Rewire question.......?

I have Reason 3.0 and I know how to rewire into logic already. This is my question, once I rewire reason into logic how can i take individual track from Reason and put them in individual tracks in Logic, or record reason into logic, I hope this makes since.
Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1Ghz, 2 GB DDR SDRAM

Thanks for the help guys ,I'll try it out when I get home!!
Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1Ghz, 2 GB DDR SDRAM

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    You can't edit EXSP24 instruments but you can import several formats:
    Akai, Soudfonts, Giga, SampleCell and DLS.
    To create your own patches you need some external apps like this:
    About other questions and supposing that you don't have a Intel Mac:
    1. Yes, you can.
    2. Logic uses plugins in Audio Unit format; if you have an older version of Absynth you should upgrade to a newer one.
    3. Same as above,
    4. Logic can act as Rewire host only so you can rewire Live to Logic but not Logic to Live.
    Power Mac G4/533 PowerBook 12   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    First, may I suggest that it's time for you to crack the manual, do some reading and experimenting to see how far you get on your own. Seriously. Even if people reply here with specific answers to your questions, there's nothing like trying to figure it out for yourself and, especially if you're successful, you will really know how it works because you followed your own path to make it happen.
    What you're asking for is help with a complicated setup, so, really, seriously, start doing some experimenting on your own and see how far you get.
    Still, I'll give you a little head start... just a little...
    How would i make sure logic knows which soft sampler/synth from which controller.<<</div>
    As you might know, there are usually multiple ways to do any one thing within Logic. This is one such case.
    You have several controllers, so it would be easy enough to program each of them to transmit on a specific MIDI channel. Then, you program the MIDI channels of your various plugs so that they only respond to the controller you want it to.
    Another approach is to take advantage of the Physical Input object. This is a representation of your MIDI interface, and each numbered 'port' on the object represents the actual number of the MIDI input on the interface. So if your Axiom's MIDI out is connected to your interface's input #3, the MIDI data for the Axiom shows up at the Physical Input object's number-3 port. Then, say, you want to play plug-in XYZ from the Axiom. In this case, you cable Physical Input's port #3 directly to the audio instrument that's hosting that plug. Then there is no way that any of your other controllers will possibly be able to play XYZ.
    This is just scratching the surface, but I hope it helps. Still, I'm serious -- crack the manual and start experimenting on your own. It'll not only help you learn what you need to do, but it will familiarize yourself with the terms above plus what other people might chime in with.

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    Dabitz wrote:
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    Thanks so much in advanced.
    Buy a 4 port switch and place it at your tv and plug the existing cat six into the switch. Depending on the switch you purchase, you can have as many ports as you wish. I have a 16port 10/100 and a 5 port gigabit switch connected to my router.
    2 choices.
    1. A second cable from the Verizon router
    2. Install an Ethernet switch at your TV.

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    Go to Solution.

    Dabitz wrote:
    I connected a CAT6 cable from my Verizon router to the back of my TV for movie streaming etc, and was really amazed at how fast and consistent the hardwire connection was. I currently have my PS3 connected via wireless and although it does work, it's a bit slower and less reliable. My question is, can I use the same CAT6 Ethernet cable and split it at the end one side to the TV and one side to the PS3 so I can enjoy a more reliable connection when media streaming, etc.? I know I can get a second Ethernet cable but was wondering if it could be done with only one just so I don't have to worry about rewiring, etc.
    One of my main goals is to achieve a faster connection on the PS3 so streaming sites give me a better quality picture. I played the same movie from Netflix via PS3 and Sony TV and the hardwire connection did give me better picture quality.
    Thanks so much in advanced.
    Buy a 4 port switch and place it at your tv and plug the existing cat six into the switch. Depending on the switch you purchase, you can have as many ports as you wish. I have a 16port 10/100 and a 5 port gigabit switch connected to my router.
    2 choices.
    1. A second cable from the Verizon router
    2. Install an Ethernet switch at your TV.

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    Richard Ginns.
    Intel iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Good Morning.
    Straight from the horsies' mouth,as it were:
    "Will I be able to run Reason on an Intel-based Mac?
    Yes, you will, but you need to run Reason 3.0.5, which can be downloaded by all registered Reason 3.0 users from the download section of this website."
    I guess it's easier to go to the WRONG forum to ask these questions,and have one of us 'ole guys slam dunk a quote from Propellerheads' website,than for you to research properly.
    As you were...

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    I agree. Adobe already has SoundBooth. Upgrade that if you will and send the A/V guys there. But don't mess with the features I came to expect from AA3.0. No grouping of clips? Really????!!! Have you ever tried recording drums with more than one mic? Yeah, so has everyone else in the universe. And it sucks I have to edit those 8-10 tracks individually when I want to do the same edits and fades to the whole group. No MIDI... and no ReWire? Seriously? Pretty much every project I record uses a combination of MIDI and audio tracks these days. I mean, music is moving that direction. Most everyone uses virtual instruments sometime or another in their workflow, if for no other purpose than to easily set up and "audition" possibilities to be recorded later with session musicians. I can do without CD Burning and all that. It was nice, but whatever. I have used this program since it was Cool Edit Pro. I have loved it and was so excited about this performance upgrade. I had no idea that the price I was going to pay for a performance upgrade was $99 and the prospect of waiting until some time next year before I could migrate from Audition 3.0. That's IF they even get it right next year. I hope you guys up there are listening. Audition is for musicians. Always has been. Give us what we want, or we'll go to ProTools, which by the way no longer requires a DigiDesign interface. I hated them for their monopolistic practices and the fact that they obviously cared more about a dollar than serving the music community (proprietary plug-in format?... you suck). Now Adobe seems to have sold us a long-awaited "upgrade" while it was still, feature-wise, half-baked. I agree that the performance is greatly improved. But Adobe pulled a Vista on us. Windows 7.0, I hear, is as good as XP was and some may argue it is better. But Vista is a piece of poo. It was prematurely released to make some more money for Microsoft (since they have so little). I figured Adobe to be a little different. I have always loved Adobe. I have the Master Collection and use most everything on it. I upgraded to Audition CS5.5 without even a trial or much inquiry because I trusted that the upgrade would be at least as functional as what I already had. I can't even open my old sessions without a third-party program workaround (Ses2SesX). Michael at Suite Spot is awesome for making that happen, but without MIDI, this transition just isn't happening for me. I spent $99 dollars on an upgrade I might use for some mastering tasks. It is prohibitively retarded feature-wise for me to use it instead of AA3.0. Hope you invest my money well, Adobe. If you don't fix this by the next release, you're not getting any more of mine on this program... and I'm pretty sure alot of other musicians feel the same way. To recap this rant, here are some suggestions for 6.0:
    1) MIDI or ReWire... whichever is most convenient for you. I assume the metronome and grid would be included if AA6.0 comprises MIDI, so I won't include that as a separate number.
    2) Make everything backwards compatible. A real no-brainer there.
    3) Clip grouping. This is, again, just ridiculously obvious.
    4) Bring back manual pitch correction and clip time stretching in multi-track. These were really useful tools.
    5) Give users who bought an upgrade to 5.5 a free or greatly discounted upgrade to 6.0. First, because this would restore my trust in your organization a little. Second, because this upgrade isn't an upgrade for me... I can't use this program for the projects I work on, and must continue for the time being with 3.0 (which I think, conceptually, is about as nearly perfect a DAW as has ever been).
    Bottom line: Upgrade 3.0. Don't recreate it.

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    Interesting question.. Usually, variation in velocity is a desirable thing, to be able to play an instrument expressively. However, if you want to make your notes all equal velocity, an easy way to do this is with the inspector. Make sure that no regions are selected in the arrange window (so that the inspector says 'midi through'). Then adjust the 'dynamics' setting to 'off' (or whatever the actual terminology is), from that point on, anything you play on any instrument will have the velocity ignored. You can also set this kind of thing up for individual instruments, using the instrument parameter box just below the inspector.

  • Logic X and Rewire

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    Further, should I delete the current version under the Library/ Propellerhead folder and then do a new install of Logic to put fresh updated version back. ?
    Looking forward to your replies

    A) Yes, its enabled.
    B) not sure how you install it correctly, as i presume a fresh install of Logic will write it to the correct Destination. My question is about what version you have in your computer, then i would know if i have on older version for some reason.
    C) yes, i am aware of this, both Ableton, reaper, melodyne is 64 bit
    Can you please check your rewire version and tell me the version, if this works for you.

  • Recording rewire objects in Logic 7

    Ok, I finally got Reason to play through an Aux track in Logic, awesome. Now the next do you "RECORD" the audio signal? My Aux tracks don't give me an arming button, so how do you record it?? Any help would be much appreciated...

    You don't have to record rewire tracks.
    It's like having a mixer: Reason audio goes into Logic mixer.
    When you bounce you will find in the mix Reason audio too.
    If you want to manage all the Reason parts in Logic then you'll have to Export to audio in Reason and then import the audio files in Logic.

  • Some Basic Logic Questions

    I used to use Cakewalk Sonar and I knew it really well. I just got my mac pro and logic 7.2 and I'm having trouble making sense of everything, including the manuals. Can anyone suggest some tips for me on the following simple items. I really thought they would be much more intuitive.
    1. Recording Audio with my Motu 896HD.
    2. Recording Midi with my M-Audio key Station
    3. Can I bus to a master fader? I don't see one in the mix board.
    4. I really need a good compressor. Can I rely on the Logic one or should I upgrade?
    5. rewiring Reason
    6. Can I build custom drum loops like I currently do in Reason?
    I just spent 3 hours tooling around and I'm a bit burnt out. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it but it's just overwhelming. I can't get used to the terms and the screens, etc.
    Your suggestions are appreciated.
    Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.4.8) Brand Spankin' New
    Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.4.8) Brand Spankin' New
    Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Brand Spankin' New

    Yes Logic is extremely overwhelming at first, it was for me anyway. I have had it for a little over a year now and there is still a lot that I don't know, but I think I can answer the majority of your questions.
    I am not familiar with the MOTU 896HD, but I use a MOTU Traveler, so hopefully it is somewhat similar. It should be for the most part plug and play, so Logic should recognize it. When it comes to recording audio, open the mixer, and click tracks to view the audio channels. I've never used Sonar, but I'm guessing most things in this area are similar. First where a channel says something like "Input 1" you can click there and change the input source (this is the input on your MOTU), and then of course you engage for recording which I'm sure you know of this function.
    Recording midi with your m-audio is extremely self explanatory also, go to your mixer and select instruments, then load some type of soft synth in as an insert, then go to your arrange window (the main window that comes up as standard) and click the tiny little engage button next to that particular channel. If your m-audio is connected, it should automatically work just like that.
    Yes everything is in a master fader, if you click Outputs in the mixer, it should show your outputs, if nothing is there, then there is no output in the arrange, not to worry, click the Global button in the mixer window and then click to view the outputs, and there you go! There should be a fader for Outputs1-2, if you double click this, it will add it to your arrange window so you can automate and do stuff like that if you would like to.
    A lot of people rag on the Logic Compressor, but it does the job for me. If you search around these forums, there is a post about the Logic Compressor and EQs comparing them to other 3rd party productions.
    As for rewiring Reason, I have no experience with this whatsoever.
    Yes you can build custom drum loops, you can insert Ultrabeat into an instrument channel and use that. It is a extremely simplistic program if you need it to be, but it also allows you to change many parameters of the samples. It comes with tons of preset drum kits and banks, and of course you can use your own.
    Powerbook 15" 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   User of Logic Pro 7.1.1

  • Outdoor Wireless Mesh 1524 AP Power Question

    Hello Group,
    I curious, if I have a 1524PS AP that I would like to power from a power pole and the power pole does not have a street light or street light power control on it today but it does have 480V/277V power source, can I still use the power source directly by wiring the 40ft power cable in directly. I would think not, but I am getting a lot of questions about this lately so I am looking here for some help.
    From the cisco documentation it says we can use 480V power sources. However, its a bit ambiguous in some places stated that it can be done if you use a street light power tap - is this just a power cord or does it include some sort of transformer as well?
    My understanding is that most 480V systems in scenerios like this are 2-phase. However according to the cisco documentation for the 1524 AP you can power the AP via 90-480V power source. I am little nervous to try that here. I know 277V can be dangerous. Will the Cisco AP support cutting the existing power cord (40ft) and wiring it directly into a 277V/480v power source off the light pole? I have been getting conflicting reports from the documentation and others. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
    Is the AP power supply capable (via a transformer of some sort) of converting direct 277/480V power to something usable via the AP? The 40 ft power cable supplied with the AP looks like its made for 110/240 only so cutting and rewiring it hot into the 277V source could be dangerous correct? 
    If someone could give me a definately answer here it would be greatly appreciated. We can't proceed until we figure this out.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Bradley,
    We'll, if you have WCS then a mismatch would happen with the cnofig template on WCS (if you have one).
    There could possibly be an AP template on the WCS to set the radio for the APs automatically.
    This is from Configure -> AP Configuration Templates -> Lightwieght AP.
    From this location you can configure a template with the AP settings and push it to the APs you want. You can also schedule the time at which the template will be applied. A recurrence also can be configured.
    So make sure that:
    - No mismatch between WCS and WLCS (you can go to Configure -> Controllers and try to audit differences between WLC and WCS).
    - Save your configuraiton on WLC if you apply it from WLC.
    - Make sure that there are no AP templates on WCS with recurrence configured.
    To avoide any mismatch in the future, I suggest you do all your configuration from WCS. This way you'll save time (if you have more than one WLC) and you'll also make sure configuration is consistent among all controllers.

  • Synch tempo with rewire

    I have Sibelius rewired to Logic.  The tempo at the beginning of the piece is 102.  It changes at bar 37, increasing gradually at 204.  I have put this into Logic in the Tempo Operations window.  Everything is fine and synched up to bar 37, when the Sibelius score gets stuck, sort of judders, in the few bars before bar 37.  What can I do?

    Best to ask the question on the Logic forum. This is the FCPX forum.

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