Save your money

Hope this helps somebody who unfortunately may have the problem I just finished up. During a scan of my computer HP Simple Pass which comes bundled with new hp computers. It also has other tag along programs that were detected as malware. I was doing a through cleaning of my system as it was not right. Somehow started getting the pop ups saying that system is infected blah blah. During my clean u I was having issue with that program showing as malware so I deleted the program. Bad mistake. Lost my ability to sign into windows because password. I never set a password up but if I did it would be through windows and not that program. Spent 2 days reading burning and trying to get dvd to be main boot drive. After more reading I couldn't get anything to work. The program I was trying to boot to is a free software password recovery program called ophcrack. After all options failed I made a call to hp support. They would not help me without a 99$ charge. After much discussion I had no choice but to pay. I told this moron I do not want a complete restore. He said no they have programs to retrieve passwords which I knew were available. So I get transferred to moron #2 who new less than I did. I told him what the first guy said and immediately says complete restore was only option. Heated discussion now and he then said we can try system restore (which you get to by holding F11 key during startup). You might want to make a note of that as I didn't read anywhere about F11 key. I told him there's no way of doing a system restore as that would defeat the purpose of a password. He didn't believe me so I went through the motions and right back to password request. I then said just refund my money and I'll take care of it myself. His reply was no that he had given me technical support. I asked if he was serious and he said yes. Bottom line don't remove (or use) the simple pass program. I did not think I was using it because all my passwords were being saved by windows to the sites I use password save for. Two problems here. Software program that seams to be stealth but is not and no way to boot from dvd drive which would have solved my problem. If just one person is helped I'll be satisfied taking the time to post this.

Hi @chipster1955 ,
I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publically post ( serial numbers and case details).
If you are unfamiliar with how the Forum's private message capability works, you can learn about that here.
I work for HP

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    $11 per month?? On More everything, Tablets are $10 each.
    Did you put insurance on it? You could do an insurace claim. That way you would get a new or different one.  I have haven't had any issues with mine, so I am sad to hear it is not working our for you.

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    Good rant, but it helps others more if you tell the specifics. Certainly your experience is not universal, but then again it is hard to know exactly what your experience was. $500 is a lot of overage if that is what you are indicating. It also helps to know what happened to you that was not in the contract that you could have predicated ahead of time.

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    Do you think Apple should reward your clumsiness or lack of caution by giving you a logic board for free, or at cost? Come to think of it, shouldn't they just give you a free new computer, and be grateful to you for taking it off their hands?
    Apple isn't a charity operated for the benefit of the careless.

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    Here is the letter
               I have been a reliable and loyal Verizon customer for 10 years. I have also converted my family members to Verizon customers as well. The reason I have been a customer for 10 years is because I have never had any problems with customer service until now.
    I bought the iphone5 for my husband’s birthday in March/April. I had an extended conversation with one of your representatives about the data plan that would work best for my husband. She told me that taking him off the unlimited plan would be the best option for him and in the end we would save money, especially when I get my smart phone. I emphasized to her how much my husband is on his phone, and she said it would not be a problem. This of course was not true. I took her word for it and decided to opt out of the unlimited. Half way into the first month of the new plan my husband had to increase his data and as soon as this happened I called and spoke to another representative. The woman transferred me to a supervisor and this is where things took a turn. This manager Joanne or Joana was beyond rude to my husband and I. She told my husband not to use the phone when he didn’t need it and it was our fault we opted out of the unlimited plan and there was nothing she was going to do about it. Live with it! Wow really?? Is this how you speak to paying, loyal customers? I work in a well-known steak house and the way we deal with customer problems is nothing like the way I have been treated by this company.
    After speaking to Joana I have called many times. Your representatives tell me there is nothing they can do but they will have a manager call me back and days go by and nobody calls. This happened 3 times. I had a supervisor give me a number to the corporate office that was a wrong number. In the mean time our bill has gone up $40.00 and still no one is helping me. After many empty promises and so many different answers from your representatives finally a solution comes. Over a month ago I spoke to a woman who said she could put our plan back to the unlimited service because I was a loyal customer and always paid my bills on time. At first she said she could not do this because of how many months it had been since I got the phone but I told her I called from the first month I received the phone and have not stopped calling. After a long wait on the phone she came back on the line and said by the next billing cycle I will see the unlimited plan back in effect. I was thrilled and so thankful for her helping me with this problem. (Please listen to the recording of this conversation of the verbal contract this woman gives me) This was another lie. I called when I realized the plan had not been changed back to the unlimited. The representative told me that it was only a request and the representative should have called me to tell me it was denied. The woman offered to put in another request and would call me to let me know the results. She obviously never called and my request has been denied again.
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    Verizon is a huge multi million-dollar company and apparently they are no longer worried about how they treat their customer. Your company may have the best coverage but I would rather be with a company who doesn’t have the best coverage but is honest, fair and treats their customers with respect.

    This issue is usually caused by fingerprint software like TrueSuite that isn't working properly in the current Firefox release.
    Some have reported that enabling this plugin works if it is currently disabled, but best would be to remove the plugin.
    You can find the installation path of all plugins on the <b>about:plugins</b> page.
    See also "Manually uninstalling a plugin":

  • Buongiorno Pests- How to get your money back and why you should

    Buogiorno, make millions from thousands of us who unknowingly are subscribed to services which we had no idea about. It is easy to get a refund and the service stopped because they are very aware that what they are doing is wrong, but they rely on the hundred and thousands of us who dont check our bills because lets face it a mere £1.00 here and there will not alert you. The reason I was alerted was because I have 4 children all who have Iphones and they are all on my 1 account and I pay a nominal amount on a contract, which all of a sudden started to go over by £11 one month and now the 4th month it has gone over by £50.00 all because of Buogiorno, none  of my teenagers knowingly subscribed to anything I contacted Tmobile who immediately blocked the intrusive company from any future attempts at taking money, but they could do nothing to stop them from taking money for the things we had subscribed to albeit without our knowledge. Tmobile sent me the following information 0207 6499customercareuk@buongiorno  I called them on a Sunday, got a response but had to wait patiiently on the phone going through all the options until I got to a human being. I was direct, saying you have essentially stolen money from my account and I want my money back for every single phone as we had not subscribed to any such service. The lady at the end of the line, was very nice very accomodating and effortlesly proceeeded to de-subscribed me, and even asked, "Do you want a refund for this account" so make sure you make it clear you want a refund because otherwise they will simply stop future payments coming out. it is clear that customer services are very very well trained in handling what they know is happening every day, complaints and refunds, and they happily oblige, lets face it the number of us asking for our money back is few in comparison to the hundred and thousands who dont even know whats going on. This is a multi million dollar law suit waiting to happen, any one out there with the time and money to take this giant fraudster on will make a difference.- These fraudsters are pretty cleaver a couple of pounds from hundreds and thousands of people accross the world will make anyone a multi millionaire if not billionaire. They still make you go through hoops to get your money back- sending you an email, then you have to apply for your refund quoting the refence number they give you and it can take up to 7 days and maybe 48 hours to get the email from them, basically they hope you dont bother feeling happy that they agreed to refund you. Do note that the advisor's are so well trained that they will not argue with you, will not agree or disagree to anything you say, simply give you a reference number for the call  and a reference number for the refund, thanking you all the way. Thousands of us have made millions and the same thousands of us can BREAK THEM-PLEASE GO AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK TODAY!! and  lets show them that covert fraudulent business will not get the better of us all the best I hope it helps and dont take no for an answer!!

    After having been ripped off since March 2014 to the tune of 82p plus VAT per week, I decided to find out a little more about this Company and I called them directly....much to their surprise..!  Save yourself the bother of using the Customer Care number with it's barrage of automated questions and call the Buongourino offices in Shoreditch directly. They are based at 57-63 SCRUTTON STREET, LONDON , EC2A 4PF.  Call them directly on 0207 613 6000 and you will be expressed through to Customer Services  person and offered a refund via PayPal without any questions.  ******************** C A L L   O N   T H I S   N U M B E R   TO   G E T   S  T  R  A  I  G  H  T    T  H  R  O  U  G  H   ************************** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  0 2 0 7  6 1 3  6 0 0 0  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              (do not bother with the official Customer Services no. 0207 649 9636 - this is possibly a costly diverted internet number, not local) ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************A rather alarmed and flustered  Buongiorno receptionist initially denied knowing anything about this iFortuneCookie phone app scam , but coudn't hide it and then very swiftly put me through directly to an actual customer services agent who had a well rehearsed and scripted reply for everything.I suggested that I was about to issue Boungiorno UK Ltd with a claim for my money back through the small claims court to which she explained that their process is fully legal. Sadly, it probably is, but is morally twisted in my opinion.However, she struggled to talk me through the process of how I might have unwittingly signed up, but she let slip at one point that the 'subscribe' button is actually a 'play now' button.This practice is totally immoral, deceptive and it is hard to believe that this is legal. I asked for the name and addresss of their CEO  or Managing Director as I would like to send him/her a personal letter or maybe even arrange a face to face conversation to explain to me how they operate, but she refused to give out this information.I have yet to see if the refund happens..!If I do not receive a refund soon, I will be taking a visit to their offices, at 57 Scrutton Street to politely collect my refund in person.. I will keep you posted.. FYI:  Companies House information:  Name & Registered Office:
    EC2A 4PF 
    Company No. 04101267Tel 0207 613 6000 

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    Try uninstalling the app using this utility > Download AppCleaner for Mac - Uninstall your apps easily.
    That will uninstall the app and all the associated files but you still may see the reminder.
    Keep in mind, you can only update apps from the Apple ID they were purchased from.


    i am writing this to let everyone know that creative is taking your money on ALL of there soundcard models with the connector for the front panel audio. they claim ac'97 compliant front audio panels are not supported. there are very limited number of cases on the market today with a hi def front audio panel. i wonder how come my inputs do not work when they should. more to the point, why is it that the onboard sound from all of the mobo's i have ever had work with both ac 97 and hi def, but this sound card will not. where is it shown on the box that this is not compliant with ac97? well i think that this is baad on the part of creative to sell something without making thiws clear on the box, instead they wish to send you an article saying it was incompatible? i am the customer i bought this product to replace my onboard, well if my onboard wroks better and i get my front audio panels then why waste my money on a POS that does not even work as it should? i got an instruction manual in the box like one that comes with an inteld945gtplr motherboard with one exception (intel instruction manual had english instructions, and had more pictured details)? not even in this fold out "instruction manual" did it state that this sound card was incompatible with ac97 connectors. i am going back to onboard and saving myself 00.00?in the process,? and i WILL NOT be buying another creative product because they are obviously not concerned about their customers,?i have seen numerous cases designed for gamers and only like 2 have a high def front panel, and all of the stuff i have found on front audio panels show that you CAN use ac97 compliant on intel hi def according to creative this is not the case at all. well my evga 680i is an intel hi def compatible header and my ac97 works on it. save yourselves some money and do not buy a creative product. don't even waste your money on a more expensi've model with the front dri've bay (why would you want to use 970 and 80's /4 inch heaphone jack which is not the standard)? creative dropped the ball on this one. if you have an extreme gamer sound card and have your front panel audio working by all means share (via e-mail so creative does not get away with knowing how to get it to work right) creative should pay a fee for this information as we spent money on this product and it does not work with most our cases and it is not made clear from the start.

    the point is creti've states that the extreme gamer card will NOT work with an ac'97 case. creative needs to do some research on this, if you hook them up correctly it boils down to how to set it up in audio manager and they do not have a clue. i got this working on my own with no tech support. i would like to see evga get into the sound card market, i have their mobo (nvidia 680i reference board) and their video card 640 Mb 8800GTS (hopefully will have a second one soon in sli config). and i have had no issues but at least evga has taken time to help by researching to give the best tech support. creative does not even know that the front panel hi-def plug will in fact work with ac'97 compliant audio header dongles, even intel has a schematic on how to connect ac'97 dongles to hi-def panel connectors.
    to creative:? do some research on this issue and learn what your own product is capable of. since according to you ac'97 compliant connectors do not work with this sound card i have no choice but to recommend to my customers not to buy these products and seeing as how all of the x-fi's i have seen with the bay mount panel use a /4" jack i will not recommend them as this is not standard, there is no one here that sells headphones with a /4" jack (except goodwill stores) and most of my customers do not like the use of adapters on their headphones to make it compatible.
    i also no longer recommend asus products to my customers for the exact same reason, no tech support, did not know their own products, except asus just wanted to blame another manufacturer. if you at creative do not realise that the extreme gamer is ac'97 compliant (my case is ac'97 and it now my front panel works off of the card) you need to do some more reaserch on your product. build a system with an ac'97 front header dongle, and figure out the correct audio manager setting and let you customers know. there are more users with ac'97 compliant cases than hi def, to date i know of no custom cases except for 2 which are high def front panels, and most of these cases are manufactured 05 to current.

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    if you purchase a itunes gift card you will not be able get your money back. unless if it has never been used, such as enetering the bar code then you can probably take it in to the original store where you bought it from with the receipt. 

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    I kneed to know if you can get your money back when you gift an app to someone if it doesnt work. Thanks!

    If you've tried contacting the developer and not had a response then you can try the 'report a problem' link from your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via Store > View My Account (Store > View My Apple ID on iTunes 11) and you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it ; click on that and you should see a list of your purchases ; find that app and click the arrow to the left of it, click the 'Report a Problem' link and fill in details about the problem (iTunes support should reply within, I think, about 24 hours).
    Some people have had a problem with the 'report a problem' link (it's been taking people to this site on a browser instead of showing a form in iTunes) - if it does that to you then try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page.

  • How do you get your money back from a charge you never even made on the app store?

    How do you get your money back from a charge you never even made on the app store?

    Contact iTunes.
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase

  • Can you save your own theme and button set up so I can use the same format

    Can you save your own theme and button set up, so I can use this same format for similar content. I want to keep the button content and the theme the same without having to create it everytime? I am trying to streamline the process for multiple dvd's with the same menu and buttons but different content. Does that make sense?

    I am only new to this caper too, but I am pretty sure you can save a theme as a favourite by pressing the "save theme as favourite" button under file. If you have edited an existing theme but don't want to lose it, make sure you untick the replace existing button.

  • "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library..."

    Installed iPhoto6.
    Started app. It said it would take a few seconds or minutes to upgrade.
    About 6 hours later after churning on thumbnails it is now claiming this error over and over with some time that goes by in between:
    "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library."
    "Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library folder."
    It says I have 22,759 photos in Library. The Library was a subset of my images, named "iPhoto Library 2005" and it was intentionally kept below the 25,000 limit of iPhoto5.
    Since Steve claims iPhoto6 can easily handle 250,000 photos, I clicked on the upgrade button with confidence. This now appears to be a mistake. Last night I was working on an iDVD for the local school and the majority of that work has simply vanished. There were 320 photos. I spent hours adding keywords, ranking, adjusting temperature, focus, exposure, etc.
    Of the 320, only 16 photos survived. They are 16 in a row from the middle of the roll near the end but not at the end. The roll name was lost. The name is now just "Roll 226" and none of the photos have keywords. I know at least one of the 16 should have the keyword "DUPE" and the ranking 2 STARS since it precedes a double that I ranked 2 during a slideshow, sorted by ranking, and dragged to the DUPE keyword. All 16 should have the ACROCK keyword which I initially assigned to all photos.
    Again, 304 of 320 have vanished and the 16 that remain have no keywords or rankings.
    I watched the slide show in iPhoto5 three times with different music candidates so I know the keywording and rankings evaporated in iPhoto6. I also clicked ACROCK and option clicked DUPE and POOR so that all of the music program photos except dupes and poor images would vanish. I only deleted one photo so there were not a lot of changes to the library in terms of photos in it. I cannot think of any reason why the 16 chosen survived. Only two were placed in a DVD dropzone and they are scattered amongst the 16 survivors.
    Also, the ACROCK and DUPE keywords are also gone while the POOR keyword added in August is in the keyword table just fine.
    I exported these 320 photos last night to iDVD and tried almost all of the different themes and I dragged about 10 different photos to the dropzones, hit play, hit motion, etc.
    It seems very strange that 16 photos from the middle of the pack would survive.
    It seems extra odd that iPhoto5 and iDVD treated these as "established" photos, not photos hanging in the wings somewhere ready to vanish in an upgrade.
    I gracefully saved and quit iDVD and iPhoto5 and there were no crashes and nothing strange happened while making the DVD. I was hoping today to try out the new themes and maybe find one that is just right for the kids. Instead, about 300 of 320 photos of the kids went bye-bye along with all the work on the photos!
    I'm nervous that many more photos are missing but I will need to do a ton of checking to see what else has been deleted by the upgrade.
    The user message that iPhoto6 presents is nearly useless and strange. It offers little if anything to go on in terms of a repair procedure. After saying an error has occurred, it says some recent changes could be lost but doesn't expand at all on what they may be or why.
    From my experience, recently added photos, keywords, keyword assignments, rankings and maybe more can all be lost. To compound matters, before the upgrade it says that you cannot go back to the prior (working!) library in iPhoto5. Beware!
    It finishes by suggesting two vague steps to take. The first is to make sure your disk has "enough" space. How much is "enough"? It doesn't say something like X GB available, Y GB needed. A user would have no clue about how much space to free up. I have over 17 GB and assumed that would be enough. I sure hope it doesn't require double the space of the existing library. I would hope it has a smarter algorithm than that since 23,000 photos at about 3 MB each maps to about 70 GB. That's a lot of "temporary" space to require to perform an upgrade. Since the upgrade/error message provide no details (unlike package installers which supposedly tell you how much space you need), users like me would have no clue if 70 GB is plenty or not enough.
    I found 24 GB secretly used by iPhoto 5 for an iPod Photo Cache and a tech bulletin saying this just grows and grows without control and it can be deleted SO I wouldn't put huge hidden disk usage past iPhoto6.
    The last none-to-helpful suggestion is that a user make sure that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library folder. Huh?!??!?
    Wouldn't this be a great thing to confirm via software before setting about on 6+ hours of work, especially if there is an error message hard-coded in the software confirming that Apple knows the result may be losing valuable customer photos and hours of work on enhancing, keywording, creating DVDs, etc.?
    Of course. This appears negligent. To know that customer file loss will likely result but not checking these things out in advance before taking that risk seems like putting the cart before the horse at customers' expense & pain and certain loss of irreplaceable family photos (for the, say, 80%+ of iPhoto users that "plan" to get a backup routine established?).
    I got burned in the iPhoto5 upgrade as well, losing photos, so I was sure to have a backup so it wouldn't happen again. Most I fear won't be so fortunate so be advised of the risk and work with copies of your photos only.
    Also, why would iPhoto5 have all the permissions it needs to store, edit, tag and otherwise work with 320 photos added last night? Why would version 5 have plenty of permissions to use the folders and the photos in them. Why would iPhoto 6 suddenly lose those permissions or not have enough? This hardly makes any sense. The only way the permissions were set, the iPhoto libraries got created and the albums got created was by dragging a folder of images onto the albums pane in iPhoto5. So, iPhoto5 set all the permissions, everything is under one user account and there should be no surprise permissions for iPhoto6 to deal with.
    It seems unbelievable that iPhoto 6 couldn't do what iPhoto 5 was doing. I never changed permissions and never touched files in the iPhoto 5 structure.
    I can only guess that recently added keywords, recently added photos and recently added rankings and keyword taggings linger in some at-risk staging area that a version 6 upgrade doesn't know how to deal with. This seems like a lame way to code this app so I don't consider this a good guess but what else could it be?
    Anyone else have a better hunch at a root cause?
    Anyone else have an idea of a cure?
    Anyone else run into this?
    It sure doesn't look like there was a test case for having near 25,000 photos (an iPhoto 5 documented requirement), working with the latest roll and then doing a version 6 upgrade because it failed miserably--user data loss--without any special effort to find defects. In a former life I tested software and released software was much more difficult to break than this.
    I would appreciate any other user experiences/solutions related to this problem. I am reluctant to import another 22,000 photos from iPhoto Library 2004 only to find more photos go poof without any rhyme or reason.
    Thanks in advance for your help and I hope this alerts others to a potential for valuable photo loss (i.e., back up before you upgrade, verify iPhoto Library permissions--whatever that means--and have scads of disk space available assuming there's any truth to the error message!).
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I'll check if I have copies of copies of copies. This could take a while due to the number of files.
    I picked up a brand new 300 GB Western Digital hard drive thinking 20GB or so was not enough for temp files for upgrading and/or importing.
    I formatted it as a mac os extended, journaled drive, not case sensitive, one full-size partition. I started iPhoto6 with the option key. I had a CF in my other WD 300 GB (with media reader). iPhoto6 asked about the photos on the card. I told it not to download those (again). Because I was holding the option key down, iPhoto6 asked if I wanted to select a different library or create one. I created one on the brand new, 100% empty 300 GB drive. I'm not sure if/where iPhoto6 creates temporary/cache files (like iPhoto iPod Cache folder) as it sets up a new library. I was hoping the empty 300 GB drive would give it ample room to load an existing iPhoto5 library.
    When I dragged an old iPhoto5 Library onto the new iPhoto6 Library Album pane. I saw the "Importing..." start and it went on and on and on and... I let it run for HOURS and HOURS. When I checked around midnight, it had crashed. When I started it again, it said it had run across some huge number of stray photos.
    I have no idea why iPhoto6 would have trouble importing an iPhoto5 library that was below the 25,000 photo mark for 5. This is especially bizarre since iPhoto6 claims it supports 250,000 photos!
    I'll be trying to figure out if these stray photos got imported as dupes, if they lost iPhoto5 keywords, etc. I fear something different but equally bad happened since the number of photos it came up with was like 79,000--again many stray photos that didn't make it into the first import for no known reason. Since libraries in iPhoto5 were around 25,000 or less, I'm not sure what's happening.
    Maybe there's a cache or temp file still created on Macintosh HD and not on the empty new 300GB drive and a bug exists for imports when space on Mac HD is "low" (i.e., under 3.5 GB). Maybe it's seeing thumbs as files it should import? Maybe it's seeing Orig and Modified images as worthy of reimporting?
    I had told it not to import dupes but who knows if it goes by file name, checksum, byte-for-byte comparison, etc.
    I'm not sure if I can even pull up iPhoto5 and 6 at the same time now to scroll through the libraries to see if dupes, thumbs, original/modifies/etc. are showing up to boost the count from under 25K to 79K!
    Ideas? At least I know I'm not the only G5 dual user with this problem!
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM Mac OS X (10.4.4)
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM Mac OS X (10.4.4)

  • I need to erase the contents of my phone and restore to factory settings. Does anybody know how to save your texts so you don't lose them?  Can I back those up to iCloud?  My phone was very likely hacked (Apple's advice was to call the police!)

    "I need to erase the contents of my phone and restore to factory settings. Does anybody know how to save your texts so you don't lose them?  Can I back those up to iCloud?  My phone was very likely hacked (Apple's advice was to call the police!)"
    That was all I could put in the initial "box."  Then it brought me to this page with instructions on how to write a good sentence.
    Proceeding ...
    After going back and forth between Apple, AT&T and the police (all telling me to go to the other two) I took AT&Ts suggestion and got a new number. One tech warned against doing a backup, especially on my Mac, saying if my phone had been hacked then whatever bug was there would then invade my computer. But nobody knows how to determine if the phone has been hacked or a virus was planted there. Unfortunately I know who would have reason to do such a thing and all I can say is that he is at the top technologically and could easily do it. Almost impossible to prove, however.
    So I need to preserve my text messages and my emails as well. I backed up my photos to that Microsoft product (One-Drive) and it froze (Surprise, Surprise) with four short videos to go, and no way of stopping that (when I tried it crashed repeatedly) so I'm in crisis mode here.
    Help ...
    Running 8.0 on 5S

    Betty I don't know if you fixed your hacking problem but I feel your pain. I've seen some strange things going on between my iMac and my iPhone and Apple has told me the same thing, call the police which I have done. The hackers have stole 500.00 out of my checking account have access to every internet account I use and no matter how often I change the password their right back on the account. I closed my FB account 3 times only to have someone reopen it. Right now I've got a link in my reading list (Safari) that if I click on it, it allows me to log onto my FB account anonymously.
    I've seen a green folder come out of no where while I was trying to delete my passwords out of keychain when that green folder was put into the key chain I was immediately locked out. I than went into system preferences to try to make changes to my security settings, when I clicked on the icon it wouldn't open. I've seen log files of automator receiving commands and sending out my personal information thats on my computer.
    I have a legitamate program called iExplorer that allows you to look at the contents of your iPhone back ups and saw a transaction someone made at the Apple store for some full length movies, some albums, ibooks and other apps but when I called the iTunes store and they said none of those items were showing up on my account. If their not on my account how can they be on my iPhone 6? One day someone was using my gmail account and unknowingly used google maps to search for an Italian restaurant, than a Mexican restaurant than a coffee shop and their search showed up on my iPhone but I didn't have my gmail account installed on my iPhone 6. Using my computer I logged onto my gmail account and looked at the maps history and sure enough there were the searches when I'd hover my curser over the link it gave me the longitude and latitude of the where the hacker was when he was using google maps. I know whoever reads this thinks Im crazy but I've documented everything and can prove the things that I have mentioned in this post actually happened.
    One day I had my laptop (pc) and my iMac next to each other as I was using both. when I clicked on airport it showed that my laptop and my iMac had made a connection and were actually communicating with each other. I know I didn't do it I don't know how. The iMac was logged into my iCloud account while my laptop wasn't. I have formatted my iPhone at least a dozen times, Apple and an Apple retailer have formatted my hard drive not to mention the numerous times I have formatted it but the hackers keep getting on my devices. Im formatting my lap top at this very second because during the course of the night I left the ethernet cable plugged into it and they locked me out of my c: drive, and configured the system so I can't download any updates from Microsoft, overtime I type in it changes to which takes me to a blank page. I right clicked on the page I was redirected to and read the java script and couldn't believe that someone had actually configured Internet Explorer to redirect me to a blank page when I tried to go to Microsoft. Apples answer to all this is there was nothing wrong with my iPhone or my iMac and if I thought there was a problem to call the police which I have done.
    Theres no doubt the hackers are reading this while I type it or will read it and I simply don't care anymore. I no longer email anyone, don't use my iCloud account and have taken precautions to protect my credit but if I ever find out who has invaded my privacy to this extreme the police are going to want to talk to me because Im going to hurt them like they've never been hurt before

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    There is an error that says when I am open my project: 'Sorry a serious error has occured that requires Adobe Premiere Pro to shut down. We will attempt to save your current project'. What is the solution? (mac)

    This happens to me all the time too. When I attempt to reopen, it makes a "copy of" my project. This is frustrating and happiness often.

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