Rolling up Work for Grouped Tasks - Bug

Step 1: 
Group by any field and look at the Work rolled up value. In the case below it is 200 hours.
Step 2:
Inactivate one of the tasks
Rolled up Work value doesn’t change!?
I’d expect the rolled up value for Work to decrease down to 100 hours.
Is it by design?
All Tasks Active
One Inactive Task

Hi Rob,
If you work in standalone and it should not be too much complicated to edit it with Project 2013, assuming you have it.
Hope this helps,
Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, MCP |

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    We need a little more information about your VBA code but basically the following syntax should work:
    Assume Katie Olson is assigned to Task 2 and you wish to update her actual work to 2 days. First, keep in mind that all time variables in Project are stored in minutes so 2 days are 960 minutes assuming a normal 8 hour workday.
    ActiveProject.Tasks(2).Resources("Katie Olson").Assignments(1).ActualWork = 960
    or this will also work
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    SOST log :
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    An activity step with agents is supported by the extended notifications if it is a decision task or not, I have used it many times and it works well just no approval/rejection links if it's not a decision task.
    From your screenshot you can see that a mail has been created and is found in SOST, usually this cases are problems with the mail server or connection to it, check the mail settings in the SMTP node in transaction SCOT, also check with mail server team if there is a block to/from the SAP server.

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    Hi lavanya,
    Commit work can be used in the background tasks, however if you are trying to fetch records after the commit, it will lead to a runtime error. Can you post the error you are getting?

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    Hi Sam,
    I recommend you refer to the following article, despite this for Exchange 2010, however the same applies to exhcnage 2013:
    Prevent archiving of items in a default folder in Exchange 2010
    To prevent the <acronym title="Default Policy Tag">DPT</acronym> from being applied to a default folder, you can create a disabled <acronym title="Retention Policy Tag">RPT</acronym> for that folder (or disable
    any existing RPT for that folder). The Managed Folder Assistant, a mailbox assistant that processes mailbox items and applies retention policies, does not apply the
    retention action of a disabled tag. Since the item/folder still has a tag, it's not considered untagged and the DPT isn't applied to it.
    Why are items in the Notes folder still archived?
    If you create a disabled <acronym title="Retention Policy Tag">RPT</acronym> for the
    Notes folder, you'll see items in that folder are not deleted, but they do continue to be moved to the archive! Why does this happen? How do you prevent it?
    It's important to understand that:
    A retention policy can have a <acronym title="Default Policy Tag">DPT</acronym> to
    archive items (using the Move to Archive retention action) and a DPT to
    delete items (using the Delete and Allow Recovery or
    Permanently Delete retention actions). Both apply to untagged items.
    The move and delete actions are exclusive of each other. Mailbox folders and messages can have both types of tags applied - an archive tag and a delete tag. It's not an either/or proposition.
    If you create a disabled RPT for the Notes folder to not delete items, the archive DPT for the mailbox would still apply and move items.
    When it comes to archiving, there's only one archive policy that administrators can enforce – the <acronym title="Default Policy Tag">DPT</acronym> with 'Move to archive' action.
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    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Shared numberVar for Group

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    Sales Order Formula 1
    shared numberVar InvoiceValue;
    AR Invoice  Formula 2
    shared numberVar InvoiceValue :=ToNumber ({Command. Total Invoice Value})
    And I have bought the formula 1 in Sales Order report in Group Header.
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    Please advise how to crack it.
    Best Regards,

    Few Things
    All Shared Numbervar formula should really start with
    The vars in Main report and Subreport should have different names eg IInvoiceValueAR and InvoiceValueSO, use another formula in main report to add them together.
    shared numbervar IInvoiceValueAR + shared numbervar IInvoiceValueSO
    To overcome empty AR report make sure you reset the variable, place reset formual in AR subreport header
    shared numbervar IInvoiceValueAR:=0

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    rtm.changeTaskProcessor(processInstanceID, activityInstanceID, currentProcessor, newProcessor);
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    IGPProcessRoleInstance processRoleInstance=executionContext.getProcessRoleInstance();

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    rtm1.removeTaskProcessor(prInstance1.getID(),activityInstanceID, userContext1);
    rtm.changeTaskProcessor(processInstanceID, activityInstanceID, currentProcessor, newProcessor);
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    Avoid Duplicate Tasks when Expanding Groups for Custom Task Process?
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    David Jenkins

    Hi David,
    Please verify the followings:
    After Participants, select Parallel(all at a once)
    Expand Task Options, select ‘Assign a task to each member within groups’
    Open the action properties, make sure ExpandGroup is Yes
    Also in SharePoint Designer ,you can edit the property for the Start Approval Porcess to enable ExpandGroup:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Add a dropdown field to the task view that determines work hours for that task.

    I'm very new to MSProject.  I'm entering project data for the design, review, implementation, testing and acceptance of many subroutines.  The subroutines can be categorized into an enumeration of types. 1 - direct sub , easy, 2 - direct sub,
    average, 3 - direct sub complex, 4 - supervisory sub easy, 5 - supervisory sub average, 6 subervisory sub complex.
    I would like to create a dropdown field that once the category has been selected, the work hours are locked.  For Example if I have 50 "direct sub, easy", I want to be able to change the work hours assocated with "direct sub, easy"
    in only one place and have all "50 direct sub, easy" tasks automatically use the new work hours.
    Is there a way to do this in MSProject?

    Okay, let's revisit the approach. If you have six defined categories and you want to select from one of those categories for each task, then you need to create a custom field with a lookup table. Let's use the Text1 field.
    1. First add the Text1 field as a column in the view, I assume you're using the Gantt Chart view
    2. Select the heading of that column and go to: Project/Properties group/Custom Fields
    3. That will open the Custom Fields window with Text1 already pre-selected. Hit the "Lookup" button
    4. In the Edit Lookup Table window, enter each of your 6 categories. You can give each a number with a description (e.g. 1 - direct sub, easy), or just put the description in the Value field (e.g. direct sub, easy) with nothing in the description.
    5. Hit close
    Now when you select the Text1 field for any task, the lookup list will appear allowing you to chose of the the entries. Now you can create a filter as I suggested before and go through the process of setting the work value for all like category tasks.
    Hope this helps.

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    download the new you tube apps in i tunes, in os6 just pick a video in the photos apps and select share, the old you tube app icon will appear

  • Assign Source of supply is not working for contract with material group

    Dear Experts,
    I have searched all the threads and gone through before posting my query. So i would ask moderators to go through the thread properly before rejecting this.
    We have value contracts with respect to a particular material group without material and with item category W in the contract item, Please note that for the materials with this material group, the source determination is not set and source list is also not maintained.
    When we create PR for the material with this contract, and when we click on assign source of supply contracts used to get popped up, but recently from few days, when we click on assign source of supply we are getting an error " no source found for this item ".
    Can anybody help on this.

    @ Biju,
    As mentioned earlier, we are not creating PR with reference to contract.
    first we are creating contract with item category W (material group), without material and plant details.
    we create PR with or without material with account assignment K and with the material group in the transaction ME51N, and after inputting all the fields, we click on assign source of supply, it was proposing the existing contracts with respect to material group earlier, but it is not happening for particular material group(it is working for all other material groups)
    Hope it is clear.
    @ Dev Patra,
    we are using DIEN-Service material types and we assign that particular material group to only service material type.
    we have not ticked, source list in the material master, we donot have any source list for the materials under that material group.( please check the note 457110- question number 14.)

  • [SOLVED] Kernel bug fix, works for me!

    Having been hit by the kernel bug that interferes with internet access & having to downgrade the kernel to escape the bug.  I am happy to say that after reading a bug report on the subject here:
    Courtesy of a link posted by Misfit138, I found deep down in the report dialogue that the following command as root, worked for the poster of the bug:
    echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
    So I did a yaourt -Syu & found amongst other packages a minor kernel update, which did not solve my internet problems, but after su, & then entering the above command in the Terminal my internet works as it should!
    If this solution works for you, then add the following to your /etc/sysctl.conf:
    #Temporary workaround for tcp issue with 2.6.27
    net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
    Thanks again Misfit138
    I hope this solution works for all of the other bug bitten members of the Arch (& Linux) community!
    Last edited by handy (2008-10-21 05:19:03)

    THANX !!!  Works like normal again
    I saw that bug report too, just didnt know how to try it out, thanx so much for the helpful explanation.
    Last edited by RabidWolf (2008-10-21 20:26:23)

  • CAS SSO not working for VPN Group

    I am trying to get SSO working for a CAS/CAM in a inband virtual gateway for VPN users coming in off a ASA5520. There are two VPN groups each with its own group policy and tunnel group. One group uses a Windows IAS Radius Server and the other a token based RADIUS RSA device.
    Users use the AnyConnect client to connect to the ASA where they are dumped into a vlan. SSO works for the group that uses the Winodws radius server. On the CAS the Cisco VPN Auth server has the Unauthenticated Group as the default group, and then I use mapping rules (Framed_IP_Address) to get the different vpn groups into the right roles. This works for the one group, but since SSO is not working on the second group the CAS never gets the chance to assign them into the correct role.
    The only thing I got is this from the ASA:
    AAA Marking RADIUS server billybob in aaa-server group cas_accounting as ACTIVE
    AAA Marking RADIUS server billybob in aaa-server group cas_accounting as FAILED
    I am so close but cant call this done yet....

    Hey Faisel,
    Thanks for the question.
    This is the stange thing. For days Group A (Windows Radius Server) was working and Group B (RSA Radius Server)  would not work. Then for some reason I had to reboot the CAS and BOOM...Group B started working and Group A STOPPED working.
    So on the ASA I now get these:
    AAA Marking RADIUS server cas2-hvn-3515 in aaa-server group cas_accounting2 as ACTIVE
    AAA Marking RADIUS server cas2-hvn-3515 in aaa-server group cas_accounting2 as FAILED
    Where cas_accounting2 is the AAA server group for Group A
    On the ASA I can see that the FW sends a packet to the cas:
    "send pkt cas2-hvn-3515/1813"
    but the FW never gets an answer back from the CAS for Group A whereas with Group B I can see the response from the CAS.
    "rad_vrfy() : response message verified"
    What can I look for in the CAS logs to see where the problem is. I will try and setup a packet capture on the CAS and debug it too.

Maybe you are looking for

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