Safari and Verizon webmail

I use Safari on iPad to connect to Verizon webmail. The Verizon interface just changed and I can no longer compose messages. Safari doesn't recognize the text box in which the message is composed, so the keyboard does not pop up. Is this a Safari problem or a Verizon problem?

YES!!  I've been having problems constantly for the past two days accessing my Verizon e-mail via the web browser interface.  I'm on a Windows PC running XP SP3.
I contacted the on-line chat support from my FIOS account page, and the brilliant support person told me that they don't have the knowledge to handle FIOS related issues and offered to give me the phone number for FIOS support - HUH??   I used the link from the FIOS Support page, and they don't handle FIOS questions?  How **bleep** is that?
The larger issue to me is, what does trying to access the Verizon webmail application have to do with FIOS?  I'm not at home trying to use my FIOS connection - I'm at work on the open internet - for all Verizon cares, I could be at an internet cafe, an airport PC kiosk, or anywhere in the world trying to get to my Verizon e-mail via the web - what does FIOS have to do with that?
AAARGGHHHH - sometimes, customer support drives me batty !!!

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    It can be done on the Email page on E mail settings.

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    Timing out isn't an Apple issue, so you're wasting your time by deleting, reinstalling or even doing an Archive & Install; that's not the problem. You should contact Telus, as they are the ones who impose a timeout and control what sort of parameters influence it. All modern browsers should be compatible, but it wouldn't surprise me if they have designed it specifically for IE and Firefox, since Firefox is the second-most popular browser for Windoze.

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    Try ccmsetup.exe on APPL_TOP/FND/bin directory.

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    forget about my last message, if you disable plugins you won't be able to see vids on youtube.
    What I did is remove all the plugins that were not for video.
    To erase plugins just open safari and be sure to enable plugins on the Preference tab.
    So, after you've enabled plugins, Open Safari>Help>Installed plugins
    This will show you all the plugins you have installed in your mac. Once you see the list:
    1. copy the name of the plugin file
    2. open a finder window
    3. paste the name of the plugin in the search box of the finder window
    4. delete the plugin
    It worked for me, I think the culprit was either the Silverlight.plugin or the Quartz Composer.webplugin
    Message was edited by: SolidNaza

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    YES!!  I've been having problems constantly for the past two days accessing my Verizon e-mail via the web browser interface.  I'm on a Windows PC running XP SP3.
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    No, the and servers belong to Verizon; they have nothing to do with OpenDNS, which are for any location worldwide; they are not for or limited to non-US locations.
    Are the sites you're having problems with bookmarked, or do you type them in each time? Did you try creating a new user account for testing to see if the problem exists there, too? If it does, that would indicate a system-wide problem. Also, do you have any Input Managers or Application Support items for things that work with Safari that might be causing the problem?
    Compare your TCP/IP settings for your Ethernet connection to those for your Airport Extreme connection and reply with what you have for each one.
    You should also try this:
    1. Quit Safari if it's running.
    2. Go to ~/Library/Caches/Safari and delete the entire contents of that folder.
    3. Go to ~/Library/Safari and remove any of these items that exist there:
    Form Values
    4. Restart Safari and test it on those sites and a variety of others to see if the problem is resolved.

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    Hey guys,
    It looks like that the issue has been resolved on the site, can you please try to send and email and confirm this change. There was a bug filed and fixed this week in version 32?
    You make have to clear the cache for the site to see the changes. Thank you!

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    Hi powerbook1701!
    It is a shame...Yahoo has always been bad with Safari...I think most people here keep a copy of Firefox/Camino for cases like this when webdesigners don't make their pages compatible with Safari. It's not much of a problem anymore but there are still a few sites depending on where you surf...
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    I hope someone can reach out and help me.  Recently I have not been receiving my QVC Today's Special Emails on a Daily Basis; since approximately the beginning of September.  I have Verizon Webmail.
    I never had a problem receiving these daily emails before.
    Did Verizon change something within in the Server, etc.?
    I contacted QVC they said to contact my Internet Service Provider. They have everything correct on their end.
    They send them out a few minutes after midnight on a daily basis. They said if My ISP service/server is busy or maxed out this could be a reason why I haven't been receiving them.
    I have the correct Contact Email in the my contacts.
    How Do I adjust the Internet Service Provider Filters?
    Or does anyone have another way so I can fix this problem.
    P.S.. I check my spam and it is not in there either.
    Many Thanks.

    Yeah, that happens all too often with Verizon email.  You get email reguarly from a legitimate source.  One day the email just stops.  The sender does NOT get any failed mail messages and from the POV of the sender they sent email succesfully to you.  The email is lost in the Verizon Ether.
    Go to the Verizon email account holder WhiteList form and complete it.
    Send the below URL to QVC and have QVC fill out the ISP WhiteList form
    Good luck !
    The Lithium Software sux !!

  • Since update 3.6.16 I crash in both my tele2 and compuserve webmail, other sites OK

    I work on a Macbook MacOS 10.6.7
    I updated today to 3.6.16. At the same time the message came to update to Adobe flash player, which I did also.
    Since then, Firefox crashes when I go to my webmails (Tele2 and Compuserve). It happens when I click an email in the list to open it.
    Firefox dissappears and a error message appears which is sent to Apple (NOT to Firefox, it seems). This message gives the choice to stop or to open Firefox again.
    I tried both and also start up again Firefox. This results in the same:
    Firefox opens with a message, or rather a choice/question: would I like to a) repair the last session, b) start the session anew, or c) delete the session.
    I tried all these, but again they give the same result, namely that the same crash happens (in webmails above).
    After a few (a lot) of trying the crash happens already upon entering the webmailservers.
    I tried browsing other sites in Firefox (a.o. Jamendo, Mutant Sounds, LinkedIn) and they seem to work normal.
    I also tried another browser (Safari) and here I can reach my Tele2 and Compuserve webmails without a problem.
    I hope you can help me to work normal in Firefox again. I tried to find the crash ID, but I cannot find the location bar.
    Renadi Santoso
    MacOS 10.6.7

    You probably can do that.<br />
    If you keep the wrong language then remove the offending language pack from the chrome folder in the Firefox program folder.
    You may need to (re)set the pref "general.useragent.locale" to the preferred language ("en-US") on the about:config page.<br />
    You can open the about:config page via the location bar, like you open a web site.<br />
    Use the Filter bar at the top of that page to quickly locate the pref.

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