SAP BO Infoview Customization

In our current project we are interested in doing some basic customizations on InfoView portal. Our requirementsare to include customer company logo and modify some of colors. It's possible to do that? Does it exist any BO Product guide that covers Infoview customizations?

I don't think there are any product guides that go through this type of customization, however there is an SAP Note 1414285 that will give you some pointers, here are the details of the Note:
Customizing the InfoView logon screen:
- Go to folder: C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\res\\
- Rename the file: login_banner_center.gif to login_banner_center_OLD.gif
- Save the new logo file as login_banner_center.gif
- Restart the Tomcat server and open the InfoView.
- After opening the InfoView you will find the new logo
- Customizing the InfoView top banner logo:
After login to InfoView you want to change the logo that appears above the Menu
- Go to folder: C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\res\\
- Rename the file: IV_left_topbanner.gif to IV_left_topbanner_OLD.gif
- Save the new left logo file as IV_left_topbanner.gif
- Rename the file: IV_right_topbanner.gif to IV_ right_topbanner_OLD.gif
- Save the new right logo file as IV_ right_topbanner.gif
- Take the backup of the file default.css as default_OLD.css
- Open the file default.css and adjust the following parameters in the u201C/* InfoView banners */u201D session as appropriated
- You may want to change the background-color and the banner height and width
- Save and close the file
- Restart the Tomcat server
- Open the InfoView and log in
- Check if the logo is according with your needs.
Hope this helps

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    Yes, it's possible.
    Please refer to the link

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    It is possible to customize InfoView. However there have been some significant changes between XI r1/r2 and XI 3.x. There are some whitepapers available for XI r1/r2 but I haven't found a document either that describes this in a comprehensive way for XI 3.x.
    The following link describes how to customize in XIr2:
    Hope this helps...
    Martijn van Foeken
    Focuzz BI Services

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    Hi nagaruju,
       Look at best practices.
    -<a href="">SAP Best Practices for Customer Relationship Management - V2.50</a>

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    Export your dashboard to webi infoview and you can use open doc syntax to call it from url

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    Hi Emanuel,
    Thanks for looking into this issue.
    I have performed the following steps as suggested by you, still it doesn't seem to work and gives the same error.
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    Hi Tuluhan,
    I believe you have both the SRM and SLC Add-on installed on a single host. Am i right?
    Then there is no need to create 3 clients, you can use the SRM client as the buy side and create the SLC purchaser user in it with all the standard roles.
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    What is the documentation you have been following and let us know what exactly is the part you didn't understand.
    Gopi Krishna

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    Hi Eddie,
    SAP Note 1044637 - Customize Vendor Numbers
    Implement the code present in the attachment. You can
    change it according to your own requirements. The example code
    suffixes 'VEND' before the first six digits of the vendor
    number before it is downloaded to CRM.
    Vaibhav Shah

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    Hi Premjit
    I not sure, which thats fields reduce performance
    Delete fields it is no good idea because you can use it's lately.
    I see only one problem - work with that fields in Data manager
    However you can used Portal content for access to master data

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    Following are the useful links to access good self study material on SAP different modules –                                                               Login ID Required (SAP Online Support, all SAP Release notes, Patches……. Can be accessed.)                                                           Can be accessed without Login Id                            All the modules Help documentation is available                      Best Practices is very useful other than the regular SAP Help (Basic Customization documents are available for all industry types)                                                                 Login Id required                                                            Basic SAP Customization can be learnt for all modules                                                  Login Id required (Can be registered Free) Itutor and .Sim files are very useful along with SAP certification material for most of modules                                                            Login is optional (Can be registered Free) User forums for Knowledge transfer is good.
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    Thank you for your reply.  The report is using an ODBC connection to the Access database that resides on the Business Objects server.  It is setup as a System DSN on that box, using the Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb) - as the Access db is v2007. 
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    Good to see the SAP GUI form,
    we are bringing SAP R/3 transactions in Enterprise Portal,
    every time the r/3 transaction opens in iview (SAP GUI for windows).
    It shows the normal screen with "Command box" on the top,
    now we dont want the user to browse the sap system using the command box.
    any info on it possible to hide or remove?
    Thanks for help,

    Hi Krishna,
    note 648452 states that the command box will not be displayed for inplace SAP GUI for Windows sessions if you set the following registry value:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Customize] "HideCmdLineInplace"=dword:00000001
    If you want to disable the command box also for outplace sessions in the portal then you may set in addition to above value the following:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Customize] "HideCmdLineInplaceAllSession"=dword:00000001        
    Best regards,

  • InfoView - Error in File ...The table could not be found

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    If you create the System DSN on the Server and test the connection does it work? If it does then BOE either can't find the DBF file or it doesn't have access to the folder.
    Check the permissions on the folder where the database files reside, if they are not local then map the driver where they do exist.

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      I am trying to create a registry key from SAP. The code i am using is as follows.
    data: h_gui type ole2_object.
    data: GuiXT_active type I.
    data: root         type I value 1.
    *// Connect to desktop object
    Create Object h_gui 'SAPINFO'.
    Call Method OF h_gui 'RegCreateKeyEx'  = GuiXT_active
          #1 = root
          #3 = 'GUIXT'.
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    Java applets run in a "sandbox" so to speak... so you
    can't do this :)
    If you really really want to, you can purchase a
    license from Verisign, sign your applet and then (try
    to) turn off all of the security restrictions in your
    applet and then do whatever you want...I believe you can also change the permissions file - on each client.

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