paged($startIndex, $numItems) {
        $stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $this->tablename LIMIT ?, ?");
        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ii', $startIndex, $numItems);
        $rows = array();
        mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->project_id, $row->dateAdded, $row->Active, $row->project_Name, $row->project_SNumber, $row->project_Street, $row->project_City, $row->project_State, $row->project_County, $row->project_Zip, $row->project_Permit, $row->project_ContactName, $row->project_ContactNumber, $row->project_BuildType, $row->project_Type, $row->project_Footage, $row->project_Status, $row->project_Cost, $row->project_Deadline, $row->builder_Name, $row->builder_Address, $row->builder_City, $row->builder_State, $row->builder_County, $row->builder_Zip, $row->builder_Phone, $row->builder_Website, $row->builder_Email, $row->builder_ContactName, $row->builder_ContactNumber, $row->builder_Username, $row->owner_Name, $row->owner_Address, $row->owner_City, $row->owner_County, $row->owner_State, $row->owner_Zip, $row->owner_Phone, $row->owner_Website, $row->owner_Email, $row->owner_ContactName, $row->owner_ContactNumber, $row->owner_Username);
        while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
          $rows[] = $row;
          $row = new stdClass();
          mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->project_id, $row->dateAdded, $row->Active, $row->project_Name, $row->project_SNumber, $row->project_Street, $row->project_City, $row->project_State, $row->project_County, $row->project_Zip, $row->project_Permit, $row->project_ContactName, $row->project_ContactNumber, $row->project_BuildType, $row->project_Type, $row->project_Footage, $row->project_Status, $row->project_Cost, $row->project_Deadline, $row->builder_Name, $row->builder_Address, $row->builder_City, $row->builder_State, $row->builder_County, $row->builder_Zip, $row->builder_Phone, $row->builder_Website, $row->builder_Email, $row->builder_ContactName, $row->builder_ContactNumber, $row->builder_Username, $row->owner_Name, $row->owner_Address, $row->owner_City, $row->owner_County, $row->owner_State, $row->owner_Zip, $row->owner_Phone, $row->owner_Website, $row->owner_Email, $row->owner_ContactName, $row->owner_ContactNumber, $row->owner_Username);
        return $rows;
How would I reverse that?

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    filePath, theCounterValues));
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    var mdm = _global.mdm;
    mdm.Exception.DebugWindow.trace(target_mc + ' is done
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    thisRef.pnID, mdm.ASYNC)
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    My trace statements in Flash are in order - 0,1,2.....
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    When I run it through Zinc, and when customer support runs my
    files, the
    trace statements are reversed - 2,1,0
    I guess I'm wondering if load order has changed since 2004
    version... This
    problem is breaking this part of my program when I run it
    through Zinc, and
    want to know if it is Zinc, or an issue with Flash?
    Any help would be appreciated,

    Update for anyone who cares...
    It seems flash 7 and 8 are different in how they load movie
    clips. Using an
    older version of Zinc(which uses player 7) works just fine.
    Seems to me,
    Flash 8 loads them first in last out, where Flash 7 loads
    them first in
    first out.
    Good to know for me at least!
    "Jason C Reynolds" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi, I recently purchased Zinc to simply have more
    control over the window
    > (placement, title, icon - that's all I wanted for this
    project!!) and it
    > is causing issues with my program.
    > I use the following code to create some movie clips:
    > for (var i=0;i<count;i++)
    > {
    > filePath = pstrFolderPath + swatchNameArray
    > paLoadedSwatchClips.push(new swatch(this, pobjMainRef,
    pmcSWFHolder, i,
    > filePath, theCounterValues));
    > }
    > The swatch class has the following code that actually
    creates the clips:
    > loadListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip)
    > {
    > trace(target_mc + ' is done loading' + ' !! ' +
    > var mdm = _global.mdm;
    > mdm.Exception.DebugWindow.trace(target_mc + ' is done
    loading' + ' !! '
    > + thisRef.pnID, mdm.ASYNC)
    > thisRef.pmcLoadedClip = target_mc; // Set reference for
    calling play and
    > stop
    > thisRef.pobjSetRef.mClipDone();
    > // Store height before we put textfield on there
    > thisRef.pnMyHeight = target_mc._height;
    > thisRef.mCreateCounter(initialCount);
    > }
    > mcLoader.addListener(loadListener);
    > var thePath = _global.mdm.Application.path + swfPath;
    > mcLoader.loadClip(swfPath, pmcButton);
    > My trace statements in Flash are in order - 0,1,2.....
    > I am using Flash MX 2004.
    > When I run it through Zinc, and when customer support
    runs my files, the
    > trace statements are reversed - 2,1,0
    > I guess I'm wondering if load order has changed since
    2004 version... This
    > problem is breaking this part of my program when I run
    it through Zinc,
    > and want to know if it is Zinc, or an issue with Flash?
    > Any help would be appreciated,
    > Jason

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    Yes, may be they start to load to closely. There is many
    images, never big, just thumbnails. The size of each is
    approximately the same. I did the test online. Even if on the
    computer it could be different, the real test is online.
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    the for with the last item and then i--. Well i'll try it.
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Target load ordering is set to false by default in 11.2.
    You need to set it to true if you want your mapping to use it.

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    Hello Spandana Musham.
         I have also faced this issue with BAPI and I opted for BDC finally.    

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         source b TO target b
         source c TO target c
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    Anyway, if someone could give me a pointer on the load order issue that would be wonderful.

    dmcdonald wrote:
    > Is there a way to dictate load order of html page?
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    Thank you,

    PO line item level deletion is possible using ME22 T.code at line item level.
    Select the PO and select line item and menubar----edit and delete.
    In order to reverse the internal orders use the following:
    Accounting--Controlling-Internal Orders---Actual PostingsRepost Line Items--
    You can also use me98 for complete deletion.
    Assign points if useful

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    Click the "sort direction" button:

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    There is no mass confirmation cancellation Txn available in standard SAP.
    BAPI_ALM_CONF_CANCEL     Cancel confirmation for maintenance/service order
    Hope it will help you.

  • Why did Apple OS loose the ability to adjust load order of login items

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    I can't do this in OS X.4.11. I would like to adjust two items Mozy and Yahoo! Widgets so that they load last. Although all my log in items including them load they hesitate while Mozy and Yahoo widgets load. I would like to make Yahoo widgets load very last and Mozy next to last.

    Another approach which might work would be to delete some, most, or all of your current set of login items and replace them with a single Automator workflow, one set up to open individual applications in a predetermined order.
    The workflow would be comprised solely of separate *Launch Application* actions (from Automator's Finder library) and might look like this:
    1) *Launch Application* -- click the popup button and select the first application you'd like to open.
    2) *Launch Application* -- select the next application you'd like to open.
    3) *Launch Application* -- 3rd app.
    4) *Launch Application* -- etc, etc, until you reach the last application, which could be Yahoo! Widgets.
    From Automator's File menu select Save As > File Format: Application, and add the saved Automator applet to your login items.
    Good luck.

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