Right speaker muffle on new MBP 15'' c2d

I just got the new MBP 15'' 2,16 c2d and notice that the right peaker is muffle compare to the left...has anyone experience this ??? Is this totally hardware or is there something that can be done ??? Thanks

This has nothing to do with balance....yeah, you can minimize the problem by changing shifting the problem more to one side to '' even it out ''. This is a hardware problem, because if you plug it to an external speaker then everything is fine so the internal speaker is the problem here...i was hoping it could be solve with a firmware update

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    Before you take it in, try resetting Pram.
    and SMC if that didn't work.

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    17" MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Mac OS X (10.4.6) 2GB RAM

    Well, that was 15 minutes of life wasted typing out the above post that I'll never get back
    I was hoping for some sort of 'expert' advice from all the users here with thousands of posts. Evidently not.
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    Hope this helps someone.

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    Right clicking issues galore!
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    Were you able to contact Apple, about this issue, while under warranty?
    If there is a hardware cause of the problem or other, they may fix it or
    at least diagnose the underlying cause...
    Your other post was changed into a new thread on its own, here:
    •Popping sound from right MacBook Pro speaker
    When posting in an old topic, your issue may not relate to the original
    cause of the problem someone had a year ago with different hardware
    and another build version of OS X.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • New Right Speaker Distortion Test

    Try this:
    1) Make sure Funk is set in your Sound Preference as your alert sound.
    2) Go back into Safari
    3) Hit Command-F
    4) Type something in that is NOT on the page. Like "asdfghjkl"
    5) Hit NEXT
    Some or all of you will note a SERIOUS distortion. Even stranger, if you do it twice in a row, the first alert will be quiet (but distorted) and the second will be loud and distorted. If you keep hitting NEXT, it will keep staying loud. Then, if you pause for a few seconds, and try the double tap again, you get the quiet-loud pattern.
    Can others confirm?

    To test whether or not you have the right speaker issue, please download this sound file:
    This sound was created by an Apple Genius in the SoHo Store. To use it, open the file and in ITunes switch to endless loop. Then in sound settings pan left and right. In the case you have the right speaker issue you will hear a significant difference between left and right. The right speaker will sound hopelessly distorted and overdriven, whereas the left speaker will play the sound as it's supposed to be.
    Also, go to apple.com and play one of the Apple commercials. Play the one with the Pie Charts, I believe it's called "Work vs. Home". Again, pan from left to right. If the right speaker is distorted you will hear that the voice of the "Mac" guy is overdriven and the music will sound awful.
    Everyone who doesn't hear a difference between left and right doesn't have the problem. Also, if you are able to get rid of the distortion by putting the volume down a little, you also don't have the problem.
    The right speaker issue is VERY obvious and a major pain in the ... for everything that includes low frequency voices or music with lots of bass

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    Yes. The old MBP is much louder. I have the "decibel" app on my iPhone which is surprisingly accurate, and playing the same track on iTunes on the two machines shows a clear difference in output volume (max). Between 8 and 10dB. It's clearly obvious just by ear, too.
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    I installed the office 2004 software, and at the end of the installation it will give you the option to uninstall the test drive software. Good luck.

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    Should I update?
    MBP C2D 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi Jon,
    My MBP c2d sr 15" bought last friday has the same SMC version as yours.
    Mine however seems to run okay.

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    I've had the machine for about 20 months.  I've replaced the original battery with a cheap version off Amazon, and replaced the right internal fan about two months ago.  I've looked up how to replace the speaker assembly and I'm getting the tools and parts to do that.
    I know I have to replace the speaker.  My question is: what's causing all this?  Is it the speaker going out that led to these other issues, or is there another issue that cause the speaker to go out and is the root of the problem?  I've zapped the PRAM and reset the SMC, but that didn't change anything.
    Thanks in advance for any response!  Let me know if more info is needed.

    You have one of the MBP with the NVIDIA defect unforunately (GeForce 8600M GT).
    The scrabled screens are the GPU overheating and failing.
    Apple had a repair program that has now ended.
    You can still try making a genius bar apointment and asking about a flat rate repair or take it to an authorized Apple service provider.

Maybe you are looking for

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