Root-shell doesn't source /root/.bashrc

When I change to the root user the bashrc is not sourced. No matter if I "su -" or login as root, the /root/.bashrc is not source. I need to manually type "source ~./.bashrc".
On all other Linux-distros I ever used this was done automatically.
How can I change this behavious?
Thanks in advance.

both .bashrc and .bash_profile are available from /etc/skel. Usually, the contents of this directory are copied to a new user's home directory when using the useradd command. I'm not sure why they're not added to the /root directory on a fresh install. The answer is probably on the arch-dev-public mailing list.

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    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
            . /etc/bashrc
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    kernel: 2.6.38-ARCH
    gnome-shell: 3.0.2-1
    Last edited by hooch (2011-06-05 11:14:04)

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    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
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    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
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    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
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    Segmentation fault
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    [Error initializing libicu support]
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    Solved and maybe it might help anyone with the same issue.
    Last edited by OttoRobba (2012-06-22 06:43:37)

    Hmm, since yesterday I'm fumbling around with those settings too. It seems this is not settings related at all (at least not to old package settings), but rather to nautilus' behavior. Just a few minutes ago I've set "view all hidden files" to true in it's settings. It instantly crashed. After a reboot gnome-shell is gone. This is really annoying.
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    Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.
    with replace option:
    Window manager warning: Log level 16: Another compositing manager is running on screen 0
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_compositor_sync_window_geometry: assertion `info' failed
    Window manager warning: Log level 8: add_win: assertion `info != NULL' failed
    Segmentation fault
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    syslog.log:Jul 28 05:21:25 bigdog syslog-ng[2795]: Changing permissions on special file /dev/null
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    syslog.log:Jul 28 19:16:26 bigdog syslog-ng[3493]: Changing permissions on special file /dev/null
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    I've installed all gst plugins -- and that worked.
    [r@prime ~]$ pacman -Qs gst
    local/gnome-media 3.4.0-2
        Sound recorder and GStreamer 0.10 configuration tool for GNOME
    local/gst-plugins-bad 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins
    local/gst-plugins-base 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins
    local/gst-plugins-base-libs 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugin libraries
    local/gst-plugins-good 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good Plugins
    local/gst-plugins-ugly 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly Plugins
    local/gst-vaapi 0.5.3-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework VA Plugins
    local/gstreamer 1.0.6-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework
    local/gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework
    local/gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.23-3
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad)
    local/gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.23-3 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad)
    local/gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base plugin libraries
    local/gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.36-1 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (gst-plugins-base)
    local/gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.13-1 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
        Gstreamer FFMpeg Plugin
    local/gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.31-1
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good plugin libraries
    local/gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.31-1 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
        GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good Plugins (gst-plugins-good)
    [r@prime ~]$
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  • [SOLVED] Gnome Shell doesn't search through recently used items

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    Sorry if this is a bit brief, but I'm not sure what other information to give on this problem.
    Last edited by themusicalduck (2012-04-25 22:32:38)

    I believe this was removed with 3.4.
    Here is the bug report:
    And here is the gnome-shell commit: … 8c68782d54
    Last edited by bzt (2012-04-25 17:04:57)

  • How to modify $PATH variable

    I'm having problems editing my $PATH variable.
    I've created a ".profile" with this line
    export /my_path:$PATH
    But when I launch Terminal again, I get this error:
    -bash: export: `/my_path:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin': not a valid identifier
    Is there something that I am missing? Or is there another easier way to edit my $PATH variable?

    I'm having problems editing my $PATH variable.
    I've created a ".profile" with this line
    export /my_path:$PATH
    But when I launch Terminal again, I get this error:
    -bash: export: `/my_path:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin': not a valid identifier
    Is there something that I am missing? Or is there another easier way to edit my $PATH variable?
    export PATH="/my_path:$PATH"
    Also note, that bash will look for 1 of 3 initialization files
    In that order, and will use the first one it finds and then stop looking. If you also have a .bashrc file, you would source that in your shell initialization file
    source $HOME/.bashrc
    By the way, Terminal, Unix, and command line command questions are best asked in the Mac OS X Technologies > Unix Forum

  • Bash shell for root not sourcing .bashrc

    Hi all
    Finally got around to getting my home LAPP server up and running - on Arch of course!
    Small problem that's really annoying. I can't get root's shell to source the .bashrc file.
    I (kind of) followed the colorized prompt tip from the Wiki: … nd_Console
    Except I put EVERYTHING in to /etc/bashrc then sym linked my user and root ~/.bashrc to /etc/bashrc:
    fukawi2 ~  $ ls -lha .bashrc
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 fukawi2 fukawi2 11 2008-04-01 21:53 .bashrc -> /etc/bashrc
    And that works fine. Root doesn't though. I tried removing the symlink and replacing it with a 'normal' .bashrc file that only sources /etc/bashrc if it exists:
    [root@lapp ~]# cat .bashrc
    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
            . /etc/bashrc
    But if I source it manually after I su or sudo, it works fine:
    fukawi2 ~  $ sudo -i
    [root@lapp ~]#
    [root@lapp ~]# (There's no pretty colorized prompt here)
    [root@lapp ~]#
    [root@lapp ~]# logout
    fukawi2 ~  $ su -
    [root@lapp ~]#
    [root@lapp ~]# (Still no pretty prompt!)
    [root@lapp ~]#
    [root@lapp ~]# logout
    fukawi2 ~  $ sudo -i
    [root@lapp ~]# . .bashrc
    root ~ #
    root ~ #  (That's better; now I have the pretty prompt!)
    root ~ #
    Not having the colors doesn't bother me so much - it's not having all my aliases and not being able to change root's $PATH variable to include /usr/local/bin/ that's really annoying.
    Anyone got any advice or suggestions please?

    Besides having a .bashrc file, you also need a .bash_profile file in root's home directory.  .bash_profile should contain the following:
    . $HOME/.bashrc
    the .bash_profile file tells bash what file to use for configuration, which by convention has always been .bashrc.
    Edit:  Opps, too slow on the trigger.  Brebs beat me to it.  I spent too much time looking in man bash for an explanation of the .bash_profile and .bashrc files.
    Last edited by Pudge (2008-04-03 02:04:54)

  • Getting root to recognize .bashrc [SOLVED]

    How do I get root to recognize my home directory's .bashrc? I want it to read that so I can color the root BASH prompt and have access to aliases.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    phrakture wrote:I know!
    Don't run as root, just use sudo.  Problem solved.
    Then how do you make sudo use your aliases, i've got
    alias emacs='emacs -nw'
    both in /home/user/.bashrc and /root/.bashrc... it works well when i just type emacs in a console, but sudo emacs starts emacs with its ugly gui (although starting emacs after typing sudo -s works the way i want it to)
    It's the same with with ls too, try and compare ls to sudo ls

  • "command not found" when using bash as root [SOLVED]

    Some examples:
    bash: gparted: command not found
    bash: cryptsetup: command not found
    bash: lsusb: command not found
    All of these are defintely installed, and work without any problems if I type in their full path. Any idea why this is happening?
    Last edited by SkyValley (2008-12-15 02:57:30)

    That means you're not starting it as a login shell, so you may want to look in to that.
    /etc/profile is what you need,
    echo "source /etc/profile" > /root/.bashrc
    That's safe to do regardless and you can look in to the login shell problem later.

  • .bashrc not getting sourced at login [SOLVED]

    Setup Arch on a laptop and added some custom stuff to ~/.bashrc but it doesn't get sourced when I ssh into the box or when I open a shell.  What am I missing?
    EDIT:  the ~/.bash_profile was empty!
    Now it contains:
    . $HOME/.bashrc
    Last edited by graysky (2010-07-19 01:10:00)

    This may sound like a stupid question, but in your .bashrc script, your checking for an interactive shell,  Doesn't it need to start with an if? and end with an end?
    I am asking because, just suppose that the .bashrc file is being sourced like it should be, only, it is encountering that statement and quietly dieing at that point.
    So, what happens if that -z line were commented out?

  • [SOLVED]Where is the place to set program path for root in arch?

    The situation is that I use qingy (set up according to wiki) as login manager and kde as desktop. When I use tty6 (agetty) to login (how comes that I cannot login as root, have to login as user and then su) /usr/sbin is in the path for root, but in kde when I su in konsole it is not. That caused me some headache with the latest kernel upgrade, since in kde the kernel will not upgrade properly, I have to do it on tty6. what is the proper way to set paths in arch? I looked at /root/.bashrc and that is almost empty. What obvious things am I missing? Has qingy to do with that problems? Any docs on that for arch? Besides firefox doesn't see any installed plugins, opera does. Plain Centrino laptop here.
    Thanks, signor_rossi
    Last edited by signor_rossi (2007-08-24 15:12:31)

    Thanks for the answers. Investigated a little more and it seems it is really qingy what messes things up. Deactivated it and used "startxfce4" to start xfce and "startx" with "exec startkde" in my  .xinitrc to start kde (once I figured out that in Arch "startkde" on command prompt alone does not work ) and voila, the path weirdness is gone in both DEs. Will look again into qingy when I have more time, since it is really nice when using different X setups (laptop on the go or laptop on docking with second display), like the eye candy. I guess I will stick to console now and simply use bash aliases for that purpose.
    Thanks, signor_rossi.

  • [SOLVED]Home directory confusion when running Emacs as root

    Hi, just set up my first Arch system.  I've installed emacs-nox, and it insists on using the .emacs file of the one normal user I have set up, even when I'm not logged in as that user.  Bits in that .emacs file which use a tilde to signify $HOME do point to /root when I'm logged in as root, causing various weirdnesses.
    Here's what --debug-init says when I run emacs as root; if there's anything apart from the complaint about the "missing" (not in /root) haskell-mode files, I'm afraid it means nothing to me
    edit: nope, all of that junk really was about the haskell-mode stuff, so I'm deleting it since that's "fixed" by copying that stuff to /root/.emacs.d.  Now --debug-init tells me nothing and I still have no idea why emacs insists on using the dotfile in /home/j
    Last edited by cuns (2011-12-25 23:21:06)

    I have this issue, too if starting emacs after doing a "su" - when logging in as root it works as expecte. Googling brought the emacs changelog:
    1987-05-12  Richard M. Stallman  (rms at prep)
        * startup.el (command-line): If running under `su',
        use user's original login name to get init file.
        Otherwise use $HOME.
    A workaround would be to define an alias like
    alias emacs='emacs -u root'
    in your root's ".bashrc" (/root/.bashrc).
    Hope that helps,

  • Gnome run command source .bashrc

    Hi, after using just xmonad for a long time I'm now trying to get gnome and xmonad to play nicely together.  I am starting my gnome-xmonad session from GDM which was started with runlevel 5 in inittab--I followed the wiki.  Now in gnome, the run command dialogue (alt-f2) does not seem to source my ~/.bashrc.  I use an xmonad run util and under gnome-xmonad that run util does not source my ~/.bashrc either.  I have my PATH specified in my .bashrc but I cannot run the commands that rely on the path set in .bashrc.  I do have a ~/.bash_profile which sources ~/.bashrc, so that is not the issue.  In a terminal, my path is fine, but not from those run dialogues.  The xmonad run util worked fine when I would start xmonad with startx.  Any advice on how to get gnome to source my ~/.bashrc?

    I don't know about sourcing your .bashrc in gnome, but you are probably better off moving your PATH definition to your .bash_profile, before you source the .bashrc.

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