RV042G - PPPoE and DMZ Range

Is there anybody at Cisco that could escalate a change in the firmware with engineering?  I have called, emailed, posted on this forum, etc., about this and have been told it would be sent to engineering and I have never heard anything further.
The issue is:  I have a DSL business account that connects using PPPoE.  I have a /29 IP block that is routed through that connection.  When I set WAN 1 to PPPoE, I can't set a range in DMZ.  It REQUIRES a Static IP on WAN 1.  If I set the DMZ range and then change the WAN 1 back to PPPoE, it will connect and it does work, however I can't trust it since there is a check in the firmware.  I would be willing to beta test this if I could get someone to assist in getting the change made to the firmware.
I think this would be a simple change to a router than could be a big deal.  There are tons of small businesses that are going this route and there aren't a lot of routers that will accommodate this without spending a ton of money. 
ANY help would be appreciated!!

Cindy - Thanks for you continued interest in helping me solve this.  It seems to be a relatively simple change to make. Not requiring that WAN 1 have a Static IP when the DMZ is set to an IP range, would solve the issue.  PPPoE static accounts will route multiple public IPs through a WAN connection so it isn't necessary to always have a Static IP type .  I know you are attempting to simplify the interface for novices, but there needs to be an expert mode that allows people who know what they are doing to not be frustrated.
Sadly, I have a list of ticket numbers and I am not sure which one was for this issue.  It should be under my username sp1152211811 and it would be the last one.  The call was made 3-4 months ago and the tech indicated he would escalate. I also emailed a support engineer - who had sent me the RV042G and told me it would work - and explained the issue.  He told me to call and put a ticket in which I did.  I should have written down the badge number of the tech.  He acted like he thought it was a great idea and the RV042G should have worked that way to start with.
Last night I switched to a TP-Link router, however I am open to going back to the RV042G if this issue could be resolved.

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    iface ppp0 inet ppp
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    provider dsl-provider-local
    auto ppp1
    iface ppp1 inet ppp
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    user "myuser@radius-domain"
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    # Override default LCP parameters from /etc/ppp/options
    Ethernet profile:
    Description='A basic static ethernet connection'
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    I used to use ubuntu & if you reboot into it (if you can) & run:
    $ ifconfig
    you will see eth0 & ppp1
    ppp1 will be set as the default gateway.
    Your issue in Arch is that you currently want the PPPoE interface to be the same as your LAN, this will not work at best you will need to bridge the 2 BUT I think what you should do is use the networkmanager profile as a guide & have  netctl create an adsl interface called ppp1 & set that as the default gateway
    # Override default LCP parameters from /etc/ppp/options
    I think this will work, try it & good luck
    I do not use netctl as I use dhcp but you might even be able to configure netctl to set ppp1 as default gateway as a "post-up" command OR just create a systemd service to do it after the relevant netctl services are up
    Last edited by t0m5k1 (2013-06-18 17:56:02)

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    Hi Friends,
    I have a issue to fix. The issue is releated to PR.
    There are some PR's in the system which has wrong release strategy picked up or wrong approvers picked up due to some congif change. now that the config changes are rectified correctly, we need to find a solution to correct the PR's which got affected due this.
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    Can anyone suggest how can we retrigger the PR in bulk or individual to all the affected PR's, so that it picks up correct release strategy as per new config changes.
    Manjunath K

    Refer the discussion to triggers release again on release code addition/change in release strategy.
    release code is changed on PR release strategy - old PR can´t be approved
    Biju K

  • Could you check our source? (To determine the PR type and number range)

    We use SRM Server5.5 with Classic Scenario.
    We will use the BADI BBP_SC_TRANSFER_BE to determine the PR type and number range according to your recommend.
    We have two PR type in R/3.
    1) KGPR
    2) KTR1
    As you know that shopping cart has no type. So we add customer field to mapping to R/3 PR type and this field has two values.
    1)     PR01: mapping to KGPR
    2)     PR02: mapping to KTR1
    We will use the method GROUP_RQ to determine the PR type.
    If customer field is PR01, PR type is determined KGPR
    If customer field is PR002, PR type is determined KTR1.
    To determine the PR number range, we will use the method GET_NUMBER_OR_RANGE.
    If PR type is KGPR, Choose the No key 12
    If PR type is KTR1, Choose the No key 16.
    Configuration step:
    1.     Maintain the PR number range in SRM.
    No key: 12  (for KGPR) internal NR
    No range: 2520000000 – 2529000000
    No key: 16 (for KTR1) internal NR
    No range: 2560000000 – 2569000000
    2.     Maintain the PR number range in R/3
    No key: 12  (for KGPR) Ext NR
    No range: 2520000000 – 2529000000
    No key: 16 (for KTR1) Ext NR
    No range: 2560000000 – 2569000000
    3.     Assign the PR number range to PR type in R/3
    KGPR – 12 (EXT)
    KTR1 – 16 (EXT)
    4.     Maintain the attribute in SRM
    Document type in R/3
          Add KGPR and KTR1
    We developed this logic, but it’s not working.
    LOOP AT ct_proc_item INTO ls_proc_item “ Where is no date in ct_proc_item:
    We can not find out the reason.
    Could you check our source?
    METHOD if_ex_bbp_sc_transfer_be~group_rq.
           ls_proc_item           TYPE bbps_procurement,
           lv_number_int          TYPE bbp_item_no,
           ls_item                TYPE bbp_pds_transfer_item,
           lv_group_counter       TYPE numc5,
          lc_on(1)               VALUE 'X'.
      SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen.
      CLEAR: lv_group_counter.
    LOOP AT ct_proc_item INTO ls_proc_item  
    where obj_to_gen eq iv_object_to_generate.
    get item data which includes customer fields
        MOVE ls_proc_item-preq_item TO lv_number_int. " convert
        READ TABLE it_item INTO ls_item WITH KEY number_int = lv_number_int.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          IF ls_item-pr_type EQ 'PR01'.
            ls_proc_item-doc_type = 'KGRP'.
          ELSEIF ls_item-pr_type EQ 'PR02'.
            ls_proc_item-doc_type = 'KTR1'.
          ENDIF. " lv_cust_field
          lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
          ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
          MODIFY ct_proc_item FROM ls_proc_item
                 TRANSPORTING group_1.
        ENDIF.  " sy-subrc
      cv_method_active = lc_on.
      if is_item-pr_type = 'PR01'.
         CV_NUMBER_RANGE = '12'.
         CV_NUMBER = '2520000000'.
      elseif is_item-pr_type = 'PR02'.
         CV_NUMBER_RANGE = '16'.
         CV_NUMBER = '2560000000'.
      endif. " is_proc_item / is_item
    Thank you
    Best Regard

    Please find some suitable sample code, which might help you out.
    *   '1' Reservation
    *   '2' Purchase Requsition (BANF)
    *   '3' Purchase Order
    *   '4' Customer Object
    * 1. current item data are in structures
    *    - IS_ITEM shopping cart item data including Customer Fields
    *    - IS_PROC backend relevant item purchasing data
    * 2. accounting data in tables
    *    - IT_ACCOUNT all shopping cart account. data with Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ACCOUNT backend relevant accounting data for current item
    *  - key criteria between this tables are
    *    - it_proc_account-preq_item
    *                     -serial_no (numc 2)
    *    - guid from is_item
    *    - it_account-p_guid
    *                -accno(numc 4)
    * A) example to use current item data + item customer fields
    *  if is_proc_item-DOC_TYPE = 'ABCD' AND
    *     is_item-<field of CI_BBP_ITEM> = .
    * set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *  endif. " is_proc_item / is_item
    * B) example to use only proc_account no accounting customer fields
    *     ls_proc_account   type bbp_bapipogna.
    *  loop at it_proc_account
    *            into ls_proc_account.
    *    if ls_proc_account-BUS_AREA = '9988'.
    ** set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *     endif. " ls_proc_account
    *  endloop.
    * C) example to use only accounting customer fields, no other accounting
    *     ls_account        type bbp_pds_acc.
    *  loop at it_account
    *            into ls_account
    *            where p_guid = is_item-guid.
    *    if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    ** set own number range
    *  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    *  CV_NUMBER = .
    *   endif. " ls_account
    *  endloop.
    * D) example to use proc_account + customer fields for accounting
    *     lv_serial_no      type bbp_bapipogna-serial_no,  " sequence num 2
    *     lv_acc_no         type bbp_pds_acc-acc_no,       " sequence num 4
    *     ls_proc_account   type bbp_bapipogna,
    *     ls_account        type bbp_pds_acc.
    *  loop at it_proc_account
    *            into ls_proc_account.
    *    move ls_proc_account-serial_no to lv_acc_no.
    *    read table it_account
    *         into ls_account
    *         with key p_guid = is_item-guid
    *                  acc_no = lv_acc_no.
    *    if sy-subrc = 0.
    **     if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    ** set own number range
    **  CV_NUMBER_RANGE = .
    ** set own number
    ** .. ==> if initial SAP Standard with no.range will be processed
    **  CV_NUMBER = .
    **      endif. " ls_account
    *    endif. " sy-subrc
    *  endloop.
    * 1. current item data are in structures
    *    - IT_ITEM all shopping cart item data including Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ITEM backend relevant item data of current log.system
    *    key criteria between this tables are:
    *    - IT_ITEM-NUMBER_INT (numc 10)
    *    - IT_PROC_ITEM       (numc  5)
    * 2. accounting data in tables
    *    - IT_ACCOUNT all shopping cart account. data incl. Customer Fields
    *    - IT_PROC_ACCOUNT backend relevant accounting data for current item
    *  - key criteria between this tables are
    *    - it_proc_account-preq_item (numc 5)
    *                     -serial_no (numc 2)
    *    - is_item-guid
    *             -number_int (numc 10)
    *    - it_account-p_guid
    *                -accno(numc 4)
          lc_on(1)               VALUE 'X'.
    * A) example to use only proc_item with NO customer fields
    *         group requisitions by backend document type
    *data: lv_doc_type            TYPE esart,
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lv_group_counter       type numc5.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_doc_type.
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen doc_type.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** new group criteria?
    *      if lv_doc_type ne ls_proc_item-doc_type.     " backend doc.type
    *        lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *        lv_doc_type      = ls_proc_item-doc_type.       " save criteria
    *      endif.
    *      ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *      modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *             transporting group_1.
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * B) example to use item customer fields
    * data:
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lv_cust_field          type <field of ci_bbp_item>.
    *      lv_number_int          type BBP_ITEM_NO,
    *      ls_item                type BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ITEM.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_cust_field .
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** get item data which includes customer fields
    *      move ls_proc_item-preq_item to lv_number_int. " convert
    *      read table it_item
    *           into ls_item
    *           with key number_int = lv_number_int.
    *      if sy-subrc = 0.
    **       new group criteria?
    *        if lv_cust_field ne 'XYZ'.
    *         lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *         lv_cust_field = ls_item-<field of ci_bbp_item>."save criteria
    *        endif. " lv_cust_field
    *        ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *        modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *               transporting group_1.
    *      endif.  " sy-subrc
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * C) example to use accounting data with customer fields
    *            group requisitions by backend document type
    *data: lv_doc_type            TYPE esart,
    *      ls_proc_item           type BBPS_PROCUREMENT,
    *      lt_account             type BBPT_PD_ACC,
    *      ls_account             type bbp_pds_acc,
    *      ls_item                type BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ITEM,
    *      lv_number_int          type BBP_ITEM_NO,
    *      lv_account_flag        type c,
    *      lv_group_counter       type numc5.
    *    clear lv_group_counter.
    *    clear lv_doc_type.
    *    SORT ct_proc_item BY obj_to_gen doc_type.
    *    lt_account[] = it_account[].
    *    SORT lt_account BY p_guid acc_no.
    *    LOOP AT ct_proc_item
    *            into ls_proc_item
    *            WHERE obj_to_gen EQ iv_object_to_generate.
    ** get accounting customer fields for this item
    *    clear lv_account_flag.
    ** ..first get item guid
    *    move ls_proc_item-preq_item to lv_number_int.
    *    read table it_item
    *         into ls_item
    *         with key number_int = lv_number_int.
    *    if sy-subrc = 0.
    *      loop at lt_account
    *           into ls_account
    *           where p_guid = ls_item-guid.
    *        if ls_account-<field of CI_BBP_ACC> = .
    *           lv_account_flag = lc_on.
    *        endif.
    *      endloop.
    *    endif. " sy-subrc it_item
    ** new group criteria?
    *      if lv_doc_type ne ls_proc_item-doc_type OR     " backend doc.type
    *         lv_account_flag = lc_on.                    " accounting
    *        lv_group_counter = lv_group_counter + 1.   " increase counter
    *        lv_doc_type      = ls_proc_item-doc_type.       " save criteria
    *      endif.
    *      ls_proc_item-group_1 = lv_group_counter.
    *      modify ct_proc_item from ls_proc_item
    *             transporting group_1.
    *    ENDLOOP.
    * !!!! set flag that BADI was processed
    * .. ==> no SAP Standard grouping will be processed
        cv_method_active = lc_on.
    Hope this will help.
    Please reward suitable points, incase it suits your requirements.
    - Atul

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    Many thanks

    thanks very much for your reply. This information is very useful.
    Just one more question:
    WIth which Customer Number will reallocated customer end up? the originial one or does the customer get a new number relating to the number range of its new customer account group?
    Many thanks,

  • What is the PPPOE and PASSWORD

    We are trying to connect a PS3 to the fios router and its asking for the PPPOE and PASSWORD.  What is this?  How do we find this out? We tried our Verizon username and passcode.  That is not working.  Plz help!

    You are probably connecting wrong if it asking this.  Only the router itself needs this info with FIOS service (and that is assuming you are in one of the few areas where FIOS uses pppoe.

  • BBP_BS_GROUP_BE for new document type and number range

    Hi gurus,
    I am working on Classic scenario in SRM and currently have used the above BADI to use a different document type and number range when creating the PO in the backend system. It all works fine. The only thing is I noticed that the BE_DOC_TYPE field in the shopping cart is still reflected as 'EC' even though the PO created in ECC is for example EC1. My question: Is this standard SRM? If so, is it common to leave this field as it is or is it advisable for us to change the document type to EC1 as well? Also, is there any implication in standard SRM reporting and downstream processes that you are aware of?
    Appreciate any advice on the above.

    We have ended up having to populate the document type on a custom field or alternatively replace the existing one.

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