RM 2013 (Update 4) is unable to fail custom action

Hi all,
I've implemented a console app and added into RM Tool. When I create action, it is always return successful. How do I force this custom action fail? Please advise
Best Regards,
Andy Pham
Best Regards, Andy Pham

Please let us know if there any update. If the issue is fixed, please share your solution here. If not, you can provide more information then we can do a further investigation.
Best regards,
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    I need your help. I've just tried to make an update my Exchange Server with CU5 and get an error:
              Uninstall-CrimsonManifest -DefinitionXml "bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man";
              Install-CrimsonManifest `
                -DefinitionXml "bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man" `
                -MessageDll "bin\ActiveMonitoringEventMsg.dll" `
                -ProviderName "Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring"
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    This issue occurs if any of the following conditions are true:
    The built-in security group “NT Service\Eventlog”  does not have permissions on the folder %SystemRoot%\System32\winevt\Logs.
    The built-in security group “NT Service\Eventlog”  does not have permissions on the registries and its sub keys,  
                             HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability Analysis
    To solve this issue, please take the following steps to give requires permissions on the log folders and registry
    Step 1:
    Restore the default permissions on %SystemRoot%\System32\winevt\logs.
    Authenticated user - List folder/read data, Read attributes, Read Extended attributes, Read permissions
    Administrators - Full control
    SYSTEM - Full control
    EventLog - Full control
    To restore the default permissions on folder %SystemRoot%\System32\winevt\logs, follow these steps.
    Right-click on %SystemRoot%\System32\winevt\logs and select Properties.
    Select the Security tab.
    Click Edit button and click the Add button in the permissions dialog box.
    In Select users, computers, or Groups dialog box ensure that under object types Built in Security Principals and the location as local computer name is selected.
    Enter the object name as "NT SERVICE\EventLog" without quotes. And click
    OK. This group should have full control on the folder.
    Once EventLog group is added add the rest of the groups with above mentioned permissions.
    Step 2:
    Provide the permission to registry,
    Open Registry Editor
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Reliability Analysis, Right-click it and Select
    Checked whether you have Eventlog group. If not, add “NT Service\Eventlog”, then give Full Control, then click OK.
    Locate HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-Application\, right-click and Select
    Repeat same in the No.3 step.
    Note: Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number
    to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry
    Best Regards.

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    from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2784668
    When you start a version of Access on a computer that has multiple versions of Access installed, the Windows Installer may start, and
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    Apple has pulled the iOS 8.0.1 update due to problems.
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    We have a workaround for you if you have an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus and you lost cellular service and Touch ID functionality today after updating to iOS 8.0.1. You can reinstall iOS 8 through iTunes by following the instructions below. We are also preparing iOS 8.0.2 with a fix for the issue, and will release it as soon as it's ready in the next few days.

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    9:44:09 AM - Published Asset Entry for Image Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.
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    11:45:25 - Applying Diagnostics extension.
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    Following http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kwill/archive/2014/12/02/windows-azure-diagnostics-upgrading-from-azure-sdk-2-4-to-azure-sdk-2-5.aspx
    I tried:
    PS C:\> Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension -StorageContext $storageContext -DiagnosticsConfigurationPath $public_config -ServiceName $service_name -Slot 'Staging' -Role $role_name
    VERBOSE: Setting PaaSDiagnostics configuration for MyWebRole.
    Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension : BadRequest : Published Asset Entry for Image
    Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension -StorageContext $storageContext -Diagnostic ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension], CloudException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudException,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceManagement.
    The problem seems to be related to those service configuration parts in the cloud which are not replaced
    by a new deployment... So what are possible reasons or fixes for this behaviour?
    Best regards,

  • HT5957 Unable to update. I phone keep getting this msg.   Unable to verify update iOS 7.0.2 failed verification because you are no longer connected to Internet

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    Try to connect to secure web site. If you can't, that would mean that your iphone is unable to authenticate itself to apple servers in order to download update. If you can - I would still guess same but with less certainty and suggest to update on another network.

  • Deploy UDI Windows 10 with SCCM 2012 R2 and MDT 2013 Update 1

    Trying use "User-Driven Installation"  with
    SCCM 2012
    R2 CU4 and MDT
    2013 Update 1 for deploy Windows
    Created MDT Task Sequences with
    template "Client Task sequence"
    and Deployment Method "User-Driven Installation".
    When I try to deploy I have error like:
    Failed to run the last action: Error in the task sequence. Execution of task sequence failed.
    The operation cannot be completed because other resources are dependent on this resource. (Error: 00001389; Source: Windows)
    ZTI deployment failed, Return Code = 5001 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Unable to create WebService class InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Command line returned 5001 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Process completed with exit code 5001 TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Part smsts.log
    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Expand a string: WinPEandFullOS TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Executing command line: smsswd.exe /run: cscript "%deployroot%\scripts\ztierrormsg.wsf" TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    [ smsswd.exe ] InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    PackageID = '' InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    ProgramName = 'cscript "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\WDPackage\scripts\ztierrormsg.wsf"' InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    SwdAction = '0001' InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Set command line: Run command line InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Working dir 'not set' InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Executing command line: Run command line InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Process completed with exit code 5001 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.12 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 6.3.8216.1000 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    The task sequencer log is located at X:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG. For task sequence failures, please consult this log. InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    ZTI deployment failed, Return Code = 5001 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Unable to create WebService class InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Command line returned 5001 InstallSoftware 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1740 (0x06CC)
    Process completed with exit code 5001 TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Failed to run the action: Error in the task sequence.
    The operation cannot be completed because other resources are dependent on this resource. (Error: 00001389; Source: Windows) TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    MP server http://sccm.domain.com. Ports 80,443. CRL=false. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting authenticator TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Sending StatusMessage TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting message signatures. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting the authenticator. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: sccm.domain.com:80 CCM_POST /ccm_system/request TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Request was successful. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=5001 TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=false TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Clear local default environment TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Let the parent group (Gather Logs and StateStore on Failure) decides whether to continue execution TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    The execution of the group (Gather Logs and StateStore on Failure) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows) TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Failed to run the last action: Error in the task sequence. Execution of task sequence failed.
    The operation cannot be completed because other resources are dependent on this resource. (Error: 00001389; Source: Windows) TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    MP server http://sccm.domain.com. Ports 80,443. CRL=false. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting authenticator TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Sending StatusMessage TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting message signatures. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Setting the authenticator. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: sccm.domain.com:80 CCM_POST /ccm_system/request TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Request was successful. TSManager 22.04.2015 11:36:57 1160 (0x0488)
    Executing command line: X:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k TSBootShell 22.04.2015 11:37:31 696 (0x02B8)
    The command completed successfully. TSBootShell 22.04.2015 11:37:31 696 (0x02B8)
    Successfully launched command shell. TSBootShell 22.04.2015 11:37:31 696 (0x02B8)

    MDT Updates for Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041
    Если Вам помог чей-либо ответ, пожалуйста, не забывайте жать на кнопку "Предложить как ответ" или "Пометить как ответ".

  • System Update 3.14 install fails on action: SetVendorV​alue

    Hi, folks:
    I'm attempting to install System Update 3.14 for the first time on a 2004-vintage ThinkPad T42 type 2379-DXU. The immediate failure appears to be that the action "SetVendorValue" fails. I'm not sure what the underlying cause is. The installation terminates with an alert that installation failed and the system is unchanged; but in fact the System Update application is installed and there's an icon in my Start menu. When I try to run System Update, it displays an error message in front of the splash screen and quits.
    Details and log excerpts below. Can anyone figure out why the install is failing? How can I get the install to succeed and the System Update app to run successfully? Thanks in advance for any ideas.
    In the meantime, I'm going to try downloading individual drivers manually, to solve my underlying problem. But I'd sure like to have System Update on my side in the future.
    --Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada
     Details* run the installer "systemupdate314-2008-5-15.exe".
    * installation proceeds through several steps. Shortly after the "Writing vendor value" status message appears, the installation fails with an error alert saying that that installer cannot complete and the system is unchanged.
    * in fact, there is now a c:\Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\ folder, and a System Update icon under Start menu -> All Programs -> ThinkVantage -> System Update.
    * clicking the System Update icon in the start menu causes the program to launch and fail. The splash screen appears, then an alert "System Update could not start properly [OK]". Clicking [OK] causes the program to exit.
    Log exceprts:
    The apparently relevant bit of the install log C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp\tvsuSetup.log reads,
    .... [front 90% of log omitted] ...
    Action 22:35:32: reloadsched.exe. reloadsched.exe
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:402]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=reloadsched.exe,Action​Type=1122,,Target=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Scheduler\reloadsched.exe,)
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:432]: Note: 1: 1721 2: reloadsched.exe 3: 4: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Scheduler\reloadsched.exe
    Info 1721.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action: reloadsched.exe, location: , command: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Scheduler\reloadsched.exe
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:432]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFinalize,,)
    Action 22:35:32: InstallFinalize.
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:432]: Executing op: CleanupTempFiles(TempFiles=C:\WINDOWS\Installer\11​f23a.mst)
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:432]: Scheduling file 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\11f23a.mst' for deletion during post-install cleanup (not post-reboot).
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:432]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotal​LDWord=43819590)
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:682]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:682]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    Action 22:35:32: RollbackCleanup. Removing backup files
    RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\11f23e.rbf
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:702]: Calling SRSetRestorePoint API. dwRestorePtType: 0, dwEventType: 103, llSequenceNumber: 402, szDescription: "".
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:702]: The call to SRSetRestorePoint API succeeded. Returned status: 0.
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:702]: Unlocking Server
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:702]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
    Action ended 22:35:32: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:702]: Doing action: SetVendorValue
    Action 22:35:32: SetVendorValue. SetVendorValue
    Action start 22:35:32: SetVendorValue.
    MSI (s) (14:34) [22:35:32:713]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI25.tmp, Entrypoint: SetVendorValue
    6/29/2008 22:35:32 DualSkins set to 0
    6/29/2008 22:35:32 szValue set to THINK
    6/29/2008 22:35:32 Unable to set key value: Vendor
    Action ended 22:35:32: SetVendorValue. Return value 3.
    Action ended 22:35:32: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    ... [snip]...
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:953]: Attempting to delete file C:\WINDOWS\Installer\11f23a.mst
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:953]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32
    MSI (s) (14:B8) [22:35:32:963]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    MSI (s) (14:04) [22:35:32:963]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
    MSI (s) (14:68) [22:35:32:963]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:32:973]: Back from server. Return value: 1603
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:32:973]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:32:973]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting SECONDSEQUENCE property. Its current value is '1'.
    Action ended 22:35:32: ExecuteAction. Return value 3.
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:32:973]: Doing action: SetupCompleteError
    Action 22:35:32: SetupCompleteError.
    Action start 22:35:32: SetupCompleteError.
    Action 22:35:32: SetupCompleteError. Dialog created
    MSI (c) (E8:18) [22:35:40:544]: Doing action: ISSetupFilesCleanup
    Action 22:35:40: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
    Action start 22:35:40: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
    MSI (c) (E8:AC) [22:35:40:544]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\DOCUME~1\JIMDEL~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\MSI26.tmp, Entrypoint: SFCleanupEx
    Action ended 22:35:40: ISSetupFilesCleanup. Return value 1.
    Action ended 22:35:40: SetupCompleteError. Return value 2.
    Action ended 22:35:40: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    ... [snip] ....
    === Logging stopped: 6/29/2008 22:35:41 ===
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:175]: Note: 1: 1708
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:175]: Product: System Update -- Installation operation failed.
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:195]: Attempting to delete file C:\DOCUME~1\JIMDEL~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\11ce5a.mst
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:195]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:195]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:195]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
    MSI (c) (E8:10) [22:35:41:205]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
    === Verbose logging stopped: 6/29/2008 22:35:41 ===
    The log from the failed startup of TVSU at
    C:\Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\logs\tvsu_log_080629230655.txt
    [ThinkVantage System Update build: 2008-5-15 3.14.0008] 6/29/2008 11:06:55 PM
    Severe 2008-06-29 , 11:06:55
    at Tvsu.Util.RegistryUtil.Execute(String[] args)
    Message: Error occurred in registry operation, error message: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lenovo\System Update' is denied.
    Severe 2008-06-29 , 11:06:55
    at Tvsu.Util.RegistryUtil.Execute(String[] args)
    Message: Error occurred in registry operation, error message: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lenovo\System Update\Preferences\UCSettings\RunTime' is denied.
    Severe 2008-06-29 , 11:06:55
    at Tvsu.Gui.GUIManager.StartGUI()
    Message: Exception not expected was received.System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Tvsu.Environment.EnvironmentManager..ctor()
    at Tvsu.Environment.EnvironmentManager.get_Instance()
    at Tvsu.Gui.GUIManager.InitializeGUI()
    at Tvsu.Gui.GUIManager.StartGUI()
    Severe 2008-06-29 , 11:06:55
    at Tvsu.Gui.FlowScreens.Messages.SetButtons(Int32 formwidth)
    Message: No Nls object was found, using hardcoded 'OK'
    Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Type: System.NullReferenceException
    at Tvsu.Gui.FlowScreens.Messages.SetButtons(Int32 formwidth)
    Info 2008-06-29 , 11:06:55
    at Tvsu.Gui.FlowScreens.Messages.ShowStaticMessage(St​ring message, String title, String mastheadtext, MessageType t, Boolean check)
    Message: Showing ERROR Message: < System Update could not start properly. >
    [End of details]

    Well, the problem is solved, and System Update is installed and working.
    The root cause of the problem appeared to be that the registry directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE no longer extended "full control" permission to the Administrators user group on my machine. We fixed this by using regedit:
    Start... Run... regedit....
    select directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE, right-click, Permissions...,
    press Add... button
    enter SYSNAME\Administrators in the text area (SYSNAME is a placeholder for my actual machine name)
    OK... OK...
    Quit regedit
    We diagnosed the problem with the help of IT support from our employer. The problem was blocking installation of new anti-virus software. We had just removed old anti-virus and "internet security" software. Hmm, I wonder if the old security software removed this permission setting as a parting gift.
    Hope this is helpful for others who encounter the same symptoms.

  • Attempt to run automatic update to LightRoom 5.7 fails with error 1402

    When I opened and started to work in LightRoom 5.6 on my Windows 7 64-bit PC a notification was displayed in a popup alerting me that a newer version, version 5.7 was available and asked me if I wanted to install it.  I clicked yes, and was taken to an Adobe page to download the upgrade.  So far, so good.  The 976MB “Lightroom_5_LS11_win_5_7.exe” file successfully downloaded.  Sadly, when I attempted to run this exe, it failed to complete, displaying the following error message in a popup.
    Error 1402.Could not open key:
    898618\2C99E910090657044B644883E7FA075A. Verify
    that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.
    While the exe file provided by Adobe did not harm my existing LR 5.6 installation, I “think” I would like to install their Automatic Update, but am unable to do so.
    Peter Sale

    Hi psale,
    Try to right click on the installer, and choose Run as Administrator.
    See if that helps.
    Otherwise this looks like a permissions issue, perhaps you don't have write access to your registry?
    Try creating a new admin user, and see if you can complete the install successfully there: Create a user account - Windows Help
    Hope this helps,

  • SharePoint 2013 Update Workflow Manager problems after Service Pack 1

    Hello guys,
    I've installed the service pack 1 for SharePoint 2013 and then I tried to update the workflow manager, but I always get an error message that the workflow manager could not be updated!
    Is the installing order wrong? should I first install the update for the worklfow manager and then the update for SharePoint 2013?
    Best regards

    The error message see below for "Cumulative Update for Workflow Manager 1.0 (KB2799754)
    "One of the custom actions failed. The installation cannot continue. See log for details!"
    [06/06/14 09:48:44] Performing install.
    [06/06/14 09:48:44] At least one of the product packages has been detected.
    [06/06/14 09:48:44] preReqUpdateDisplayName is :
    [06/06/14 09:48:44]
    [06/06/14 09:48:44] Wizard mode on.
    The following products will be enhanced:
    Workflow Manager 1.0
    Attempting to open cached Msi package for product code: {04A7199E-565D-4654-88A3-80A9A7BADDD9}
    Successfully opened cached Msi package.
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Opening Service Control Manager...
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Copying files...
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Checking and creating target directory C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\E-Business Servers Updates\Updates\Uninstall2799754.
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Package Workflow Manager Client 1.0 is not installed. Skipping it.
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Package Workflow Manager Client 1.0 is not installed. Skipping it.
    [06/06/14 09:48:48] Package Workflow Manager 1.0 is installed.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file AppServerV1-WorkflowManagerpatch30.msp ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file AppServerV1-WorkflowManagerpatch30.msp ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file TargetWFVersion.txt ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file UnifiedWFHotfixUpgrade.PS1 ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file Setup.xml ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Copying file Setup.exe ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Operation succeeded.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Package Workflow Manager 1.0 is installed.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Package code is {04A7199E-565D-4654-88A3-80A9A7BADDD9}.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Executing preinstall custom actions. 1 actions to execute.
    [06/06/14 09:48:49] Starting process "C:\Windows\system32\..\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File UnifiedWFHotfixUpgrade.PS1 -HotfixType "CS" -PackageType
    "server" -opcode "PatchBefore" -platform "x64" ...
    [06/06/14 09:48:50] Process exit code is -1.
    get-itemproperty : Cannot find path 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service Bus\1.0'
    because it does not exist.
    At C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\E-Business Servers
    Updates\Updates\Uninstall2799754\UnifiedWFHotfixUpgrade.PS1:971 char:21
    +   $sbinstallpath = (get-itemproperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Service
    Bus\1.0"  ...
    That's the log file
    Best regards

  • Trying to update from Photoshop CS5 12.0 to 12.0.4 (only update available on Adobe site) fails

    I try to manually update from Photoshop CS5 12.0 on Mac to 12.0.4 but the update fails. 12.0.4 is the only update available on the Adobe site that I can find for CS5. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Adobe Application Manger inside Illustrator says all products are up to date. "Updates" in Photoshop under the Help menu is greyed out. I can't print from Photoshop right now because it crashes. I'm assuming an update is in order. Please help!

    Not sure if this is the right thing to do, but here's the entire log. I can't parse it very well. Perhaps you're able to? I read online that the 12.0 version was crashing on printing hence the attempt to upgrade.
    Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    OSX version: 10.7.5 
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 1
    Media db sync skipped as session is already installed
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 136 miliseconds (0.136 seconds)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5
    Updating media info for: {116D1091-CD99-4ABB-8F09-CF9AD8344086}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR-070411071925/AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR-070411071925.dmg
    Updating media info for: {1D335228-EA49-47EC-8318-402055FEEF19}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA-070411072356/AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA-070411072356.dmg
    Updating media info for: {1D580812-3754-4CB2-A925-C6176813B334}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL-070411071752/AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL-070411071752.dmg
    Updating media info for: {2C12EE3A-DC09-4A67-B2C4-C82F0E1DEA72}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU-070411072056/AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU-070411072056.dmg
    Updating media info for: {2F9A388D-5338-41F0-8296-FD4E949DC861}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES-070411071450/AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES-070411071450.dmg
    Updating media info for: {61304F67-1DC6-4890-A950-069006DDC6A1}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO-070411072225/AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO-070411072225.dmg
    Updating media info for: {65A0C22E-4A77-44F8-BF2D-207F62C443D2}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE-070411070400/AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE-070411070400.dmg
    Updating media info for: {6B45B728-5886-427D-96E1-E5ADECEC703A}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT-070411070534/AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT-070411070534.dmg
    Updating media info for: {71A1A5C2-FF8C-48BF-ABB5-947CAE18C1AA}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR-070411070708/AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR-070411070708.dmg
    Updating media info for: {7A79D8B5-BF04-47CC-86C3-BC5C965BD3AF}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP-070411065748/AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP-070411065748.dmg
    Updating media info for: {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-Core-070411072745/AdobePhotoshop12-Core-070411072745.dmg
    Updating media info for: {82333F23-CCE9-41BC-A36D-FEF31ED9C7B1}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL-070411070841/AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL-070411070841.dmg
    Updating media info for: {83A7A2C8-37EE-4809-A198-CEE46EBFD886}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA-070411071147/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA-070411071147.dmg
    Updating media info for: {92CE603A-ABA5-4BF1-A3BB-84F0FF3A3A7F}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB-070411065612/AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB-070411065612.dmg
    Updating media info for: {AAFE39F6-7493-49CF-8958-0F2A1092D514}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU-070411072527/AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU-070411072527.dmg
    Updating media info for: {AFC68267-EE68-4201-9E00-CD69782EED6B}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN-070411070228/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN-070411070228.dmg
    Updating media info for: {BE0A3BBF-CC63-4DE2-8568-BCC91DEB65C9}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR-070411071016/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR-070411071016.dmg
    Updating media info for: {CA04E0C8-8E26-467A-9FE2-884FAE666DCA}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR-070411065922/AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR-070411065922.dmg
    Updating media info for: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-Support-070411073849/AdobePhotoshop12-Support-070411073849. dmg
    Updating media info for: {E24190BD-9889-4225-BA79-B94BA3C83784}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW-070411070056/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW-070411070056.dmg
    Updating media info for: {F8088B2E-D9FC-4D84-B9E2-5161693DDC46}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ-070411071622/AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ-070411071622.dmg
    Updating media info for: {FE37D9E3-BD4A-4789-8F8A-20E889AEDC8B}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX-070411071319/AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX-070411071319.dmg
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:38:51 2012  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:38:51 2012 ERROR
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR  {116D1091-CD99-4ABB-8F09-CF9AD8344086} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA  {1D335228-EA49-47EC-8318-402055FEEF19} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL  {1D580812-3754-4CB2-A925-C6176813B334} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU  {2C12EE3A-DC09-4A67-B2C4-C82F0E1DEA72} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES  {2F9A388D-5338-41F0-8296-FD4E949DC861} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO  {61304F67-1DC6-4890-A950-069006DDC6A1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE  {65A0C22E-4A77-44F8-BF2D-207F62C443D2} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT  {6B45B728-5886-427D-96E1-E5ADECEC703A} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR  {71A1A5C2-FF8C-48BF-ABB5-947CAE18C1AA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP  {7A79D8B5-BF04-47CC-86C3-BC5C965BD3AF} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL  {82333F23-CCE9-41BC-A36D-FEF31ED9C7B1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA  {83A7A2C8-37EE-4809-A198-CEE46EBFD886} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB  {92CE603A-ABA5-4BF1-A3BB-84F0FF3A3A7F} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU  {AAFE39F6-7493-49CF-8958-0F2A1092D514} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN  {AFC68267-EE68-4201-9E00-CD69782EED6B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR  {BE0A3BBF-CC63-4DE2-8568-BCC91DEB65C9} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR  {CA04E0C8-8E26-467A-9FE2-884FAE666DCA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW  {E24190BD-9889-4225-BA79-B94BA3C83784} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ  {F8088B2E-D9FC-4D84-B9E2-5161693DDC46} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX  {FE37D9E3-BD4A-4789-8F8A-20E889AEDC8B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:38:54 2012  INFO
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core is: false
    Action string for  {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core  is install
    Selection of payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core is forbidden by the policy.
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support is: true
    Action string for  {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications
    ::START TIMER:: [System check :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc
    fixed ownership of Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/StageManager directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/cache directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/configuration directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/extensions directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/logs directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/preference directory
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [System check :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 53 miliseconds (0.053 seconds)
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:38:55 2012  WARN
    Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:38:55 2012  INFO
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    Unsupported entry mode specified.
    Custom action return code: 4
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}]
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:38:55 2012  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:38:57 2012  INFO
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirZqdlQG2H/Install.db
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:39:03 2012 ERROR
    31 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:39:03 2012  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirZqdlQG2H/Install.db
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:03 2012  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}] took 8164 miliseconds (8.164 seconds) DTR = 14.2087 KBPS (0.0138757 MBPS)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:05 2012  WARN
    Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:05 2012  INFO
    Skipping payload {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support as payload is not cached
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:09 2012  INFO
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 85KB
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:11 2012  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:11 2012 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core: Install failed
    - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support: Patch already installed
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:39:11 2012  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Post session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    Unsupported entry mode specified.
    Custom action return code: 4
    :: END TIMER :: [Post session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 25725 miliseconds (25.725 seconds) DTR = 1.39942 KBPS (0.00136662 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 24 error(s), 2 warning(s)
    WARNING: Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    WARNING: Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR  {116D1091-CD99-4ABB-8F09-CF9AD8344086} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA  {1D335228-EA49-47EC-8318-402055FEEF19} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL  {1D580812-3754-4CB2-A925-C6176813B334} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU  {2C12EE3A-DC09-4A67-B2C4-C82F0E1DEA72} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES  {2F9A388D-5338-41F0-8296-FD4E949DC861} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO  {61304F67-1DC6-4890-A950-069006DDC6A1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE  {65A0C22E-4A77-44F8-BF2D-207F62C443D2} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT  {6B45B728-5886-427D-96E1-E5ADECEC703A} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR  {71A1A5C2-FF8C-48BF-ABB5-947CAE18C1AA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP  {7A79D8B5-BF04-47CC-86C3-BC5C965BD3AF} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL  {82333F23-CCE9-41BC-A36D-FEF31ED9C7B1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA  {83A7A2C8-37EE-4809-A198-CEE46EBFD886} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB  {92CE603A-ABA5-4BF1-A3BB-84F0FF3A3A7F} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU  {AAFE39F6-7493-49CF-8958-0F2A1092D514} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN  {AFC68267-EE68-4201-9E00-CD69782EED6B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR  {BE0A3BBF-CC63-4DE2-8568-BCC91DEB65C9} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR  {CA04E0C8-8E26-467A-9FE2-884FAE666DCA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW  {E24190BD-9889-4225-BA79-B94BA3C83784} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ  {F8088B2E-D9FC-4D84-B9E2-5161693DDC46} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX  {FE37D9E3-BD4A-4789-8F8A-20E889AEDC8B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    ERROR: 31 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support: Patch already installed
    Search the same string above to find when the error occured.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow
    END - Installer Session
    Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    OSX version: 10.7.5 
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 1
    Media db sync skipped as session is already installed
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 42 miliseconds (0.042 seconds)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5
    Updating media info for: {116D1091-CD99-4ABB-8F09-CF9AD8344086}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR-070411071925/AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR-070411071925.dmg
    Updating media info for: {1D335228-EA49-47EC-8318-402055FEEF19}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA-070411072356/AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA-070411072356.dmg
    Updating media info for: {1D580812-3754-4CB2-A925-C6176813B334}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL-070411071752/AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL-070411071752.dmg
    Updating media info for: {2C12EE3A-DC09-4A67-B2C4-C82F0E1DEA72}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU-070411072056/AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU-070411072056.dmg
    Updating media info for: {2F9A388D-5338-41F0-8296-FD4E949DC861}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES-070411071450/AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES-070411071450.dmg
    Updating media info for: {61304F67-1DC6-4890-A950-069006DDC6A1}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO-070411072225/AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO-070411072225.dmg
    Updating media info for: {65A0C22E-4A77-44F8-BF2D-207F62C443D2}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE-070411070400/AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE-070411070400.dmg
    Updating media info for: {6B45B728-5886-427D-96E1-E5ADECEC703A}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT-070411070534/AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT-070411070534.dmg
    Updating media info for: {71A1A5C2-FF8C-48BF-ABB5-947CAE18C1AA}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR-070411070708/AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR-070411070708.dmg
    Updating media info for: {7A79D8B5-BF04-47CC-86C3-BC5C965BD3AF}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP-070411065748/AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP-070411065748.dmg
    Updating media info for: {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-Core-070411072745/AdobePhotoshop12-Core-070411072745.dmg
    Updating media info for: {82333F23-CCE9-41BC-A36D-FEF31ED9C7B1}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL-070411070841/AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL-070411070841.dmg
    Updating media info for: {83A7A2C8-37EE-4809-A198-CEE46EBFD886}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA-070411071147/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA-070411071147.dmg
    Updating media info for: {92CE603A-ABA5-4BF1-A3BB-84F0FF3A3A7F}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB-070411065612/AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB-070411065612.dmg
    Updating media info for: {AAFE39F6-7493-49CF-8958-0F2A1092D514}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU-070411072527/AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU-070411072527.dmg
    Updating media info for: {AFC68267-EE68-4201-9E00-CD69782EED6B}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN-070411070228/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN-070411070228.dmg
    Updating media info for: {BE0A3BBF-CC63-4DE2-8568-BCC91DEB65C9}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR-070411071016/AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR-070411071016.dmg
    Updating media info for: {CA04E0C8-8E26-467A-9FE2-884FAE666DCA}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR-070411065922/AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR-070411065922.dmg
    Updating media info for: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-Support-070411073849/AdobePhotoshop12-Support-070411073849. dmg
    Updating media info for: {E24190BD-9889-4225-BA79-B94BA3C83784}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW-070411070056/AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW-070411070056.dmg
    Updating media info for: {F8088B2E-D9FC-4D84-B9E2-5161693DDC46}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ-070411071622/AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ-070411071622.dmg
    Updating media info for: {FE37D9E3-BD4A-4789-8F8A-20E889AEDC8B}
      Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CS5
      Path: /Volumes/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/payloads/AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX-070411071319/AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX-070411071319.dmg
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:47 2012  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:47 2012 ERROR
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR  {116D1091-CD99-4ABB-8F09-CF9AD8344086} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Turkish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-tr_TR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA  {1D335228-EA49-47EC-8318-402055FEEF19} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ukranian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-uk_UA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL  {1D580812-3754-4CB2-A925-C6176813B334} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Polish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pl_PL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU  {2C12EE3A-DC09-4A67-B2C4-C82F0E1DEA72} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Rumanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ru_RU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES  {2F9A388D-5338-41F0-8296-FD4E949DC861} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_ES
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO  {61304F67-1DC6-4890-A950-069006DDC6A1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Romanian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ro_RO
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE  {65A0C22E-4A77-44F8-BF2D-207F62C443D2} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 German Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-de_DE
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT  {6B45B728-5886-427D-96E1-E5ADECEC703A} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Italian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-it_IT
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR  {71A1A5C2-FF8C-48BF-ABB5-947CAE18C1AA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-pt_BR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP  {7A79D8B5-BF04-47CC-86C3-BC5C965BD3AF} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Japanese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ja_JP
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL  {82333F23-CCE9-41BC-A36D-FEF31ED9C7B1} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dutch Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-nl_NL
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA  {83A7A2C8-37EE-4809-A198-CEE46EBFD886} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canadian French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_CA
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB  {92CE603A-ABA5-4BF1-A3BB-84F0FF3A3A7F} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-en_GB
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU  {AAFE39F6-7493-49CF-8958-0F2A1092D514} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Hungarian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-hu_HU
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN  {AFC68267-EE68-4201-9E00-CD69782EED6B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR  {BE0A3BBF-CC63-4DE2-8568-BCC91DEB65C9} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR  {CA04E0C8-8E26-467A-9FE2-884FAE666DCA} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Korean Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-ko_KR
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW  {E24190BD-9889-4225-BA79-B94BA3C83784} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_TW
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ  {F8088B2E-D9FC-4D84-B9E2-5161693DDC46} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Check Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-cs_CZ
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX  {FE37D9E3-BD4A-4789-8F8A-20E889AEDC8B} requires a parent with following specification:
              Family: Photoshop
              ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 North American Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-es_MX
              This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
              This payload will be ignored in this session.
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:48 2012  INFO
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:49 2012  INFO
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core is: false
    Action string for  {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core  is install
    Selection of payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core is forbidden by the policy.
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support is: true
    Action string for  {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications
    ::START TIMER:: [System check :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc
    fixed ownership of Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/StageManager directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/cache directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/configuration directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/extensions directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/logs directory
    fixed ownership of CS5ServiceManager/preference directory
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [System check :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 56 miliseconds (0.056 seconds)
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:49 2012  WARN
    Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:49 2012  INFO
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    Unsupported entry mode specified.
    Custom action return code: 4
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}]
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:49:49 2012  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:49:51 2012  INFO
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRMazJX59/Install.db
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:49:55 2012 ERROR
    31 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [       1] Wed Nov 28 11:49:55 2012  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRMazJX59/Install.db
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:56 2012  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825}] took 7023 miliseconds (7.023 seconds)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {809CAFEA-B905-4940-8451-DBA0AE0AA825} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:56 2012  WARN
    Patcher: {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support has already been applied. Patchers can not be repaired/reinstalled, skipping this patcher
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:56 2012  INFO
    Skipping payload {D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6} Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support as payload is not cached
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:49:59 2012  INFO
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 85KB
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:50:01 2012  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:50:01 2012 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Core: Install failed
    - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support_12.0.4_AdobePhotoshop12-Support: Patch already installed
    [       0] Wed Nov 28 11:50:01 2012  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Post session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}]
    Unsupported entry mode specified.
    Custom action return code: 4
    :: END TIMER :: [Post session :{D6A4C9B1-5AE2-4118-AD9D-24313C79F2B6}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 19003 miliseconds (19.003 seconds) DTR = 1.47345 KBPS (0.00143892 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary ---------

  • Error when updating Client Access Front End Service to Exchange 2013 Update 6

    When updating to Exchange 2013 Update 6 we received the following error at the Step 11 of 13: Client Access role: Client Access Front End service step: 
    The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
    $fe = get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
    if ($fe -eq $null)
    new-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController -Role ClientAccess;
    update-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory $fe -DomainController $RoleDomainController -InstallIsapiFilter $true
    " was run: "System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.VirtualDirectoryIdParameter' required by parameter 'Identity'. Specified method is not supported. ---> System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
    at System.Management.Automation.ParameterBinderBase.CoerceTypeAsNeeded(CommandParameterInternal argument, String parameterName, Type toType, ParameterCollectionTypeInformation collectionTypeInfo, Object currentValue)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at System.Management.Automation.Internal.PipelineProcessor.SynchronousExecuteEnumerate(Object input, Hashtable errorResults, Boolean enumerate)
    at System.Management.Automation.PipelineOps.InvokePipeline(Object input, Boolean ignoreInput, CommandParameterInternal[][] pipeElements, CommandBaseAst[] pipeElementAsts, CommandRedirection[][] commandRedirections, FunctionContext funcContext)
    at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ActionCallInstruction`6.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
    at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)".
    Problem was that if you have more than one ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory, the installer for Update 6 fails because it's not expecting an array of virtual directories to be returned. Solution is to remove the "extra" virtual directory, perform the
    installation, and then re-add the virtual directory. 
    None of the other types of virtual directories are susceptible to this, only ActiveSync. 

    Please try to reset registrar state:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Kent Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Visual studio 2013 update 4 will not install

    I am currently running visual studio 2013 Version 3, and i recently just downloaded the update 4 file.  I've tried installing it multiple times but all it does is show the splash screen and then wink out.  Checked the task processes and its not
    running.  I've checked the event log, and nothing interesting in there either.  I copied the file to another machine and it ran fine, so i know the file is good.  I've also downloaded the DVD ISO version of the updater from MSDN, with the same
    results.  Am i missing something?  Is there a different way i can debug this to find out why it's not working for me?  Thanks for any help!
    Phil Johnson

    Hi there.  I actually am entirely up to date on windows update, i show nothing needs to install there.  
    I am running F-secure, but when i go into services and disable all of the F-secure services, I still get the same problem.
    When i run the update file, i get 3 new files that occur in my temp folder.  Below is the contents of the log file that is created:
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i001: Burn v3.7.3424.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\phil.johnson\Downloads\VS2013.4.exe, cmdline: ''
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'EditionDisplayName' to value '#loc.vsupdatededitiondisplayname'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'FactorMsi' to value '1.3'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'MoreLanguageFwlinkId' to value '427825'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'PrivacyAgreementFwlinkId' to value '427803'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'PrivacyStatementFwlinkId' to value '427803'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'MinOsLevelFwlinkId' to value '427813'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'SolutionFwlinkId' to value '427804'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'HelpFwlinkId' to value '427805'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'IE10FwlinkId' to value '427807'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'WinBlueFwlinkId' to value '427810'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'SHA256BlockFwlinkId' to value '427811'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'Win81PreRelBlockFwlinkId' to value '427809'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'NetfxProductVersion' to value '4.5.31101'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'ProfessionalVSVersion' to value '11.0.50727'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'BaselineBundleVersion' to value '12.0.21005'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'FirstSlipstreamBundleVersion' to value '12.0.21006'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'ProductKey' to value 'VVXKCDCCWD3B29PWQK2C3GYD7'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_chs' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_cht' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_csy' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_deu' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_esn' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_fra' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_ita' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_jpn' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_kor' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_plk' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_ptb' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_rus' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_trk' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'Win8Dev_Dev11Path' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'Dev11_UT_Path' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'WinSDK_Common_KitsRootPath' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Windows Kits\8.0\'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'Dev11_VC_Path' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'IsChainingx64VSTODT' to value '1'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'IsChainingx86VSTODT' to value '1'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'IsChainingx64VSTORT' to value '1'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'IsChainingx86VSTORT' to value '1'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Initializing string variable 'Include_WindowsPhoneAppxEmulator' to value 'true'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\PHIL~1.JOH\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vsupdate_KB2829760_20141116200223.log'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\phil.johnson\Downloads\VS2013.4.exe'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder' to value 'C:\Users\phil.johnson\Downloads\'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (KB2829760)'
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i000: Loading managed bootstrapper application.
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to create the managed bootstrapper application.
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to create UX.
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to load UX.
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed while running 
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: BaselineBundleVersion = 12.0.21005
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: Dev11_UT_Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: Dev11_VC_Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: EditionDisplayName = #loc.vsupdatededitiondisplayname
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: FactorMsi = 1.3
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: FirstSlipstreamBundleVersion = 12.0.21006
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: HelpFwlinkId = 427805
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: IE10FwlinkId = 427807
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: Include_WindowsPhoneAppxEmulator = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: IsChainingx64VSTODT = 1
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: IsChainingx64VSTORT = 1
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: IsChainingx86VSTODT = 1
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: IsChainingx86VSTORT = 1
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: MinOsLevelFwlinkId = 427813
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: MoreLanguageFwlinkId = 427825
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: NetfxProductVersion = 4.5.31101
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_chs = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_cht = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_csy = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_deu = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_esn = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_fra = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_ita = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_jpn = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_kor = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_plk = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_ptb = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_rus = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PerfToolsRES_LangRelevant_trk = true
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PrivacyAgreementFwlinkId = 427803
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: PrivacyStatementFwlinkId = 427803
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: ProductKey = VVXKCDCCWD3B29PWQK2C3GYD7
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: ProfessionalVSVersion = 11.0.50727
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files (x86)\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: SHA256BlockFwlinkId = 427811
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: SolutionFwlinkId = 427804
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: Win81PreRelBlockFwlinkId = 427809
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: Win8Dev_Dev11Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WinBlueFwlinkId = 427810
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WinSDK_Common_KitsRootPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleAction = 5
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleElevated = 0
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleLog = C:\Users\PHIL~1.JOH\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vsupdate_KB2829760_20141116200223.log
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleManufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleName = Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (KB2829760)
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleOriginalSource = C:\Users\phil.johnson\Downloads\VS2013.4.exe
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder = C:\Users\phil.johnson\Downloads\
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleProviderKey = vsupdate_KB2829760
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleTag = vsupdate_KB2829760,1033
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]i410: Variable: WixBundleVersion = 12.0.31101.0
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:23]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to run per-user mode.
    [2520:2C8C][2014-11-16T20:02:24]i007: Exit code: 0x80070002, restarting: No
    Phil Johnson

  • Can,t install visual studio 2013 update 4

    i was trying to install vs 2013 update 4 but there is an error and setup failed.  i'd tried several times to install it still facing same error. it says" //visual studio core features fatal error during installation .// microsoft visual c++
    2013 microsoft foundation class libraries  user cancelled installation//". my os is win 8.1 industry pr
    i downloaded it from dreamspark recently.
    helps are appreciated...

    Hello kbk gen,
    Most of the cases related to the info "visual studio core features fatal error during installation" are caused by corrupt package. Can you consult dreamspark support to know whether you can verify your source(VS installer)? Dreadmspark
    seems use some different ways to provide you the source file, so I'm not sure common ISO verify step works for you.
    Anyway, actually you can try the VS2013 Community Edition and you can verify the ISO of it by refer to here:
    Best regards,
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