Ruby RVM and installing gems

I'm not sure about the best way to manage ruby gems using rvm.
I followed the wiki guidelines for installing rvm system wide. When I install a gem using 'gem install rails' I get a file permission error for the /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p334 directory. The rvm guidelines states DO NOT use sudo. Is it advisable to ignore this since I am using a system wide install?
Am I better off using a per user install?
I'm interested to know other arch users' experience and approach to using rvm.

A per-user install makes sense unless you have multiple accounts using the same machine and prevents the need to use sudo.
I use RVM daily with this setup and haven't had any problems.
If you'd prefer to go stick with the system-wide installation then ensure you're now a member of the rvm group.
The system-wide script should have added this group for you and set up permissions on the rvm directory.
These links give a more detailed explanation of what the install script actually does and how to do the same thing manually: … ntegration

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    Last edited by loolooyyyy (2014-06-19 17:33:08)

    Don't have the 7100 board , but some of theese issues are common .
    Enter BIOS in the following submenus :
    Advanced BIOS Features:
    -HD-Boot order - Make sure your SATA drive where you install OS is first in the list .
    (always check this one when altering HD's and connections of drives/usb-drives/card readers etc)
    Set normal boot order
    1'st boot device : CDROM
    2'nd boot device :Harddisk
    3'rd boot device : Harddisk (just to have something there)
    or if having floppy
    1'st boot device : Floppy
    2'nd boot device : CDROM
    3'rd boot device : Harddisk
    Boot other device : disabled
    Disconnect all USB cables coming from case or multicard dreader device etc. terminated on the motherboards JUSB1/JUSB2 .. headers .
    Enter Advanced Chipset features
    Integrated pheripherals
    Ide function setup ->
    Onchip IDE channel 0 : Disabled
    Onchip IDE channel 1 : Disabled
    SATA 1/2 : Enabled
    SATA 3/4 : Enabled
    Onboard device->
    OnBoard Sil3132 RAID : disabled
    OnBoard Sil3132 Mode :SATA
    Also recommend setting
    USB KB/Storage Support : Disabled
    (and connect the keyboard to PS2 via the delivered USB/PS2 adapter )
    Boot once , and enter bios again to verify the HDbootorder
    BTW: Having only 2.5GB for is not gonna cut it as OS partition is not enough as pagefile written under install is 1.5 times installed memory
    and the install will halt .
    Windows updates and other stuff as mail storage , my documents , user prifiles and registry hives need space and grow some over time .
    Primary OS partition workes best having altleast a minimum 20% free space all the time for housekeeping tasks lige changing layout ini , prefetch data
    defragmenting etc.
    Don't use anything less than 15GB to have peace of mind . ( I usually make it 30GB or more to avoid having lack of space later on , as that is a bitch )

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    ==> --------------------------------------
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    Hi Sona Shetty,
    As far as I know, VB script and Excel VBA are different functions.
    Office VBA is used to extend Microsoft Office. I think your issue is more related to VB script debug, I recommend you post your question to Script forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Download/install an app is a know possible solution.
    3. Install another app from the App Store
    If all user-installed apps are not launching, it could be an Apple ID authorization issue. Download and install an app that isn't already installed on your device to reset this information.
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    memory 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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    memory 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
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    can anyone help?

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    The easiest and most efficient way to copy your music is to follow the steps under the External drive section. Make sure that you have organized the iTunes library first before you copy it over. Then put the copied iTunes folder in the same Music folder on your computer.
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    -Norm G.

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    Please open Region, under administrative -> Language for non-Unicode programs: choose Chinese.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    This may help, it allows you to reset the application, it also may be worth clearing out the app store cache and temp files. ownload-temp-files-to
    To contact Apple use the feedback form, this is a user forum and I don't think they will respond here.

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    Your suggestions did not help.  I repeated them again after the first try did not succeed.  Any other ideas?
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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can install the new hard disk yourself if you want to. You just need a 2'5" SATA II hard drive, which is compatible with your MacBook Pro. You can buy one at OWC > You can filter hard drives by computer, so press a "Click to view all...", choose your computer in the sidebar and it will give you the compatible hard drives.
    There are different brands for the MacBook Pro. The most recommended are HGST and Seagate, which have good reputation. A 7200 rpm hard drive will give you extra performance

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         I am a noob at this, so if responders would be kind enough to be detailed / specific with any instructions it would be most helpful! I own a dinosaur apparently (even though I don't think so): the white (not unibody) Intel macbook2,1 (late 2006) 1.83 GHz with currently 1GB of RAM, but I have 2x2GB RAM sitting next to me ready for install. However, first I would like to do a clean uninstall of my computer (running OS X 10.6.8 SL). I also would like to properly partition my hard drive while I'm at it.
         About 6 months ago I had serious crashing issues, along with kernel panics, hangs, applications randomly appearing & disappearing, system settings and options doing the same, fans running high (probably due to the low RAM available), and basically overall screwiness. So, after trying pretty much every option I could find on this community...and many others... (e.g. clean cache, clean old logs, already did a clean uninstall and install of SL, and much much more) I have reached my wits end. I would say that to date I've wasted a good solid 2 months with this.
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         Also, I need to first install Tiger (my original OS) as when I went to do a hardware test the other day this was not an option (and upon further research it is due to me not using Tiger as a first install and then using my mac box set for SL). I didn't use my original OS first issue encountered when I had tried to install Tiger was that my Disc 2 (the applications one) took around 1.5 hrs to complete, but when I reached the last step of glory where I expected it to say COMPLETE it instead said that there was some sort of issue with the disc..........of course).
         Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1: If near a Apple Store or Authorized Repair, take it to then for a free evaluation, it might have other hardware problems now that it would be a waste of effort even continuing.
    2: The RAM needs to be
    Maximum Memory
    3.0 GB (Actual) 2.0 GB (Apple)
    Memory Slots
    2 - 200-pin PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SO-DIMM
    Basically what this means is you can put in a 2GB module and a 1GB module for 3GB total.
    I wouldn't proceed with installing RAM just yet, not until you get a stable OS X version on the machine, you might have a hard drive needing to be replaced as well which you can do while inserting new RAM.
    3: This User Tip can assist in installing 10.6 Snow Leopard, partition format etc.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    Software Update fully immediately after setup.
    There is no need to install Tiger, he 10.6 disk contains the full 10.6 version, you can either install the iLife from Tiger disks or use Pacifist from Charlesoft to extract them and place on your new install, then Software update to get them current.
    4: If not successful then the drive also likely needs to be replaced, if so choose a 7,200 RPM SATA I  w/1.5Gb/s connection.
    Install/upgrade RAM or storage drive in Mac's
    Repeat #3
    If your getting beeping noises or "you need to restart" issues, it's likely one or more of the RAM modules is bad. Have it exchanged or swapped.
    I advise good quality RAM the first time, if you buy cheap stuff it's just going back.
    Don't go any further than 10.6.8 with that old machine, the performance will be terrible.

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