Rotate 90 Degree Filter is distorting my image.

I am editing footage that was shot vertically. I found out how to rotate my footage 90 degrees using the rotate filter. BUT, this is distorting my image. Does anyone know how to rotate footage 90 degrees with out stretching the image? (or at least after rotating, changing the aspect ratio so the image is cropped, but not stretched)
I'm sure it has to do with changing the aspect ratio of the original footage, but I'm not sure how to do this. If anyone can help... that would be amazing.
Thank you. thank you.

SImply rotating the image 90 degrees should not distort it. Of course the shot will no longer fill the frame in the same way it did as you are essentially reversing the aspect ratio. The only way you will get the rotated shot to fill the frame is to increase it's size using the controls in the motion tab. You can also change the aspect ratio in the Motion Tab using DISTORT > ASPECT RATIO

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    [Admin - Please do not post email or phone number]
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    Thanks for your time,
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