Safari users can't upload to my site.

After checking through the forums, it seems like quite a few people are having problems uploading files with Safari. I have a website that I want people to be able to use no matter what browser they are using. People are able to upload files (photos and mp3's primarily) using Firefox on Mac and any browser on a PC. General computer users seem to be happy only using the browser that comes with their machine. This means my site needs to work with Safari, and it's not working for anyone with Safari so far. I think our server is Apache Tomcat 5.0.30. Does anyone have any solutions? Is this a common problem?
Should I link my site? Am I allowed to?
  Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

Hello old:
Welcome to Apple discussions.
If you have a commercial site, you should not provide a link. Usually incompatibility with Safari is attributable to the web site coding (non-standard). I am not being critical - especially since I am hardly a web programmer.

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    Take a look at the following things to help your diagnosis:
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    Let that user try the same thing using a different browser.
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    Need a lot more information Mary,
    What are you building your site in? Have you read any of the documentation for BC? What software are you using? What are your skills and knowledge of BC , HTML, CSS, Javascript etc? Are you moving a site from something else to BC? What do you want to achieve from it....?
    Your asking a very broad question there.

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    This depends on whether you have iWeb '09 or above (version 3) or earlier (version 2).
    Up to and including iWeb '08, it was only possible to publish to other hosts by 'Publishing to a folder' and then uploading that local folder to a website host using a separate FTP client. From iWeb '09 an FTP method was built-in, making it easier to publish to a host other than MobileMe.
    In order to upload your existing site in iWeb '09 and above:
    Click on the name of the site in the sidebar: the publishing settings pane will open. Set 'Publish to' to 'FTP'. Enter the name of the site and a contact address (if desired).
    In the 'FTP Server Settings' section you will need to know the server address (your hosting service can tell you that), and your username and password for that service. Your site will be published in a folder with its name at root level of the server, with an index.html file at root level (which will overwrite any index.html file which may be there already). The 'Directory/Path' field may need to include a path such as '/webspace/' or 'ht_docs/' - this is dependent on your hosting service and they should tell you this. If you want to publish within a folder you can add that to the path.
    You can then click the 'Test connection' button so that iWeb can check that it can get access to your server space. You should enter the URL of the site in the 'URL' field so that rss feeds and internal links have the correct address.
    To publish using an earlier version of iWeb:
    From the File menu choose 'Publish to a folder'. You should create a folder somewhere convenient specifically for this and choose it when publishing to a folder: this folder should not contain anything else.
    You now need an FTP program (FTP is the 'protocol' used for uploading) to upload the contents of the folder to your server.Cyberduck is free (donation requested): Transmit is $34 but I think better. You will need the server address (your hosting service can tell you that), and your username and password for that service. You can drag the contents of your folder to your webspace, or create a folder there and drag the contents to that if you prefer.

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    Without editing postfix? pretty much impossible.
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    The only option that comes close to not editing postfix is authentication. By default, only authenticated users can send outgoing mail, but anyone can send mail to a local address on the server, so that gives you a simple approach - have the permitted users configure their mail client with a username and password for SMTP, and have the non-permitted users leave the SMTP username/password empty.
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    There are other options, though, including IP address range checking, a permitted senders list, port options, and more. It's just a matter of how much you want to tweak postfix's configuration.

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    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10406: Invalid AttributeValue conversion (DIRECTORYOBJECT to Java DirectoryObject)
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    Sasan Ebadian

    Hi Sasan,
    These are the ACL's of IFS:
    PRIVATE Grants no permissions to any other user. Other users cannot view, modify, or delete a user’s document in any way, unless changed by the owner.
    PROTECTED For folders only. Enables other users to see the files in the folder, add documents and folders to the folder, and remove documents and folders they have created from the folder, but are not allowed to delete the folder itself.
    PUBLIC Allows full access to the item. All users can make any changes that the owner can make.
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    If you attach the ACL Public it must work!

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    I had this problem as well - the upload to Blurb would not work. Creation of a PDF and export as JPEG in the book module worked.
    For me, the solution was to turn off the Windows Firewall while uploading. Now it works!
    Two-in-Love (Photographe de Mariage en Suisse Romande)

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    4) Add something to Safari help
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    Mac Mini (Intel Core Duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    Mac Mini (Intel Core Duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    Mac Mini (Intel Core Duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Think about what would happen if someone gained access to your Mac, say while you were briefly away from your desk or whatever. They launch Safari, go to the login web page of (for instance) your bank & discover that autofill has helpfully filled in your user name & password so all they have to do to get access to your accounts is click the login button.
    From there, they can transfer all your assets to some other account (theirs!) or invest in or whatever -- they can do anything your password lets you do with any password-protected account ... anything!
    Take this a step further. Say you have enabled auto-login to your primary account at startup, or have used an easy-to-guess account password for it. Someone steals your computer ... & with it potential access to all your online accounts with autofill entries.
    Not a pretty picture, is it?

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    192.168.3.x  (Main Office)
    192.168.10.x (IN)
    192.168.20.x (GA)
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    Mar 08 2013
    Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverse flows; Connection for icmp src fiber:\user) dst fiber: (type 8, code 0) denied due to NAT reverse path failure
    I'm not sure what I need to do to get this working, so any help would be appreciated.

    Hello Lee,
    make sure you add a line in the crypto ACL of the 2 ASAs of the L2L tunnel to allow traffic between the VPN pool and the NY subnet.
    make sure you add the NY subnet in the split tunnel ACL if you are using split tunneling for the VPN clients.
    and make sure you have the correct NAT rules to allow communication between the 2 subnets.
    also, make sure that you have the same-security-traffic command as Jay advised.

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    I would roll with you on that one, except my old site
    had the exact same titles and it worked fine. I have
    been trying to upload this new version of our site
    for a full 24 hours and yet I only have about 4 pages
    loaded. iWeb really need to have ftp features with
    options to choose publish only changed pages, etc.
    This really has nothing to do with iWeb. The current various dedicated ftp programs have more options than iWeb would ever likely have itself. Any problems you are having are the result of issues with your host or your connection or your ftp operation. Your host ought to be able to look at logs and find out what's going wrong and fix it.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. No, that can't be done in iWeb 1. Actually you will need to upgrade to iLife 08 so you can use iPhoto 08 to create a web gallery which can be setup so viewers can upload to it either by email or via a browser. You can then add that iPhoto gallery to an iWeb page like shown here or embed the actual gallery in an iWeb page using the HTML Snippet as demonstrated here.
    The bottom line is that only a web gallery created in iPhoto 08 can let viewers upload to it.

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    There must be an easier way to do this, I am missing something?

    Your info says you use iWeb 08.
    That means you publish to a folder.
    If so, iWeb is not involved. You decide what to do with the published files on the desktop.
    With iWeb 09 you only have one FTP address. To publish to another server you have to change the publish info.
    But everytime you do that, iWeb will publish the entire site.
    You can't have both. iWeb was not meant for that.
    Anyway, you provided the solution yourself : duplicate websites for each server.
    There's actually no need to make the changes in each site.
    Make changes in one site, and duplicate the page to the other site.
    Then publish.

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