Safari isn't evem smart enough to access this forum properly!

Is anyone else as fed up as I am with Safari failing to work with certain sites? I have to always keep Firefox at the ready for those cases where Safari fails. To add insult to injury, _Safari even fails to log me onto this forum!!!!_ When I try to log in, it reports 'An Internal Server Error Has Occurred." So here I am using Firefox again, no problem. Anyone any idea of fixes or workarounds for Safari quirkiness?

For logging in to the forums. From the Safari Menu Bar click Safari/Preferences then select: Show Cookies. Delete all Apple related cookies. Relaunch Safari and try logging in again.
If you still have problems, open Keychain Access (Applications/Utilities) Select Passwords on the left.
Delete your your AppleID keychain.
Relaunch Safari. Login here as usual with your user name and password. You will be prompted to save that data to a new keychain, click: Yes
Do not try a clean install yet. Try trouble shooting first.

Similar Messages

  • Safari isn't loading images on pages since this morning.

    For instance,if I go to,
    all I get is lines on the screen and the titles
    of what is supposed to be there. No images.
    This happens on all sites, some worse than others.
    Firefox is fine. No problem seeing all sites with Firefox.
    I'm using a Macbook Pro, C2D 2.33 ghz 2 GB machine.
    Updated to 10.4.10 and Quicktime a few days ago.
    No trouble seen right after the update. Everything was fine.
    Help. Safari is now useless.

    Hi Dan
    You're welcome. Glad to help.
    Did you add any 3rd party items to Safari? Sometimes, this can affect preference settings. Regardless, glad this sorted it out for you.
    Kudos for trying another user account to troubleshoot prior to starting this topic. Makes it easier on this end to quickly narrow the possibilities of what might be causing the problem.
    Mahalo for the and Aloha from Big Island.

  • Simply not smart enough to write this

    Hey All,
    You know when you want to do something, and you realize you simply do not have the brain power to pull it off? I am there, but I think maybe a little bit of help might get me over the really hard part.
    GOAL: Pull scheme data from our instance (a massive CRM platform, basically just a fancy relational database system). Find all related objects, parse the data, and feed it into the JIT javascript visulization framework ( I want to use CF to pull the data, parse it, and feed it to JIT, however the format JIT requires is hard for me to write programatically.
    Here is an example of the what the final result will look like, instead of numbers each node would be an object name.
    Here is the data that powers that thing.
    It's just JSON, but the nesting get's really brutal.
    So far I have the code in place to get the data I want, and break it into chunks, but I can't think of an eloquent way to create the required JSON. Here is what I have so far.
    Here is the code for that tool.
    <cfsetting requesttimeout="5000">
    <cfif isdefined("form.Flush")>
         <cfcache action="flush" >
    <form name="FlushForm" method="post">
         <input name="Flush" value="Recalculate Relationships (Will Take a Long Time)" type="submit" />
    <cfcache action="optimal">
         These results where cached at #TimeFormat(Now())#.
         <cfset GlobalObject = server.OSF.describeGlobal()>
         <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(GlobalObject.Results)#" index="ObjectIndex">
              <cfset Object = server.OSF.describeObject(GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex])>
              <cfset ObjectInfo = Object.RawSoap>
              <cfset returnStruct = structnew()>
              <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]] = arraynew(1)>
              <cfset numRefFields = 0>
                   <cfset ObjectFieldReference = ObjectInfo.Envelope.Body.describeSobjectResponse.result.fields[i]>
                   <cfif ObjectFieldReference.type.xmltext eq "reference">
                        <cfset numRefFields = numRefFields + 1>
                        <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields] = structnew()>
                        <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields]>
                        <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields].label=ObjectFieldReference.label.xmltext>
                        <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields].refto=ObjectFieldReference.referenceto.xmltext>
              <a name="#GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]#">RelationsShips in #GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]#</a>
                   <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]])#" index="relationshipFieldIndex">
                        <li>  #RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].name# to <a href="###RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].refto#">#RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].refto#</a></li>
    So instead of creating that simple dumb list, I ned to create the JSON, but how? I just can't wrap my brain around it for some reason. Any help, sample code, anything would be of use. Thank you.

    Ah, again sorry, we seem to be writting our posts at the same time.
    Try that link. Thats what my formatted JSON ends up looking like.
    There, sorry, just didn't want to be making huge posts.
    My JSON
            "ID": "Account",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Master Record ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "RecordType",
                    "DATA": "Record Type ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "RecordType"
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Parent Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Owner ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "Contact",
                    "DATA": "Billing Contact",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Contact"
                    "ID": "Contact",
                    "DATA": "Primary Org Contact",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Contact"
                    "ID": "Contact",
                    "DATA": "Primary Household Contact",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Contact"
            "NAME": "Account"
            "ID": "AccountContactRole",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "Contact",
                    "DATA": "Contact ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Contact"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "AccountContactRole"
            "ID": "AccountHistory",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "SelfServiceUser",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "SelfServiceUser"
            "NAME": "AccountHistory"
            "ID": "AccountPartner",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "Opportunity",
                    "DATA": "Bid ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Opportunity"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "AccountPartner"
            "ID": "AccountShare",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "Group",
                    "DATA": "User\/Group ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Group"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "AccountShare"
            "ID": "ActivityHistory",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Account",
                    "DATA": "Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Account"
                    "ID": "Contact",
                    "DATA": "Contact\/Lead ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Contact"
                    "ID": "Admin_Projects__c",
                    "DATA": "Bid\/Account ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Admin_Projects__c"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Assigned To ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "ActivityHistory"
            "ID": "AdditionalNumber",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "CallCenter",
                    "DATA": "Call Center ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "CallCenter"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "AdditionalNumber"
            "ID": "Admin_Projects__c",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "Group",
                    "DATA": "Owner ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "Group"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Project Lead",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "Admin_Projects__c"
            "ID": "ApexClass",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "ApexClass"
            "ID": "ApexTrigger",
            "DATA": "{}",
            "CHILDREN": [
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Created By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
                    "ID": "User",
                    "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                    "CHILDREN": "[]",
                    "NAME": "User"
            "NAME": "ApexTrigger"
    Their JSON (a small sample anyway)
        id: \"node02\",
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  • I can't get anyone smart enough to answer this, can anyone?

    Hey I can NEVER get through to the right dept in Apple to get an answer to my question, so hopefully someone can help, here goes. OK I have DSL at my house, I just have one modem at the house for my PC laptop, just standard, not wireless. The problem is I want to get my G4 powerbook online as well. I'm thinking of getting a Airport Extreme unit. What I want to know is if I get it can I have my PC laptop hooked up online through it and have my G4 powerbook hooked up online at the same time without buying any additional equipment? And if I need any extra equipment what would I need? Any help would be GREATYLY appreciated.

    Welcome to Discussions!
    If you add an Airport you can either keep the PC hardwired to it or you can add a wireless card to the PC. The Airport will act as a router and a switch. No other equipment will be required.

  • Firewall is not working: The only way to access this forum is disabling it!

    Using Leopard Server 10.5.2:
    First: If I want to check this discussion forum, If I have enabled the firewall I can´t reach this pages or post it. If I disable the firewall then I can access the Apple discussions forum and post here!
    Second: In firewall If I want to check (read-send) mail via entourage in this server. I can not connect to the servers. I enabled all the ports that says SSL, email,mail,etc, but I can not connect to the SSL servers to check email. The only way to red-send email is disabling the firewall!
    The next one is realated to SAFARI:
    Third: If I open Safari and I try to open Hotmail.I can not access Hotmail via Safari. trying to opening that site is impossible. a link in hotmail is detected with an internal address of 10.x.x.x. (which my computer does not have). Then the only way that I have to access hotmail via Safari is disabling the firewall, then the page is opened!
    Fourth: I can not read the hotmail mails inside entourage. .. again, the only way to read and send mails from hotmail in entourage is by disabling the firewall!!!
    no one answered posts related to this in the networking forum. so I am posting it here.
    any idea????
    thanks a lot

    Using Leopard Server 10.5.2:
    First: If I want to check this discussion forum, If I have enabled the firewall I can´t reach this pages or post it. If I disable the firewall then I can access the Apple discussions forum and post here!
    Second: In firewall If I want to check (read-send) mail via entourage in this server. I can not connect to the servers. I enabled all the ports that says SSL, email,mail,etc, but I can not connect to the SSL servers to check email. The only way to red-send email is disabling the firewall!
    The next one is realated to SAFARI:
    Third: If I open Safari and I try to open Hotmail.I can not access Hotmail via Safari. trying to opening that site is impossible. a link in hotmail is detected with an internal address of 10.x.x.x. (which my computer does not have). Then the only way that I have to access hotmail via Safari is disabling the firewall, then the page is opened!
    Fourth: I can not read the hotmail mails inside entourage. .. again, the only way to read and send mails from hotmail in entourage is by disabling the firewall!!!
    no one answered posts related to this in the networking forum. so I am posting it here.
    any idea????
    thanks a lot

  • Accessing this forum now?

    I was doing fine until the latest series of changes. At this point, when I get an e-mail advising me of a new posting, each time I click on the link I go to the general Adobe welcome screen, have to repost my username and password (even though I've "told" firefox to "remember" them). Then I'm taken to a listing of all the forums. I choose tips and techniques for Elements and am presented with a list of messages. Help. Is there some way I can simply get to the posted message directly, as I could in the "old days."
    Thanks in advance for any wisdom

    I've been using CCleaner in various versions for almost a year now at least once daily and never had it delete anything I didn't mark for deletion. My 56 saved cookies are alive and well. As it turned out I had decided to change my password assuming it would be updated in the forum cookie but I was still logged on as guest until I deleted my bookmark and created a new one after logging on with the new password.

  • Page Errors accessing Adobe Forums, Please Help !!

    Hey Folks,
    My work and personal laptop are unable to access any forum on the Adobe site using Internet Explorer. If I enable debugging, the errors that I receive before the webpage fails to respond include:
    'Jive' is undefined
    'JiveSpotLightSearch' is undefined
    'JiveViewThreads' is undefined
    Line: 2325 Error: Object Expected
    These all seem to be related to Jive Softwares "Clearspace" software that is used on the Adobe site. None of the forums, Yahoo, or google seem to have any information on this problem. It has got to be a missing add-on, a security setting, or some other inocculous problem.
    I had to load Firefox just to access this forum to post this thread !
    Thanks in advance for your help,
    Ps    Please don't advise me to use a difference browser or update to I.E. 8. My work has me locked into I.E. 7

    I get the same thing on my personal Laptop as well.
    I am running:
    JAVA  version 1.6
    J2SE Runtime Enviroment 5.0
    Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1
    I have tried disabling WinPatrol and Norton Antivirus and the problem remains.
    What specifically should I be looking for in Security and Privacy Settings?
    Ps      The post to thread via e-mail function does not work either. When I send a reply, I get a bounced e-mail message (See below)
    This is the mail system at host
    I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
    For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>
    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message.
                       The mail system
    <[email protected]>: host[] said: 553
        <[email protected]> address
        unknown. (in reply to RCPT TO command)

  • Safari isn't loading webpage correctly, anything I can do?

    I'm trying to use through my local library's website but when clicking on the Reference USA logo/link under resources in the center of the page I don't receive the prompt to to login. I've tried using Firefox & Internet Explorer for Mac but nothing seems to be working. Can someone test this on their computer and if anyone has any idea on how I can make this work please feel free to fill me in because I'm in great need!
    Thank you!

    I got it to work. I'm running v10.6.6 with Safari 5.0.3 which is up to date. From your Safari menu bar click Safari / About Safari. If Safari isn't up to date, click your Apple () menu (top left in your screen) Software Update ...
    If Safari is 5.0.3 already, from your Safari menu bar click Safari / Preferences then select the Security tab. Click the *Show Cookies* button. Delete any cookies related to: and
    Quit Safari (Command + A) then relaunch Safari and try accessing the login area again.

  • HT1526 I can't delete any files, can't empty the trash bin, can't open my iTunes. Safari isn't working properly either. I keep getting the error message -50 when i try to delete anything...HELP!

    I can't delete any files, can't empty the trash bin, can't open my iTunes. Safari isn't working properly either. I keep getting the error message -50 when i try to delete anything...HELP!

    Hello, not too helpful, but...
    enum {
      paramErr                      = -50,  /*error in user parameter list*/
    Usually means a bvad or unacceptable Charachter in a File or Folder name...
    Solving Trash Problems...
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when trying to open Safari or iTunes.

  • Can anyone explain to me what smart line phone access is? Am I paying to use my own wifi??

    Can any one explain to me what smart line phone access is? Am I paying to use my own Wi fi???

        Thanks, lingo, for your contribution.
    Hello Perona,
    Lingo, is correct. If you currently have the Share Everything Plan on your account your bill will reflect a monthly line access per device. This description is indicating  the monthly access of a Smartphone on your plan. If you have any additional questions don't hesitate to ask.

  • My safari isn't open all the winndow

    my safari isn't open all the address

    If you can't see the Address Bar click View from the Safari menu bar then click Customize Toolbar from the drop down menu.
    If Safari isn't opening windows, go to the Safari menu bar click Safari > Empty Cache. Quit then relaunch Safari to test.
    If that didn't help, back to the menu bar click Safari > Reset Safari. Select the top 5 boxes, click Reset. Try again.

  • Who is smart enough to make...

    Who is smart enough to make NAMES OF PALETTE IN ALL CAPS CASE?
    It's new word in interface design or something?

    You can fix it in InDesign: p

  • My iphone 4 was updated 2 months ago, after updated the safari suddenly stopped working.I open the safari and it stops immediately. i cannot download anything or access any website through Safari. What shall i do to resolve this issue?

    My iphone 4 was updated 2 months ago, after updated the safari suddenly stopped working.I open the safari and it stops immediately. i cannot download anything or access any website through Safari. What shall i do to resolve this issue?

    Yes but there's no point doing it here. As the Terms of Use make quite clear this is a User to User forum. It's Users like you talking to other Users. It's not a channel to communicate with Apple.

  • Could not authorize this computer because you do not have enough computer access privileges.  This message appear when I try to listen to an audio book and locks me out.  Any ideas?

    Could not authorize this computer because you do not have enough computer access privileges.   ????
    This message started appearing recently when I try to listen to audio book from audible.   They use to work fine.   Now I can not access them at all.  I am the only user on this computer with full admin access.   I'm stumped

    Photoshop: Basic Troubleshooting steps to fix most issues
    Look under Troubleshoot User Permissions.

  • HT1338 I cannot access my Hotmail account with Safari on my MacBookAir but I can access it on my Mac/Safari and also from my PCs.  Has anyone experienced the same?  Does anyone know a fix for this?

    I cannot access my Hotmail account with Safari on my MacBookAir but I can access it on my Mac/Safari and also from my PCs.  Has anyone experienced the same?  Does anyone know a fix for this?

    To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
    Open System Preferences>Users & Groups, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
    Does it work in the new account?

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