Runtime location

I' m trying to launch an external program that generates .XML files from .VVV files
My command is :
String pouf ="C:\\XML-Toto\\";
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(pouf + "V8xmldmp.exe " + pouf + "meuh.vvv");
where V8xmldmp is the program that generates meuh.xml from meuh.vvv
pouf is the path where meuh.vvv and V8xmldmp.exe are situated
this command functionates, but the problem is that the .xml file is generated in the folder containing the java project and not in the "Toto" folder
How can I do for generating my .xml file in a folder I could select before ?
I have tried to put me in the good folder by a command like:
But the command-system-DOS (cd, dir, ect...) don't seem to be launchable by this way ! I don't thing also it's the good solution
Please, what is the solution to my problem ?
Another question : I want to put my XML dumper program in my package with the .DLL files it's using.
Is it possible ?
How can I launch the same command for generating XML ? What is the path for a program situated in my package ?
PS: I'm french so excuse my poor english !!!

That's impossible, I can't modify the .EXE file (I didn't wrote it) and it's not necessary, there must be another way

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    insert XPane
    *contentNode: Circle{ centerX: 10, centerY: 10, radius: 40 }*
    *} into this.scene.content;*
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    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/javafx/runtime/location/ChangeListener
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    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ChangeListener
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    What you have to do is this:
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    Location of MS Runtime - C:\Windows\winsxs
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    To uninstall the runtimes you can easily do it from registry, best and easy way, this will clear any files which were having conflicts.
    Runtime C++ is the error with Visual C++ Runtime.
    Go to start > run > type regedit and click OK
    In the registry go to:
    HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > Current Version > Uninstall
    Expand the Uninstall and you will see many folders or Keys with long names like {002D9D5E-29BA-3E6D-9BC4-3D7D6DBC735C} on them one by one, on the right side you will see what application it is. On the right side look for these
    Name: DisplayName
    Data: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 ATL Update kb973924 - x86 9.0.30729.4148
    Name: UninstallString
    Data: MsiExec.exe /X{002D9D5E-29BA-3E6D-9BC4-3D7D6DBC735C}
    Make sure the name is Microsoft Visual C++..... any version, you will for sure have more than 3-4.
    Double click on the UninstallString and copy the Data, go to start > run > and paste , click on OK, and the uninstall will begin.
    WARNING - Please make sure you close all the application before proceeding. Go to task manager and kill any process which is not running by system like any third party application including third party WLAN software, or any other, check system tray (bottom right corner before the clock).
    Once you have all this done you will not have any problem.
    When installing CS5 on 64bit application, make sure to install CS5 32bit as well because of some dll and system files being not fully compatible.
    First uninstall the CS5, then uninstall the runtimes, backup your Plugins as folders, you can over write them later without reinstalling them.
    Uninstall runtimes, repair CS5 with an option of installing 32bit and 64bit.

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    Tom Parker

    Can someone help me please?

  • Can't get past Air EULA for any Air programs

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    Here is my log:
    [2010-10-10:00:13:17] Performing runtime install
    [2010-10-10:00:13:18] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:18] UI initialized
    [2010-10-10:00:13:18] starting user confirmation
    [2010-10-10:00:13:18] Version of this installer:
    [2010-10-10:00:13:18] Installation type: new
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] starting install
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] Scheduling runtime installation operations
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] Scheduling an MSI install operation
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] Beginning runtime installation
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] Beginning install
    [2010-10-10:00:13:21] Installing c:\docume~1\jlord\locals~1\temp\air37d.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Copying C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR37D.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla382.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Deleting C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Copying C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR37D.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Deleting C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla382.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] Commit complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:26] install complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:44] begin quitting
    [2010-10-10:00:13:46] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] UI initialized
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] Pingback request completed with HTTP status 200
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] Begin background update check
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] Starting download from
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] Background update not available
    [2010-10-10:00:13:47] begin quitting
    [2010-10-10:00:13:56] Starting app install of file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/jlord/My%20Documents/Downloads/twhirl-0.9.4%20(1).a ir
    [2010-10-10:00:13:56] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:57] UI initialized
    [2010-10-10:00:13:57] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-10:00:13:57] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:57] Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla387.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] app id de.makesoft.twhirl
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] pub id 0EA062BC275E7ED1E6EC3762EFFD73C7158ADF33.1
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] Application not located
    [2010-10-10:00:13:58] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2010-10-10:00:14:07] User confirmed action: install
    [2010-10-10:00:14:07] creating native installer in: C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla388.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] Starting install
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] using conversion output in C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla388.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] Destination for installed application is C:\Program Files
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] Beginning install
    [2010-10-10:00:14:08] Installing C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla388.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-10:00:14:10] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    [2010-10-10:00:14:10] Commit complete
    [2010-10-10:00:14:10] Re-launching application from C:\Program Files\twhirl\twhirl.exe
    [2010-10-10:00:14:10] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-10:00:14:10] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-10:00:15:33] Starting update of c:\program files\twhirl\twhirl.exe
    [2010-10-10:00:15:33] Updating from file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/jlord/Application%20Data/de.makesoft.twhirl.0EA062B C275E7ED1E6EC3762EFFD73C7158ADF33.1/Local%20Store/update.air
    [2010-10-10:00:15:33] Updating to version 0.9.5
    [2010-10-10:00:15:34] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:15:34] UI initialized
    [2010-10-10:00:15:34] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-10:00:15:34] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-10:00:15:34] Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla38D.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] app id de.makesoft.twhirl
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] pub id 0EA062BC275E7ED1E6EC3762EFFD73C7158ADF33.1
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] Application located at c:\program files
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] User confirmed action: install
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] creating native installer in: C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla38E.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] Starting install
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] using conversion output in C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla38E.tmp
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] Beginning install
    [2010-10-10:00:15:35] Installing C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla38E.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-10:00:15:39] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    [2010-10-10:00:15:39] Commit complete
    [2010-10-10:00:15:39] Re-launching application from c:\program files\twhirl\twhirl.exe
    [2010-10-10:00:15:39] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-10:00:15:40] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-18:11:17:54] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-18:11:17:55] UI initialized
    [2010-10-18:11:17:55] Begin background update check
    [2010-10-18:11:17:55] Starting download from
    [2010-10-18:11:17:55] Background update not available
    [2010-10-18:11:17:55] begin quitting
    [2011-10-24:11:58:48] Starting app install of
    [2011-10-24:11:58:48] UI SWF load is complete
    [2011-10-24:11:58:49] UI initialized
    [2011-10-24:11:58:49] beginning UI styling
    [2011-10-24:11:58:49] UI styling complete
    [2011-10-24:11:58:49] Downloading file to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla68.tmp
    [2011-10-24:11:58:51] Received HTTP Response Status event
    [2011-10-24:11:58:51] Response URL is
    [2011-10-24:11:59:27] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2011-10-24:11:59:49] User confirmed action: save
    [2011-10-24:11:59:49] Saving file to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\My Documents\Downloads\PreziDesktop_3.070.air
    [2011-10-24:11:59:49] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2011-10-24:11:59:49] application installer exiting
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] Starting app install of
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] UI SWF load is complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] UI initialized
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] beginning UI styling
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] UI styling complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:21] Downloading file to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla69.tmp
    [2011-10-24:12:00:22] Received HTTP Response Status event
    [2011-10-24:12:00:22] Response URL is
    [2011-10-24:12:00:26] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2011-10-24:12:00:27] User confirmed action: install
    [2011-10-24:12:00:27] beginning UI styling
    [2011-10-24:12:00:28] UI styling complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:28] Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla6A.tmp
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] app id com.prezi.PreziDesktop
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] pub id
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] Application not located
    [2011-10-24:12:00:34] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2011-10-24:12:00:41] User confirmed action: install
    [2011-10-24:12:00:41] creating native installer in: C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla6C.tmp
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] native installer creation complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] Starting install
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] using conversion output in C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla6C.tmp
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] Destination for installed application is C:\Program Files
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] Beginning install
    [2011-10-24:12:00:46] Installing C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Local Settings\Temp\fla6C.tmp\setup.msi
    [2011-10-24:12:00:56] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    [2011-10-24:12:00:56] Commit complete
    [2011-10-24:12:00:56] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
    [2011-10-24:12:02:03] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2011-10-24:12:02:03] application installer exiting
    [2011-10-24:12:03:44] UI SWF load is complete
    [2011-10-24:12:03:44] UI initialized
    [2011-10-24:12:03:45] Pingback request completed with HTTP status 200
    [2011-10-24:12:03:45] Begin background update check
    [2011-10-24:12:03:45] Starting download from
    [2011-10-24:12:04:17] Background update successfully downloaded
    [2011-10-24:12:04:17] User notified of available background update
    [2011-10-24:12:04:45] User deferred installation of background update
    [2011-10-24:12:04:46] begin quitting
    [2011-10-25:15:25:54] UI SWF load is complete
    [2011-10-25:15:25:54] UI initialized
    [2011-10-25:15:25:54] Running C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files\prezidesktop3\prezidesktop3.exe"
    [2011-10-25:15:25:55] begin quitting
    [2011-10-25:15:26:00] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:26:00] Commandline is: -update "c:\program files\prezidesktop3\prezidesktop3.exe"
    [2011-10-25:15:26:00] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:26:00] Installed app (com.prezi.PreziDesktop) located at c:\program files\prezidesktop3\prezidesktop3.exe
    [2011-10-25:15:26:09] Starting runtime update. Updating runtime from version to version
    [2011-10-25:15:26:09] Installing msi at c:\docume~1\jlord\locals~1\temp\air1b7.tmp\setup.msi with guid {ACEB2BAF-96DF-48FD-ADD5-43842D4C443D}
    [2011-10-25:15:26:48] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:26:48] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\program files\prezidesktop3\prezidesktop3.exe
    [2011-10-25:15:26:48] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:26:51] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:26:52] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:26:52] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:26:52] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:26:52] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:00] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:00] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:27:00] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:27:00] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:27:22] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:27:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:27:23] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:27:23] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:27:23] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:26] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:26] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:27:26] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:27:26] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:27:41] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:27:41] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:27:41] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:27:41] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:27:42] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:51] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:27:51] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:27:51] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:27:51] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:36:43] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:36:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:36:43] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:36:43] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:36:44] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:36:49] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:36:49] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:36:49] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:36:50] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:39:14] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-10-25:15:39:14] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-10-25:15:39:14] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIRB2.tmp\Adobe Support Advisor"
    [2011-10-25:15:39:15] Application Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:39:15] Commandline is: "C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIRB2.tmp\Adobe Support Advisor"
    [2011-10-25:15:39:15] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:39:16] Validating app in folder C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIRB2.tmp\Adobe Support Advisor
    [2011-10-25:15:39:21] Application signature verified
    [2011-10-25:15:39:21] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-10-25:15:39:21] No app located for appID 'AdobeSupportAdvisor' and pubID 'E7BED6E5DDA59983786DD72EBFA46B1598278E07.1'
    [2011-10-25:15:39:25] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files. Installing app AdobeSupportAdvisor.E7BED6E5DDA59983786DD72EBFA46B1598278E07.1 version using the source file at file:///C:/DOCUME~1/jlord/LOCALS~1/Temp/AIRB2.tmp/Adobe%20Support%20Advisor
    [2011-10-25:15:39:25] Installing msi at C:\DOCUME~1\jlord\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIRB2.tmp\Adobe Support Advisor\setup.msi with guid {71B6C9B6-CDF1-516E-EDBD-F3F8EBF7A0C7}
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files\Adobe Support Advisor\Adobe Support Advisor.exe
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Commandline is: -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Application installer success
    [2011-10-25:15:39:30] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:39:31] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:39:33] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:39:33] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:39:33] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:39:33] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:39:44] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:39:44] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:39:44] Commandline is: -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:39:44] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:39:45] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:39:48] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:39:48] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:39:48] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:39:48] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:40:01] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:40:01] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:40:01] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:40:01] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:40:02] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:40:15] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:40:15] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:40:15] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:40:15] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:42:29] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:42:29] Commandline is:
    [2011-10-25:15:42:29] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:42:33] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -installupdatecheck
    [2011-10-25:15:42:34] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:42:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:42:34] Commandline is: -installupdatecheck
    [2011-10-25:15:42:34] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:42:34] Performing pingback request
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Pingback request completed with HTTP status 200
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Starting runtime background update check
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Begin Background update download from
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Runtime update not available
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Unpackaging cancelled
    [2011-10-25:15:42:36] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:42:39] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:42:39] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:42:39] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:42:39] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:42:40] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:43:37] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:43:37] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:43:37] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:43:37] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:43:48] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:43:49] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:43:49] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:43:49] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:43:49] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:44:36] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:44:36] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:44:36] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:44:46] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:44:46] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:44:46] Commandline is: -eula -nai
    [2011-10-25:15:44:46] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:44:47] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:44:49] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:44:49] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:44:49] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:44:49] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:50:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:50:12] Commandline is: -arp:uninstall
    [2011-10-25:15:50:12] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:50:14] Starting runtime uninstall. Uninstalling runtime version
    [2011-10-25:15:50:15] Uninstalling product with GUID {ACEB2BAF-96DF-48FD-ADD5-43842D4C443D}
    [2011-10-25:15:50:27] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:51:08] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:51:08] Commandline is:
    [2011-10-25:15:51:08] No installed runtime detected
    [2011-10-25:15:51:10] Starting runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2011-10-25:15:51:10] Installing msi at c:\docume~1\jlord\locals~1\temp\air161.tmp\setup.msi with guid {ACEB2BAF-96DF-48FD-ADD5-43842D4C443D}
    [2011-10-25:15:51:20] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:51:20] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -installupdatecheck
    [2011-10-25:15:51:21] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:51:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:51:23] Commandline is: -installupdatecheck
    [2011-10-25:15:51:23] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:51:24] Performing pingback request
    [2011-10-25:15:51:25] Pingback request completed with HTTP status 200
    [2011-10-25:15:51:25] Starting runtime background update check
    [2011-10-25:15:51:25] Begin Background update download from
    [2011-10-25:15:51:25] Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
    [2011-10-25:15:51:26] Runtime update not available
    [2011-10-25:15:51:26] Unpackaging cancelled
    [2011-10-25:15:51:26] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:52:09] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:52:09] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:52:09] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:52:09] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:52:10] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:52:13] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:52:13] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:52:13] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:52:13] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)
    [2011-10-25:15:52:37] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:52:38] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows XP x86
    [2011-10-25:15:52:38] Commandline is: -eula
    [2011-10-25:15:52:38] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-10-25:15:52:38] Starting eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:52:42] Finished eula display
    [2011-10-25:15:52:42] Could not create a file at C:\Documents and Settings\jlord\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\eulaAccepted, ignoring
    [2011-10-25:15:52:42] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-10-25:15:52:42] Subprocess c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater failed (1)

    TIFFs will hold everything that PSDs do.
    That's nice to hear. However, I found that the Image Processor conversion doesn't work correctly in some cases. Here's one example. I have a file with a single image layer and which is a Smart Object. I applied a Blur Gallery Iris Blur to this object as a Smart Filter. After running the Image Processor what I got was a flattened file with no Smart Object and no blur filter. The filter effect was rasterized so it wasn't lost but the ability to edit further was.
    And it gets worse. I have another file with a single Smart Object layer and a Nik Software Color Efex Pro filter applied. In this case, not only did it flatten the file, it didn't even render the effect correctly.
    I played around with my preferences thinking that my Maximize Compatibility or TIFF layer-save options might be causing the problem. But, so far, I haven't been able to get the Image Processor to work correctly.
    However, if I do the conversion manually I end up with a TIFF file that includes the Smart Object with Smart Filter intact. If I want to use these files with Lightroom I guess I'll have to convert each one manually.

  • How to use registrati​on-free COM with TestStand

    We create several different test programs run by TestStand. The sequence typically calls a function in a .NET dll that in turn calls functions in COM objects. We would like to use registration free COM to isolate the programs from each other but I'm having difficulty making it work. I know that in principle the manifest file and COM objects could be put in the same directory as SeqEdit.exe but this is unacceptable. I was thinking that using the activation context might be a way to do it. For example in C#: ActivationContext.CreatePartialActivationContext(ApplicationIdentit​y, string[]). ApplicationIdentity is the application identity of SeqEdit and the string [] parameter contains paths and names of manifest files that describe the needed COM objects. The idea would be to load an activation context with the .NET dll called by the sequence so SeqEdit could find the COM dlls in the same directory as the sequence. I haven't gotten it to work yet. Any ideas?

    I'm going to try to give as thorough description as I can, since many other users may not understand what you're asking about.
    Normally, a COM server (ActiveX servers are COM servers) is registered with Windows via the registry.  Unfortunately, you can only have one version of the server registered at a time.  This is one of the reasons why TestStand (which is a COM server) needs a version switcher to change between engine versions.
    There is a technology called "Registration-free COM" that allows an application to use a COM server without having it registered in the windows registry.  It involves creating manifest files for the COM server and for the application that is calling the com server.  These manifest files are used by the operating system when the application tries to call the COM server to find the server.  Usually the OS would go to the registry, but it will check the manifest files first.
    The best reference on registration-free COM is an article on MSDN: Registration-Free Activation of COM Components: A Walkthrough.
    A year or so ago, there was a TestStand customer who was interested in forcing some of their applications to use a certain version of a COM server; I was able to get this working for them. 
    I tested the .NET and MFC TestStand user interfaces, and found that I could get registration-free COM working with both.  I found that two .manifest files needed to be created.
    The first is a .manifest file for the COM server.  This was a straightforward process following exactly the instructions in the above walkthrough (Step 7).
    The second is a .manifest file for the UI.  Since the TestStand UIs have their manifest files embedded in the application, I had to modify the .manifest file before building the UI, or use the .NET SDK tool mt.exe.
    After creating both manifest files, I found that adding them was enough to make .NET calls to the COM server work correctly if the application and server were in the same directory. 
    Unfortunately, I did not do any testing with having the COM server in a different directory.
    Now, on to your question:
    I just did some poking around on MSDN, and I have found the following information.
    Note that after you have configured a .manifest file for your COM server, it is then referred to as an "assembly".  I am making an assumption here (but I think it's a reasonable assumption) that after this, the COM server can be used just like any other assembly.  Specifically, it will be searched for in the same way an assembly is searched for.
    MSDN documents How the Runtime Locates Assemblies.  Note near the bottom of that page, if the assembly has not been bound to before, and it is not in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), it will probe for the assembly.  From this I think the following are possible solutions.  Please note that I haven't tested any of them.
    MSDN documents the Probing behavior.  Note that it will only probe in sub-folders of the current application root directory ([application base]).  Note that there is also some information at the bottom of the page about COM interop scenarios.  I think what it is saying is that if you already are in an assembly, and call a COM server, it will look in the same folder as that assembly for the COM server.  This might be a possible solution for you.
    There is also an AssemblyResolve event that is fired if the CLR is unable to locate the assembly.  I don't know if this event is fired in the case that the COM server cannot be found, but if it is, you could then define your own way to search for the server.  I found this information in a blog post by Microsoft developer:​561775.aspx
    One last possibility is to use an Application Configuration file; which is similar to a manifest file.  According to that page, there is an element called 'probing' that you can use with Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 when defining assembly binding to specify relative paths to probe for the assembly.
    I honestly don't know if any of these possibilities will work.  Please let me know if you get it working or if you need some more help, and I'll do my best to assist you.
    Message Edited by Josh W. on 02-04-2010 03:23 PM
    Josh W.
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Formerly blue

  • Im getting exceptional error for website ...what is the problem for that error..error message is posted below

    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was: Syntax Error in number '$4' of User-Agent Number Element ID 'engineVersion'.
    ... 62 more
    See full exception chain for details.
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system administrator.
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document (e.g. email or simple text file).
    For further information about the Web Dynpro error page, error analysis and a description of well-known error situations, see SAP note 1113811.
    Correction Hints
    Exception could be caused by the development component:
    Note: The above hints are only a guess. They are automatically derived from the exception that occurred and therefore can't be guaranteed to address the original problem in all cases.
    System Environment
    Web Dynpro Client Type AJAX Client
    User agent Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:24.0) Gecko/24.0 Firefox/24.0
    Client Type ff
    Client Type Profile nn7
    ActiveX disabled
    Java Applets enabled
    Accessibility mode disabled
    Inline CSS n/a
    Validate by rendering true
    Web Dynpro Runtime vendor: '', name: 'tc/wd/webdynpro', scV: '', scN: 'WD-RUNTIME', location: 'SAP AG', counter: '7.3005.20130111125833.0000', R: '7.30', SP: '5', PL: '20', change number: '255333', codeline: NW730CORE_05_REL
    J2EE Engine 7.30.3710.270166.20130816104554
    System ID (SID) FP1
    Server Node ID |13769650|137696|Server 00 01_137696|ciFP1/|SERVER|RUNNING
    Java VM SAP Java Server VM, version:6.1.038 19.1-b02, vendor: SAP AG
    Operating system Linux, version: 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64, architecture: amd64
    Java EE Application (deployable object)
    Web Dynpro Application PageBuilder
    Request URI /webdynpro/resources/
    Version vendor: '', name: 'pb', scV: '', scN: 'EP-RUNTIME', location: 'SAP AG', counter: '7.3005.20111228115104.0000', R: '7.30', SP: '5', PL: '4', change number: '160458'
    Session & Other
    Session Locale en_GB
    Session Timezone India Standard Time
    Time of Failure Sun Oct 27 09:59:27 IST 2013 (Java Time: 1382848167814)
    Session User ClientUser(id=USER.PRIVATE_DATASOURCE.un:CC172020, name=CC172020)
    Http Session Id 978BAO1ZCsh8JZ7REyIA575jsir4QQGyG9IA_SAP
    Client Window Id WID1382848129974
    Application Session Id CrXVdgZ0571vfwcUljh9Bw--Q4*zmQ0kblXVHMfCG18ZBg--
    Web Dynpro Code Generation Infos
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:24:28+0000, changelist=159000, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:24:57+0000, changelist=159000, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:14:41+0000,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:17:37+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:15:03+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:20:22+0000, changelist=159002, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:25:40+0000, changelist=159462, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:37:46+0000, changelist=159461, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:37:55+0000, changelist=159461, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:35:55+0000, changelist=159464, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:24:57+0000, changelist=159000, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:14:41+0000, changelist=159048, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:37:31+0000, changelist=159461, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:17:37+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:15:03+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:20:22+0000, changelist=159002, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:25:40+0000, changelist=159462, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:37:46+0000, changelist=159461, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:37:55+0000, changelist=159461, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen 7.3005.20111228114942.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2011-12-28T16:35:55+0000, changelist=159464, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationCore 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:27:04+0000, changelist=159000, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:27:18+0000, changelist=159000, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:05:47+0000, changelist=159048, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:39:20+0000, changelist=180142, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:10:50+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:07:26+0000, changelist=159372, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:22:41+0000, changelist=210375, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:27:36+0000, changelist=159462, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:39:36+0000, changelist=180142, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:39:43+0000, changelist=180142, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen 7.3005.20130109144853.0000 (release=NW730CORE_05_REL, buildtime=2013-01-11T17:37:00+0000, changelist=223591, host=pwdfm257, is-central=true)

    Oh man it looks like a problem with the web server.
    Its an error that happens on SAP, even my dad reported an error like this to me but i wasn't able to solve it.
    What i find is that its an error with browser incompatibility,
    Check this

  • Error when using Channel Migration Tool in SAP Directory Content Migration Tool

    Hi Experts,
    I'm trying to migrate a file receiver channel using the Channel Migration Tool in SAP Directory Content Migration Tool.
    I enter the channel name and then select it or click in "Edit"; I get the bellow error:
    Thanks in advance.
    Su May
    500   Internal Server Error
      SAP NetWeaver Application Server/Java AS
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
    java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method
    of a null object returned from
    ... 56 more
      See full
    exception chain for details.
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled
    by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the
    cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate
    analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers
    allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document
    (e.g. email or simple text file).
    For further information about the Web Dynpro error page, error
    analysis and a description of well-known error situations, see SAP note
      Correction Hints
    could be caused by the development component:
    Note: The above hints are only a guess. They
    are automatically derived from the exception that occurred and therefore can't
    be guaranteed to address the original problem in all cases.
    System Environment
    Web Dynpro Client Type
    AJAX Client
    User agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1;
    Client Type
    Client Type Profile
    Java Applets
    Accessibility mode
    Inline CSS
    Validate by rendering
    Web Dynpro Runtime
    vendor: '', name: 'tc/wd/webdynpro', scV: '',
      scN: 'WD-RUNTIME', location: 'SAP AG', counter: '7.4008.20140808120905.0000',
      R: '7.40', SP: '8', PL: '0', change number: '613920', codeline:
    J2EE Engine
    System ID (SID)
    Server Node ID
    |6080050|60800|Server 00
    Java VM
    SAP Java Server VM, version:6.1.071 24.55-b08, vendor: SAP AG
    Operating system
    Windows Server 2008 R2, version: 6.1, architecture: amd64
    Java EE Application (deployable object)
    Web Dynpro Application
    Request URI
    vendor: '', name: 'tc/pi/tools/dirmig/wd', scV:
      '', scN: 'SOAMON', location: 'SAP AG', counter:
      '7.4008.20140828111619.0000', R: '7.40', SP: '8', PL: '0', change number: '9' 
    Web Dynpro Code Generation Infos
    WD web module
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:01:39+0000, changelist=402811, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:02:11+0000, changelist=402811, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapGenerationFrameworkCore
      7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:41:09+0000, changelist=402838, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:15+0000, changelist=612716, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCommon
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:44:59+0000, changelist=402897, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelCore
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL, buildtime=2014-08-22T19:42:52+0000,
      changelist=402897, host=vmw5876, is-central=true)
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelDictionary
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:51:47+0000, changelist=402813, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapMetamodelWebDynpro
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:03:52+0000, changelist=612717, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproGenerationCore
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:48+0000, changelist=612716, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:36+0000, changelist=612716, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module
      webdynpro/resources/ SapWebDynproRuntimeGen
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:22:51+0000, changelist=612719, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:01:39+0000, changelist=402811, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:02:11+0000, changelist=402811, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL, buildtime=2014-08-22T19:41:09+0000,
      changelist=402838, host=vmw5876, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:15+0000, changelist=612716, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:44:59+0000, changelist=402897, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:42:52+0000, changelist=402897, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T19:51:47+0000, changelist=402813, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:03:52+0000, changelist=612717, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:48+0000, changelist=612716, host=vmw5876,
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL, buildtime=2014-08-22T20:25:36+0000,
      changelist=612716, host=vmw5876, is-central=true)
    WD web module webdynpro/resources/
    7.4008.20140806095041.0000 (release=NW731CORE_13_REL,
      buildtime=2014-08-22T20:22:51+0000, changelist=612719, host=vmw5876,
    Detailed Error Information
    Detailed Exception Chain 
    while trying to invoke the method
    of a null object returned from
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    Go to NWA>Configuration>Infrastructure>Java System Properties, Click on the Applications tab and search tc~pi~tools~dirmig~wd & Start Application as shown in below screenshot.
    I am not sure but you can try this if it helps.

  • Problem in reusing the declader slider variable in VBox

    There is a slider variable {color:#0000ff}specexpontLevel{color}. This variable is used 2 times in VBox content as per my requirement. But the VBox contents are not visble @ the runtime. If I call the variable only once in VBox then the contents are displayed. Without using VBox, if I reuse in the contents of scene also it is not displaying.
    The NetBeans IDE is displaying the below runtime error
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal assignment of group.content: group=Group node=Slider
    {color:#0000ff}*Does this mean the variable cannot be resued in the content? If so the concept of reusability is defeated. If it is intensionally included what is the justification behind it?*{color}
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.text.Font;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.control.Slider;
    import javafx.scene.layout.LayoutInfo;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    var diffusespecconstLevel: Slider = Slider{
    max: 2.0
    width : 70
    layoutInfo: LayoutInfo{ width: 70 minWidth: 70}
    var {color:#0000ff}specexpontLevel{color} : Slider = Slider{
    max: 20.0
    width : 70
    layoutInfo: LayoutInfo{ width: 70 minWidth: 70}
    var surfaceLevel: Slider = Slider{
    max: 2.5
    width : 70
    layoutInfo: LayoutInfo{ width: 70 minWidth: 70}
    Stage {
    title: "Hello World"
    width: 250
    height: 500
    scene: Scene {
    content: [
    Text {
    content: "Hello World! My First JavaFX program!"
    font: Font {
    name: "Arial"
    size: 12
    VBox {translateY : 20 content : [<font color="#0000ff">specexpontLevel</font>,diffusespecconstLevel,surfaceLevel, <font color="#0000ff">specexpontLevel</font>]}

    could you elaborate your answer please?
    I have the same kind of problem in an application I am working on for now.
    I have the application' scene content inside which I have a node whose id I set to "applicationContent" (this node is a group).
    Upon clicking on menu buttons, I will remove the node having the "applicationContent" id from my application content and will insert another one having the same id.
    The inserted node is generated on the fly upon clicking on the button.
    Method below is executed only once and adds menu buttons to the left of my application.
    Notice the action:function() method that calls the setContent(Node) method when the button is clicked.
      function insertMenuItems(): Void
            var elementCounter: Number = 0;
            var firstY: Number = 160;
            for(currentItem in menu)
                var currentButton:MenuButton = MenuButton
                    text: currentItem.title;
                    layoutX: 8;
                    width: 182;
                    layoutY: firstY + elementCounter * 40;
                    action: function()
                        this.title = currentItem.title;
                insert currentButton into content;
        }The setContent method is provided here below.
    As you see, it removes the node having the "applicationContent" id and adds the one passed in parameter ("the new application content").
         * Sets the main content of the application.
         * <p>
         *  Each time a menu button gets clicked, the main content of the application
         *  will be replaced by the one attached to the <code>MenuButton</code>
         * </p>
        function setContent(applicationContent:Node):Void
            for(currentNode in content)
                    delete currentNode from content;
                applicationContent.layoutX = 300;
                applicationContent.layoutY = 500;
                insert applicationContent into content;
        }the "{code}insert applicationContent into content;{code}" line is the one producing the exception, even though, in the end, my content is correctly updated on screen.
    exception happening at this specific line is the following:
    Exception in trigger:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal assignment of group.content: group=Group node=ApplicationContent [id=ApplicationContent]
    at javafx.scene.Group$_SBECL.onChange(Group.fx:209)
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.notifyListeners(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.setAsSequence(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.set(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.set(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.Bindings$BijectiveBinding$2.onChange(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractLocation$1.onAction(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractLocation$1.onAction(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractLocation.iterateChildren(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractLocation.invalidateDependencies(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.notifyListeners(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.replaceSlice(
    at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.SequenceVariable.insert(
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene.setContent(FixedRootScene.fx:139)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene.setContent(FixedRootScene.fx:139)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.lambda(FixedRootScene.fx:109)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.lambda(FixedRootScene.fx:109)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.invoke(FixedRootScene.fx:106)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.invoke(FixedRootScene.fx:106)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.invoke(FixedRootScene.fx:106)
    at javafxapplication3.FixedRootScene$1.invoke(FixedRootScene.fx:106)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.ButtonBaseBehavior.mouseRelease(ButtonBaseBehavior.fx:78)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.caspian.AbstractButtonSkin$4.lambda(AbstractButtonSkin.fx:68)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.caspian.AbstractButtonSkin$4.invoke(AbstractButtonSkin.fx:68)
    at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.caspian.AbstractButtonSkin$4.invoke(AbstractButtonSkin.fx:68)
    at javafx.scene.Node.impl_processMouseEvent(Node.fx:1679)
    at javafx.scene.Node.preprocessMouseEvent(Node.fx:1705)
    at javafx.scene.Scene$MouseHandler.process(Scene.fx:665)
    at javafx.scene.Scene$MouseHandler.process(Scene.fx:550)
    at javafx.scene.Scene.impl_processMouseEvent(Scene.fx:368)
    at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePeerListener.mouseEvent(Scene.fx:496)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    If yo ucould explain me why the exception fires, i'd be very happy ^^
    Thank you very much in advance for your help!
    Edited by: jerome_jadoulle on Jul 14, 2009 2:00 AM

  • What is import statement for ?

    Hi all,
    Sorry for asking a silly question. Since it is a new to java forum I am asking this.
    What is happening when an import statement is triggered at compile time and at runtime.
    What is the difference/advantages/disadvantages between importing an entire package and importing required classes only.
    Is there any size limit on the generated class file.
    Antony Paul

    looks like we are both beguinners
    i just received a newsletter from sun and in it has this
    Have you ever wondered what classes are loaded when you launch an application or from where the classes are loaded? Have you ever wondered when garbage collection runs or how long it takes? The java command line tool offers several different command line options that you can use to get answers to those questions.
    You might already be familiar with a number of command line options available with the java command line tool, such as -cp, -Xms, and -Xmx. The -cp option is used for specifying the classpath. The -Xms and -Xmx options are used to specify the heap size. For example, instead of setting the CLASSPATH environment variable, you can use the -cp option to tell the system to look in a specific directory for necessary class files:
    java -cp ExampleDir MyExample
    Here, the system will look in the ExampleDir subdirectory for the MyExample.class file and anything else needed besides the system classes. The ExampleDir in the command line tells the system to look only in the ExampleDir directory (assume that it's the parent directory). If MyExample.class is located in the current working directory, the system would not find it.
    Two less frequently used command line features report on class loading and garbage collection. The -verbose:class option reports when a class is loaded into the Java virtual machine and from where it came. For instance, if you use the -verbose:class option when loading the SwingSet2 demo that comes with the J2SE 1.4.2 SDK, you get a report on the many different classes that are loaded as part of the demo, such the following two:
    java -verbose:class -jar
    [Loaded FilePreviewer]
    [Loaded javax.swing.plaf.TableUI from
    The first line indicates that the class came from the main JAR for the demo (assuming it was started with java -jar SwingSet2.jar). The second line indicates that the TableUI class was loaded from the rt.jar file that comes with the runtime located in the c:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre directory. (From there, the rt.jar file is located in the lib subdirectory.) Different implementations of the Java platform can have different formats here. The only requirement is that -verbose:class displays messages as classes get loaded and unloaded.
    Let's see when classes are loaded, and how many classes are needed for the following simple program:
    public class Sample {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("Hello, World");
    Compile the Sample class. Then run it with the -verbose:class option enabled:
    java -verbose:class Sample
    When you run the command, you'll see that this simple program requires the opening of five jar files (such as rt.jar) and the loading of almost 250 classes.
    To see an example of a class unloading message, try the -verbose:class command line option with the RunItReload class shown in the August 19, 2003 Tech Tip titled Unloading and Reloading Classes.
    The -verbose:gc option reports on each garbage collection event. This includes the time for garbage collection to run, and the before and after heap sizes. This is demonstrated in the following lines:
    [GC 27872K->26296K(42216K), 0.0069590 secs]
    [GC 28973K->26455K(42216K), 0.0036812 secs]
    [GC 29134K->26474K(42216K), 0.0016388 secs]
    [GC 29117K->26487K(42216K), 0.0008859 secs]
    [GC 29134K->26498K(42216K), 0.0009197 secs]
    [GC 29180K->26479K(42216K), 0.0008711 secs]
    [GC 29149K->26484K(42216K), 0.0008716 secs]
    Like the output for -verbose:class, there is no requirement for output format, and it is subject to change without notice. The "GC" at the beginning indicates what kind of collection occurred. The number before the "->" is the heap occupancy before the collection. The number after the "->" is the heap occupancy after the collection. The number in parentheses is the currently allocated size of the heap. The seconds are the duration of the collection.
    This information can be useful in debugging. For example, it could help you determine if garbage collection happened at a critical point in time, and might have caused a program to crash. This sometimes happens when mixing Java and C/C++ code with JNI, especially when there is an underlying bug on the C/C++ code side.
    If you're ever curious about why it takes so long for an application to start, or if garbage collection in the middle of an operation appears to cause a problem, be sure to try out these command line options.
    hope it helps

  • Excel Interop

    Hi there!  We have a proposal template in Excel that, in my code, I export to a JPG and attach to an e-mail.  I've been using Excel Interop for this.  Since we've upgraded to .NET 4.5 it isn't working.  I understand there's been some
    changes.  I'll admit I don't understand this stuff.  I grabbed some code off the internet, modified it and have been using it.
    The thing is, the code is working on my development machine, but not on a couple of my test machines once I compile it and deploy.  I don't quite know why.  The Interop assemblies are on all the machines.  Here's my code:
    Sub ExportProposalToJPG(ByVal path As String)
    '' See if excel is open, if so, need to close
    Dim excelCount As Integer = 0
    For Each myProcess As Process In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses
    If UCase(Mid$(myProcess.ProcessName, 1, 5)) = "EXCEL" Then
    excelCount += 1
    End If
    MsgBox(Str(excelCount) + " instances of Excel closed.")
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Environ("Temp") & "\proposal.jpg") Then
    My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(Environ("Temp") & "\proposal.jpg")
    End If
    Dim excel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
    Dim wb As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
    Dim ws As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
    Dim MyChart As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart
    Dim objPict As Object
    Dim RgCopy As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range
    excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
    excel.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim myFilename As String
    myFilename = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path) & "\" & "~$" & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path)
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(myFilename) Then
    End If
    wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(path, 2, True)
    excel.Visible = False
    ws = wb.ActiveSheet
    'RgCopy = Application.InputBox("Select the range to copy / Saveas", "Selection Save", Selection.Address, Type:=8)
    RgCopy = excel.Range("A1", "K63")
    RgCopy.CopyPicture(XlPictureAppearance.xlScreen, XlCopyPictureFormat.xlBitmap)
    objPict = excel.Selection
    With objPict
    .CopyPicture(1, 1) ':=1
    MyChart = excel.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(1, 1, .Width + 8, .Height + 8).Chart
    End With
    With MyChart
    .Export(Environ("Temp") & "\proposal.jpg")
    End With
    MyChart = Nothing
    MsgBox("Proposal Exported.")
    Exit Sub
    RgCopy = Nothing
    objPict = Nothing
    MyChart = Nothing
    ws = Nothing
    wb = Nothing
    End Try
    excel = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub
    Here is the error I get:
    See the end of this message for details on invoking 
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010105): The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT))
       at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
       at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.CopyPicture(XlPictureAppearance Appearance, XlCopyPictureFormat Format)
       at EwingDataApplication.Utilities.ExportProposalToJPG(String path)
       at EwingDataApplication.SendEmail.setPath(String path)
       at EwingDataApplication.EditSignWorkOrder.Button8_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ************** Loaded Assemblies **************
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18444 built by: FX451RTMGDR
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/tewing.EWINGGRAPHICS/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/XCDV80Z3.63R/6NBNX34M.P4H/ewin..tion_9b22d5a3b42c0366_0001.0000_74bc74471f410f1b/EwingDataApplication.exe
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 11.0.50938.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34238 built by: FX452RTMGDR
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34245 built by: FX452RTMGDR
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Runtime.Remoting.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.34234 built by: FX452RTMGDR
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/tewing.EWINGGRAPHICS/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/XCDV80Z3.63R/6NBNX34M.P4H/ewin..tion_9b22d5a3b42c0366_0001.0000_74bc74471f410f1b/Ewing.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 2.2.0
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/tewing.EWINGGRAPHICS/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/XCDV80Z3.63R/6NBNX34M.P4H/ewin..tion_9b22d5a3b42c0366_0001.0000_74bc74471f410f1b/Npgsql.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Transactions.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/tewing.EWINGGRAPHICS/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0/XCDV80Z3.63R/6NBNX34M.P4H/ewin..tion_9b22d5a3b42c0366_0001.0000_74bc74471f410f1b/Mono.Security.DLL
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 15.0.4675.1003
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel/
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 15.0.4675.1002
        CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/office/
    ************** JIT Debugging **************
    To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
    application or computer (machine.config) must have the
    jitDebugging value set in the section.
    The application must also be compiled with debugging
    For example:
        < jitDebugging="true" />
    When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
    will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
    rather than be handled by this dialog box.
    Is this enough info to get some help?  Am I going in the wrong direction?  Is Interop not the way to go on this?  I want to save an Excel sheet from my database, export it to an image, and attach it to my work order.  This worked before
    we upgraded our server. 
    Dave Sharpe
    Ewing Graphics

    Without really looking at the all of the error information apparently your non development machines must be different in some fashion from your development machine if you've installed your app onto your development machine and it works without being run
    from Visual Studio.
    Just because some .Dlls are on all the machines does not mean they are all the same .Dll's with regard to version or other properties.
    Are all the machines x86 or x64? Is the development machine running x86 or x64 Office? Which version of Office? Is that same version of office (x86 or x64) installed on the non development machines?
    It's possible that using the references on your development machine to install with your app would resolve issues. To do that see this thread
    Line and Rectangle shapes in VS 2013 that provides instruction on how to make your app provide copies of all referenced assemblies so they can be included with the app when it gets installed on a system.
    Also see
    .Net 4.5 - How the Runtime Locates Assemblies.
    And obviously the non development machines have .Net 4.5 installed on them as that is what your app is compiled to.
    La vida loca

  • UTF8, Media and nacional chars - Maybe bug, not sure

    I create Media object using XML like this:
    if (event.type == PullParser.TEXT) {
       if( == "url" and event.level == 2) {
          if("{event.text.trim()}" != "")
             parserHelper.url = event.text;
    if( == "song" and event.level == 1) { = Media{
         source: parserHelper.url
       insert parserHelper into songs;
    }i get exception:
    FX Media Object caught Exception Unsupported media: file:///F:/&#379;ywio&#322;ak/epopeja_wandalska.mp3
        source ='file:///F:/&#379;ywio&#322;ak/epopeja_wandalska.mp3' Unsupported media: file:///F:/&#379;ywio&#322;ak/epopeja_wandalska.mp3
            at Method)
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable$2.action(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable$2.action(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.util.AbstractLinkable.iterate(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable.notifyListeners(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable.replaceValue(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.ObjectVariable.set(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractVariable$5.apply(
            at com.sun.javafx.runtime.location.AbstractVariable.needDefault(
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.lambda(Main.fx:67)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.lambda(Main.fx:67)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.invoke(Main.fx:41)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.invoke(Main.fx:41)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.invoke(Main.fx:41)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$1.invoke(Main.fx:41)
            at pl.koziolekweb.fxmusicplayer.Main$2.lambda(Main.fx:94)In my opinion problem is a '&#379;' and '&#322;' chars in filenames. I tried with other characters like &#261;,&#281;,&#347;,&#378;,&#263; etc. and results were the same.
    My question is:
    Is any restrictions in JavaFX on the use nacional characters or this is a bug?

    Sorry guysy iPhone says unable to download application at this time and I try all day and it still won't let me download no matter how hard I try.

  • Use ContextPath to Access File

    I am using JDeveloper
    In my application I am providing print capability to print a Jasper report. Currently the .jrxml file is stored within a location on my C: drive. Ultimately I would like to get the file within the application so that it can be portable to any platform and so that the developer doesn't have to place the file in that specific C: drive location. All of the current functionality works fine.
    So here is what I have done to move the file to the application. The .jrxml file is now stored in the following location within JDeveloper: "/Web Content/reportFormat"
    I am using the following code to get the context path:
    FacesContext lFacesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpServletRequest lRequest =
    String lContextPath = lRequest.getContextPath();
    String lReportFilePath = lContextPath + "/reportFormat";
    The issue I am having is that the application at run time can't find my .jrxml file there. In fact ADF can't find that location. Could you please provide guidance on how to access the runtime location of the .jrxml file?
    Edited by: 915963 on May 24, 2012 1:39 PM

    In my case, I put the jrxml files in a folder localized in ViewController/src/%NAME_FOLDER%. And in the java file, I did:
                    FacesContext lFacesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                    HttpServletRequest lRequest =
                    String reportFolder = "report";
              String path = "/WEB-INF/classes/" + reportFolder + "/"+relatorio.getNameReport();
                    path = lRequest .getRealPath(path); //here is a magic
                    //continue jasper processingRegards,

  • Windows AIR application hang

    We've been testeing out our app on a few machines.  It uses some native code, so it was exported as an exe installer from flash builder.  We've installed it on a handful of machines successfully, but ran into a problem today.  The installer hangs and doesn't come back.  Below is the Install.log from the hang:
    [2011-05-31:19:49:56] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-05-31:19:49:57] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-05-31:19:49:57] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\Users\SUDHIR~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR637.tmp\Secure Documents"
    [2011-05-31:19:49:58] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-05-31:19:49:58] Commandline is: "C:\Users\SUDHIR~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR637.tmp\Secure Documents"
    [2011-05-31:19:49:58] Installed runtime ( located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-05-31:19:49:59] Validating app in folder C:\Users\SUDHIR~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR637.tmp\Secure Documents
    [2011-05-31:19:50:01] Application signature verified [2011-05-31:19:50:01] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-05-31:19:50:01] No app located for appID 'SecureDocuments' and pubID ''
    and it stays here forever.
    Here is the next line that should happen (taken from a machine where the installer completed successfully)
    [2011-05-31:09:15:30] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files. Installing app SecureDocuments version 0.80 using the source file at file:///C:/Users/TYSONG~1/AppData/Local/Temp/AIRCCB4.tmp/Secure%20Documents
    So it appears that the installer isn't really even starting.  We also tried installing and uninstalling air 2.6 before running the installer.  No go.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks much.

    Forgot to mention that when running in win 2000, it seems that there are many exceptions caught by ODP (probably) and are not propagated to my code.
    I know this because we are using perfmon to monitor the number of exceptions.

  • AIR Application installs successfully but no GUI appears on startup

    I have an AIR application that was exported to Release Build as a Native Installer (*.exe as I am using Windows).  I install the application on a Windows box with no error.  See log file below :
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture"
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Commandline is: C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Validating app in folder C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Application signature verified
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] No app located for appID 'ActualCapture' and pubID ''
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual. Installing app ActualCapture version 0.0.0 using the source file at file:///C:/Users/actual/AppData/Local/Temp/AIR5755.tmp/ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Installing msi at C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture\setup.msi with guid {3345C675-010C-A907-7ADE-BC8B0927E7E9}
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual\ActualCapture\ActualCapture.exe
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application installer success
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Bootstrapper success
    However when I run the installed application, nothing appears.  No GUI is present as I would expect but on checking the task manager, the application .exe is listed as a running process?  This problem has only appeared with two recently purchased Dell machines that have Windows Professional Service Pack 1 operating system installed.  The same application was installed on a laptop with Windows Professional Service Pack 1 and works fine!
    Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    I have an AIR application that was exported to Release Build as a Native Installer (*.exe as I am using Windows).  I install the application on a Windows box with no error.  See log file below :
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime located (
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" "C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture"
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Commandline is: C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:42] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Validating app in folder C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Application signature verified
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-07-14:15:21:43] No app located for appID 'ActualCapture' and pubID ''
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Starting app installation to C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual. Installing app ActualCapture version 0.0.0 using the source file at file:///C:/Users/actual/AppData/Local/Temp/AIR5755.tmp/ActualCapture
    [2011-07-14:15:21:47] Installing msi at C:\Users\actual\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR5755.tmp\ActualCapture\setup.msi with guid {3345C675-010C-A907-7ADE-BC8B0927E7E9}
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual\ActualCapture\ActualCapture.exe
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Application installer success
    [2011-07-14:15:21:48] Bootstrapper success
    However when I run the installed application, nothing appears.  No GUI is present as I would expect but on checking the task manager, the application .exe is listed as a running process?  This problem has only appeared with two recently purchased Dell machines that have Windows Professional Service Pack 1 operating system installed.  The same application was installed on a laptop with Windows Professional Service Pack 1 and works fine!
    Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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