Rich Worklist Application

We are trying to customize the WorkList application. Our client wants a richer application than the Sample provided out of the box.
Anything out there we could use? Any plans from Oracle to provide a richer Worklist application?

Hi Jay,
We are an Oracle Partner focused on providing BPM Solutions. We have built a RIA (Rich Internet Application) for BPM using Flex for customers. Basically, a Rich BPEL Application.
Targeted for ALL Oracle BPEL customers who want more than the Sample BPEL Worklist Application, this RIA offers:
1. All the rich interactivity you would expect of a Web 2.0 application
2. Real-time, interactive graphical view of inflight processes for business users.
This gives users complete visibility and status of activities of the process and also allows them to perform all actions.
3. Real-time updates of the work list and the graphical view. Push technology used so users never have to click refresh.
4. Custom Views that includes Display of Process Attributes, Multi-column sorting, Group-by
5. Client-side filtering that includes simple and advanced filtering on Task and Process Attributes
6. Process Monitoring and Analytics with drill down to activity details including payload, history, faults etc.
The application works for BPA processes transformed to BPEL, as well as processes developed directly in the BPEL Designer.
Screenshot: [Oracle BPEL | BPM Application | ]
If this is of interest, you can reach us at [[email protected]]
Thank you!
Website: [Inspyrus |]
Edited by: [email protected] on May 18, 2009 5:06 PM
Edited by: [email protected] on May 22, 2009 5:01 PM
Edited by: [email protected] on Jul 13, 2009 12:01 PM
Edited by: [email protected] on Aug 13, 2009 6:13 PM

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  • Error in invoking task query service-after customising Worklist application

    hi' I am getting error after trying to customize the Worklist application.
    IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getWorkflowServiceClient(WorkflowServiceClientFactory.SOAP_CLIENT);
    IWorkflowContext wfCtx = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().authenticate(userid, password, realm_name, null);
    In the above code 2nd line gives error:
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,598> <ERROR> <> <::>
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> ORABPEL-30028
    <::> Invalid configuration file wf_config.xml
    <::> The configuration file wf_config.xml not be read.
    <::> Make sure that the configuration file wf_config.xml is available and is a valid XML document. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      ... 11 more
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,598> <ERROR> <> <::>
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> ORABPEL-30028
    <::> Invalid configuration file wf_config.xml
    <::> The configuration file wf_config.xml not be read.
    <::> Make sure that the configuration file wf_config.xml is available and is a valid XML document. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      ... 6 more
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,598> <ERROR> <> <::>
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> ORABPEL-30028
    <::> Invalid configuration file wf_config.xml
    <::> The configuration file wf_config.xml not be read.
    <::> Make sure that the configuration file wf_config.xml is available and is a valid XML document. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at<clinit>(
    <::>      at
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      ... 6 more
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,598> <ERROR> <> <::>
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> WorkflowService:: VerificationService.VerificationService: Session Timeout set to default due to error: Invalid configuration file wf_config.xml
    <::> The configuration file wf_config.xml not be read.
    <::> Make sure that the configuration file wf_config.xml is available and is a valid XML document. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::> ORABPEL-30509
    <::> Error in invoking task query service.
    <::> A client side error occured in invoking the task query service.
    <::> Please check the exception error stack to identify the error. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> Caused by: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
    <::>      at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(
    <::>      at
    <::>      ... 4 more
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,661> <ERROR> <> <::> Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
         at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> ORABPEL-30509
    <::> Error in invoking task query service.
    <::> A client side error occured in invoking the task query service.
    <::> Please check the exception error stack to identify the error. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
    <::>      at test.GetWorkList.main(
    <::> Caused by: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
    <::>      at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(
    <::>      at
    <::>      ... 4 more
    <2009-11-16 11:36:55,661> <ERROR> <> <::> Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
         at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main(
    Error in invoking task query service.
    A client side error occured in invoking the task query service.
    Please check the exception error stack to identify the error. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
         at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(
         at test.GetWorkList.getWorklist(
         at test.GetWorkList.main( taskquery
    Edited by: Yatan on Nov 16, 2009 12:22 PM

    I am not getting where to keep this .xml file so it is able to read this.
    please advice.

  • How to hide custom actions from Oracle Worklist Application (Conceptual)

    I have a conceptual question in relation to Worklist Application and the Oracle Workflow. I will explain, now:
    This is the image that demonstrate the situation (worklist app console):
    As you can see, i have 4 custom actions (ENVIAR_ANALISE_FRAUDE, APROVAR, REPROVAR, ENVIAR_ANALISE_NIVEL2) and i have three main regions in the image
    (Action By Menu 1, Action By Menu 2 and Action By Button 3).
    I have to make same custom validations when the user to choose any action, then inside of the JSPX file (Human Task Page Generated), i made the following customizations to reach my objective:
    1) At the Region 2 (Action By Menu 2) - I delete these lines of code to hide the actions:
    <af:group id="g2">
    <af:forEach var="childNode1"
    <af:commandMenuItem textAndAccessKey="#{childNode1.displayName}"
    partialSubmit="false" id="cmi2">
    <f:attribute name="ACTION_MENU_ITEM"
    2) At the Region 3 (Action By Button 3), i change the default action button's to point to my managed bean action and make the required custom validations, in accordance to my requirements. After that i made my validations, i call some lines of code to make with the Oracle Workflow executes your default internal functions when an action is clicked.
    <af:commandToolbarButton actionListener="#{myManagedBean.setOperation}"
    visible="#{wf:isCustomActionAvailable('APROVAR', 'bindings.customActions')}"
    <f:attribute name="DC_OPERATION_BINDING" value="bindings.APROVAR"/>
    public void setOperation(ActionEvent p1){
    this.acaoSelecionada = (String) p1.getComponent().getAttributes().get("DC_OPERATION_BINDING");
    this.operation = UtilWorkflow.getInstance().getOperationFromHumanTask(this.acaoSelecionada);
    InvokeActionBean ia = (InvokeActionBean)ADFContext.getCurrent().getRequestScope().get("invokeActionBean");
    3) The great problem for me now is the region 1 (Region By Menu 1), this the part of Oracle Worklist Application and i cannot hide this Menu or change anything inside it. If the user click at the 'APROVAR' action, my custom validations will be ignored and the Workflow will approve my task, without intervention of my validations.
    After explaining everything this, here are my questions:
    1) Is this the correct way to work with the Oracle Soa Suite ?
    2) How can i hide the Region 1 (Action By Menu 1) ? Is possible ?
    Victor Jabur

    I am also in need of hiding or having custom validations for the actions in Region 1. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help!

  • Rich Internet Applications and PL/SQL

    I am developing a database framework, specifically designed to
    run on Oracle databases, to render rich client applications
    similar to what the HTP/HTF packages offer. In this case I render
    Java Swing interfaces based on stored procedures and packages.
    What I want with this is to have a Rich Internet Application (RIA)
    totally centralized on the database. Maybe something similar to
    HTMLDB but not using HTML interfaces. I am also thinking the
    possibility to create migration routines to convert our Oracle
    Forms modules to stored procedures using this framework. The only
    requirement to run this framework is to have a database and Apache
    with MOD_PLSQL. The main objectives I want to achieve are:
    - To render "rich client" interfaces.
    - To be able to dynamically create objects.
    - Low network usage, small messages.
    - Fast user interaction.
    - Small memory footprint on the client side.
    - Must use HTTP/HTTPS.
    - Run inside any standard Browser or standalone.
    - Stateless execution based on client events.
    - Events can be conditionally triggered to avoid round trips.
    - Oracle 8.1.7+ compatibility.
    - MDI/SDI capability.
    I already have a prototype working. The renderer Applet is just
    12Kb and all objects are created dynamically using "Reflection".
    The framework has an option to establish conditions for events using
    regular expressions to avoid unnecessary round trips. Performance so
    far is good even in slow networks. Of course I still have room for
    improvement in this area. The protocol was implemented in a way that
    it can be optimized by removing redundant messages. I also implemented
    a simple dictionary compression algorithm which further reduces the
    message size. We can also use HTTP compression in Apache with MOD_GZIP
    which has a very good compression factor. The renderer Applet runs with
    Java Web Start either so the user has the option to completely ignore
    the Browser. The framework will be composed of layers, from
    communication to application. In the highest layer I will offer
    functionalities available in 4GL languages like "maintain_table(x)"
    to automatically render a maintenance form of the passed table (very
    simple example). Even in this layer the developer will also be able to
    customize all aspects of the form like colors, fonts, layout managers,
    panels, etc. I am doing this in principle as a learning, private
    project. I am still thinking about best ways to organize the APIs,
    performance, security, etc. I was wondering if there is anyone
    interested in helping me, take a look in what I have done so far,
    opinions (good or bad), etc. The code I have so far can be accessed below.
    Thanks in advance for any comment.

    Your links are broken. This is not a good demonstration of your web-based development skills. Obviously this means I have not been able to look at your examples. However, I will offer three comments.
    (1) Dynamic rendering of objects is liable to translate into a slow experience for the user. Anyone who's migrated client/server Oracle Forms to web-deployed Forms will know what I mean. And Oracle have put person-years of effort into optimising the rendering of their Forms applet.
    (2) Doing a GUI in Java Swing is the easy bit. The hard stuff resides in the transaction management that Forms does for us. Again the amount of effort Oracle have put into JDeveloper's ADF packages is a testament (and a warning).
    (3) I suppose you will say that are going to put all that stuff into database stored procedures. But that merely relocates the complexity rather than answering it. Furthermore a lot of the benefit users derive from rich client applications (as opposed to HTML forms) is not due to the superior aesthetic experience of using Windows widgets. Rather it is the embedded business logic (complex data validation, event triggers, etc.) which means the gets instantaneous responses to their input. That's a lot of complexity to render on the fly.
    I am also thinking the possibility to create migration routines to
    convert our Oracle Forms modules to stored procedures using this framework. Good luck!
    Cheers, APC

  • Building Custom Worklist application in 11g using wlfullclient.jar

    Can anybody mention me the detailed steps to be followed to build a custom Worklist application.
    I have created a Web application jdev 11g
    I placed the following url to create
    placed the following jars in classpath
    I did not find this bpm-services-client.jar* anywhere in the SOA stack. I am missing this??
    and also place wf_client_config.xml under src folder the content is as below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <workflowServicesClientConfiguration xmlns="">
    <server name ="default" default="true" >
    <identityPropagation mode="dynamic" type="saml">
    <policy-reference enabled="true" category="security"
    And I have placed web.xml and weblogic.xml under WEB-INF folder.
    I do not have any compile time error.
    But when I am trying to deploy the application I am getting the following error.
    If i remove the wlfullclient.jar I am not getting this error as it is trying to load something while deployment.
    Please can anybody tell me what exactly I am missing. java.lang.InstantiationException: weblogic.wsee.jaxws.client.async.AsyncTransportProvider
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver.getSingleton(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver.start(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver$WLSInvoker.start(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.EndpointAwareLateInitTube.postCreateEndpoint(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.registerEndpoint(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.init(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSDeployedServlet.init(
         at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.createServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.createOneInstance(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.<init>(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.loadServletsOnStartup(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadResources(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.start(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.StartModulesFlow.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.SingleModuleDeployment.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.activateDeployment(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.doCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.commit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.activateDeploymentList(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.commit(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doCommitCallback(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$100(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$
    Edited by: c devi on 24 Sep, 2010 8:45 AM

    Can anybody mention me the detailed steps to be followed to build a custom Worklist application.
    I have created a Web application jdev 11g
    I placed the following url to create
    placed the following jars in classpath
    I did not find this bpm-services-client.jar* anywhere in the SOA stack. I am missing this??
    and also place wf_client_config.xml under src folder the content is as below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <workflowServicesClientConfiguration xmlns="">
    <server name ="default" default="true" >
    <identityPropagation mode="dynamic" type="saml">
    <policy-reference enabled="true" category="security"
    And I have placed web.xml and weblogic.xml under WEB-INF folder.
    I do not have any compile time error.
    But when I am trying to deploy the application I am getting the following error.
    If i remove the wlfullclient.jar I am not getting this error as it is trying to load something while deployment.
    Please can anybody tell me what exactly I am missing. java.lang.InstantiationException: weblogic.wsee.jaxws.client.async.AsyncTransportProvider
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver.getSingleton(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver.start(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver$WLSInvoker.start(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.EndpointAwareLateInitTube.postCreateEndpoint(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.registerEndpoint(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet.init(
         at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSDeployedServlet.init(
         at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.createServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.createOneInstance(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubLifecycleHelper.<init>(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.loadServletsOnStartup(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadResources(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.start(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(
         at weblogic.application.internal.flow.StartModulesFlow.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$
         at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
         at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.SingleModuleDeployment.activate(
         at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.activate(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.activateDeployment(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.doCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.commit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.activateDeploymentList(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleCommit(
         at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.commit(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doCommitCallback(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$100(
         at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$
    Edited by: c devi on 24 Sep, 2010 8:45 AM

  • Difference between BPM Worklist Application & BPM WorkSpace

    I'm a newbie to Oracle BPM.
    I want to understand the difference between
    Oracle BPM Worklist APplication (that we use for Human Tasks in SOA : host:port/integration/worklistapp)
    Oracle Business Process Workspace (host:port/bpm/workspace)
    I've done a sample BPM process to which the initiator is jcooper.
    When I deployed the app, I could find the task in Workspace but not in WorklistApp. Why is it?
    I know that one is specifically intended for BPM, but why can't we see the task for jcooper in WorklistApp?
    Also, Can you extend your answer to explain Process Composer too(in this context )?
    P.S. I could not find a post that covers the diff b/w the three at a high level.
    Edited by: kiransaravi on Feb 10, 2013 3:37 AM

    Difference between Oracle BPM Worklist & Oracle BPM Workspace

  • Worklist Application page errors out in SOA suite

    I have installed SOA Suite and going through the given BPEL samples/demos.
    I am trying "VacationRequest" demo.
    I am able to deploy the process in BPEL and initiated the process via BPEL console. After that I could not get the Worklist Application login page.
    URL: http://{hostname}:9700/integration/worklistapp/Login
    Error: The page cannot be displayed
    Please let me know whether I am missing any setup/installables ?
    -- prabaa !

    Due to lack of detailed information about the error, I would recommend checking on the usual culprits - the port number and the host name.
    Please check the port number you are using. The port numer chosen during the install is in the bpelsetupinfo.txt in SOA_Oracle_Home\install\ directory.
    Also, do you see any errors on the server?

  • Adding a Formview in a rich client application---urgent

    I am developing an XML editor as an eclipse plugin as a rich client application
    I want to add a form view to it...
    I have followed every instruction of this tutorial
    But the project does not run and flashes the following error
    Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views_0.0.0.
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "test.application" could not be found in the registry. The applications available are: <NONE>.
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "test.application" could not be found in the registry. The applications available are: <NONE>.
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
    Application error
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "test.application" could not be found in the registry. The applications available are: <NONE>.
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
    at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
    The application does not start once the code is added and al its references are commented
    Pl help me out...thanks...<img class="emoticon" src="images/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" alt="" />

    You seem to be having a problem with creating an Eclipse plugin. You don't seem to be having any problem at all with Java and XML that I can see. I think you would have more chance of getting an answer if you looked over on the Eclipse site for a forum for plugin writers.

  • Oracle BPEL Worklist application as a remote portlet in ALUI portal

    I am integrating the Oracle BPEL sample worklist application as a remote portlet in ALUI in a community page.
    I have 2 urgent queries...and desperate to look for a resolution...
    1) On opening the page where the remote portlet is placed ,it is very very slow to open the firt login screen in IE6.However the page is loading fast in IE7 or netscape.Every time the login page is hit we need to refresh the page to load it quickly..
    2)on thewebservice configuration section for portlet -- > http Configuration ,I have created a gateway and added our Oracle BPEL worklist context to gateway the request.There is a option like Inline refresh..
    a)If inline refresh is unchecked ,the BPEL worklist is not retaining the portlet nature like minimize ,maximize and the top community navigation is lost.
    b)however if inline refesh is checked..The portlet nature is retained ,however there is javascript error coming in the page which is not allowing some of the vanilla features of BPEL worklist is working properly like clicking some buttons and taking actions...
    Is this some configuration to be made in the ALUI side or some thing else...Please let me know if there is any solution to this...

    Now I am able to display the initial page of the remote portlet. However, when I try to do some operations I m running into one more issue:
    [WSRP-Consumer:420733]No markup received from the producer [oraclePortal_producer] for portlet with portletHandle[E:3:default].
    Is there anything futher I need to do?

  • Flex RIA (Rich Internet Application)  how to make the deploy  at Netweaver?

    I'm working with Flex RIA (Rich Internet Application) and I want make them run at NetWeaver WAS. As VC works with this technology I understand that the WAS is a Flex server. I want to know how to deploy them at the server.
    Thanks a lot for the time on this thread!.

    Hi Eddy thanks for answer.
    Yes, I've read that document before posting but it's getting hard to find the directories to the ide (Flex Builder) make the deploy.
    I'm testing RIAs without VC, I want to know if someone have test it and the app's complexity (access R/3, database, get user log on portal, etc).
    Have you tried it?.
    Thanks a lot for the answer.

  • Adding additional field in tasklist page of worklist application

    I'm working on customizing the worklist application in SOA
    I need to add an extra field systemMessageAttributes.textAttribute1 in tasklist page of the worklist application.
    Can any one provide me the procedure for the same.
    I tried using flexi field mapping and was able to create mapping for TextAttribute1.
    How can I retrieve this mapping in the Tasklist.jsp.
    Can anyone help me out.

    File has the list of columns to display, almost at the end.
    Add your text attribute here, e.g.
    This works for other columns, like WFTaskConstants.ASSIGNEEGROUPS_COLUMN,
    but I'm currently struggling with WFTaskConstants.TEXTATTRIBUTE3_COLUMN.
    Even if this is the only change I make, the WorklistApp crashes in my environment.

  • IAB Studio is a new J2EE based Rich Internet Application builder

    Here I would like to introduce a new J2EE based solution for the development of Rich Internet Allications.
    We are pleased to announce a new release of IAB Studio 3.1. This innovative development solution for Rich Internet Application Development is now available for free download from our web site > Products > Downloads.
    Please check out a demo application at to see the power of IAB Studio for yourself. This application was created in just 5 days. Yet it delivers rich functionality and user friendly user interface.
    ****** no HTML, no page refreshes, no Applets, no ActiveX, no Plug-ins, no server side development******
    IAB Studio is a breakthrough alternative to the leading mainstream of web development tools or frameworks, such as .NET, Struts, or Flash. It allows for getting rid of server side development, which normally cannot produce a decent functional GUI. In IAB Studio, a developer builds internet applications using client side controls (also known as widgets), which are extremely powerful and can handle data and functionality associated with them. IAB Studio widget collection includes treeview controls, tab controls, data management and reporting controls, data presentation control (grid), report controls, combo box, toolbars, menus, media controls and many more.
    ****** Create a functional Graphical User Interfaces in no time ******
    IAB Studio is the first tool ever, which allows a web developer to forget about spending tremendous amounts of time developing any GUI and concentrate on the business logic, the same way as in Visual Basic or any other desktop RAD tool. In fact, it is equally easy to use. It comes with a powerful in-browser IDE, which contains Team Organizer, Project Organizer, Data Entry Automation Wizards, Instant Messenger, Visual Page Designer, Visual Workflow Designer, Data Management and Visual Report Designer.
    ****** Does not require learning new programming languages ******
    To use IAB Studio, a developer does not have to learn any new language. Basic knowledge of Java and JavaScript is enough to start developing complex applications right away.
    ****** It is FREE ******
    IAB Studio is completely free for non-commercial use.
    ****** Most Powerful in-Brower Development Environment******
    IAB Studio is compatible with the major operating systems (Windows/Unix) and a wide range of RDBMS such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase or SAP DB. No other tools except a Web browser are required to use IAB Studio.
    ****** Data Entry Automation ******
    IAB Studio allows one to automate tedious tasks as data entry. Instead of HTML forms and all the hassles related to handling them, IAB Studio provides data entry wizards, updateable grid controls and data manipulation, and reporting controls. These controls provide you with the ability easily and quickly build functional data entry pages with error validations, automatic SQL generation, and more. It requires zero coding as well. Wizards make the most of work for you; there are no XML descriptors involved. This saves a lot of development time.
    ****** Benefits ******
    Applications developed in IAB Studio have superior performance, minimized network traffic, and an optimized data exchange mechanism between client and server. Minimum or ZERO coding is required in most cases to create Rich Internet Applications of any complexity with IAB Studio. Using IAB Studio, developers or even business analysts can create powerful Internet applications in days, with only a Web browser installed on the computer anywhere in the world. The bottom line is - it is easy to develop rich functionality in IAB Studio, and it takes up to 80% less efforts compared to the leading web development tools and frameworks.
    ****** IAB Studio Client Side Widgets ******
    IAB Studio offers a rich set of client side widgets that truly redefine the capabilities of a regular Web application. IAB Studio widgets are JavaScript graphical user interface objects backed by the Java MVC framework on the server side. IAB Studio does not use any Applets or ActiveX controls. WorcsNet technology offers the thinnest client possible, outstanding performance and rich functionality. Internet Applications created with IAB Studio perform better than applications created with the leading development technologies. IAB Studio supports both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
    ****** Remote Development ******
    IAB applications do not require deployment. A typical IAB application runs as part of the IAB Studio framework; this allows modification of the application on the fly. A team of developers can work on the same project remotely, simultaneously and in real time. The browser based Page Editors allow for development of IAB pages on the client machine and save the work in the server repository. It greatly simplifies the development and deployment processes.
    ****** Robust Security ******
    IAB Studio�s robust security allows the administrator to manage and authorize access to any areas of the application depending on the role of a user.
    Read more about IAB Studio at
    Check out a demo application at to see the power of IAB Studio for yourself.

    Struts is a server side framework, which has poor means for creating web pages that can provide rich user interface.
    The main reason is that in order to refresh page data, it needs to refresh the whole page. It means that if for example you have two tab pages and you want to switch from one to another, you will refresh the current page, and everything you entered on this page will be lost. So in order to retrieve it when you go back to the first page, you will have to send it to the server in the first place, store itsomewhere and prepare a page when you go back to it. Another problem is that while you are on the second page, you cannot really access data from the first page - because it's not there.
    IAB Studio, on the other hand, is very different. It allows to create pages, which consists of client side controls and not HTML. Client side controls can handle data, assosiated with them. For example, in the abovementioned example, when you click on the second tab page, it will not go to the server. Instead, it will cache this page in memory and handle it accordingly. It also allows to get data from the first page, even if you are on the second page. And so on.
    IAB Studio has over 40 such controls, including reporting control (this one has a functional report designer), grids, treeview, tab controls, various lists,
    message boxes, schedulers, workflows and more.
    Another important difference is that Struts is just a framework, and you have to handle a lot of XML descriptors, whereas IAB Studio is a full-blown IDE, which requires only browser to run.
    Read more about IAB Studio at, or you can download a free version and try it out for yourself.

  • Change default skin of default worklist application

    Is there a way to change the look and feel of default worklist application of SOA Suite 11g? It uses skinning which I am finding difficult to understand.
    Any help is appreciated.

    this is for recruitment to be exact i want it for transaction pb10 (initial entry of basic data)
    I created my status in recruitment->applicant selection->applicant status
    the status i created is ok and i am able to set an applicant to status E after initial entry in pba4
    all i want is to do this by default in pb10
    I hope this describes my requirements a little better
    i´m not sure but can i do this in
    spro->personnel mgmt->recruitment->applicant selection->applicant activities->applicant activities types->followup activities->create default values?
    Edited by: Mark Leonberger on Aug 11, 2009 9:57 AM

  • Bachelor thesis in Rich Internet Applications

    First of all, sorry for my engIish.
    I don't know if this is the right section of the forum, anyway I'm going to explain my problem:
    I'm writing down a thesis about RIAs: in my intentions i want to "speak" in particoular about Java
    tecnologies in RIAs development. Before starting, I need a hand in creating an index of the topics.
    Here comes my draft:
    Web 2.0
    Web Infrastructure (like old style sync request, AJAX, COMET)
    Tools (donno the right name to give them, talking about XHTML, CSS, XML, JSON, and all that supports RIAs and the previuos section in general)
    Server (Tomcat, Glassfish)
    Servlet, JSP, JSF
    Database (JavaDB, JDBC)
    Web Services (REST, SOAP, WDSL and so on)
    Java Web Start
    It is just what I have in my mind right now, it's confused and obfuscated, but still gives the idea of my organization. Or not?
    What you think about it? Anything I'm missin'? Anything out of topic, or in the wrong section?
    Thank you for any answer.

    Your links are broken. This is not a good demonstration of your web-based development skills. Obviously this means I have not been able to look at your examples. However, I will offer three comments.
    (1) Dynamic rendering of objects is liable to translate into a slow experience for the user. Anyone who's migrated client/server Oracle Forms to web-deployed Forms will know what I mean. And Oracle have put person-years of effort into optimising the rendering of their Forms applet.
    (2) Doing a GUI in Java Swing is the easy bit. The hard stuff resides in the transaction management that Forms does for us. Again the amount of effort Oracle have put into JDeveloper's ADF packages is a testament (and a warning).
    (3) I suppose you will say that are going to put all that stuff into database stored procedures. But that merely relocates the complexity rather than answering it. Furthermore a lot of the benefit users derive from rich client applications (as opposed to HTML forms) is not due to the superior aesthetic experience of using Windows widgets. Rather it is the embedded business logic (complex data validation, event triggers, etc.) which means the gets instantaneous responses to their input. That's a lot of complexity to render on the fly.
    I am also thinking the possibility to create migration routines to
    convert our Oracle Forms modules to stored procedures using this framework. Good luck!
    Cheers, APC

  • Oracle Worklist Application

    Can we use the worklist application to change the human task configuration ?? Thanks.

    By changing the model you mean that changing the flow and assignees ??No. By changing the model mean changing the definition of the task. For e.g. - changing the structure of the task data.
    But re-routing the task is also possible from Worklist app, right ?? Doesn't that mean changing configuration of the task ??Yes, tasks can be routed (if designed like that)/delegated from Worklist app but it does not mean that you are changing the configuration of the task. By routing/delegating, you are just acting on the task. Similarly you may escalate or suspend a task as well. All these are actually actions, which can be performed on a task.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • How to perform an autocheck event when the field changes in ALV

    Hi everybody, how can I build an event or something which would make my 'wa_fieldcat-checkbox' set to 'X' (auto checked) everytime an editable field in the ALV is changed manually by the user? I want to perform this task in order to avoid asking the