Rules and sorting

1. On the PC, I had the bodies of my emails scanned by the mail package, it looked for key words (about 20 criteria). I didn't find a rule option for "BODY" or "CONTENTS" in Imail. Possible? Is there a replacement (not entourage) that does this?
2. I would ultimately like to sort mail by the first 3 characters in the attachment name. Possible? if attachment name is 12345james.jpg, I want to put it in a folder named "123"

Try this for starters - it is hacked from a similar one, but not thoroughly tested. Paste it into Script Editor and save it - use the path in the introductory comment. It will do nothing if a message passed to it has no attachment. If the message has an attachment it will pull off the first 3 characters of the attachment name. If there is no mailbox with that name it will make one (you could land up with hundreds of mailboxes!). It will move the message to the mailbox.
Note that it will work either with a message (or several messages) selected in Mail if you run it from the script menu in the menu bar, or if fired by a rule. It would be a good idea to try it from the menu bar before setting your rule to fire it.
There is at least one problem with it - when fired by a rule you land up with two copies of the triggering message, one in the target mailbox and one in the in box. I don't know how to fix that.
Feel free to change it to what you want.
click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">(*Save the script in the Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail folder of your home directory. 
AK Apr 2009 kinsella at itcarlow dot ie *)
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages TheMail
tell application "Mail"
repeat with ThisMail in TheMail
if (count of mail attachments of ThisMail) > 0 then
set AttName to name of first mail attachment of ThisMail
set AttName to (items 1 thru 3 of characters of AttName) as string
if not (exists mailbox AttName) then
make new mailbox with properties {name:AttName}
end if
move ThisMail to mailbox AttName
end if
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
using terms from application "Mail"
on run
tell application "Mail" to set sel to selection
tell me to perform mail action with messages (sel)
end run
end using terms from

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    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    On your iPhone mail with rules will go to your "All Mail" folder while is running. When is closed they will all go to your inbox.
    Are you using gmail with IMAP? If you are then you can mirror the rules you have set up on your mac to be identical in the gmail server. I believe this will make your iPhone look like your mac does with the "labels" becoming folders. I have not tested that, so try it and see if it works.

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    ADDT (and also DW´s own rudimentary PHP server behaviours) does require this setting for loading "related" files which are relative to the current document -- blame it on the "internal design" if you like, but that´s how it works ;-)
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    The order in which rules appear is the order in which they are evaluated. That order cannot and shouldn’t be determined alphabetically, nor anything like that.
    Feature requests can be made here:

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    Hey Chicago Sue,
    Once you scan them and have them on your desktop. You should use Automator and assign the common IPTC tags to the images, so that when you do import them into iPhoto, they get recorded.
    Here is an example of an action in Automator:

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    Install the corresponding master data objects from Business content. Go to data source find out the needed datasource, replicate it. If you want you can migrate it also.
    If still you are not getting 0person masterdata object datasource & transformation structure, then you have to create the transformation, Infopackage.
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    Please find the xml , thanks in advance
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Generated by Oracle Reports version -->
    Best Regards,

    Hi Vetri,
    I tried to implement the solution you have given and i am getting error,
    I tried to see the output by loading the xml to the template given in BIP Blog in the following Link,
    I am getting the same error,Please help me how to overcome this.If possible send me the template that was working for you.
    The error log is as follows:
    ConfFile: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config\xdoconfig.xml
    Font Dir: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts
    Run XDO Start
    Template: C:\Users\MAHESH\Desktop\Grouping.rtf
    RTFProcessor setLocale: en-us
    FOProcessor setData: C:\Users\MAHESH\Desktop\EmployeeListing.xml
    FOProcessor setLocale: en-us
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.invokeProcessXSL(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.transform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.transform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLTWrapper.transform(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(Unknown Source)
         at RTF2PDF.runRTFto(
         at RTF2PDF.runXDO(
         at RTF2PDF.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLTContext.peekExprValue4Grouping(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathFunctionCall.evaluate(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathFunctionCall.evaluate(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLVariable.getValue(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLVariable.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLResultElement.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLNode.processChildren(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLTemplate.processAction(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet.execute(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet.execute(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(
         ... 15 more
    Best Regards,

  • Questions on filtering and sorting an arraylist

    Hello All,
    I'm trying to figure out a better way to do this code, but what I'm doing is taking an arrayList and filtering it using iter.remove(), based on a criteria I have, then take the results and sort them. The code below works, but I was seeing class cast exceptions when I tried to do a ss.addAll(list);
    , but it worked when I just added the set object. Why is this and is there a better way to do all this?
    Set set = new HashSet();
    List retList = new ArrayList();
    SortedSet ss = new TreeSet();
    for(Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
    .//More code...
    //Remove duplicates.
    return retList;

    Your current code is adding the set (the hash set) as one element (the only element?) of the sorted set. Is this what you want to do? Would you rather add each element of the set to the sorted set?
    I don't know about the class cast exceptions. If you want somebody's comment on this part, you may consider posting code and stack trace.
    I think I'd rely on Collections.sort() for sorting rather than TreeSet. If you prefer TreeSet, why not skip the hash set in between?
    Hope this helps.
    Please remember the code button/tags.

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    In itunes it all looks fine but when I sync it with my iPod Nano 5th Gen one of the artists names comes up as the artist for all songs.
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    My problem is that when I sync them onto my iPod all the songs by B.o.B appear under B.o.B feat. Rivers Cumo when I sort by Artist despite this only being the artist for one and all listed with the same format as above. They all also come up with the Artist as B.o.B feat. River Cumo when I play one of the songs.
    Is there anyway to fix this so on my iPod they all appear under B.o.B when sorting by Artist but when I play the song it gives me the artist name? I'd prefer not to have to put the featured artist in the song title.

    This sometimes happens if your MacBook battery is swollen, and pushes on the underside of the trackpad.
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    Thank you, that makes sense (I think!) However, I need to be able to tell iPhoto who the people identified in my photos are, does that make sense? How do I identify the people in my new photos without clicking 'find faces'. I know that button searches through my photos to find faces, but it also gets me to the place where I identify the faces as my friends and family, is there a shortcut to get to that place without clicking 'find faces'? That is what I really need, please help!!

  • Adding new value in Pick list and sorted logic on basis of new value.

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where I have to add a new value in seeded OAMessageBean and sort the page contents on basis of selected value.
    I see in about this page and found out that no VO is attached with this field.
    I assume that it attached somewhere in controller and tried to find out there but cannot able to find it there.Is there any way to find the VO which is attached to this bean?
    Also how to add a new values in this seeded picklist as I can able to get handle to OAMessageBean in custom controller.
    Please Help.

    Hi Peddi,
    Thanks a lot for your reply,
    I tried to open that page in jdeveloper but I dont see any choice bean on the page.Also tried to open CO attached to this page but no clue.As I am able to the get handle of this choicebean in controller.Is there any way I can find out which VO attached to this choiceBean.
    I tried using below depricated method and it is returning null
    My another question is Can we add new value to choice bean In CO.
    I tried to add it by below methods but these are not reflecting in the application.

  • Help needed for storing and sorting objects.

    I have an assignment and it is to create a guessing game, here is the question,
    In this assignment you are to write a game where a user or the computer is to guess a random
    number between 1 and 1000. The program should for example read a guess from the keyboard, and
    print whether the guess was too high, too low or correct. When the user has guessed the correct
    number, the program is to print the number of guesses made.
    The project must contain a class called Game, which has only one public method. The method must
    be called start(), and, when run it starts the game. The game continues until the user chooses to
    quit, either at the end of a game by answering no to the question or by typing 'quit' instead of a
    guess. After each game has been played, the program is to ask the user for a name and insert this
    together with the number of guesses into a high score list. When a game is started the program
    should print the entire high score list, which must be sorted with the least number of guesses first
    and the most last. Note, the list must be kept as long as the game-object is alive!
    each score also
    consists of the game time. In case there are two high scores with the same number of guesses, the
    game time should decide which is better. The game time starts when the first guess is entered and
    stops when the correct guess has been made. There should also be input checks in the program so
    that it is impossible to input something wrong, i.e. it should be impossible to write an non-numeric
    value then we are guessing a number, the only allowed answers for a yes/no question is yes or no,
    every other input should yield an error message an the question should be printed again.
    I understand how to code most of it, except I am not sure how to store the playerName, playerScore, playerTime and then sort that accordingly.
    I came across hashmaps, but that wont work as the data values can be the same for score.
    Is it only one object of lets say a highScore class, and each time the game finishes, it enters the values into an arrayList, I still dont understand how I can sort the array all at once.
    Should it be sorted once for score, then another array created and sorted again, I dont get it I am confused.
    Please help clarify this.

    Implode wrote:
    We had the arrayList/collections lecture today.
    I asked the teacher about sorting objects and he started explaining hashmaps and then he mentioned another thing which we will only be learning next term, I'm sure we must only use what we have learned.
    How exactly can this be done. I have asked a few questions in the post already.
    ThanksWell, there was probably a gap in the communication. Hash maps (or hash tables, etc.) are instance of Map. Those are used to locate a value by its unique key. Generally, to speed up access, you implement a hashing function (this will be explained hopefully in class). Think of name-value pairs that are stored where the name is unique.
    Contrast this with items that are sorted. Any List can be sorted because its elements are ordered. An ArrayList is ordered, generally, by the order you inserted the elements. However, any List can be given its own ordering via Comparable or Comparator. You can't do this with an ordinary Map. The purpose of a Map is speedy access to the name-value pairs, not sorting. The List likewise has different purposes, advantages, disadvantages, etc. List can be sorted.
    A Map is generally similar to a Set. A Set is a vanilla collection that guarnatees uniqueness of each element (note, not name-value pairs, but simple elements). There is one concrete class of Map that can be sorted, TreeMap, but I doubt your professor was referring to that. The values or the keys can be returned from the Map and sorted separately, but again, I doubt he was referring to that.
    Take a look at the Collections tutorial here on this site or Google one. It is fairly straightforward. Just keep in mind that things (generally) break down into Set, Map and List. There are combinations of these and different flavors (e.g., Queue, LinkedHashMap, etc.) But if you can learn how those three differ, you will go a long way towards understanding collections.
    (Oh, and be sure to study up on iterators.)
    - Saish

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