Sample prog's on LDB using Get events and also using LDB_PROCESS

Can any one send me programs on LDB by linking it to an executable program using get event and also by using the Function Module LDB_ PROCESS.
Please do not provide me the Example prog's available in SAP HELP
If you have any sample prog's then please provide them.
Have a great day!
Thanks & Regards,
Krishna Chaitanya

A sample prog with LDB PNP
report zh_rept_payment line-size 80 no standard page
tables: pernr, " Standard Selections for HR Master Data Reporting
pcl1, " HR Cluster 1
pcl2, " HR Cluster 2
pc260 , " Cluster Directory for Payroll Results
bnka .
infotypes: 0001. " Organizational Assignment
Declaration of Internal Tables
data : bnka1 like bnka occurs 0 with header line .
data: begin of t_int_rep occurs 100,
bankl like pc209-bankl, " Bank Number
zlsch like pc209-zlsch, " Payment method
pernr like pernr-pernr, " Employee Number
ename like pernr-ename, " Employee Name
bankn like pc209-bankn, " Bank Account Number
betrg like pc209-betrg, " Amount to be transfered
zweck like pa0009-zweck, " Purpose
end of t_int_rep.
data: begin of int_rep occurs 100,
bankl like pc209-bankl, " Bank Number
zlsch like pc209-zlsch, " Payment method
pernr like pernr-pernr, " Employee Number
ename like pernr-ename, " Employee Name
bankn like pc209-bankn, " Bank Account Number
betrg like pc209-betrg, " Amount to be transfered
zweck like pa0009-zweck, " Purpose
begda like pa0009-begda, "Begin date
end of int_rep.
Declaration of Data Variables
data: ws_betrg like pc209-betrg, " BT Amount
w_val like spell occurs 0 with header line,
int_rep1(6), " TYPE I, " Employee Number
cnt type i value 0, " Counter
calcmolga like t500l-molga value '40', " Country Grouping
calc_currency like t001-waers value 'INR'. " Currency
data : ctr type i,
dt_merge like pa0009-begda.
data: ws_totemp(6) type c,
ws_totamt(20) type c,
r_mth(9) type c,
ws_fpbeg(6) type c,
ws_fpend(6) type c,
ws_mthyr(6) type c,
ws_mthyr_r(14) type c,
r_mth_t(3) type c,
ws_amt(8) type c,
ws_bankl(14) type c,
ws_date(6) type c,
total_page type i,
pages type i,
remain type i.
data begin of i_spell.
include structure spell .
data end of i_spell .
data : c_molga type t500l-molga value '40',
c_banks type bnka-banks value 'IN'.
Standard Includes
include rpc2cd09. "Cluster CD data definition
include pc2rxin0.
include rpc2rx09.
include rpppxd00. " Data Definition buffer PCL1/PCL2
include rpppxd10. " Common Part buffer PCL1/PCL2
include rpppxm00. " Buffer Handling RoutinePCL1/PCL2
include zrpc2rox2. " Data Definition POCLSTERS (not J,K,U)
Selection Screen
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameter: pa_mth(2) type c default sy-datum+4(2) obligatory,
pa_year(4) type c default sy-datum(4) obligatory,
p_bankl like pc209-bankl, " Bank Number
p_zlsch like pc209-zlsch. " Payment method
selection-screen end of block b1.
save_calc_currency = calc_currency.
count_top = 0.
get_pernr_flag = 0.
perform convert_month using pa_mth(2) r_mth.
ws_mthyr_r = r_mth.
concatenate ws_mthyr_r pa_year into ws_mthyr_r separated by space.
skip 1.
skip 4.
if int_rep-bankl eq ' '.
if int_rep-zlsch eq 'C' or int_rep-zlsch eq 'E' or
int_rep-zlsch eq ' '.
write: /1(85) 'CHEQUE PAYMENT STATEMENT'(047) centered.
elseif int_rep-zlsch eq 'L'.
write: /1(85) 'DEMAND DRAFT STATEMENT'(047) centered.
write: /1(85) 'BANK TRANSFER STATEMENT'(002) centered.
write: /34 ws_mthyr_r,
62 'Page :'(008),69(2) sy-pagno intensified off,
' Of ',78(2) pages intensified off.
clear pages.
read table bnka1 with key bankl = int_rep-bankl .
if sy-subrc = 0.
if int_rep-zlsch eq 'T'.
write:/03(10) 'Bank Name : ', bnka1-banka.
write:/03(10) 'Branch : ', bnka1-brnch.
write:/03(10) 'Address : ', bnka1-stras.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 2(5) 'Sl.No'(002),
7 sy-vline, 8(8) 'Emp.No.'(003),
16 sy-vline,17(35) 'Employee Name'(004).
*--added for Demand Draft
if ( int_rep-zlsch = 'l' or int_rep-zlsch = 'L' ).
write : 47 sy-vline, 48(15) 'Payable at'(005).
write : 47 sy-vline,48(15) 'Account No.'(005).
write: 63 sy-vline,64(16) 'Amount'(006),
80 sy-vline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write:/2 'Printed on ', sy-datum.
*perform h_headr.
ctr = 0.
set margin 5.
call function 'RP_GET_CURRENCY'
molga = calcmolga
waers = calc_currency
if sy-subrc ne 0.
calc_currency = 'DEM'.
calc_currency = save_calc_currency.
get pernr.
cd-key-pernr = pernr-pernr.
perform import_cluster.
get_pernr_flag = 1.
check : ocd-version-molga eq calcmolga.
The table 'tabpernr' is filled with the personnel numbers
and is used after selection is finished.
move-corresponding pernr to tabpernr.
append tabpernr.
The table 'tab_rgdir' is filled
loop at rgdir.
rx-key-pernr = pernr-pernr.
unpack rgdir-seqnr to rx-key-seqno.
perform int_tab. "fill tab_rgdir
perform import_bt.
perform validate.
End of Selection
*perform h_headr.
perform convert_date_a using pa_mth r_mth_t.
sort int_rep by bankl zlsch pernr betrg descending.
delete adjacent duplicates from int_rep
comparing bankl zlsch pernr .
sort int_rep by bankl zlsch bankn . "PERNR.
loop at int_rep.
at new bankl.
select single * into bnka1 from bnka
where banks = c_banks and
bankl = int_rep-bankl .
append bnka1.
clear bnka1.
for Demand Draft - purpose added
loop at int_rep.
concatenate pa_year(4) pa_mth(2) '01' into dt_merge.
select single * "zweck into int_rep-zweck
from pa0009 where
pernr = int_rep-pernr and
bankl = int_rep-bankl and
zlsch = int_rep-zlsch
and begda <= dt_merge and
endda >= dt_merge .
if sy-subrc = 0.
int_rep-zweck = pa0009-zweck.
modify int_rep.
*-for DD and Chq sorted by PAyable at and EMPNO wise
if p_zlsch = 'T' .
sort int_rep by bankl zlsch bankn . "PERNR.
else. "added for "payable at" for DD/Chq
sort int_rep by zweck pernr . "PERNR.
*delete adjacent duplicates from int_rep.
t_int_rep] = int_rep[.
loop at int_rep.
*-for page of page no.
total_page = 0.
loop at t_int_rep where bankl = int_rep-bankl
and zlsch = int_rep-zlsch.
total_page = total_page + 1.
pages = total_page div 25.
remain = total_page mod 25.
comment bcoz its adding one extra page no.
done as on 29/11/2004
if remain > 0.
pages = pages + 1.
at new bankl.
ctr = 0 .
at new zlsch.
ctr = 0 .
clear v_id.
select single natio
into pa0002-natio
from pa0002
where pernr eq int_rep-pernr.
*-testing......for soma
if ctr > 24.
ctr = 0 .
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
new-page .
ctr = ctr + 1 .
cnt = cnt + 1.
pack int_rep-pernr to int_rep1.
write:/1 sy-vline, 2(3) cnt intensified off,
7 sy-vline, 9(6) int_rep1 intensified off,
16 sy-vline,17(35) int_rep-ename intensified off .
if ( int_rep-zlsch = 'l' or int_rep-zlsch = 'L' ).
write : 47 sy-vline,48(15) int_rep-zweck intensified off.
47 sy-vline,48(15) int_rep-bankn intensified off .
write: 63 sy-vline,64(16) int_rep-betrg
intensified off currency 'INR',
80 sy-vline.
ws_betrg = ws_betrg + int_rep-betrg.
*-testing......for soma
write :
/1 sy-vline, 7 sy-vline ,16 sy-vline ,47 sy-vline,63 sy-vline,80
sy-vline .
*-end testing......for soma
at end of zlsch.
if int_rep-bankl = ' '.
call function 'HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS'
amt_in_num = ws_betrg
amt_in_words = amount_word
w_val-word = amount_word.
concatenate 'INR.' w_val-word into w_val-word
separated by space.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 7 'Total transfer:'(009),
64(16) ws_betrg intensified off currency 'INR',
80 sy-vline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 3 w_val-word+0(76) intensified off,
80 sy-vline.
write :/1 sy-vline, 10 w_val-word+76(70) intensified off,
80 sy-vline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
clear: ws_betrg,cnt.
skip 2.
write: /2 'Prepared by :'(010), '_______________'(013),
45 'Checked by :'(011),'_______________'(013).
skip 2.
write: /2 'Printed On ', sy-datum,
45 'Approved by :'(012),'_______________'(013).
clear sy-pagno.
at end of bankl.
if int_rep-bankl ' '.
call function 'HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS'
amt_in_num = ws_betrg
amt_in_words = amount_word
w_val-word = amount_word.
concatenate 'INR.' w_val-word into w_val-word
separated by space.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 7 'Total transfer:'(009),
64(16) ws_betrg intensified off currency 'INR',
80 sy-vline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
write: /1 sy-vline, 3 w_val-word+0(76) intensified off,
80 sy-vline.
write :/1 sy-vline, 10 w_val-word+76(70) intensified off,
80 sy-vline.
write:/1(80) sy-uline.
clear: ws_betrg,cnt.
skip 2.
write: /2 'Prepared by :'(010), '_______________'(013),
45 'Checked by :'(011),'_______________'(013).
skip 2.
write: /2 'Printed on ', sy-datum,
45 'Approved by :'(012),'_______________'(013).
clear sy-pagno.
End of Page
write: /2 'Prepared by :'(010), '_______________',
45 'Checked by :'(011),'_______________'.
Importing Data from Cluster *
form import_cluster.
sy-subrc = 0.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
if cd-version-number ne ocd-version-number.
endif. " SY-SUBRC EQ 0
*& Form INT_TAB
Filling internal table tab_rgdir form int_tab.
*Fill internal table tab_rgdir.
move-corresponding rgdir to tab_rgdir.
tab_rgdir-pernr = pernr-pernr.
append tab_rgdir.
endform. " INT_TAB
*& Form IMPORT_bt
Import Values from Bank Transactions Table (BT) form import_bt.
if rp-imp-in-subrc eq 0.
if in-version-number ne oin-version-number.
write: / 'Schlüssel des Clusters RX:'(015),
rx-key-pernr, rx-key-seqno.
write: / 'The imported version of the cluster'(016), 'RX',
'is not current'(017).
write: / 'Imported version :'(018),
write: / 'Current version of cluster :'(019),
sy-subrc = 0.
sy-subrc = 8.
write: /
'Inconsistencies between cluster directory and directory for'(020).
write: /
'No payroll results found for data in cluster directory'(021).
write : /
'Please contact hotline to solve the current problem'(022).
ws_fpbeg(2) = versc-fpbeg+4(2).
ws_fpbeg+2(4) = versc-fpbeg(4).
ws_fpend(2) = versc-fpend+4(2).
ws_fpend+2(4) = versc-fpend(4).
ws_mthyr(2) = pa_mth.
ws_mthyr+2(4) = pa_year.
check ws_mthyr = ws_fpbeg.
check ws_mthyr = ws_fpend.
loop at bt. "from pc209
int_rep-pernr = pernr-pernr.
int_rep-ename = pernr-ename.
int_rep-bankl = bt-bankl.
int_rep-bankn = bt-bankn.
int_rep-betrg = bt-betrg.
int_rep-zlsch = bt-zlsch.
append int_rep.
endform. " IMPORT_BT
Fetching Month Text form convert_month using mth t_mth.
case mth.
when '01'.
t_mth = 'January'(023).
when '02'.
t_mth = 'February'(024).
when '03'.
t_mth = 'March'(025).
when '04'.
t_mth = 'April'(026).
when '05'.
t_mth = 'May'(027).
when '06'.
t_mth = 'June'(028).
when '07'.
t_mth = 'July'(029).
when '08'.
t_mth = 'August'(030).
when '09'.
t_mth = 'September'(031).
when '10'.
t_mth = 'October'(032).
when '11'.
t_mth = 'November'(033).
when '12'.
t_mth = 'December'(034).
endform. " CONVERT_MONTH
Fetching Month Text * form convert_date_a using mth_t t_mth_t.
case mth_t.
when '01'.
t_mth_t = 'Jan.'(035).
when '02'.
t_mth_t = 'Feb.'(036).
when '03'.
t_mth_t = 'Mar.'(037).
when '04'.
t_mth_t = 'Apr.'(038).
when '05'.
t_mth_t = 'May.'(039).
when '06'.
t_mth_t = 'Jun.'(040).
when '07'.
t_mth_t = 'Jul.'(041).
when '08'.
t_mth_t = 'Aug.'(042).
when '09'.
t_mth_t = 'Sep.'(043).
when '10'.
t_mth_t = 'Oct.'(044).
when '11'.
t_mth_t = 'Nov.'(045).
when '12'.
t_mth_t = 'Dec.'(046).
endform. " CONVERT_DATE_A
--> p1 text
<-- p2 text form validate .
if p_bankl <> ' ' and p_zlsch ' '.
delete int_rep where bankl p_bankl.
elseif p_bankl = ' ' and p_zlsch ' '.
delete int_rep where zlsch p_zlsch.
elseif p_bankl ' ' and p_zlsch = ' '.
delete int_rep where bankl p_bankl.
endform. " VALIDATE
Hope this helps, Do reward.

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    You can generate your custom events and it is very easy.
    You will have to extend the EventObject class in order to make an class representing the event.
    Iam giving a brief eg:
    class MyEvent extends EventObject
    MyEvent(Object source)
    super(source);//source which generated the event.
    //your own code
    interface MyEventListener
    public void myEventPerformed(MyEvent e);
    class abc
    java.util.ArrayList arr;
    arr = new java.util.ArrayList();
    public synchronized void addMyEventListener (MyEventListener l)
    public synchronized void removeMyEventListener (MyEventListener l)
    protected void notifyTransEvent(Object source)
    MyEvent tEvent = new MyEvent(source);
    Iterator itr = arr.iterator();
    Iterator itr = arr.iterator();
    Now anyone implementing the MyEventListener inetrface can be added in the ArrayList.The ArrayList is the list representing the interesting parties who want to receive the event.When registered they will receive the event.
    This class abc is just like an component which on certain situations generate event.You can call notifyEvent in any case where you want the event to be generated.
    You will then add this class to your main class as this
    class xyz implements MyEventListener
    abc obj;
    public void myEventPerformed(MyEvent e)
    //your handling code
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    ModVer: 5.1.2600.5512 Offset:0000100b

    You can run Java in Firefox.exe instead of plugin-container.exe, but I'm not sure that actually would be better than where you are now.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the filter box, type or paste '''java''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) If '''''' is true (bolded), right-click it and choose Reset (or double-click it to toggle).
    If that value already is false, you might be having a problem with another common plugin such as Flash.

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    We will give you reward points!
    Message was edited by: Kevin Smith

    Hi Kevin,
    here is the Example for the offset which you want
    DATA TIME TYPE T VALUE '172545'.
    WRITE / TIME+2(2).
    CLEAR TIME+2(4).
    <u>The output appears as follows:</u>
    <i>First, the minutes are selected by specifying an offset in the WRITE statement. Then, the minutes and seconds are set to their initial values by specifying an offset in the clear statement.</i>
    <b>2nd Example:-</b>
    MOVE F1 TO F2.      WRITE F2.
    MOVE F1+O(L) TO F2.      WRITE / F2.
    MOVE F1 TO F2+O(L). WRITE / F2.
    CLEAR F2.
    MOVE F1 TO F2+O(L). WRITE / F2.
    MOVE F1O(L) TO F2O(L). WRITE / F2.
    This produces the following output:
    First, the contents of F1 are assigned to F2 without offset specifications. Then, the same happens for F1 with offset and length specification. The next three MOVE statements overwrite the contents of F2 with offset 2. Note that F2 is filled with spaces on the right, in accordance with the conversion rule for source type C.
    if you want more info
    hope this solves your Problem

  • How can i set action on UITaBar and get event from that

    Hi All,
    I m doing one apps in which i have to add three UITabBarItem and this is UITabBarSystemItem.
    Now i cannot understand that how can i set action and get event from the?
    And how can i set various views on three tab bar item.
    I have to use UITabBar means i have to use UINavigationController+UITabBar
    My code id
    tabBar =[[UITabBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,370,320,50)];
    tabBar.backgroundColor =[UIColor blackColor];
    UITabBarItem *search =[[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemSearch tag:0];
    UITabBarItem *recents =[[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemRecents tag:1];
    UITabBarItem *favorites =[[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemFavorit es tag:2];
    tabBar.items =[[NSArray arrayWithObjects:search,recents,favorites, nil] retain];
    tabBar.selectedItem = search;
    [myView addSubview:tabBar];
    [tabBar release];
    I add a action:
    UITabBarItem *search =[[UITabBarItem alloc] InitWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemSearch tag:0 action:@selector(select:)];
    So it error: Warning -no'InitWithTabBarSystemItem:tag:action:' method fount
    So any can help me regarding it?

    Thanks RickMaddy very much.
    I read and do with sample at the View Controller Programming Guide . But when run it only view TabBar with title but haven't got any TabBarItem on it. I searched a few example about TabBar and i did, but i want do a form with a button then press on button it view a form with 2 TabBarItem on TabBar and press each TabBarItem will show correlative form page 1, page 2.
    UITabBarController *tabBarControl = [[[UITabBarController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil] autorelease];
    tabBarControl.title = @"Tab bar";
    ViewControl1 *view1 = [[[ViewControl1 alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewControl1" bundle:nil] autorelease];
    ViewControl1 *view2 = [[[ViewControl1 alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewControl2" bundle:nil] autorelease];
    tabBarControl.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:view1,view2,nil];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:tabBarControl animated:YES];

  • REJECT statment to break GET event is Obsolete in ECC 6.0 - Alternative?

    Hi Developers,
    REJECT statment is used to break from GET event (say GET PERNR event in Logical Database) used to process for an Employee.
    This REJECT statement is Obsolete . Is there any alternative for this ?
    If so, please reply at the earliest as it is very Urgent.

    Hi Suma,
    The REJECT statement was specially developed for leaving GET event blocks. Unlike CHECK and EXIT, REJECT always refers to the current GET event block. If CHECK and EXIT occur in a loop, they refer to the loop, and in a subroutine, they always refer to the subroutine. The REJECT statement, on the other hand, allows you to exit a GET event block directly from a loop or a called subroutine.
    The statement
    REJECT [dbtab].
    always terminates the processing of the current line of the node of the logical database. Without the optional dbtabspecification, the logical database automatically reads the next line of the same node, and the next GET event at the same hierarchy level is triggered. If you use the optional dbtab specification, the logical database reads the next line of the node dbtab. The node dbtab  must occur above the current node in the logical database hierarchy.
    The following executable program is connected to the logical database F1S.
      WRITE: / 'Carrid:', SFLIGHT-CARRID,
               'Connid:', SFLIGHT-CONNID,
               'Fldate:', SFLIGHT-FLDATE.
      WRITE: / 'Bookid:', SBOOK-BOOKID.
    This program reads and displays only the first booking for each flight, since the logical database reads the next line of SFLIGHT after the REJECT statement.

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