RH7/Word 2001

We recently installed RH7 as an upgrade to our previous
version (X5). We are running an older version of Word (2001) and
Office XP. When I try to compile it, it is taking forever, if it
compiles at all. It is happening with all the projects I have tried
and has been this way since the upgrade. Does anyone have any
suggestions on how to fix this?

The symbol for a file can be changed by a clean instal of software. An upgrade will even change the icon for files created by older versions of the software, creating confusion. You see a new icon on a ten year-old file and think it is new. A blank or generic icon is created when files are recovered after a crash.
Installing fewer features will let you load faster. Word 2001 is much better behaved than Office 2004 which is guaranteed to crash OS X when you copy and paste muti formatted items from the web and paste them into Appleworks. All these decades and they still have not created a reliable cut and paste routine.
Microsoft is good at creating planned obsolescence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence) so be prepared for buying an upgrade to make the original work.

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    really sorry for asking the obvious,
    have you also tried Save As ... I know you will have, but I've got to ask.
    and, is it a Word document that you are trying to save, rather than a template or another type of document that word has opened for you ?
    Do you open documents "read-only" ?, this is unlikely if it's happened overnight and affected two Macs, but have to ask.
    Where do the original documents come from ? Are they on an internal hard disk ? or a disk image (on the internal hard disk), or the internet ? Are the documents "protected" - an option in Word to require a password to make changes to a document.
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    I'm wondering if the default folder where Word 2001 is trying to open and save files has so many files in it that this G4 isn't able to handle the resultant load.  Has anyone encountered something similar?
    Also, I'm wondering if I should try to reinstall Word 2001.  Does anyone have any ideas in that regard?
    Thank you.

    Hi John,
    Have you tried changing the save location in Word's Preferences?
    Might look into NeoOffice...
    Or Open Office...
    I think they both have older 10.4 versions that can handle Word & Excel docs.

  • Problem with embedded links in Word 2001

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    I know that all fullscreen videos are flexible to both orientation. What´s happens here is before show your vertical layout the viewer shows the vertical video. You need to try in custom app...Produce  an IPA file and test it.
    Maybe be a bug...

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    That's unusual, Word should have its own preferences. Is there anything else unusual about your copy of Office? e.g. have you lost any fonts that should be there? Maybe try trashing the Component preferences.
    If the worst comes to the worst I take it you have Office on CD? One of the nice things is that it contains an Uninstall program to wipe all trace of Office from your Mac so you can effectively start again with a nice clean installation. I bet you've probably got lots of e-mails and things stored in Entourage that you don't want to lose? Well, all messages are stored in a particular folder which you can drag your messages from (as one single clump, not thousands of individual messages, that would be a nightmare).
    I've done this in the past when I had a problem with my installation of Office that I could not solve. It worked fine and really didn't take very long to do.
    I wouldn't touch the Diskwarrior CD, not because its bad, but because its the wrong tool for this particular job I feel.
    I quite like Office, there are things you can do with it very simply that are a pain in the @ss to do with Appleworks. But I prefer to write in Appleworks, then cut & paste into Word. Maybe I'm weird, but Appleworks has a cleaner design which I can only guess makes writing easier subconsciously.
    Also (and I'm really going into overkill if I wasn't before), there is a very nice book on Office 2001 by David Pogue, published by Peach Pit Press. I got my copy a year or two ago on eBay and its quite handy. Did you know for example, that you can squash all your e-mails in Entourage down to a nicely compressed size to save space on your hard drive? It also makes Entourage perkier if you're the kind of person with 10,000 e-mails in your inbox. To do this, simply hold down the space bar when you double click to open Entourage and away it goes. All those e-mails are as accessible as before, but now they'll contain half the calories

  • Freeze; Word 2001 & AOL

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    Any guesses? TIA

    "Various Internet applications, including those made by Microsoft, use information stored in the Mac OS 9 Internet Preferences file. These are settings that you enter in the Internet control panel. The "type -2 error" message may appear when this preference file becomes unusable.
    Warning: Removing the Internet Preferences file removes information you have entered in the Internet control panel. Before starting the steps listed below, you should write down or copy this information to another location. If it is not possible to retrieve this information, contact your Internet service provider (ISP).
    Follow these steps:
    1. Locate your Internet Preferences file. It is found at:
    Macintosh HD: System Folder: Preferences: Internet Preferences
    2. Drag the Internet Preferences file to the Trash.
    3. Restart the computer.
    4. Open the Internet control panel.
    5. Enter your Internet settings.
    6. Close the control panel.
    7. Optional: Save a copy of the newly created file to a location outside the Preferences folder as a backup. If the issue recurs, you can replace the unusable copy with a copy of the backup file."

  • Printed Document not correct for RH7 Word

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    1.  I am getting blank pages and do not see them in Word. Where are they? How do I remove them?
    2.  I have a page in Word but it does not print to pdf, I think it just might be one of the above blank pages that is not printing.
    3.  I am also having difficulty with the setup as far as TOC and Chapters do not match.  I will review other discussions.
    Everything appears correct in Word so there is something in the outline I don't yet understand or somewhere else.  I cannot see page breaks except for those in Word and they appear to be correct.
    Suggestions? Ideas? Help?
    Thank you

    Ok, I did try your suggestion and it does create a Word file.  However, the Word file has the same results as the pdf so there is something else I am missing with this process.  Here are a few "clues" if you will:
    1.  Both pdf and word create a TOC that looks good
    2.  Both create the documents alike
    3.  One of the issues is that the first half does in fact put a separate topic on each page, which I selected in both pdf and word
    4.  Then somewhere in the middle topics appear on the same pages.  I did check the headings and they do match all the way through.
    5.  The bmp RH& Word inserted images are not all visible...some are some are not but all images that I copied and pasted in to word are visible.
    6.  At the top of the pages for both pdf and word there are Book titles, page titles, some document name titles and then on the upper right corner there are a few section / book titles.  This is very inconsistent.
    7.  Links are not printing consistently in double underline green which is how I have them all set, but different colors, usually black and some are not underlined.
    8.  The page headings are all smaller print verses the Heading 1 design I set, but the individual headings that fall underneath are mostly correct.
    Examples, [(my comments are within (   )] although there is additional spacing in the copy process:
    Apply to all Sections in Data Capture Operations  (This is actually a book in help and should be Helvita 14 Bold)
    Data Capture Operations  (This is the head and should be like this)
    Below is a view of the opening page options within the Data Capture module and the quick links that correspond to each function within this module. You may not have access to all of the functions listed and those will appear Grayed out if you do not have access.
    (This should be an image and it was added through RH& Image)
    Initial Filing
    Incomplete Initial Filing   (These are all links and should be like the top one with double underlining)
    Incomplete Supplemental
    Modify/Delete Crash Report
    With this said, my 2 outstanding issues are:\
    1.  Separate pages for each topic
    2.  Visibility of all images on the pdf.  Word not as important.
    Hope this helps explain the issues and gets me to resolution.  I feel it is simple, I just can't put my finger on it!
    Thank you for helping.

  • Entourage and Word 2001

    Hi, I am not sure where to find help on this but I going to give it a try here. I have an emac with 9.2 running. I have Office 2001 installed. Whenever I try to open the Entourage or Word application I keep getting a message saying "type 2 error you should have save your work" I can open Excel and Powerpoint with no problems. I stupidly did not back up my emails now I am worried that I may lose them all. Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks in advance.

    The first thing to do is to backup all your existing emails. In OS9, they should be in the Documents/Microsoft User Data folder in the top of your boot disk.
    Then get to the mactopia website at microsoft to make sure you have all the necessary patches applied to Office 2001. (I'm not a believer in giving people links to exact pages, put mactopia into Google and be amazed how easy it is to find things for yourself).
    Do you have virtual memory turned on ? If you have 1G or more of memory in the eMac, VM will be off. This has caused issues for me with Word (but not Entourage) in the past.
    This could also be caused by (one or more) corrupt fonts, Word likes to display the Font menu using the actual font, annoying for symbol fonts.
    I'm at a bit of a loss to work out what Entourage could be complaining about.
    Could be corrupt preferences. Find and trash them from the Preferences folder on your System Folder. They could even be in a Microsoft folder within there.
    Finally could be a corrupt application. MS are keen users of self-modifying code since Word 3.0. You could try a reinstall of Word or Entourage (aren't you glad you backed up your mail).
    After all this, and you still get the same error, should we consider a corrupt mail file. Even then, Entourage can make an effort to recover the mail.
    How big is the mail file ? And how much free space is on the internal hard disk ?
    After all the above, I'm hoping that even if it still doesn't work, you're getting a more descriptive error message.

  • RH7 Word 2003 vs. 2007

    Hi folks,
    I'm using RH7 (and TCS) and have both Word 2003 and 2007
    installed. When generating a Word doc, Word 2007 opens by default.
    Does anyone know if I can configure RoboHelp to use Word 2003

    Hi Peter,
    Can you please jot down the link to your site so I can read Snippet 82? I'm having trouble with RH7 recognizing MS Word 2003. I only have the one version of Word, but when I attempt to generate a Printed Document, I receive an odd error message that RoboHelp cannot find MS Word.
    Tabby W.

  • Word 2001 is Missing  the "File" Menu

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    I rebuilt the desktop trashed word's preferences, zapped PRAM. Copied the App from a cloned hard drive but "FILE" will not come back no matter what I do.
    The app does respond to the keyboard commands found in the file menu but I don't have all of those memorized. And it seems to work fine otherwise.
    Any clues to help me trouble-shoot this would be appreciated.
    G4 Digital   Mac OS 9.2.x  

    Go back into Preferences and trash the Word Preferences again. And empty the trash. In fact use Sherlock to make sure all Word Settings files are gone.
    I used to get this (and still do sometimes). I seemed to get it more with Excel and the Data menu. Can't say how long it would be gone for, but as soon as I needed to use it to sort data, I'd see it was gone.

  • Acrobat 9 is not working with Word 2010: why?

    I cannot get Acrobat 9 to make a PDF document from Word documents made with Word 2010, either by 'Creat from file' in Acrobat or by using Acrobat PDF Maker in Word. This has happened before when I first used Word 2001, but a later version of Acrobat solved that problem. Is the same sort of thing happening with Office 2010? If not, what can I do.

    print to the Adobe PDF printer if all else fails
    Thank you for that; it's nice to know that Acrobat will eventually work with Word 14, though not yet. I've tried printing with the Adobe PDF printer, and it doesn't use the proper fonts either, so I'd be better saving as a PDF document from Word. But perhaps I'll get better results with saving to PS first.
    Meanwhile, I'll treat Adobe's claim that with Acrobat 9 you can make PDF from any document with a large pinch of salt.

  • Opening old Word files

    I have copied from diskettes some old Word files that show on my Mac as being Word files (the icon has the blue 'a' in the middle, and the have the .doc suffix), and if I click on 'Get Info' it says they are Word files, but I can't open them. If I click on them I get the window that asks what I want to convert it from and none of them work. These docs are from 1989 and 1990, so somewhat ancient but important to me. Anybody got any ideas?

    "If I click on them"
    Because newer genreations of software build in certain unwanted automated features, you are better off opening a file from within a program instead of relying on shortcuts. Make backup copies of the files you want to open. Put them into a test folder. Open the open the version of Word you want to work with. Use the "open" option in the file menu and follow the options. Try several options and see which one gives the cleanest result.
    If you have an older Mac that will run Word 2001, use it instead of the latest version. Word 2004 will crash OS X predictably and require restarting you computer. Avoid it. Newer software alters the icon of a file to show the newer software logo, even if you did not want the icon altered. It makes it harder to quickly identify older files created by older versions.
    The assumption is that 1989 files were in Word 3. They should still be easily recognized but start in the destination program to open them. We have numerous versions of Word starting with v.1 on floppies so we could test options for which files will open on an OS X machine.

  • Microsoft Office 2001

    Ok, I am running an iMac 233 rev b os 8.6, I have Microsoft Office 2001.
    The problem is that when I open Word 2001 (it works perfectly ie: type, print, save etc.) and then close it, regardless if I type or not, it freezes, then the only way I can get out is by force quitting.
    How can I solve this?
    PS. This also happens when I open/close iCab

    Hi, Mulligan -
    Did Microsoft Office Manager (a control panel, and perhaps an extension or two) also get installed? If so, try disabling MOM - it's known to cause problems occasionally.

  • Can't Launch MS Word

    Suddenly when I launch MS Word, it freezes and I have to restart my computer. This is for both Word 2001 and Word 98. I trashed the preferences files and reinstalled Word 2001 again but the same thing happens. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Calling Don Archibald!
    Joseph Rabushka

    Hello Joseph,
    I think others will help as they always do, but I will offer a couple of thoughts.
    1. - Sounds like it could be an extension conflicy of sorts. Think back to when the problem started. Had you recently downloaded or added apps?
    2. - Have you tried allocating more memory to the applications? If uncertain how to ....post back
    3. - It wouldn't hurt to zap the PRAm and rebuild the desktop.
    This can be done in several ways. You can download a copy of Tech Tools lite that does a great job or you can accomplish it by using keys at start-up
    a. - Rebuild desktop file. - - hold down the apple and option keys (2 keys) while starting up
    b. - Zapp the ram - -hold down 4 keys at start up. The keys to ho;ld down are apple option P R Hold theses 4 keys untill you hear the start-up chime 3 times. Then release and allow the computer to start. See if the applications open then.
    4. - I would try these simple things first. There are a few moe things to try...but start with the relatively easy.......HTH........mGb.........Jim

  • How can I transfer AWK files written in Japanese into MS Word

    I have several pages of Japanese text which were originally created in Clarisworks; now I have them in Appleworks. I need to put these documents into
    MS[ Word. When I copy some text which are in Osaka font and try pasting it into Word I get only unintelligible characters.
    If I try saving the AWK file in another format, my only other choices are image files (QT).
    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Using Text Edit, I tried opening the file that has the Japanese text. Text Edit couldn’t open it because the original file in Appleworks was encoded differntly from the encoding used by Text Edit. Still couldnn’t open the file even though I tried ALL the possible Japanese encodings Text Edit had to offer. This made me think that there might be a problem with Appleworks.
    I went back to the Japanese file, selected a few Japanese words, did command COPY, opened a new Appleworks document and did a command PASTE. Even here, the pasted characters were unintelligible! Apparently the problem lies neither with MS Word nor with Text Edit--but with Appleworks! It’s interesting to note that if I retype the Japanese then copy and paste it in a new file--whether it be Appleworks, Text Edit, or MS Word--the characters are fine.
    My guess is that something happens to Clarisworks’ files created in OS 9.2 when they are converted to Applework files in OS X.
    My tentative solution was to go back to OS 9.2, open the original Clariswork file, select all the Japanese text, do command COPY, open a new MS Word (2001) document and do a command PASTE. This worked fine. I then saved this MS Word file to a separate disk. Then I rebooted the computer into OS 10.4.3. I inserted the disk and opened the file in MS word (2004).Everything is fine, but it’s a long, long route.
    Any suggestions how to shorten this trip?

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