Russell Brown's Paper Textures Extension

Although you cannot add new textures to Russell Brown's Paper Textures Extension, I discovered by accident that you can stack the textures that are included in the Extension.  (This also is true in CS5.)

Hello! Yes, it is on purpose, and explained in this video: Useful, isn't it?

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    You can't add textures in the current version of this panel from Dr. Brown. It appears that both the textures files themselfs and the thumbnails that appear in the panel are hard-coded.
    If you want to use additional textures with his panel you will have to wait for an updated version. He says in the video that demonstrates this panel that he plans on expanding it so that it will work of other textures.
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    If you installed it no problem and can see it in the menu item, I suppose Extension Manager has done its work well. You can ask the author's help.

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    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
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    Flash based extensions are not supported by PS CC 2014 anymore. Please refer to,
    And (scroll down to "Why don’t my 3rd Panels show up in the 2014 release of Photoshop CC? What happened to Oil Paint, Mini-Bridge & Kuler?”)
    There is a new Kuler HTML5 panel available on Add Ons:
    If some extensions are not supported by PS CC 2014, you have to continue to use them in PS CC until their HTML based counterparts become available.

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  • Adobe Paper Textures Pro | Adobe Exchange | Adobe TV

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    Hi Bob,
    Thanks for the feedback. The Pro version is at least currently not all that different from the standard version which is free at this point the main thing is that it adds more textures. We are just about to give away some free textures from Flypaper Textures in fact they are available now from the Adobe Exchange Panel.
    There are lots of new products that have been added for Photoshop and the other 8 Adobe apps we support. We hope you like them and please remember to rate and review the products you download to help other users.
    Jonathan Ferman | Product Manager

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    J. Paul

    From the Panel description it seems that this product should be available under the Window > Extensions folder in Photoshop
    Kind regards,

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    Can you advise?
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

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    Yes! 10 of the textures begin with Fly_Edges and that helped me find them all. Thank you. So now it looks like, if additional textures are to be added, a workaround is still needed though. Playing around with this extension for a few minutes, I found that, if you add a texture to the folder that had already been processed, and a thumbnails subfolder exists, the extension will not re-process. It will simply use the thumbnails already there and won't look for any new textures. To work around this (and maybe there's an easier way), I had to delete the thumbnails subfolder. That way, it reprocessed the textures folder and found the new texture(s). However, the re-processing can take some time (about 40 seconds on my computer for 58 textures; hundreds or thousands can take a considerable amount of time although I'm not sure if there is a limit on the number of textures it can handle). You can also place the new textures in a separate folder and have the extension "add" those. It will replace the current textures with the new ones but create a thumbnail for the new textures as well. Then you can copy the new textures to the old textures folder and the new thumbnails to the old textures subfolder and then have the extension add the old textures folder back. That way the Thumbnails do not have to be re-created. Or, you can set up an action in PS that will reduce the new texture to 35 pixels square (the size of the thumbnails), save that to the Thumbnails subfolder the extension is using and move the new textures to the textures folder that the extension is using as well. The new textures will appear there the next time you open the extension. All these will work but none of them is particularly easy. You would think that a company like Adobe would simply just get it right.

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