Rxvt-unicode, TERM and visible content redraw (CTRL+L)

I've recently switched to rxvt-unicode (from community) from gnome-terminal. The thing is that with the default TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color I can see the screen being redrawn, e.g. when I hit CTRL+L while I'm in the shell or when I use Page-Down/Up in VIM. It looks as if there was some kind of double-buffering lacking. In other words: open rxvt-unicode and when I hit CTRL+L I can see the shell prompt being redrawn (it's fast but still noticeable).
The phenomenon doesn't exist in gnome-terminal. What's even more important, it doesn't exist in rxvt-unicode when I'm in tmux (which I have set to use TERM=screen-256color inside).
What's also worth noting is that when I set TERM to screen-256color in rxvt itself (not using tmux) the flickering while the screen is redrawn is also gone. But I don't want to use it like this - it's never a good idea to mix TERM settings.
Has anyone solved this problem without setting TERM to some non-rxvt value?
Last edited by piotr.domagalski (2012-09-16 14:32:46)

thisoldman wrote:
I normally have laststatus=2, it's in my default .vimrc.  I'm not surprised at a flicker from vim's status bar, the information has to be reevaluated and the characters redrawn with every cursor movement.
I don't use transparency with urxvt, could that be an aggravating factor for the prompt flicker?  I also wonder if screen flicker is as noticeable with a different shell or a different prompt?
Does bash-completion affect the flicker?  It used to affect the redrawing of my PS1 but I haven't had that app installed for a couple of years now.
No, I don't think it has anything to do with bash-completion. It is not a shell specific problem.
I think it's something more low level, lack of some buffering or using it if TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color. You can see this effect in many applications (mocp, vim) when you force the terminal to be redrawn with ctrl+l. There's no such flicker with gnome-terminal (haven't tested other vte-based, though).
And it's not that there's a major flaw in rxvt-unicode because by simply using tmux I can make this flickering stop in all these situations.
Last edited by piotr.domagalski (2012-09-16 17:52:59)

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    File tempFile = null;
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    InputStream is = null;
    try {
         tempFile = "c:/ThaiText.txt";
         fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
         is = theFile.getInputStream();
         // Transfer bytes from in to out
         byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
         int len;
         while ((len = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
              fos.write(buf, 0, len);
         logger.info("fileName$$=" + tempFile.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    } finally {
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    public static String readContentNonUTF8(String path) {
         FileInputStream fis = null;
         String value = "";
         try {
              fis = new FileInputStream(path);
              byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
              int len;
              while ((len = fis.read(buf)) > 0) {
                   String tmp = new String(buf, 0, len);
                   value = value.concat(new String(tmp.getBytes()));
         } catch (Exception e) {
         } finally {
              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {
         return value;

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    Has anyone else noticed this?  It's quite distracting when I'm typing in emacs and I've finally become annoyed enough to get this ball rolling.
    Duplicating the Bug
    Open a rxvt-unicode terminal and launch emacs with the following comand:
    emacs -nw
    Create a new emacs buffer named "foo".
    Switch the buffer "foo" to "text-mode".
    Turn on the "visual-line-mode" minor mode.
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    The third space will advance the cursor but not erase the cursor from its previous position, making it look twice as wide.  Entering a third character will advance the cursor once more, and things will look normal again.
    Failed Workarounds
    In my attempt to understand the problem, I have tried a few things which don't seem to help.
    Setting the TERM environment variable to various values including "linux", "screen", "vt100", "vt102", etc.
    Turning cursor blinking on and off in the rxvt-unicode configuration.
    Successful Workarounds
    I have discovered a few workarounds, which may give some clues as to the root of the problem.
    If I use rxvt-unicode to launch an instance of Gnu Screen and run emacs inside of that, the problem disappears.
    If I run emacs emacs inside of an xterm instead of rxvt-unicode the problem disappears.
    If I set column-number-mode in emacs as suggested by the aforementioned livejournal post, the problem will also disappear.
    Last edited by battlepanic (2011-11-21 20:00:53)

    I spoke with someone familiar with rxvt-unicode and got some answers.  It seems that this is likely related to tab characters being output instead of spaces which may be an emacs optimization of some sort.  Turning on the +ptab switch when invoking rxvt-unicode seems to elimnate the issue.  A log of my discussion follows for anyone curious.
    < __OoO__ > battlp: emacs outputs a tab character
    < __OoO__ > battlp: which is "wide"
    < __OoO__ > battlp: so you don't see an extra cursor, just the cursor
    itself is wider
    < __OoO__ > battlp: you can probably work around this emacs issue by
    using "+ptab" when strating urxvt
    < battlp > __OoO__: interesting. Is this "wide" cursor a unique
    feature of urxvt? I've tested all the other terms I can
    think of and haven't seen the same thing.
    < __OoO__ > any temrinal has this
    < __OoO__ > but only urxvt can store tabs
    < __OoO__ > thats mostly useful when you want to paste text and want
    tabs intact
    < __OoO__ > because other terminals always convert tabs to whitespace
    < __OoO__ > sorry, spaces
    < battlp > Not your domain, I know, but any clue why emacs would be
    spitting a tab in this plain "text" mode. It seems
    < __OoO__ > tab is both a tab character as you are used to
    < __OoO__ > as well as a cursor movement
    < __OoO__ > for emacs, it's probably an optimization
    < __OoO__ > 9000 cpu cycles wasted to avoid an extra space going over
    your serial line
    < __OoO__ > on second thought, its pretty bizarre, because thereis
    only one space
    < __OoO__ > but then, can happen if your screen engine it too
    < battlp > I also can't predict which spaces will do this. Running
    emacs inside of screen eliminates the issue, to, which I
    also don't understand.
    < __OoO__ > likely, screen's engine isn't so cool and uses plain old
    spaces or cursor movements
    < __OoO__ > which spaces - probably the ones falling directly before a
    tab boundary, i.e. at 7th, 15th etc.
    < __OoO__ > column
    < battlp > That sounds like it might be the spots where I'm seeing it.
    Turning on emacs' column-number-mode Make it disappear for
    the most part, except when backspacing.
    < __OoO__ > so will +ptab, which tells urxvt to treat tab as a cursor
    movement only
    < battlp > Just tried to measure it with ruler-mode and of course that
    makes it disappear as well.
    < battlp > Yep, +ptab makes it go away.

  • [SOLVED] rxvt-unicode font color too dark

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    Here is my .bashrc:
    Xcursor.theme: Obsidian
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*geometry: 120x70
    URxvt*depth: 32
    URxvt*jumpScroll: true
    URxvt*skipScroll: true
    URxvt*visualBell: false
    URxvt*buffered: true
    URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/6666
    URxvt*foreground: rgba:aaaa/aaaa/aaaa/7777
    URxvt*transparent: false
    URxvt*fading: 10
    URxvt*fadeColor: grey
    URxvt*shading: 75
    URxvt*font: xft:Terminus-12
    URxvt*boldFont: xft:Terminus-12-bold
    URxvt*urlLauncher: google-chrome
    URxvt.matcher.button: 2
    URxvt.perl-ext-common: matcher,clipboard
    URxvt.perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/matcher
    URxvt*intensityStyles: true
    URxvt*internalBorder: 0
    URxvt*externalBorder: 1
    URxvt*borderLess: false
    URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode
    urxvt.colorBD: #ffffff
    urxvt.colorIT: #bbbbbb
    urxvt.colorUL: #999999
    urxvt.underlineColor: #999999
    XTerm*Geometry: 100x60
    XTerm*background: Black
    XTerm*foreground: White
    XTerm*scrollBar: false
    XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
    !*background: #121212
    !*color0: #353535
    !*color8: #666666
    !*color1: #AE4747
    !*color9: #EE6363
    !*color2: #556B2F
    !*color10: #9ACD32
    !*color3: #DAA520
    !*color11: #FFC125
    !*color4: #6F99B4
    !*color12: #7C96B0
    !*color5: #8B7B8B
    !*color13: #D8BFD8
    !*color6: #A7A15E
    !*color14: #F0E68C
    !*color7: #DDDDDD
    !*color15: #FFFFFF
    !*foreground: #DDDDDD
    *background: #151515
    *foreground: #ffffff
    *color0: #111111
    *color8: #505050
    *color1: #b04020
    *color9: #dd4010
    *color2: #afd700
    *color10: #daff30
    *color3: #f7cf0a
    !*color11: #fce70d
    *color11: #ff9600
    *color4: #3060aa
    *color12: #6099dd
    *color5: #d6156c
    *color13: #fe4365
    *color6: #a0c2de
    *color14: #c9dee8
    *color7: #cacaca
    *color15: #b0b0b0
    (changing the last two lines to FFFFFF makes no difference)
    NC="\e[0m" # No Color
    PS1="\[$BLUE\]ââ\[$PURPLE\][ \[$YELLOW\]\$(date +%D) $(date +%r) \[$PURPLE\]][ \[$LIGHTGREEN\]\w \[$PURPLE\]]\n\[$BLUE\]ââ\[$YELLOW\]> \[$LIGHTGRAY\]"
    ^^ When on the PS1 line there I change the end from LIGHTGRAY to WHITE, only the first couple lines appear white sometimes, others it appears as it should:
    Appreciate any help, thanks
    Last edited by colbert (2011-07-05 03:04:36)

    URxvt*foreground: rgba:aaaa/aaaa/aaaa/7777
    I think this is your font color. Have you tried changing it?
    XTerm*foreground: White
    This one is for xterm so no wonder it doesn't do anything in urxvt.
    Edit: Setting
    urxvt.foreground: #aaaaaa
    does produce dark font, '#ffffff' gets me bright white, as expected.
    Last edited by karol (2011-07-04 23:32:06)

  • Bug?: rxvt-unicode not allowed to run top, irssi and so on

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    With the latest RXVT-unicode-package (from comunity), I'm not allowed to run programs like top, screen and irssi in it. I've tried to install it on two diferent computers, with the same result:
    [kristian@localhost ~]$ top
    'rxvt-unicode': unknown terminal type.
    [kristian@localhost ~]$ screen
    Cannot find terminfo entry for 'rxvt-unicode'.
    [kristian@localhost ~]$ irssi
    setupterm() failed for TERM=rxvt-unicode: 0
    Can't initialize screen handling, quitting.
    You can still use the dummy mode with -d parameter
    I've seen this happen with earlier binary pacages of "rxvt-unicode." I'm not quite sure how I fixed i back then. I might have built it myself with a PKGBUILD from this forum.
    I can't find urxvt in "/usr/share/terminfo/". I think that's what causes these problems.
    EDIT: Found a cvs-vesion on the aur that works. LINK

    ozar wrote:http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?t=14317
    It's the same bug. Witch means that we'll let this thread die. (I'll mention it in the thread you liked to, yust to be shure.)
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    where i can change this text and enter our own terms and conditions.
    Please help me to resolve this,
    thanks in advance
    siva kumar

    Hi Siva,
    the GTC is shown in the JSP b2c/order/terms_and_conditions.jsp. If you have a look at the file, you will find the following code:
    <isa:translate key="b2c.order.termsAndConds.txt.dmy"/>
    The translate tag will render the language dependant text for the resource key "b2c.order.termsAndConds.txt.dmy". To change the content that is shown you can change the resource text or create your own resource key in the corresponding resource file. The resource files are located in the src-folder of the web application DC.
    Best Regards,
    Peter Kraus
    SAP Web Channel Consultant

  • Storing and re-using term definitions in content

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    I understand that using the hover script would be a separate item using CSS and/or XHTML; however, I'd like to verify that there is a means to store the definitions in ALUI, and if there is a method by which stored definitions could be called into my content items by some sort of in-code command.
    Any advice on what components in ALUI (if any) that could be used to achieve this approach would be greatly appreciated.

    Creating objects and calling methods are explained here: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/index.html
    "Getting Started" and "Learning the Java Language" should give you the basics.

  • Is it possible to show/hide a result text field only if another Text field is visible and has content?

    Please could someone tell me if it is possible to make a text field visible only if another text field is visible and has content?
    I have this which works for the content part, but sometimes the field is hidden, so the script must not apply.
    var v1 = getField("Text1").value;
    event.target.display = v1 !== ""  ?
    display.visible : display.hidden;
    What I need is something along the lines of:
    var v1 = getField("Text1").value;
    event.target.display = (v1 !== "" && v1!=="Hidden") ?
    display.visible : display.hidden;
    Thanks for any advise.

    Thanks for the hints which led me to the right solution. I created a query to check if the trigger for the visibility was there or not, and this works. The script I have used is:
    var v1 = getField("Text1").value;
    var v2 = getField("Checkbox").value;
    var v3 = getField("Text2").value;
    event.target.display = (v1=="" || v3=="" && v2=="On" ) ?
    display.visible : display.hidden;

  • Firefox 4.0.1 (or 5.0) will not display "Terms and Conditions" link content - online registration site, why? (Note Firefox 3.6.18 will).

    At the "URL of affected site", below, the "Terms and Conditions" link will not work on machine1 with Firefox 4.0.1, cookies and caches cleared (I clear "temp" directories too). I updated to Firefox 5.0, the "Terms and Conditions" link still won't work.
    Note that other 'pop up' windows encountered while navigating through the parts look up function (i.e. http://www.fordparts.com/Default.aspx#tabs-2) on that site appear to work fine, with or without pop up windows enabled, in this install of Firefox 4.0.1.
    As a sanity check, I tried the link on machine2, which uses Firefox 4.0.1 also, Windows XP. The "Terms and Conditions" link will not work there either.
    I tried the link on a third machine, with Firefox 3.6.16, also Windows XP, and the "Terms and Conditions" link *does* work there.
    So this would seem to be an incompatibility with Firefox 4.0.1 and/or 5.0. Any ideas [besides regressing back to Firefox 3.6.16 :) ].?

    No errors in error console. No effect using *. I tried using the dns name of my localhost both in the Firefox URL and in the javascript and I get exactly the same. I have spent a huge amount of time looking into this issue.
    One thing I noticed is that if I use the examples on the internet (http://arunranga.com/examples/access-control/preflightInvocation.html or http://saltybeagle.com/cors/) they work in the same browser. These examples however, are accessed through HTTP proxies.
    I am wondering if the issue has to do with using the same hostname just with different ports.

  • Rxvt-unicode 9.16-1 and click to launch url (urlLauncher)

    After upgrading to rxvt-unicode 9.16-1 I found out I can't click to open a url in my browser.
    Turns out
    URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
    doesn't do anything because http://cvs.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/Changes the new version introduced
    INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: renamed urlLauncher resource to url-launcher.
    Sidenote: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/comm … t-unicode/ says that gtk2-perl is an optional dependency to use the urxvt-tabbed, but I've been using urxvt-tabbed w/o it (even after the update).

    I found this with urxvt-perls; I had to change url-select.launcher to get it working again...

  • [~SOLVED] screen + rxvt-unicode scroll

    I'm using screen on top of rxvt-unicode, but I'm unable to achieve desired scrolling behaviour. I have found the following termcapinfo everywhere, even on Arch forums:
    termcapinfo rxvt-unicode ti@:te@ #enable SHIFT-PGUP / SHIFT-PGDOWN scroll
    termcapinfo rxvt ti@:te@
    termcapinfo rxvt 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=07:ds=\E]2;screen07′
    But if I get some output on a window, and then I change to another window and I press Shift+PgUp, I can seen the output from the previous window. Could it be possible to get just the contents of the current window when scrolling? Or does scrolling work this way?
    I think I have $TERM correctly set ("rxvt-unicode" outside from screen, "screen" inside).
    Last edited by panecillo (2009-03-15 16:01:31)

    It may not be immediately obvious to the new screen user, but this is one of screen's key features. You won't be able to use your terminal's scroll features while using screen so you'll have to use screen's copy mode.
    To scroll back through screen's history, first enable the copy mode by pressing Ctrl+a [ . Now, use either one of the arrow keys, page up, page down, home and end keys to scroll through screen's history.
    Pressing Enter will start marking text for copying. Pressing Enter again will copy the selected text into the clipboard. Now, to paste that text, press Ctrl+a ].
    Moreover, screen has the ability to log its output to a file on the disk. To enable screen logging, press Ctrl+a H to enable it and again to disable it. By default, the log file will be saved as $HOME/screenlog.1 .

  • [SOLVED] Rxvt-unicode fails to paste PRIMARY selection owned by Vim

    Urxvt almost always work with the X PRIMARY selection. i.e., if I select some
    text in Firefox or other applications, I will be able to paste it in urxvt.
    But Vim seems to be an exception. Steps to reproduce:
      1. Select some text ("foo") in Vim, either using the mouse or in visual mode.
         Leave the Vim window open.
      2. In another urxvt window, press Shift-Insert, _nothing_ is pasted.
         Middle mouse click has the same effect as Shift-Insert in urxvt.
      3. Issue the command `xsel -po`, and the text "foo" is printed. This means
         the text is indeed what the X PRIMARY selection holds (or points to).
      4. The text "foo" is also pasted in Firefox by middle mouse click.
         The text "foo" is also pasted in xterm by either middle mouse click or
      5.1. If you do `xsel -po | xsel -pi`, urxvt will behave like everyone else.
      5.2. Without doing 5.1, quit Vim (:q). After that, "foo" will be pasted in
           urxvt by Shift-Insert.
           What Vim does on quit is documented in its help (:h x11-cut-buffer):
    Vim wrote:
    There are, by default, 8 cut-buffers: CUT_BUFFER0 to CUT_BUFFER7.  Vim only
    uses CUT_BUFFER0, which is the one that xterm uses by default.
    Whenever Vim is about to become unavailable (either via exiting or becoming
    suspended), and thus unable to respond to another application's selection
    request, it writes the contents of any owned selection to CUT_BUFFER0.  If the
    "+ CLIPBOARD selection is owned by Vim, then this is written in preference,
    otherwise if the "* PRIMARY selection is owned by Vim, then that is written.
    My guesses are:
      * Urxvt somehow requires the cut buffer (CUT_BUFFER0) to sync with the
        PRIMARY selection, otherwise it will fail to request the PRIMARY selection.
      * The reason why text selected from applications other than Vim can be pasted
        just fine in urxvt is probably that they always sync the cut buffer with the
        PRIMARY selection.
    I may be wrong, so please do comment.
    If my conclusion proves to be right, I will file a bug report to rxvt-unicode.
    Edit: This issue is fixed in rxvt-unicode 9.12.
    Last edited by lolilolicon (2011-07-02 16:31:45)

    lolilolicon wrote:
    Urxvt almost always work with the X PRIMARY selection. i.e., if I select some
    text in Firefox or other applications, I will be able to paste it in urxvt.
    But Vim seems to be an exception. Steps to reproduce:
      1. Select some text ("foo") in Vim, either using the mouse or in visual mode.
         Leave the Vim window open.
      2. In another urxvt window, press Shift-Insert, _nothing_ is pasted.
         Middle mouse click has the same effect as Shift-Insert in urxvt.
      3. Issue the command `xsel -po`, and the text "foo" is printed. This means
         the text is indeed what the X PRIMARY selection holds (or points to).
      4. The text "foo" is also pasted in Firefox by middle mouse click.
         The text "foo" is also pasted in xterm by either middle mouse click or
      5.1. If you do `xsel -po | xsel -pi`, urxvt will behave like everyone else.
      5.2. Without doing 5.1, quit Vim (:q). After that, "foo" will be pasted in
           urxvt by Shift-Insert.
           What Vim does on quit is documented in its help (:h x11-cut-buffer):
    Vim wrote:
    There are, by default, 8 cut-buffers: CUT_BUFFER0 to CUT_BUFFER7.  Vim only
    uses CUT_BUFFER0, which is the one that xterm uses by default.
    Whenever Vim is about to become unavailable (either via exiting or becoming
    suspended), and thus unable to respond to another application's selection
    request, it writes the contents of any owned selection to CUT_BUFFER0.  If the
    "+ CLIPBOARD selection is owned by Vim, then this is written in preference,
    otherwise if the "* PRIMARY selection is owned by Vim, then that is written.
    My guesses are:
      * Urxvt somehow requires the cut buffer (CUT_BUFFER0) to sync with the
        PRIMARY selection, otherwise it will fail to request the PRIMARY selection.
      * The reason why text selected from applications other than Vim can be pasted
        just fine in urxvt is probably that they always sync the cut buffer with the
        PRIMARY selection.
    I may be wrong, so please do comment.
    If my conclusion proves to be right, I will file a bug report to rxvt-unicode.
    Hi lolilolicon,
    I cannot reproduce the errors from step 2. My system has the following packages:
    gvim 7.3.206-1
    vim-runtime 7.3.206-1
    rxvt-unicode 9.12-1
    To be fair, rxvt-unicode was upgraded to 9.12 recently (I think it was sometime last week), and I also recall vim's visual mode selections NOT being paste-able into a separate urxvt window. But I guess the 9.12 update fixed things. (There are a couple regression fixes with the words "selection" to describe them @ http://cvs.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/Changes .) I tested both gvim and regular console vim (visual mode) and it all worked. I also double-checked with `xsel -po`.

  • Screen: Cannot find terminfo entry for 'rxvt-unicode', works in root

    I'm using screen (http://www.archlinux.org/packages/14519/) and it works fine under root, but it keeps saying it can't find the terminfo entry for anything when I'm under a different user ('linux', 'xterm', 'rxvt-unicode'). First I tried setting URxvt*termName: rxvt (xterm as well), then I tried copying screenrc from /etc/ and /etc/skel/ to my home directory as .screenrc, and finally I tried compiling from source as another user. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

    phrakture wrote:Are you ssh'ing to another machine?
    Nope, I've installed arch on my laptop.
    This error typically happens when you ssh to a machine that does NOT have the terminfo installed.
    I don't know if terminfo is the correct name of the package, but pacman -Qs *term* or *info* or terminfo didn't show anything.
    Could you possibly post your screenrc, just so I can check?
    This is the config I've copied from /etc/skel/ to ~/, if I type nano .screenrc after logging in this is what I'll see.
    Edit: I forgot to say that screen produces the same results in xterm.
    # Example of a user's .screenrc file
    # This is how one can set a reattach password:
    # password ODSJQf.4IJN7E # "1234"
    # no annoying audible bell, please
    vbell on
    # detach on hangup
    autodetach on
    # don't display the copyright page
    startup_message off
    # emulate .logout message
    pow_detach_msg "Screen session of \$LOGNAME \$:cr:\$:nl:ended."
    # advertise hardstatus support to $TERMCAP
    # termcapinfo * '' 'hs:ts=\E_:fs=\E\\:ds=\E_\E\\'
    # make the shell in every window a login shell
    #shell -$SHELL
    # autoaka testing
    # shellaka '> |tcsh'
    # shellaka '$ |sh'
    # set every new windows hardstatus line to somenthing descriptive
    # defhstatus "screen: ^En (^Et)"
    defscrollback 1000
    # don't kill window after the process died
    # zombie "^["
    # enable support for the "alternate screen" capability in all windows
    # altscreen on
    # xterm tweaks
    #xterm understands both im/ic and doesn't have a status line.
    #Note: Do not specify im and ic in the real termcap/info file as
    #some programs (e.g. vi) will not work anymore.
    termcap xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
    terminfo xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
    #80/132 column switching must be enabled for ^AW to work
    #change init sequence to not switch width
    termcapinfo xterm Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l
    # Make the output buffer large for (fast) xterms.
    #termcapinfo xterm* OL=10000
    termcapinfo xterm* OL=100
    # tell screen that xterm can switch to dark background and has function
    # keys.
    termcapinfo xterm 'VR=\E[?5h:VN=\E[?5l'
    termcapinfo xterm 'k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~'
    termcapinfo xterm 'kh=\EOH:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\EOF:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~'
    # special xterm hardstatus: use the window title.
    termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;screen\007'
    #terminfo xterm 'vb=\E[?5h$<200/>\E[?5l'
    termcapinfo xterm 'vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vs=\E[34l'
    # emulate part of the 'K' charset
    termcapinfo xterm 'XC=K%,%\E(B,[\304,\\\\\326,]\334,{\344,|\366,}\374,~\337'
    # xterm-52 tweaks:
    # - uses background color for delete operations
    termcapinfo xterm* be
    # wyse terminals
    #wyse-75-42 must have flow control (xo = "terminal uses xon/xoff")
    #essential to have it here, as this is a slow terminal.
    termcapinfo wy75-42 xo:hs@
    # New termcap sequences for cursor application mode.
    termcapinfo wy* CS=\E[?1h:CE=\E[?1l:vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[?25h:VR=\E[?5h:VN=\E[?5l:cb=\E[1K:CD=\E[1J
    # other terminals
    # make hp700 termcap/info better
    termcapinfo hp700 'Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:hs:ts=\E[62"p\E[0$~\E[2$~\E[1$}:fs=\E[0}\E[61"p:ds=\E[62"p\E[1$~\E[61"p:ic@'
    # Extend the vt100 desciption by some sequences.
    termcap vt100* ms:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC
    terminfo vt100* ms:AL=\E[%p1%dL:DL=\E[%p1%dM:UP=\E[%p1%dA:DO=\E[%p1%dB:LE=\E[%p1%dD:RI=\E[%p1%dC
    termcapinfo linux C8
    # old rxvt versions also need this
    # termcapinfo rxvt C8
    # keybindings
    #remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
    bind k
    bind ^k
    bind .
    bind ^\
    bind \\
    bind ^h
    bind h
    #make them better
    bind 'K' kill
    bind 'I' login on
    bind 'O' login off
    bind '}' history
    # Yet another hack:
    # Prepend/append register [/] to the paste if ^a^] is pressed.
    # This lets me have autoindent mode in vi.
    register [ "\033:se noai\015a"
    register ] "\033:se ai\015a"
    bind ^] paste [.]
    # default windows
    # screen -t local 0
    # screen -t mail 1 mutt
    # screen -t 40 2 rlogin server
    # caption always "%3n %t%? @%u%?%? [%h]%?%=%c"
    # hardstatus alwaysignore
    # hardstatus alwayslastline "%Lw"
    # bind = resize =
    # bind + resize +1
    # bind - resize -1
    # bind _ resize max
    # defnonblock 1
    # blankerprg rain -d 100
    # idle 30 blanker
    Here's the other config file I've tried from /etc/
    # This is an example for the global screenrc file.
    # You may want to install this file as /usr/local/etc/screenrc.
    # Check config.h for the exact location.
    # Flaws of termcap and standard settings are done here.
    #startup_message off
    #defflow on # will force screen to process ^S/^Q
    deflogin on
    #autodetach off
    vbell on
    vbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! "
    # all termcap entries are now duplicated as terminfo entries.
    # only difference should be the slightly modified syntax, and check for
    # terminfo entries, that are already corected in the database.
    # WS this sequence resizes our window.
    # cs this sequence changes the scrollregion
    # hs@ we have no hardware statusline. screen will only believe that
    # there is a hardware status line if hs,ts,fs,ds are all set.
    # ts to statusline
    # fs from statusline
    # ds delete statusline
    # al add one line
    # AL add multiple lines
    # dl delete one line
    # DL delete multiple lines
    # ic insert one char (space)
    # IC insert multiple chars
    # nx terminal uses xon/xoff
    termcap facit|vt100|xterm LP:G0
    terminfo facit|vt100|xterm LP:G0
    #the vt100 description does not mention "dl". *sigh*
    termcap vt100 dl=5\E[M
    terminfo vt100 dl=5\E[M
    #facit's "al" / "dl" are buggy if the current / last line
    #contain attributes...
    termcap facit al=\E[L\E[K:AL@:dl@:DL@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ic@
    terminfo facit al=\E[L\E[K:AL@:dl@:DL@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:ic@
    #make sun termcap/info better
    termcap sun 'up=^K:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:IC=\E[%d@:WS=1000\E[8;%d;%dt'
    terminfo sun 'up=^K:AL=\E[%p1%dL:DL=\E[%p1%dM:UP=\E[%p1%dA:DO=\E[%p1%dB:LE=\E[%p1%dD:RI=\E[%p1%dC:IC=\E[%p1%d@:WS=\E[8;%p1%d;%p2%dt$<1000>'
    #xterm understands both im/ic and doesn't have a status line.
    #Note: Do not specify im and ic in the real termcap/info file as
    #some programs (e.g. vi) will (no,no, may (jw)) not work anymore.
    termcap xterm|fptwist hs@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
    terminfo xterm|fptwist hs@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
    # Long time I had this in my private screenrc file. But many people
    # seem to want it (jw):
    # we do not want the width to change to 80 characters on startup:
    # on suns, /etc/termcap has :is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l:
    termcap xterm 'is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l'
    terminfo xterm 'is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l'
    # Do not use xterms alternate window buffer.
    # This one would not add lines to the scrollback buffer.
    #termcap xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l
    #terminfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l
    #make hp700 termcap/info better
    termcap hp700 'Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:hs:ts=\E[62"p\E[0$~\E[2$~\E[1$}:fs=\E[0}\E[61"p:ds=\E[62"p\E[1$~\E[61"p:ic@'
    terminfo hp700 'Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:hs:ts=\E[62"p\E[0$~\E[2$~\E[1$}:fs=\E[0}\E[61"p:ds=\E[62"p\E[1$~\E[61"p:ic@'
    #wyse-75-42 must have defflow control (xo = "terminal uses xon/xoff")
    #(nowadays: nx = padding doesn't work, have to use xon/off)
    #essential to have it here, as this is a slow terminal.
    termcap wy75-42 nx:xo:Z0=\E[?3h\E[31h:Z1=\E[?3l\E[31h
    terminfo wy75-42 nx:xo:Z0=\E[?3h\E[31h:Z1=\E[?3l\E[31h
    #remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
    bind ^k
    #bind L
    bind ^\
    #make them better
    bind \\ quit
    bind K kill
    bind I login on
    bind O login off
    bind } history
    Last edited by siodine (2007-12-19 20:29:58)

  • [SOLVED] rxvt-unicode: disable iso 14755

    I want to disable all the urxvt functionalities associated with the ctrl+shift keys. Is there a way to do this at runtime ?
    The PKGBUILD seems to have the "disable-frills" flag. Then the only thing related to ctrl+shift should be iso 14755.
    I was using rxvt-unicode-256color from AUR before and this was not happening.
    Last edited by X-dark (2011-01-03 16:15:19)

    either compile with --disable-iso14755 or try URxvt* iso14755: False  and URxvt* iso14755_52: False
    Last edited by Mr.Elendig (2011-01-03 16:07:46)

  • [Solved] Rxvt-Unicode-256colors , -pe tabbed extension problem.

    I use rxvt-unicode-256colors for long time.
    Wheb try to run -pe tabbed extension I got following errors:
    iurxvt: Can't call method "parent" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 82.
    urxvt: Can't call method "focus_in" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 161.
    urxvt: Can't call method "parent" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 82.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "focus_out" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 169.
    urxvt: Can't call method "focus_in" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 161.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_press" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 177.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_press" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 177.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_press" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 177.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_press" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 177.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_press" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 177.
    urxvt: Can't call method "key_release" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 185.
    urxvt: Can't call method "focus_out" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 169.
    urxvt: Can't call method "parent" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 82.
    urxvt: Can't call method "parent" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/tabbed line 82.
    And opened terminal is not responsive
    Thanks for help.
    Last edited by SpeedVin (2009-08-16 19:51:55)

    I just rebuild and reinstall both perl and rxvt-unicode-256colors packages but still have the error
    I think I must give a try to another term and I will quote myself:
    I think I will give chance to another terminal , can you give me some proposition? :)
    -It must be lightweight,tabbed,and flexible :)
    Roxterm is good?
    Phh and it must use my .Xdefaults config
    Last edited by SpeedVin (2009-08-16 19:16:31)

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