Rules Engine Err: Error processing Compound Advislet

I'm really lost and couldn't solve this. Can someone please help? Any help would
really be appreciated.
I have a piece of code calling for the result of a EBCC "segment" the code is:

MAD wrote:
Please see the txt inside the attached zip file.Please post the exception stack trace.

Similar Messages

  • QUESTION ATTACHED: Rules Engine Err: Error processing Compound Advislet

    Please see the txt file inside the attached zip file.

    Hello MAD,
    Try using an instance of com.bea.p13n.xml.schema.TimeInstant for the
    "TIME_INSTANT" attribute.
    (ie. TimeInstant.createTimeInstant() )
    If this does not work please look in the logs for a stack trace which may
    help us locate the issue.
    Adrian Fletcher.
    Program Manager -WLP.
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    Boulder, CO.
    email: [email protected]
    "MAD" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:3da5ba20$[email protected]..
    Forgot to say that: THIS IS FOR PORTAL v7.
    "MAD" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Please see the txt file inside the attached zip file.

  • Error when invoking Rule Engine using Java API

    I have implemented a Java class which calls the Rule Engine to execute the rules. If I test by setting the value of the input inside a main method and get the output, it is working fine. The ruleset is also invoked and there is no problem. However, when I expose this java class as a web service and invoke the web service, I get the below error. I dont get the error if the .rules file is not present in the loaction mentioned. I get the error when the .rules file is present in the location. Not sure if this is an issue with the java call outs or loading the dictionary.
    <ns2:exception xmlns:ns2="" note="To disable this feature, set system property to false" class="java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError">
    <ns2:frame line="38" file="" method="Query" class="oracle.rules.querystudentcriteria.ImplementRules"/>
    <ns2:frame line="native" file="" method="invoke0" class="sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="39" file="" method="invoke" class="sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="25" file="" method="invoke" class="sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="597" file="" method="invoke" class="java.lang.reflect.Method"/>
    <ns2:frame line="101" file="" method="invoke" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver$WLSInvoker"/>
    <ns2:frame line="83" file="" method="invoke" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSInstanceResolver$WLSInvoker"/>
    <ns2:frame line="152" file="" method="invoke" class="$2"/>
    <ns2:frame line="264" file="" method="invoke" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="93" file="" method="processRequest" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="604" file="" method="__doRun" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="563" file="" method="_doRun" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="548" file="" method="doRun" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="445" file="" method="runSync" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="275" file="" method="process" class="$2"/>
    <ns2:frame line="454" file="" method="handle" class="$HttpToolkit"/>
    <ns2:frame line="250" file="" method="handle" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="140" file="" method="handle" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="319" file="" method="run" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter$AuthorizedInvoke"/>
    <ns2:frame line="232" file="" method="post" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter"/>
    <ns2:frame line="310" file="" method="doPost" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet"/>
    <ns2:frame line="727" file="" method="service" class="javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet"/>
    <ns2:frame line="87" file="" method="service" class="weblogic.wsee.jaxws.JAXWSServlet"/>
    <ns2:frame line="820" file="" method="service" class="javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet"/>
    <ns2:frame line="227" file="" method="run" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction"/>
    <ns2:frame line="125" file="" method="invokeServlet" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper"/>
    <ns2:frame line="292" file="" method="execute" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="26" file="" method="doFilter" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter"/>
    <ns2:frame line="56" file="" method="doFilter" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="326" file="" method="doFilter" class="oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilter"/>
    <ns2:frame line="56" file="" method="doFilter" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="3592" file="" method="run" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction"/>
    <ns2:frame line="321" file="" method="doAs" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="121" file="" method="runAs" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="2202" file="" method="securedExecute" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext"/>
    <ns2:frame line="2108" file="" method="execute" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext"/>
    <ns2:frame line="1432" file="" method="run" class="weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl"/>
    <ns2:frame line="201" file="" method="execute" class=""/>
    <ns2:frame line="173" file="" method="run" class=""/>
    The Java class looks like:
    public PersonType Query (PersonType p)
    try {
    //FileReader reader = new FileReader("/home/orasoa/223345/STRS1.rules");
    //FileReader reader = new FileReader("D:\\Arun\\NGCE_WS\\POC1\\UHG\\QueryStudentCriteria\\oracle\\rules\\querystudentcriteria\\STRS1.rules");
    InputStream stream=ImplementRules.class.getResourceAsStream("/STRS1.rules");
    Reader reader=new InputStreamReader(stream);
    RuleDictionary dict = RuleDictionary.readDictionary(reader, new DecisionPointDictionaryFinder(null));
    List<SDKWarning> warnings = new ArrayList<SDKWarning>();
    DecisionPoint decisionPoint = new DecisionPointBuilder().with("STRS1_DecisionService_1").with(dict).build();
    DecisionPointInstance point = decisionPoint.getInstance();
    ArrayList input=new ArrayList();
    List<Object> output=point.invoke();
    catch (Exception e) {}
    return p;
    - AR

    Hi, I am getting a similar error when I deploy my application on the weblogic server.
    Could you detail how this was resolved?

  • Business Rule Error: Fact not found in the rule engine working memory, rule

    I am trying to create a simple decision table with an input(ValidateInput) and a output(ValidateOutput). The input and output schemas have unbounded and nested elements(Parent-child relationship). When I create a condition(specific condition on input) and in the action I am asserting the output object. But when I run using EM it throws the following exception. It would be helpful if somebody could tell me what could be the problem. Please note when I set the output as ValidateInput object then it runs fine. Also it executes fine with ValidateOutput if it doesn't have unbounded(List) element inside it.
    Error Message: {}operationErroredFault
    Fault ID     rules:211
    Fault Time     Jun 18, 2011 10:45:13 AM
    Non Recoverable Business Fault :
    Fact not found in the rule engine working memory, rule session execution failed. The rule session 270013 failed because an instance of the fact com.example.customer.ValidateResponse could not be found in the working memory of the rule session. This is most likely a rule modeling error. The decision service interaction expects the fact instance to exist in the working memory of the rule session. Check the rule actions in rule designer and make sure that a fact of the expected type is being asserted. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services. 270013
    Edited by: reachsky on 18 Jun, 2011 9:57 AM

    It's working now..I had to use Global variable to declare child element of the output variable and use the same during action.

  • Process execution engine execution error. from the latest HF in BPM Ent.

    Hi All,
    After applying the latest hotfix, I'm now getting this error when trying to launch any of the application.
    My setup is AquaLogic BPM Enterprise 6.0.4 for Weblogic.
    I've tried redeploying all the deployments within Weblogic and also the Admin Center. Nothing has worked.
    Any idea what's causing this?
    Process execution engine execution error.
    Caused by:;Ljava/io/ObjectOutputStream;Ljava/lang/Class;)V
    fuego.papi.impl.EngineExecutionException: Process execution engine execution error.
    at fuego.papi.impl.j2ee.EJBProcessControlHandler.doInvoke(
    at fuego.papi.impl.j2ee.EJBProcessControlHandler.invoke(
    at $Proxy154.runGlobalActivity(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at fuego.lang.JavaClass.invokeMethod(
    at fuego.lang.JavaObject.invoke(
    at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.process(
    at fuego.web.execution.impl.WebInteractiveExecution.process(
    at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.process(
    at fuego.web.papi.TaskExecutor.runApplicationTask(
    at fuego.web.papi.TaskExecutor.execute(
    at fuego.workspace.servlet.ExecutorServlet.doAction(
    at fuego.workspace.servlet.BaseServlet.doPost(
    at fuego.workspace.servlet.BaseServlet.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at fuego.workspace.servlet.AuthenticatedServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at fuego.web.filter.SingleThreadPerSessionFilter.doFilter(
    at fuego.web.filter.BaseFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at fuego.web.filter.CharsetFilter.doFilter(
    at fuego.web.filter.BaseFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/io/ObjectOutputStream;Ljava/lang/Class;)V
    at BT_QW.MyProcess.Default_1_0.Instance.writeObject(Instance.xcdl)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at fuego.server.ProcInst.getComponentData(
    at fuego.server.ProcInst.mustStoreComponent(
    at fuego.server.persistence.jdbc.JdbcProcessInstancePersMgr.createInstance(
    at fuego.server.persistence.Persistence.createProcessInstance(
    at fuego.server.execution.EngineExecutionContext.persistInstances(
    at fuego.server.execution.EngineExecutionContext.persist(
    at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.beforeCompletion(
    at fuego.connector.ConnectorTransaction.beforeCompletion(
    at fuego.connector.ConnectorTransaction.commit(
    at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.commit(
    at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.startBaseTransaction(
    at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.startTransaction(
    at fuego.transaction.TransactionAction.start(
    at fuego.server.execution.DefaultEngineExecution.executeImmediate(
    at fuego.server.execution.EngineExecution.executeImmediate(
    at fuego.server.AbstractProcessBean.runGlobalActivity(
    at fuego.ejbengine.EJBProcessControlAdapter.runGlobalActivity(
    at fuego.ejbengine.EJBProcessControl_1zamnl_EOImpl.runGlobalActivity(
    at fuego.ejbengine.EJBProcessControl_1zamnl_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at fuego.ejbengine.EJBProcessControl_1zamnl_EOImpl_1000_WLStub.runGlobalActivity(Unknown Source)
    at fuego.papi.impl.j2ee.EJBProcessControlInterfaceWrapper.runGlobalActivity(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at fuego.papi.impl.AbstractProcessControlHandler.invokeInternal(
    at fuego.papi.impl.j2ee.EJBProcessControlHandler.doInvoke(
    ... 39 more

    I ended up rebuilding my ALBPMDir and ALBPMEngine schemas and WebLogic server domains from scratch. When executing the process that was giving me a headache, all of a sudden I got the following error:
    fuego.server.exception.MaxInstanceSizeRuntimeException: Max instance size exceeded.
    Current size is 16538, whereas the maximum size is 16384. This occurs with instance '
    Anyway, the sizes were not terribly far off, but I doubled the process instance size from 16k to 32k and the error went away.
    Something to try on your end, perhaps.

  • Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the indexes for the partition of the measure group of the cube from the database.

    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the indexes for the partition of the measure group of the cube from the database.
    I have dropped and recreated a fact table to refresh the data as the table is having identity columns. So not able to directly insert data. After that cube is throwing above error.
    Please suggest.

    Hi Md,
    It hard to analyse the issue base on the limited information, Are there any error message on the log? Under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS11.\OLAP\Log (this could be different for your server), there are 3 log files that are generated:
    The msmdrrv.log simply points to the other two logs. There might be some detail information for this error. Please provide us the detail information about it, so that we can make further analysis.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'vFactUTC_201304_INCR_UPDATE_TEMP_qtfcw_' partition of the 'vFact' mea

    Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'vFactUTC_201304_INCR_UPDATE_TEMP_qtfcw_' partition of the 'vFact' measure
    group for the 'vAMGenericUTC' cube from the AC_OLAP database."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Any idea abt this error
    Putting details error ..
    Description="OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot execute the query
    &quot;Expr1008&quot; FROM
    &quot;Tbl1002&quot; WHERE
    AND &quot;Tbl1002&quot;.&quot;idLocalDateTime&quot;&lt;=(1364774399)
    AND &quot;Tbl1002&quot;.&quot;idLoad&quot;&gt;=(9243)
    AND &quot;Tbl1002&quot;.&quot;idLoad&quot;&lt;=(9304)&quot;
    against OLE DB provider &quot;SQLNCLI10&quot; for linked server
    &quot;DM_DS_SOPM33_QDB&quot;. ; 42000; The OLE DB provider
    &quot;SQLNCLI10&quot; for linked server
    &quot;DM_DS_SOPM33_QDB&quot; reported an error. Execution terminated by the provider because a resource limit was reached.;
    42000." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'vFact_201303_INCR_UPDATE_TEMP_he3dx_' partition of the 'vFact' measure
    group for the 'vAMGeneric' cube from the AC_OLAP database."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Server: The operation has been cancelled."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'vFact_201304_INCR_UPDATE_TEMP_kq5tw_' partition of the 'vFact' measure
    group for the 'vAMGeneric' cube from the AC_OLAP database."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'vFactUTC_201304_INCR_UPDATE_TEMP_qtfcw_' partition of the 'vFactUTC'
    measure group for the 'vAMGenericUTC' cube from the AC_OLAP database."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully."
    Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />

    against OLE DB provider
    &quot;SQLNCLI10&quot; for linked server
    &quot;DM_DS_SOPM33_QDB&quot;. ; 42000; The OLE DB provider
    &quot;SQLNCLI10&quot; for linked server
    &quot;DM_DS_SOPM33_QDB&quot; reported an error. Execution terminated by the provider because a resource limit was reached.;
    42000." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services"
    HelpFile="" />
    Hi Born,
    Have you check your disk space? This issue might be caused by not enougl disk sapce. Here is a similar thread about this topic:
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add a shared table into rules without stop any processe,How can I get error

    I have a Single-Source Environment,and want to add a new shared table for replication.
    Where I add capture rule,PROPAGATION rule and apply rule without stop capture process, propagation process and apply process,The replication will not process in this table ,and other replicated tables are OK.I can't find any error in the Environment,
    While it done well when I stop these processess before add rules.
    If this happened,How can I detect this failure?

    Thanks for your reply!
    But I find no error however
    In Streams Replication Administrator's Guide,I find follow word's:
    If you perform administrative steps in the wrong order, you can lose LCRs. For example, if you add the rule to a capture process rule set first, without stopping the capture process, then the propagation will not propagate the changes if it does not have a rule that instructs it to do so, and the changes can be lost.
    I think it is the matter "lose LCRs",but how could I know whether LCRs are losing ?
    thanks again!
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Biztalk Rules Engine RuleSet too complex error

    We call biztalk rules engine policies programatically instead of using biztalk orchestration, and we have around 2000 rules all together. We are getting the below exception intermittently and causing the cpu of web servers to spike to 100%. Please advise
    if you have any suggestions.
    Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleSetTranslationComplexityException: Ruleset is too complex and translation cannot complete within the configured translation timeout interval.
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslatorImpl.ProcessRuleConditions(LogicalExpression expr, Boolean connectJoins, TimeOutControl timer)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslatorImpl.ProcessRuleConditions(LogicalExpression expr, Boolean connectJoins, TimeOutControl timer)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslatorImpl.ProcessRuleConditions(LogicalExpression expr, Boolean connectJoins, TimeOutControl timer)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.ReteTranslator.RuleSetToReteTranslatorImpl.Translate(RuleSet ruleset, Int32 duration)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngine..ctor(RuleSet ruleSet, Boolean doOptimizations)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngineCache.Allocate(String rulesetName, TrackingConfiguration& trackingConfig)
       at Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy..ctor(String policyName)
    Dilip Bandi

    Hi Dilip,
    Recommend you to refer this Technet article: High
    CPU When Executing a Business Rules Engine (BRE) Policy
    Also refer the post: RuleSetTranslationComplexityException
    - Scenario...
    You need to Increase the time out in the registry for the rules engine (Translation Timeout) from 1 minute ("60000") which
    is default to higher value, something like 5 minutes.There is no performance impact of increasing this value.
    This setting can be set in the registry or a .config file. The registry settings are global for all applications that host a rule engine instance.
    Registry location:
    32-bit server:
    64-bit server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\BusinessRules\3.0 
    Setting these values in an application configuration file will override the values in the registry. If the policy is being executed within an IIS worker process, the web.config file
    can be modified. If the policy is being executed within a BizTalk orchestration, the BTSNTSvc.exe.config or BTSNTSvc64.exe.config file can modified.
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • Rules engine error

    Hi ya,
    I am getting an error calling a rule from orchestration. Its a simple policy which accepts a message of a schematype, looks at field1 of the message under conditions and then assigns a value to field2 of the same message.
    I keep getting following error :
    Inner exception: An exception occurred inside the rule engine instance executing policy "Policy1".
    Field "*[local-name()='field2']" does not exist in XML document "bizTalkProjectName.SchemaFileName", selector "/GetMap".
    I checked to see that the fully qualified name of the schema in biztalk project matches to the document type
    Basically I am doing similar to the example given here -
    Any ideas what's wrong?

    The error is pretty specific.  Most likely, one of the GetMap elements is missing the field2 element.
    Examine the xml of the message to verify field2 exists, then you can test the Policy in the Composer to paths are correct.

  • Business rules engine faults..

    Can someone please advise on what could cause this issue?
    We are using SOA suite
    1. The rules engine takes an input as usual but doesn't send any output.
    2. The BPEL process that invokes the rules sends out a bpelFault instead - (because the rules engine doesn't send anything back)
    <part   name="summary" >
    <summary>empty variable/expression result. The XPath variable or expression /ns1:callFunctionStatelessDecision/ns1:resultList/ns2:RulesResponse is empty at line 122. An attempt to read or copy data referenced or computed by the XPath expression either had invalid data, according to the XML schema, or did not contain certain optional data. Ensure that the variable or expression result named in the error message is not empty. Enable XML schema validation of related variables to ensure the run-time data is valid. </summary>
    </bpelFault> 3. At other times, the process works fine for the SAME input

    Hi Paul:
    The short answer is yes.  But its not easy.
    You will have to add some references to your orchestration:
    System.Transactions.DLL, System.Data.DLL, Microsoft.RuleEngine.DLL
    Next the BRE will need a connection string to connect to your database.
    Create a Variable in the orchestration ex:  SQLConn of type  System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    Create a Variable in the orchestration ex: RulesConn of type Microsoft.RuleEngine.DataConnection
    in an expression shape set the following :
    SQLConn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=Customer;Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;");
    RulesConn = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.DataConnection ("database", "tablename", SQLConn);
    then call the rules shape.... it should work.
    there is a blog post about this I have used in the past:

  • Rules engine can't find classes in DM

    I am working with the Oracle rules engine and can't get around what seems like a simple problem. I am following the example in chapter 18 of the BPEL developers guide ( and can't seem to run the rules.
    I am creating the DM using the CreditRating.xsd provided in the example. I have created the RL function and ruleset as stated in the chapter. When I go to the RL tab and click on check RL syntax I get the following error:
    A syntax error is found.
    Error:'creditrating.RatingType' is undefined at line 4 column 14 in DM
    1. ruleset DM
    3. {
    4. fact class creditrating.RatingType supports xpath; <<<<
    5. fact class creditrating.Rating supports xpath;
    6. fact class creditrating.RatingrequestType supports xpath;
    I also have a process that uses a decision node to execute the ruleset and it complains that the creditrating.objectFactory is undefined. I have to be missing a step somewhere that actually links in the classes that are auto-generated by JAXB.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I dug a little deeper and figured out what the gotcha is with the rules engine repository. So, when working with the rules engine there are two ways to access the repository file that holds the data model and business rules. You can either access the file directly from the hard drive or through the use of WebDAV.
    I was using the rules author to access the repository directly on the hard drive since I didn't have WebDAV setup somewhere. I created my data model and my rules using the rules author.
    As part of creating the BPEL process to use the rules in the repository, I created a Decision Service and pointed it at the repository file on the hard drive that I have been editing with the rules author. The act of doing this COPIES the repository to the JDev directory where the Decision Service resides.
    During the deployment process, the Decision Service is deployed (auto-magically) as a separate ear file to the app server. This Decision Service ear file contains yet another copy of the rules engine repository file. The repository in the ear file, of course, is the repository that the BPEL server executes rules against when the BPEL process is run.
    Needless to say, continuing to edit the original repository that you were editing with the rules author does not actually affect any of the rules that are running on the app server. There are a couple of ways that you can get around this:
    1.) Edit the repository file (with the rules author) in the JDev directory directly and after making any changes save the repository and redeploy the BPEL process. Redeploying the BPEL process will redeploy the decision service which contains that copy of the repository.
    2.) This one is not really recommended, but is an option. Edit the repository file that got deployed as part of the decision service deployment. This will make your rules changes effective immediately. One of the real big problems with doing this is when the BPEL process is redeployed the repository on the app server that you have been modifying will be overwritten.
    3.) The real solution to this problem seems to be setting up a WebDAV deployment somewhere that you and the app server has access to.

  • Error 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtprint): ERR Error occurred sending Job output

    Getting the below with a particular report I am running. Seems that the cache file isn't getting created for some reason. There are other cache files in the directory so it's not a user permission type thing I'm guessing.
    Anyone seen this before?
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtni_NextInstance): running
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtni_NextInstance): quit
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtgcf_GenCachefile): running
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtgcf_GenCachefile): Cache file is C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\MT\reports\cache\66117201.txt
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtgcf_GenCachefile): quit
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] APP 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtprint): caching output from backend drivers
    [2007/7/4 2:10:15:431] Error 50103 (rwfdt:rwfdtprint): 14:10:15 ERR Error occurred sending Job output to cache

    Sorry I didn't realize that i didn't answer to this question because of reference to others.
    I solve it with change of values in rwserver.conf
    one of values is default but other solve issue.
    <property value="no" name="keepConnection"/>
    engLife="2"   or    engLife="1"This happens in my env because application often change user (db schema). And this is workaround for restarting engine.

  • Error processing cube - requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open

    We have recently moved our production servers and since the move have been experiencing an intermittent (but frequent) error when processing our OLAP cube.
    The error messages presented are:
    "Error: The following error occurred during a file operation: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open"
    "Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing index for the <Partition Name> partition of the <Measure Group Name> measure group of the <Cube Name> cube from the <Database Name> database"
    I assume the second message is a consequence of the first error.  The partitions and measure groups seem to vary each time the process is run.
    It appears from similar threads that this is usually caused by backups or anti-virus applications locking the files that Analysis Services is using the process the cube.  I have ensured that there are no backups running at the time of processing and
    I have disabled anti-virus programs without success.
    I have also created a new version of the cube (using the deployment wizard) which deployed without error but then encountered the same error when processing for a second time.  There was nothing (client application wise) using this cube when it failed
    to process.
    As I mentioned earlier, this problem is intermittent.  Sometimes the cube will successfully process but usually it fails to process.
    We have not encountered this error in our previous production environment or in any of our development environments.
    Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any suggestions on possible solutions?

    Hi jonesri,
    I think you can try to use SSAS Dynamic Management View to monitor SSAS instance, such as existing connections and sessions. For example, please run the following MDX query:
    Use Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) to Monitor Analysis Services:
    In addition, you can aslo use SQL Profiler to capture some events for further investigation.
    Use SQL Server Profiler to Monitor Analysis Services:
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Rules Engine using Web Dynpro ABAP

    Can we build a Rules Engine which works with Web Dynpro-ABAP?  Something similar to BRM in CE-7.2.

    Do you mean BRM or BRF.  BRF is the name of the business rules framework that is integrated in the ABAP engine. BRM is Business Rules Management and a part of NetWeaver CE - running on the Java Stack and a part of SAP NetWeaver BPM (Business Process Management).
    Generally if your work is all ABAP based you would use BRF.  Here is a small eLearning that shows the usage of BRF within Web Dynpro ABAP.

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