Running InDesign on Tablets

I'm imagining what it would be like to work outside of the office and home on a highly portable tablet system. I've not owned an ipad or tablet in the past and must first ask whether it would be possible to run InDesign on either of these? I would prefer not to continue with laptops. Laptops space keyboard and screen uncomfortably close ergonomically, in my opinion, and it I suspect it might be nice to work in between a tablet with external keyboard on the go, and return home to the higher-end system with color correct monitor.
Are we years away from such tablets or is it possible to do right now, in some capacity? A dozen searches have produced answers only in the form of using InDesign for creating content viewable on tablets, not creating with InDesign on tablets.
The newest Samsung Galaxy 10 appears in a couple weeks, a formidable tablet, but whether it is capable of running InDesign is still question for me, with perhaps obvious answers for those who use tablets.

Bob Levine wrote:
The only advantage is that it's a tablet and contrary to some of the hate out there, it's really pretty nice. I don't own one yet but with DPS support coming with Win 8.1 I will get one.
I don't disagree Bob. I suppose my no-advantage assertion was in the context of the OP's orginal statement:
I would prefer not to continue with laptops. Laptops space keyboard and screen uncomfortably close ergonomically, in my opinion,

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    Yes is the quick answer to the question.  This is pretty common in large organizations for design departments or knowledge workers that need access to Creative Suite applications.  Although most of the links and documents is on CS5, I have not heard about problems in CS6. InDesign does not require OpenGL hardware acceleration.
    Here are some links on the Adobe web site: _document.pdf
    (unfortunate typo in Adobe's document title)
    The Citrix Ready Community Verified site also has customer comments on how to run InDesign on XenApp 6.x.
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    Hi Eugene, Thanks for offering to help. Here is some of the information you requested:
    Hardware Overview:
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      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro9,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i7
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      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          16 GB
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP91.00D3.B08
      SMC Version (system):          2.1f175
      Serial Number (system):          C02J604LF1G4
      Hardware UUID:          76824BFD-88A3-5D43-B6E0-15EA0F708A85
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:          Enabled
    System Software Overview:
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      Kernel Version:          Darwin 13.0.0
      Boot Volume:          Macintosh HD
      Boot Mode:          Normal
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      User Name:          Andy Johnston (AJ)
      Secure Virtual Memory:          Enabled
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    I don't know that I can do anything to reproduce the freeze. What happens usually is that I open InDesign and work on a file. When finished, I save my work, and move to another task in a different application (managing email in the Chrome browser, for example). At some point in the future and with no apparent action to initiate the crash, my system stops responding.
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    Does this information help track down the issue?

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    I can tell you that running InDesign CC2014 on my MacBook Air is identical in every way to running it on the same machine under bootcamp with Windows 10.
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    [Jongware] wrote:
    You might also ask the user to un-plug the keyboard, let the script run, and then plug in the 'board again. (Altho' that might lead to a practical problem: "Remove keyboard, then press any key to continue". I'll leave that to solve for the OP.)

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    If the simple PDF works, that may indicate a problem with the file after all, but one way to to force the export to the foreground is to create a new Book (File > New > Book), then add the file that's giving you trouble to that book. (a Book is just a container format used to combine multiple .indd files into a single output)
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    Daniel Maul

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    Hi PerGronroos,
    You  can run InDesign or any Adobe products from the Creative Cloud as long as they are running under two different Adobe ID.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

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