Save to RTF + appearance of fonts other than in mail window

Discussion seems to go round and round on this subject without getting a clear reason for why something which worked fine in Tiger in now broken in Leopard. Clearly I am not unique in needing to save eMails to RTF(D) for filing in context with other work documents, it makes good sense to see a chronology of correspondence in the same place. In Tiger I would batch file on a daily basis and save messages for particular projects in their own files. This worked flawlessly, such that I could go back to the RTF or RTFD file and review the message, with attachments and often with the attachments in context in the document. Now, in Leopard, I cannot save the attachment with the message, despite the option being offered by Apple and the appropriate box being ticked. Furthermore, all the mails which are created in in Arial or Helvetica are saved in these rtf files as Times 16 (which happens to be the default setting in Safari preferences - is this a coincidence...?). This is what people get the other end when I send them messages. It is completely contrary to our business image to have messages turn up in this huge alien font which has no bearing on the style of the practice image. I would like Apple to acknowledge that this is indeed broken and is going to be fixed please. This has been going on a long time and a fix is overdue. Drew

are saved in these rtf files as Times 16 (which happens to be the default setting in Safari preferences - is this a coincidence...?).
Have you tried changing the default font setting in Safari to test this?
I would like Apple to acknowledge that this is indeed broken and is going to be fixed please. This has been going on a long time and a fix is overdue.
You are only talking to other users here, not Apple. To convey your views to Apple, go here.
They are never going to tell you whether or when anything is going to be changed in Mail or any other app. So if it's a big problem, and if no one here can offer a possible fix or work-around, you may need to consider using something else. Thunderbird and Entourage and most common alternatives.

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    See if this helps you: <br />

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    * - HOW TO: Use the Language Bar in Windows XP
    * - The Language bar (overview)
    * The Language bar (overview)
    It is possible that you have switched the keyboard layout by accident.<br />
    Windows remembers that setting per application.
    * Make sure that you have the Language bar visible on the Windows Taskbar.
    * You can do that via the right-click context menu of the Taskbar: Toolbars > Language Bar.
    * Check the keyboard language (keyboard layout) setting for the application that has focus via the icon on the Language bar.
    * You need to do that while Firefox has focus because Windows remembers the keyboard layout setting per application.
    * The default keys to rotate the layout is a combination (Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift) that can easily be used in Firefox to activate a menu item.
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    That was my first thoughts too, but I have just done some tests and I don't think that is now the problem.
    My test was-
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    When first editing an image, I suggest you save it as a PSD (Photoshop file) not as a PSE (Photo Project File). If you are using layers, then you will be in 8 bit mode. Providing you don't save as a PSE file you should then have the option of saving it in JPEG/JPG format.
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    You can do a check for corrupted fonts and other font issues:
    * - Font Book 2.0 Help: Checking for damaged fonts

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    try freshplanet/ANE-ImagePicker · GitHub.

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    ; semicolon
    ‘ apostrophe
    - dash
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    Example 2: a message received from "[email protected]" with a subject of "RE: Hello" displays as
    [email protected]
    (No Subject)
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    (No Subject)
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    T61 15.4" T9300 (2.5GHz 6MB L2) Windows 7 Professional x64 4GB Memory, NVidia Quadro NVS 140M

    ThinkVantage Client Security Solution includes Password Manager which is close to what you are after I think.  It works with IE, Firefox and standard application dialogs too.
    I was previously employed by Lenovo but have no formal role on this forum.
    I am here on my own time because I like fooling with PCs, especially Lenovo ones. ALL my posts are purely my personal opinion.

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    Unlikely, I'm afraid.
    The LMS has no control over the playbar that pauses or plays the Captivate content.
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    If your client is adamant that they want complete control over these areas, then your best option may be NOT to build this course with Captivate but build it from the ground up with another tool.  E.g. Flash, or Dreamweaver.  Either way, that will add a lot more time and expense to the project.  But if the client has the budget and is unwilling to budge on their requirement, then that's what I would be telling them to do.

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    I thought it would be quicker to ask for some advice rather than try and work out the problem, so any suggestions will be very much appreciated!
    Many thanks

    Thank you, here's the code for my index page which is also proving to be a problem....
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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  • Print preview of the PO -languages other than English is not appearing.

    Hi Experts
    In the Print preview of the Purchase Order  -languages other than English is not appearing.
    When I  create a PO for a chinese vendor , in the print i can see only the ##### characters.
    Pl let me know how to solve this issue.
    Note :
    Vendor language is maintained as Chinese  in vendor master & same is getting copied in the PO heaader communication  tab.
    With outtype LP01 it works for the print preview , however when sent as a PDF it wil be with #### charaters.
    But when i select LOCL it gives  #### charaters for both print & PDF.

    are the replacements if the character cannot be printed on the chosen device.
    There are several OSS notes adressing this issue. Contact your basis team.

Maybe you are looking for