Roundtrip to Photoshop?

I'm a bit confused about the round trip process. If LR is non-destructive, what happens when a virtual copy photo is sent to Photoshop? I notice that Photoshop seems to be working on the original photo.
Question #2: How then is photo routed back to LR for further editing? Does LR track editis made in PS?

OK, I ran some additional experiments yesterday, but couldn't post them due to the Adobe outage.  It can't be a monitor calibration issue.  The photos are being viewed on the same monitor.  There definitely is a difference between the various values in Lightroom vs. Photoshop CS6.  The changes are getting carried forward into CS6, but then when coming back to LR as a .tif the values are not the same.  So, I took a throwaway photo from my archives that I don't wish to process just to experiment.  Here is the procedure, followed by the data:
Import photo into LR
Make a virtual copy
Within LR, adjust a few of the exposure and other settings.
On the virtual copy, Edit -> Edit in Photoshop CS6, but make absolutely no modifications to the photo in CS6.
Save from CS6
View resulting .tif in LR and compare values to modified virtual copy and the original in LR.
Here are the resulting values:
Original Develop settings in LR
WB: As shot
Temp: 3000
Tint: +1
Exposure: +0.30
Contrast: -24
Highlights: -50
Shadows: +50
Whites: +7
Blacks: -35
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0
Adjustments to virtual copy in LR
WB: As shot
Temp: 3000
Tint: +1
Exposure: 0.00
Contrast: -24
Highlights: -100
Shadows: +71
Whites: +7
Blacks: -35
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: +12
Values in .tif file resulting from save in CS6 with no adjustments to the virtual copy at all
WB: As shot
Temp: 0
Tint: 0
Exposure: 0.20
Contrast: -6
Highlights: -15
Shadows: +15
Whites: +8
Blacks: +1
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: +0
I apologize for the formatting change.  Cutting and pasting from Evernote doesn't seem to work very well with this Adobe Forum input editor.  Anyway, it is clear that the general trend is for the transition from CS6 back to LR via the .tif is pushing the histogram into overblown, bringing up the shadows and blacks, blowing out highlights.  This is what I observe visually, as well on all photos.

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    [EDIT]     *** an idea ***
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    Thanks any assistance,
    If I select multiple photos

    Unfortunately, there's no super easy way to do this. You can open all the photos in Photoshop individually and then merge them there as you noted.
    I usually export the masters and then run those through ACR and Photoshop, and then import the merged photo into Aperture and stack it with the masters, and later delete the masters that I exported specifically for this purpose. It's a bit of a pain, and I'll say this is a lot easier with Lightroom.

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    Yes, and it confused me as much then as now. The only thing I can think of is that you have auto adjustments switched on at import. When a non raw file is imported there should be no develop adjustments of any kind applied to the file (see attached screenshot).
    >Ian, your explanation that it's a feature doesn't explain why if we save the metadata then it does get applied to the edited copy (except ratings).
    When you "save" the metadata, etc you have written in back into the
    original file outside of Lr (inclusive of ratings, keywords and labels). Until such times as you use "save" the metadata, etc are unique to the Lr catalog and internal previews (think of them as virtual metadata and/or adjustments, they live in the catalog, not the actual file). In the case of PSD, TIFF and JPEG the adjustments will not even be applied to the file until you export it, thus creating a copy or overwriting the original. In other words, "saving adjustments" to a PSD, TIFF or JPEG does not alter the rendering of the original.

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    if I do an effect then send to photoshop to edit and then back to lightroom is some of the color information lost? say if my effect is really blowing out the whites and I want to change it post photoshop edit am I able to get that color information back?
    No, if you blow the highlight in raw, you cannot get them back from a PSD. The point is not to blow them if you don't wish to, then there will be nothing to recover fro a PSD. But if your artistic choice was to blow the highlights in a picture, then there's on difference when you blow them and no point in wishing
    to recover them on a latter stage.
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    Yes, if you use the ProPhoto RGB space and 16bpc bit depth.

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    Rob, my reading of your site is that this plug-in copies settings from raw to jpeg, does it work the other way around as well?
    Rob Cole wrote:
    One of the great things about the new 0-based defaults and linear tone curve is:
    You can develop the jpegs now, in Lightroom, and then sync the settings to the raws later (e.g. using RawPlusJpeg), and provided you select a matching camera profile, they will look almost the same (white balance won't translate over, but everything else will, more or less). Beware lens corrections applied to the raws might alter the registration of precision local adjustments.
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    cmyk01 wrote:
    I am totally new to Aperture 3, so be gentle!
    I would like to add some text to a picture, rather like you can do with photoshop! I realise that you can add text if you were producing a book, but I only want to do it to up load the picture to flickr and or print it!
    Thanks in advance for you help!
    not like photoshop. but you can roundtrip to photoshop from aperture 3.
    you can export the version to a folder or desktop. open it in Preview & use Tools/Annotate/Add Text
    use Apple's Pages to add text

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    this is the original auto wb image
    and its bw equivalent
    here wb  is tweaked to better balance shadows and contrast
    but you can see colors are way off..
    to give a better idea..
    two wbs, obtained with layers color blend mode of original onto bw tweaked
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    hope now it's more clear..

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    When I select the Loup in the normal view mode I get this;
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    Does anybody know what's happening and if so, how to solve this problem?

    I did some testing and what I found is too weird to be true.
    First this mashed up look doesn't only happen after using NIK plug-ins, it also happens when making a roundtrip to Photoshop, given that certain conditions are met.
    Give it a try yourself. Crop an image to an uneven pixelcount dimension, for example 4227 x 2797 and make a roundtrip to Photoshop. Then have a 100% view look at the new image in Aperture. You'll have a mashed up view, at least I do.
    Now crop the same original image to an even pixelcount dimension, for example 4228 x 2798 and make an roundtrip to Photoshop once more. When you have a 100% view of the new image now, you'll see a perfectly normal photo.
    Do you think Aperture developers are reading this forum?

  • Lightroom 4.1 RC and Canon 5d Mark III Cropping Info/ratio bug

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    I got 'caught' by this feature today.
    I used my new 5D3 in the same way I normally use my 7D which is to turn on the aspect ratio 'display' on live view so that I can frame my image for alternate format (ie. 1x1). The 'choice' is made in post-processing. On the 7D, RAW files imported with this setting are FULL size. On the 5D3 the RAW files have the aspect ratio applied and it cannot be 'removed'.
    This is contrary to the 5D3 manual which says JPEG are saved with the crop but RAW are saved full size. In fact, viewing the RAW file with the shows the full size so this is in fact a 'feature' implemented by Lightroom to 'bake in' the aspect ratio set/used in camera.
    In Canon Digital Photo Professional the aspect ratio is 'applied' in the default view but can be easily removed. However, changing this on the RAW file doesn't cause Lightroom to 'detect' the file modified outside LR and allow you to apply the changes making the full frame image available in LR4. The ONLY way I could get the full version into LR4 was to export as TIFF with DPP and then import the TIFF in LR4.
    I don't 'normally' use TIFF files at the beginning of my workflow although sometimes they end up in LR4 after roundtripping to Photoshop and/or other plugins that require a TIFF file.
    This is NOT ideal and should be changed to make the behavior consistent with other Canon bodies and CR2 files and/or with DPP. I personally like the idea to 'display' the image with the aspect ratio on import but ALLOW you to back it out giving the full frame image if you wish. The added benefit is that you get access to the RAW data beyond your original crop that can be used for cloning into the desired crop/aspect ratio.
    Please implement this modification in the next update of LR4.

  • Collaboration with captivate

    We have just set up a team of 5 using Elearning suite 2 and other Cs5 projects
    Previously we all went our own seperate ways and each person did everything for their project
    Now we want different people to get images, sound video and put them together.
    So how do people work collaboratively with Captivate
    1. What do people use to assign tasks/track bugs to people ?
    2. What do people use to book in assets/control versions ?
    from adobe help
    From Bridge, you can place selected assets in Adobe Captivate by dragging them into Adobe Captivate or using the In Captivate option from the Place menu
    Select File > Place > In Captivate.

    Hello Nymicat,
    Some of the workflows which might help with this kinds of situation is Roundtripping with Photoshop, Soundbooth and Flash. For Ex, if Graphic Designer creates a PSD image and shares with the person working with Captivate and he imports the PSD, next time when the PSD is changed, Captivate can alert the user who is using captivate that the PSD has changed and whether he wants to re-import. Same thing happens with Flash Roundtripping also.
    Also, reviewing is very easy with Captivate's features like SWF Commenting and Collaborating with
    Currently Captivate cannot do version control and there are many softwares available for the same.

  • Captivate 7 - Browse in Bridge greyed out ??

    Just purchased and installed Captivate 7 (with assurance program).  "Browse in Bridge" is greyed out under "File" pulldown. I also have CS4 Production that has Bridge CS4.
    User manual says "Adobe Bridge is integrated with Adobe Captivate 7 and later."  Also, "Alternatively, you can click the Browse Bridge Connection tool button". However I can't find that button.
    I can drag photos from Bridge CS4 onto a slide in CP7, but no back and forth, etc. It doesn't look like Bridge CP got installed on my machine.
    Any help appreciated.

    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    I have trial CP7 installed and have Creative Cloud, which means also Bridge CS6. The option Browse in Bridge is available to me. Maybe that is not the case for you because CS4 is 3 versions back...? Captivate doesn't include Bridge itself, the option will be only available if you have already Bridge installed (same with roundtripping Audition, Photoshop, Flash).

  • More color nasties

    First of all I LOVE the Aperture workflow. Taking photos from my camera (30D RAW) into the app is a breeze. Managing versions and making a roundtrip to Photoshop and back is smooth and easy. I love stacking, I love comparing images on a second screen (I have 2x 23-inch cinema displays); I love keywording and sorting, searching... makes my handling over 15,000 images very manageable and enjoyable. Every thing is nearly flawless... except:
    I am really getting quite sick of dealing with color issues.
    1: Sometimes my images look muddy with no detail in the shadows, sometimes they look fine. When viewing them on a second screen, the detail is there, then after a few seconds of 'loading', the detail is gone. This includes looking at the original RAW files without any adjustment. I haven't been able to pinpoint the issue, but RAW 2.0 seems to have helped a bit, although the color between RAW 1.1 and RAW 2 is quite different.
    2: Onscreen proofing looks AWFUL; and for me it has always looked awful. I used to run Aperture 1/1.5 with a "Cinema HD" profile... later calibrated both my displays with a Huey Pro. Awful before, awful after. I am using Aperture 2 and have switched between the "Cinema HD" and a new Huey profile I made... still awful. I am using various profiles from my Canon IP9000 (Canon Pro9000 SP1-SP4; Canon Pro9000 PR1-PR3)and each one has it's own awfulness to it. Colors washed, shadows murky, etc... awful.
    3: Why is printing from Aperture such a royal pain and why are good results, if you're ever lucky enough to get them, so hard to reproduce? Latest prints came out with the shadowy areas of a red leather couch having a distinct green hue. Same with a shadow from my subject's clothing on her skin... Same images printed from Photoshop: fine and crisp, beautiful shadows, no green. It's obviously not the printer.
    There are numerous threads about people experiencing problems printing with Aperture: mostly about color, and some about borders on prints even when borderless printing is selected (another intermittent and mysterious problem that affects me, as well)...
    Last year I bought the "Aperture 1.5 Book"; helped a lot with workflow; practically useless with regards to printing. That book recommended reading "Color Management in OS X" which I recently picked up, learned a bit about Gamut and ICC (most of which I knew already) but it was published in 2004 and the Leopard ColorSync utility lacks a dedicated 'Preference' pane which this book makes a great deal of reference to.
    So, can anyone tell me what the deal is with Aperture and color? Why is it so difficult to get consistent results? Why don't the same issues occur in Photoshop or even Apple's iPhoto (printing from iPhoto seems to produce far superior results to Aperture and is a lot easier to manage, as well). I have spent $$ on decent software and hardware, bought a decent printer, read the books, spent a LOT of time in the support threads, etc... I know there are a lot of variables involved, but it shouldn't be THAT difficult to print from Aperture, should it?
    here's what I'm using:
    Aperture 2.0.1
    Leopard 10.5.2
    G5 quad 4 x 2.5GHz
    8 GB RAM
    2 x 23-inch Cinema HD displays
    Huey Pro 1.5.0
    but like I said, I have had many of the same problems in Tiger with Aperture 1/1.5

    Hi Rich. Way to stick with it
    I know the purpose of proofing is to give you somewhat of an idea of what the printed output will look like, however, I doubt the awfulness I kept referring to on screen is due to the printer limitations, as the same photos that will proof awfully, are quite capable of being printed faithfully (as experience from Photoshop and iPhoto can attest). The only time that the prints DO somewhat match the awful proofs (muddy, color casts especially in shadows, etc...) is when I print them from Aperture, but, again, from other applications the same photos will print much more faithfully.
    The part to get your head around, is that the goal here isn't to make great looking prints--it's to make prints that match what you see on screen. Only when you know that what you see on screen is what's coming out of the printer can you make adjustments to the image--then when the image looks great on screen, it will look great off the printer. Note that you have to calibrate your monitor for any of this to work.
    and in terms of the second : Printing
    {quote:title=Eoin Kavanagh wrote:}That being said, where are you setting up this profile to use. What I mean by that is I presume you have set the colour option to none from the print settings only in the Aperture print dialogue box and set the correct ICC profile for the paper you are using later in the Colorsync Profile drop down menu on the main print dialogue. {quote}
    This is another gripe I have... Why are there so many places to set printing preferences (and therefore, make a mistake)? Eoin, if I am understanding, you have suggested not using the Aperture print dialogue for choosing settings, while Janet below suggests the opposite: using Aperture's print dialogue and NOT the other one. I realize that you are both saying the same thing: set in ONE PLACE and not the other... the fact that it is possible to set it (and screw it up) in more than one place is not only confusing, but quite unnecessary. A very 'Microsoft' way of handling printing, don't you think?
    LOL. It has a very Microsoft feel to it. There are way too many places to set this and mess it up. You are correct that you should select color management in one place, or your colors will be "double-managed". I believe that Eoin is mistaken about the right place to do this (and the Ap manual will back me on this).
    I did a test to print from Aperture. The first time I set the Printer profile with Aperture, the second time I left it as "System Managed"
    Here are the steps I followed:
    1. select the photo
    2. command+p (print) > Aperture's print window shows up
    3. (ignoring any saved print settings that I have, here's what I would do next) choose my Pro9000
    4. Clicked "Print Settings" > "Quality and Media" selected "Photo Paper Plus Glossy" and ticked "Printing a top-quality photo"
    4a: checked out the "Color Options" pane, but there is nothing in there that lets you choose a profile (Color Mode drop down greyed out)
    5. click "Save" ... (returned to Aperture print dialogue)
    6. Choose paer size: 5x7 (borderless)
    *note: border still shows in preview image
    7. Orientation: best fit
    8 ColorSync Profile: Canon Pro9000 PR3
    9. left Black point Compensation Checked
    10. Gamma 1.0 (unchanged)
    11. Sharpen options both left at 0
    12. Scale To: Fill Entire Page
    13. Border Options: Width: 0 in
    *note: border disappears from preview image
    14. Click "Print"
    *special note: if you try to go back to step 4 and click "Print Settings" a second time, Aperture 2.0 crashes
    First note: make sure the paper that you're using matches the profile that you've selected. It has to be the exact paper, or all bets are off. I think the problem here might be the order in which you're choosing your settings. You might think that you'd do it in the order it's presented in the Aperture print dialogue, but that would be way too logical. Choose the Colorsync Profile first, then open the Print Settings. Now you should be able to turn off printer color management. From your description of printing from photoshop, it seems that the correct setting to turn off color management in your driver might be ColorSync > Profile: Automatic ("Canon Pro9000 PR3" is displayed), rather than none. (I don't have a Canon printer, so knowing the specifics of where the settings are and what they're named can be tricky--but this setting sounds like it's picking up the profile from what photoshop is sending it, and it should work the same way for Ap). As you've described what you've done, Aperture has adjusted the data for the PR3 profile, and sent it to the printer, which was expecting un-corrected data and applied whatever canned corrections Canon printers apply.
    What did I get? a muddy and over saturated photo WITH A BORDER
    Followed the same steps, only this time set the ColorSync Profile to "System Managed" (step 8 from above); everything else remained the same
    What did I get? An slightly better quality image without a border (still slightly over saturated)
    In theory, in this case, you sent un-corrected data, and got the canned corrections, but I think that the black point compensation might not have been expected by the printer, and that's where the over-saturation comes in.
    If you did want to try what Eoin suggested, after selecting "System Managed", you'd want to re-open the printer dialogue and select the profile from the colorsync drop down, if you can. The reason I don't like this is that you're now potentially involving two devices in managing color, where if you turn it off in the printer, then you know it's off. Also, you can count on either Aperture or Photoshop having much better color management conversions than the printer itself.
    So let's do a test to see if Canon Pro9000 PR3 isn't the right profile for the paper....
    Do the same thing in Photoshop...
    1. File > Print with Preview (print preview window opens)
    2. click Page Setup (printer driver dialog opens)
    3. Format for: Canon Pro9000
    4. Paper Size: 5" x"7" (borderless)
    5. click "OK" (returned to print preview window)
    7: I want a borderless print and the orientation is not 5x7 so I set the scale to 66.89% to fill the paper with slight cropping
    8: tick "Show More Options"
    9: select "Color Management" from dropdown
    10: Source Space: Document: Adobe RGB(1998)
    *note: other choice is "Proof Setup: Generic CMYK Profile"
    11: Print Space: select "Canon Pro9000 PR3" from Profile dropdown
    12. Left "Relative Colormetric" selected in Intent dropdown
    13: "Use Black Point Compensation" was ticked, I left it on
    14: click "Print"
    15: click "Proceed" from a cropping warning modal box
    16: standard system print window opens
    17: Printer: Canon Pro9000
    18: Presets: Standard
    19: select "Color Matching" from dropdown and use ColorSync > Profile: Automatic ("Canon Pro9000 PR3" is displayed)
    20: choose "Quality and Media" from dropdown
    21: Select "Photo Paper Plus Glossy" from Media Type
    22: Print a top-quality photo is ticked, I leave it that way
    23: click "Print"
    What do I get? A pretty darn good quality print very close to what I see on screen
    Source space only gives you a choice between the color space of the document and the one that you currently have set for proofing. Use the document one (in this case Adobe RGB). It sounds like this might be correct. It all hinges on whether that ColorSync: Automatic setting in fact means that the printer understands that it's being passed profiled data from the application. But if the print matches what you see on screen when you have soft proofing turned on, then it's probably right.
    I haven't commented at all about the whole border thing. I know it's wacked and it's differently wacked on different printers, so I can't help with that

  • No problems to report!

    Because I see people with problems with Aperture, I just want to say, I've been using Aperture for professional wedding, concert, and personal work, editing since it was first introduced. I have had as many as 60,000 images in the library, and had no problems other than speed when browsing/searching the entire library. I never have problems when dealing with real world editing of a single project. I now use iPhoto as my main import program, and reference files in Aperture for editing. Still... no problems with the database, or anything else. I'm guessing there are a few others out there who will also confirm that Aperture is a great and very usable application, even in this, it's early incarnation.

    I'm another huge fan. I hope this thread gets read by people considering buying Aperture. Because Aperture had a distastrous first release, and because Adobe has a savage PR machine, there's a lot of misinformation out there about Aperture.
    I bought the first copy of Aperture available in Toronto, and was extremely disappointed with how it ran on my G5 with its puny video card. Really wanted to like it, though. Transferred everything to Lightroom because of the performance issues. Truly hated everything about Lightroom, from it's modal operation to its ugly interface, to its nasty white balance on NEFs, but it got the job done until I bought a new computer. As soon as I had a shiny new MBP with a fast video card, I transferred everything back.
    Aperture just thinks more the way I do. It's easy to compare multiple images, to adjust images while you're sorting and rating, to compare versions while you're adjusting. (Try comparing three images at 100% in Lightroom--oops, can't). You're not locked into a linear way of working through your pics. Love the loupe tool and the tooltip metadata display. Also find it very useful that the previews are so easily available to other apps in the media browser. I frequently roundtrip to Photoshop and from time to time to Capture NX (this is still an export/re-import situation).
    There are a couple of develop tools I'd love to see in Aperture (lens/perspective correction, chromatic aberration fix/purple defringing). And in my fantasy world they'd implement something like the upoints and masks that Capture NX has.

  • Are they serious? Captivate is not creative enough for Creative Cloud?

    What are they thinking??? My thoughts are in chaos right now...I was about to buy in to the cloud, even though I'm not able to truly use it yet, so I could continue working and learning, as my trial is ending. Thank God I did a last minute check! WOW. This is wrong on so many levels.
    And an extra-special thank you, Adobe, from teachers, many of whom create more each day than some folks do in a lifetime. Guess I'll get that squirrely little subscription for it, wondering all the while when they'll pull it out from under me. I was so hoping to combine it with the other programs bit by bit. Now I'm reading it's incompatible with so much here. Or do I have it wrong somehow?
    Adobe, you have some very serious concept issues! Or I'm a bubble-wad and have no clue about what I thought the CC was. Entirely possible.

    Wondering if you both can read my thoughts and hear what I'm telling everywhere
    Adobe Captivate is the most underestimated application by Adobe itself. In the Adobe Education Community (I'm an Adobe Education Leader, very surprising because normally expertise in Captivate will not get you approved, but I play also with Photoshop, InDesign.... and that helped) they already gave me the nickname of 'Captivate Defender'. Reason is that I have been asking so many annoying questions everywhere like: 'why do you want me to present all the features of Captivate in 20 minutes, and do you not ask that for Photoshop or Dreamweaver?' 'Why do you always only show very basic features of Captivate and in-depth features of the other applications?' 'Why are you not using Captivate for your tutorials' etc...
    I discovered Captivate, thanks to an article somewhere, when I was looking for a tool as a teacher to innovate my way of teaching, and as you probably know, became a big fan. But in education, Captivate is almost not known, see that famous 'Education Community'.  And leaving it out of the CC that has very interesting prices for students and teachers is indeed IMO a big mistake.
    @Kurrykid, I really hope that your fear will never become reality, because where is the alternative that can replace Captivate, inclusive its roundtripping with Photoshop, Audition (and hoping on roundtripping with Illustrator for shapes in the future, and better integration of Edge Animate)? I have been using a lot of tools, but never discovered that 'white blackbird' yet.

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