Samsung mini2440 win ce gpio keypad interfacing

hi i am using mini2440 samsung board support pakage (bps) using win ce 5.0 and want to interface a keypad through gpio
can i use labview 7.1 if possible then please specify the helpful material
Engr. Mohazzab JAVED 

Dear Marand,,
Thank you very much for your information...
Can you Do me one help.
if you know how to create serial port dll in VC++ then please help me ..
Thanks and regards

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  • [IDCS2 Win]How to get Interface for ISwatchesUIDData?

    Hi All,
    Please tell me how to get the Interface for ISwatchesUIDData.
    Also please tell how to make use of GetItemList() method.
    I need to get a count of all swatches that are selected in the Swatches Pallette.
    Is this the Correct class &method that i have to use for my requirement?
    Help needed very urgent.

    Hi Jaepil,<br /><br />Thanks a lot for your tremedous help!<br /><br />Im right now trying out [Option B]that you have suggested.<br />Please have a look at the code snippet that i have tried out.<br />When i compile this snippet i get my plugin Built but when i open the Indesign & run my plugin i get the following error"Indesign.exe has encountered a proble and needs to close" & Indesign Quits Suddenly.<br />Some where im going wrong,but dont know where.Plz help me out.<br />Here is the code:<br /><br />InterfacePtr<IApplication> app(gSession->QueryApplication());<br />InterfacePtr<IPaletteMgr> paletteMgr(app->QueryPaletteManager());<br />InterfacePtr<IPanelMgr> panelMgr(paletteMgr, UseDefaultIID());<br />InterfacePtr<IControlView>swatchPanelView(panelMgr->GetVisiblePanel(kSwatchesPanelWidge tID ));<br /> <br />InterfacePtr<ISwatchesUIDData> SwatchUID<br />(swatchPanelView,IID_ISWATCHESUIDLIST); //Here i got an error that IID_ISWATCHESUIDLIST is not declared.So i declared it myself as PMIID IID_ISWATCHESUIDLIST; is this correct?(Problem in this line only i guess!!!)<br /> <br />const UIDList &select=SwatchUID->GetItemList();     <br />sprintf(buf,"%d",select.Length());<br />CAlert::WarningAlert(buf);<br /><br />Plz tell where am i going wrong .WAITING 4 UR REPLY.<br /><br />Thanks<br />myRiaz

  • [CS4/CS5, Win] Pasting into ScriptUI interface, focus-problems

    There are discussions about palettes receiving keystrokes when they are not in focus (and something that regards mouse events here):
    and here:
    I have a specific question about pasting, which is the most annoying thing I've noticed (yet) regarding the behaviour of the non modal window types. Ctrl+V puts the clipboard contents in the active document instead of pasting where the cursor is, in the textbox on the ScriptUI window.
    Mouse right click + popup menu (Paste) is a workaround, but it doesn't prevent the accident of putting the pastboard contents in the document using the keyboard (you might not even notice). I'd like Ctrl+V to go to the Script UI window, when the Script UI window has focus.
    Are there workarounds for this as well?
    Best regards,

    As far as I know, no, there aren't any workarounds for that.

  • HL7 Interface

    I work for a hospital and we have lots of HL7 interfaces. I
    decided to try and create one to CF using a Socket gateway for a
    The Datagate Interface Engine (DIE) seems to talk to my
    gateway ok, as I am receiving the message, but I am not able to get
    the DIE to accept my ACKnowledgement that I received the messsage,
    thus the DIE keeps resending me the same message.
    I removed the socket default response "CRLF > " from the
    java socket code and recompiled so I can respond with exactly the
    characters I want. Still no ACK. I tried sending just CHR(06), also
    tried sending an HL7 message back with the |MSH|^~\&|.... it
    does not respond.
    I was wondering if anyone else has been successful and if so,
    what did you do??
    My specs are: CF7.0.1 Enterprise on Win 2003 server.
    Interface engine is on an AIX box running Datagate.

    We re-wrote an hl7 interface to use a .net app instead of CF, as doing so in CF proved unreliable. Check out the software from Symphonia to add some great .dll's to your .net app for message processing.
    We use the .net app to save the message into a table, acknowledge the message etc. Once its in the database it just text in a big string...
    BUT, poking around I found some old code from many many many years ago when it was attempted within CF ( not my code, or know who to attribute):
    it may provide some inspiration. this code took the message and other code saved the string into the database...
    but stil I would recommned against doing it in cf
    function createsocket(port) {
    // Create a server socket, and start listening.
    // get a socket object
    getsocket = CreateObject("java", "");
    // wait for external connection
    socket = getsocket.accept();
    //  If socket pre-exists from a previous program failure, attempt to connect to it, rather than create it.
    // This code does not actually seem to connect, but does result in the socket dying within about 15 seconds
    // so that the next invocation of this program can run cleanly.
    // A restart of the CF application service will also kill any leftover sockets.
    catch (any excpt) {
        socket = CreateObject("java", "");
    // get an InputStreamReader object
    inputsr = CreateObject("java", "");
    // call the InputStreamReader constructor
    // get a BufferedReader object
    input = CreateObject("java", "");
    // call the BufferedReader constructor
    // get a PrintWriter object
    printWriter = CreateObject("java", "");
    // call the PrintWriter constructor
    printWriter.init(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
    return 'OK';
    function getMsg() {
    // Read a complete HL7 message from the socket.
    f_hl7_msg = input.readLine();
    while (input.ready())
       f_hl7_msg = f_hl7_msg & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & input.readLine();
    return f_hl7_msg;
    function sendAck(msg_id, src, resp) {
    // Construct and Send the ACK
    thistime = DateFormat(Now(),'yyyymmdd') & TimeFormat(Now(),'HHmmss');
    msg_seg = 'MSH|^~\&|'   &
        src     & '|' &
                '|' &
        resp     & '|' &
                '|' &
        thistime    & '|' &
                '|' &
        'ACK'     & '|' &
        msg_id  & '|' &
       'P'     & '|' &
       '2.3.1'    & '||||';
    msa_seg   = 'MSA'    & '|' &
        'AA'     & '|' &
        msg_id    & '|' &
        'Message Processed Successfully';
    hl7_ack  =  CHR(11) &
         msg_seg & CHR(13) &
         msa_seg & CHR(13) &
         CHR(28) & CHR(13);
    function closePort() {

  • I cannot get past Gateway PING when connecting Samsung BD player to Internet via Airport Extreme?

    I have now been trying for 2 days to get my Samsung 3d BD Player to connect to my wireless iinternet (via VIVID WIRELSS) in Australia. I am using an Airport Extreme Base Station WIRED to the BD Player and wirelessly connecting to the WiFi. The Network Test shows Ok for MAC and IP, Gatewy, DNS etc... but wont get to the Internet test because it stalls at Gateway Ping. I have tried all of the various setup changes - Auto, manual, changing the adresses but noting works. Sometimes it takes longer to fail the Gateway Ping (when I put in the WAN settings as opposed to the LAN settings but none work.I know I have the correct info in my WiFi setup with the password and security etc... Is this just an incompatibility between Samsung and Apple? It worked fine with my Pioneer player and also my Panasonic Player? Any help gratefully accepted!!!

    I assume that these results are coming from the Samsung BD player's network administration interface ... correct?
    When configured to join another wireless network, the Extreme is also reconfigured as a bridge. That means all IP address information must come from the upstream router that is providing DHCP server services ... so the Samsung is actually testing the upstream router's connectivity to the Internet, not the Extreme's.
    I am venturing to guess that if you plug the BD player directly into the upstream router, it would not have any issues connecting. So, this would confirm my earlier statement that Ethernet ports on the Extreme are not enabled.
    I would further guess that if you connected the Extreme directly to the upstream router by Ethernet and configure it for both Wireless Mode = Create an wireless network and Connection Sharing = Off (Bridge Mode), that the BD player would get the proper IP addresses it needs for Internet connectivity.

  • Creative cloud linux wine

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    You are certainly welcome to try.  We have not tested this environment in anyway and you may face difficulties with Adobe Creative applications that require heavy use of the CPU.  I also would be surprised if Acrobat could be installed in this environment due to it's dependencies to system resources.

  • Verizon NEEDS the Samsung Epic

    Although the Samsung Facinate is based upon the same Samsung Galaxy platform... it lacks the horizontal slide out keyboard that the Epic has... which IMHO is truly necessary for the most optimum remote access (as well as other applications) usage... i.e. giving up 1/2 the screen space for the onscreen keyboard is a loser from the start... and I have come to hate typing on the onscreen keyboards anyway (as have most of the people I talk to)...
    Soooo... please Verizon work to acquire the Epic... it really needs to be within the Verizon phone offerings...
    Long time Verizonwireless customer... currently disenchanted with phone offerings... coming up on renewal... finding my self walking past another carrier who shall go unnamed here... looking at that Epic in the window and feeling the pull toward it...

    Speaking as an Epic user myself... trust me, you don't want this phone.
    A) Music playback is choppy. Happens with both my phone and my girlfriend's epic, it'll randomly cut out on the song, just for a brief moment, then keep playing like nothing happened. Problem was lessened, but not removed, with the 2.2 update. Problem mostly gone on my own phone because I do unspeakable things to it to try to make it tolerable, and have replaced the stock RFS filesystem (the root of most of the issue) with the android-standard EXT4.
    B) bluetooth support is half-assed. Unlike other manufacturer's phones, Samsung does not include the Human Interface Device bluetooth profile in their bluetooth stack. This means that, unlike other phones, my Epic cannot pair with a bluetooth keyboard, wii remote, or pretty much anything else that isn't another phone, a car, or a headset.
    C) That keyboard, that keyboard that would have been so wonderful... is gimped by a very severe issue... it's got a keypress delay of about 100ms... meaning if you type the same number twice within 100ms of each other, it registers at ONE keypress, not two. VERY aggravating. Via hackery I've gotten that delay changed down to about 20ms, which is acceptable, but honestly there shouldn't be a delay at all. D) REALLY annoying UI decisions, such as swiping left/right on the notification bar to change your brightness when not on auto-brightness. The problem with this is that half the time when I pull down the notification bar, my brightness changes. Drives me NUTS because i much prefer minimum brightness.
    So yeah, take it from someone who owns one, you don't want this phone, get the HTC Merge on Verizon (aka the Evo Shift on Sprint and the T-Mobile G2). It's available at VzW authorized retailers and it's a better phone in just about every single possible respect other than lacking a front-facing camera (which honestly, i've used mine maybe 3 times ever, and I *have* someone who I could video chat with if I cared, since my girlfriend has one as well).

  • Acrobat X scan problem

    When I try to scan using Acrobat X I get a Windows 7 pop up that says there is a problem and then Acrobat closes. Very frustrating. I use a Samsung printer/scanner and have downloaded drivers for Win 7.

    Most scanners interface to other software by a Twain software driver. Older versions of Acrobat required the Twain driver. I am not sure about AA X. In any case, can you access the scanner from some other graphics software on your computer. That may give you an idea if it is a scanner issue or not.

  • T430U not booting - blank screen or never gets passed splash screen

    System specs:
    Lenovo T430U
    Intel i5-3427U
    8GB PC3-12800 DDR3-1600MHz SoDIMM Memory
    HDD 500G 7200rpm Toshiba
    mSATA 24GB Samsung Cache
    Win 8 Pro, upgraded to 8.1
    I rarely use this machine but a couple of months ago I went to boot it up and found that I was not able to get past the Windows splash screen. Sometimes I don't even get the Windows splash screen, I just get a black screen. Rarely I get a Windows screen saying that it is diagnosing a system problem or something to that effect and I can even get to where it will allow me to do some Windows diagnostics but nothing ever comes of it and the process is extremely slow.
    I called Lenovo, but of course my machine is out of waranty so the tech just gave me a few pointers and said I could send it in to the depo but the potential repair cost could range up to about 75% of what I paid for the machine in the first place. Anyways, after having me try a few things in the BIOS he suggested that it was likely the hard drive. I mistakenly thought from the time that I bought this machine that the OS was installed on the 24 GB SSD so I ordered a new SSD and swapped it in. This made no difference at all as I have now learned that the mSATA SSD drive is merely for cache to speed up booting.
    I am afraid that this means the main HDD is at fault, and quite frankly, if I replace it I am going to do a fresh install of Windows 7. But I do have pictures and docs that I would like to salvage if possible. Any ideas on what might be going on here?
    Go to Solution.

    Install this on the computer that you are going to hook up the hard drive to:
    I've had pretty good luck with it in getting files off of dying hard drives.  Wrap the hard drive in a small towel and put it in the freezer for a half an hour, then take it out and hook it up and run recuva right away.  You might get lucky.
    It sounds funny but I've had it work more than once.
    T430u, x301, x200T, x61T, x61, x32, x41T, x40, U160, ThinkPad Tablet 1838-22R, Z500 touch, Yoga Tab 2 Windows 8.1, Yoga Tablet 3 Pro
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  • Cannot load drivers for C5.00

    After instaling PC Suite when first connecting my C5.00 my PC (win 7 64 bit ultimate) consistently fails to load the drivers for:
    MTB USB Device
    USB Phonet
    Subsequently I cannot use PC suite or OVi suite. I have tried uninstalling PC suite but each time I start again the same thing happens, even if I change USB ports.
    I have successfully loaded same drivers on my Samsung laptop (WIN 7 64 bit home premium) using the same cable and can connect to PC suite OK.

    Could you please try this?
    I am not sure whether this will solve your problem but you could try this once.
    1. Disconnect your phone from PC if connected.
    2 .Open Control Panel and go to ‘Programs and Features’
    3. From the list of available programs, choose ‘Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver’
    4. Click on the ‘Change’ button on top toolbar.
    5. In the setup dialog box that pops up next, choose ‘Repair’ and select ok. Wait for setup to complete.
    6. Restart the computer if prompted.
    7. Now connect your phone to the PC. Driver installation should complete and PC/Ovi suite (hopefully) should detect your mobile properly now.
    Please THANK me by clicking on the ****WHITE STAR** ( Giving KUDOS) the big GREEN BOX to your LEFT .
    It will help me to serve you better !!!!!
    Thanking You

  • HELP!How to show # and * in the textfield

    I am trying to show a # and * in the textfield in this telephone keypad interface. What's wrong with my coding? How can I show # and *? Whenever I press # and * on the keypad I get a Null or Infinity statement, when I just want # and * to show up instead. I had converted a calculator applet into a telephone applet to make into an keypad interface.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class TelephoneApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener
    private Button keysArray[];
    private Panel keyPad;
    private TextField lcdField;
    private double result;
    private boolean first;
    private boolean foundKey;
    static boolean clearText;
    private int prevOperator;
    public void init()
    lcdField = new TextField(20);
    keyPad = new Panel();
    keysArray = new Button[12];
    first = true;
    result = 0.0;
    clearText = true;
    prevOperator = 0;
    for ( int i=0; i<=9; i++ )
    keysArray[ i ] = new Button(String.valueOf(i));
    keysArray[10] = new Button( "*" );
    keysArray[11] = new Button( "#" );
    // set keyPad layout to grid layout
    keyPad.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,3,10,10));
    for ( int i=1; i<=9; i++ ) //adds buttons 1-9 to Panel
    keyPad.add( keysArray[i] );
    /* for (int i = 4; i <= 6; i++) //adds buttons 4, 5, and 6 to Panel
    keyPad.add( keysArray[i] );
    for (int i = 7; i <= 9; i++) //adds buttons 7, 8, 9, and divide to Panel
    keyPad.add( keysArray[i] );
    keyPad.add( keysArray[10] ); //adds star button to Panel
    keyPad.add( keysArray[ 0 ] ); //adds 0 key to Panel
    keyPad.add( keysArray[11] ); //adds infinity button to Panel
    for (int i = 10; i >= 11; i--)
    keyPad.add( keysArray[i] ); //adds keys to Panel
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add( lcdField, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    add( keyPad, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    for(int i = 0; i < keysArray.length; i++)
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e)
    foundKey = false;
    //Search for the key pressed
    for (int i = 0; i < 12 && !foundKey; i++)
    if(e.getSource() == keysArray[i]) //key match found
    case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: //number buttons
    case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9:
              //0 - 9
    clearText = false;
    lcdField.setText(lcdField.getText() + keysArray[i].getLabel());
    case 10:
    case 11:
    clearText = true;
    if (first) // first operand
    result = 0.0;
    result = Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    first = false;
    prevOperator = i;
    else //second operand already entered, so calculate total
    case 10: //divide button
    result /= Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    case 11: //multiply button
    result *= Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    if(i==14) //equal button
    first = true;
    prevOperator = i; //save last operator

    you need to change the following piece of code
    case 10:   // * pressed
    case 11:   // # pressed
    clearText = true;
    if (first) // first operand
    result = 0.0;
    result = Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    first = false;
    prevOperator = i;
    else //second operand already entered, so calculate total
    case 10: //divide button
    result /= Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    case 11: //multiply button
    result *= Double.parseDouble(lcdField.getText());
    if(i==14) //equal button
    first = true;
    prevOperator = i; //save last operator
    }its gets excuted when you press the * or # buuton

  • Mobile workstation needs

    Hello all, Im new to the Adobe forum and have some questions regarding  mobile workstation needs.  I have grown very accustomed to using laptops and in the next month going to acquire a new machine.
    First off all, I dont want to offend those that use Macs, but I love Windows based systems.  I have used both, but I am the most comfortable with with win 7. 
    He is s a little background,  I have used Alienware MX17 and DELL MX17 XPS for  a few years, the Alienware crapped out a year or so ago  and the XPS is still running well, but Im finding its slow. I do a lot of post editing for others and a lot of my own images. My files are averaging 300MB + and sometimes up to a GB. I use mostly PSCS6 and some NIK software and a couple Alienskin plugins.
    I have all my files kept on ext drives, so my needs are to maximize performance and stability.
    I was thinking of another Alienware, but looking into EUROCOM , Malibal, Lenovo, HP, Origin, Sager.   My main concerns are fast processors :  Intel i7 extreme or the Xeon.  I want to max out the RAM at 34gb. I also know I need the best NVidia graphics , such as the 8800 SLI cards.
    If anyone has suggestions that I am not looking at, or help in deciding on a machine.  I am mostly concerned with customer service/ after purchase care, good construction, and last but not least, I like a nice , simple, elegant, black case. I know it will be a beefy machine, and I need 17" displays. 
    Thank you, for any help !!!

    Well, I thought Id update, just in case there is "anyone" that has been sitting on the edge of their seat.  (sure)
    After a lot of "loving ridicule" from my Sons, I decided on the Eurocom.
    What I have now:
    Dell XPS  MX 1730   Mobile Workstation
    4GB RAM
    2 X  512GB 800 series graphics
    Intel core 2 Duo
    2 x 750GB 7200 RPM Seagates HD
    Win 7 home premium
    BLAH, BLAH etc
    Coming next week:
    EUROCOM Panther 5 Mobile Workstation
    Intel i7 4660 Extreme
    32GB RAM
    Nvidia 8GB GTX 980M 1536 CUDA
    2 x 1TB SSD Samsung EVO
    Win 7 home Prem
    Now, Im hoping that Im not expecting too much of a difference in Photoshop  performance. I hope its not " Oh, this kinda faster".......  Im not expecting to have my "mind blown"  but I just hope I dont feel like I spent so much and get a mediocre experience.
    I should see a good amount of difference?
    Now a bit of backstory as to WHY Im being so extravagant.
    Ive been living in a financial, physical, emotional and psychological HELL these last 5 years.....  Im finally seeing a bit of a light, got in some money, nothing outrageous, certainly nothing compared to what I used to make ( technically, poverty level, but an income, none the less)
    I have been dealing with second hand systems after my beloved Alienware died. So I felt since Ive been in the same clothes, nothing new to wear, tattered everything, I DESERVED this.   I just hope I made a good decision on the company. I care about "aftercare" a LOT. Since I tend to constantly buy the 1 in a billion whatever item that will be defective.

  • Future of Flash Builder

    I just read that Adobe will discontinue Flash Catalyst and the Design View in Flash builder ?
    Is that TRUE ? Programatically Layout and Design uh?
    If so that would be a BIG step backwards

    I am a designer/developer - I do use the design view extensively. And yes I am more than worth my salt and more. For me, being able to have immediate visual feedback is absolutely necessary. I don't like coding "blind". I have had the opportunity to work Microsoft Blend - Visual Studio since 2007 - It really is what I hoped flex would be. The best of both worlds. As front-end interface developer designer I could work on the exact same source-code, submitting to SVN on a regular basis together with the software engineers developing the backend and SDK. Blend allowed me controle over the primitive shapes that makes up a component. This allowed extreme customisation and optimisation. The wysiwyg view is an absolute crucial part of the process (e.g. do I want this rectangle to have 5px margins or 4, do the shadow work better with a 10 px falloff or a 8px falloff, do I want pixel snap on or off [whish flash had that] - which does look and work different than the photoshop one so I DO HAVE TO DESIGN in the wysiwyg as well)
    Yes sure, I do go through a phase designing in Illustrator and Photoshop, but putting the components together takes time. I do not simply import flat artwork and then wrap them in some appropriate container. I build components up using multiple primitive shapes which gets re-purposed and targeted for various states, subtle animations, color-changes and has to comply to it's parent-component's rescaling capabilities. During that phase I do NOT want to continuously recompile. (although I would sometimes create a separate project just to test a specific component that can only be fully viewed after recompiled).
    The excuse of "all good coders don't use the design view anyway" is a cop out. I can understand if Adobe says
    1) we did not have the resources to do it decently (like Microsoft Blend)
    2) we simply do not put the resources in to hire clever enough developers to create a decent tool
    But a statement like it's preferable to work only blindly in code is simply wrong and naive of the state of art of dev. tools. Maybe for a dos-like interface or win-32 forms style interface only using stock-standard layout and components.
    The biggest advantage of Microsoft Blend is being able to have split view open - I do this with Flashbuilder as well although it is slower and more buggy than Blend - I would write the markup and see updates realtime, switch over to Visual Studio that has the project open in the background for some serious code-completion capabilities - then miss my wysiwyg view - and switch rigth back to Blend.
    Why am I using flash-builder/flex - if it was not for the fact that Microsofts wpf-framework only works fully on Win-OS or a subset of it as a silverlight plugin on fewer platforms than flash - I would have used Microsoft. The reason using flash is because it can be deployed on so many platforms - consistently (not like the html4 and now 5 chaos) - It has powerful interactive and multimedia capabilities.
    My HTML works exactly the same way - for certain core complex components I will code and have a wysiwyg open as well for better navigation, more inuitive decision making and less time spend going backwards and forwards between compiling/running in the browser - but with the sad state of wysiwyg of dreamweaver unluckily I have to swithc more often (not because I am a more "CLEVER" developer)
    Summary - I will use flash/flex only if there is no alternative because of this decision - Flash was supposed to be a creative environment to create highly interactive and creative applications/content for multiple platforms.
    Thanks Adobe , I have used Macromedia director since 1993 - You managed to kill that off and now you are messing with flash - It could have been so much more. You simply lack the vision and we are stuck with the limitations, inconsistency, long-development time of HTML5 and a messy array of tools to try and make it usefull.
    Whish Microsoft had the vision to make wpf work on all platforms....

  • SSD choice in MacBook Pro Mid 2010

    I have a MacBook Pro Mid 2010 with SATA 2 Interface (3Gb/s) and I would like to replace my HDD with a SSD.
    I selected two SSDs as possible candidates for my Mac:
    - V4 by Crucial with SATA 2 Interface (3Gb/s), Model CT256V4SSD2
    - Samsung 830 Series with SATA 3 Interface (3Gb/s), Model MZ-7PC256B/WW
    Does anyone have experiences with those drives and the same model of Mac? Could you provide me some info?
    The price doesn't matter but the aspect that is important to me it's the compatibility with my Mac model.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply.
    What about the TRIM? Does OWC SSD have it by default or not?
    Finally, do you suggest me the 3G model (Electra) or the 6G one? I think also the latter is compatible with my Mac model (MacBookPro 6,2).
    Thank you for your support.

  • PRE8  Some MPEG's dont play sound?

    I have created 50 mpg files. Three of them dont have sound when played on my Vista HP [Media Player 11] and WIN7 HP [Media player 12] machines, but all play fine on my WIN-XP Dell [Media player 11]. On my Samsung netbook [Win 7 starter] they didnt play at all. After loading some codec, I now get picture, but no sound. My conclusion is that these 3 files of 50 are some how flawed, but the XP version or it's Codec are more forgiving. Another point is if I import these flawed? MPG's back into PRE8, the audio tracks look good and play in Premiere. When I make a new MPG using the bad files, then I get a new MPG that plays everywhere.
    So, what went wrong with these 3 files? They were created on the Vista box, which has only one 500GB drive and 3GB ram.
    I really dont like to do the same thing and get different results. Most important: How do I prevent errors like this?

    My sources are DVDs, from which I had only the VOB files. Some of the problem DVDs had a brief message about indexing and conforming audio. These DVDs were made by my son-in-law on some machine that made DVDs from tapes played on his camcorders. I would normally use the original or an AVI copy of it. The analog tape data is now only available from the VOB files.  Some of the later digital data, I can go back and get from the tapes. My real worry is about ongoing problems. I have had no problems with the AVIs, but the are 4 times the size. I had thought to end up with mpgs on files that I never plan to edit again.  My longer goal is to put copies on removeable drives like 1TB WD passport, which I can put in the safety depoist box.
    In terms of being sure that these files can be played, does Adobe have download for codec that work with the files PRE8 generates? 
    I have just upgraded from PSE 8 to CS5 and am thinking to buy a new box. I am not a big video user, but am upgrading my Nikon D80 to a D90, which can take HD vid.  I am thinking I will get an Intel I7, Win7-64. I think I can afford 8-12GB ram. I guess for the video , should think about at least two HDs. Is a stand alone NVIDIA needed for Photoshop, or mainly for the video?  That seems to bump up the size of the power supply.
    This is tough on an old guy, so any help would be great.

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